    copyright            : (C) 2003 by Andreas Zehender
    email                : zehender@kde.org

*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                        *


#include <config.h>

#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqdict.h>

class PMParser;
class PMSerializer;
class PMRenderer;
class PMPart;

class TQIODevice;

 * Description class for input and output formats.
 * A format may provide the following services:
 * Import: The class can provide a parser to load and import data
 * Export: The class can provide a output device to export and save data
 * Renderer: A renderer exists to render the exported data
 * The class @ref PMIOManager stores a list of instances
 * of this class
class PMIOFormat
    * Format type enum
   enum Services { Import = 1, Export = 2, Renderer = 4,
                   AllServices = Import | Export | Renderer };
    * Default constructor
   PMIOFormat( );
    * Destructor
   virtual ~PMIOFormat( );

    * Returns an unique name of this format.
   virtual TQString name( ) const = 0;
    * Returns a translated description of this format
   virtual TQString description( ) const = 0;
    * Returns the supported services
    * (a bitwise combination of the Services enum values)
   virtual int services( ) const = 0;
    * Returns a parser to parse the io device.
    * The caller is responsible to delete the returned parser.
   virtual PMParser* newParser( PMPart*, TQIODevice* ) const
      return 0;
    * Returns a parser to parse the byte array.
    * The caller is responsible to delete the returned parser.
   virtual PMParser* newParser( PMPart*, const TQByteArray& ) const
      return 0;
    * Returns an output device to export objects or the complete
    * scene to the given io device.
    * The caller is responsible to delete the returned device
   virtual PMSerializer* newSerializer( TQIODevice* )
      return 0;
    * Returns a new renderer
   virtual PMRenderer* newRenderer( PMPart* ) const
      return 0;
    * Returns the mime type for this format
   virtual TQString mimeType( ) const
      return TQString::null;
    * Returns a list of patterns for the import file dialog
   virtual TQStringList importPatterns( ) const
      return TQStringList( );
    * Returns a list of patterns for the export file dialog
   virtual TQStringList exportPatterns( ) const
      return TQStringList( );

 * Manager class that handles all available input and output formats
 * as well as renderers for one part
class PMIOManager
    * Creates an io manager for the part
   PMIOManager( PMPart* part );
    * Deletes the io manager
   ~PMIOManager( );

    * Adds a new format
   void addFormat( PMIOFormat* format );
    * Removes a format by name
   void removeFormat( const TQString& name );

    * Returns the list of registered io formats
   const TQPtrList<PMIOFormat>& formats( ) const { return m_formats; }
    * Returns a view type by name
   PMIOFormat* format( const TQString& name ) const;
    * Returns the first io format that can handle the mime type
    * or 0 if there is none
   PMIOFormat* formatForMimeType( const TQString& mime ) const;

   TQPtrList<PMIOFormat> m_formats;
   TQDict<PMIOFormat> m_dict;
   PMPart* m_pPart;
