Kio-Sword - a lightweight frontend for the Sword Bible project for KDE Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Luke Plant Installation ============ See file INSTALL. Using kio-sword =============== Type 'sword:/' in a Konqueror window location bar, and browse. Help files can be found at sword:/?help (currently quite incomplete). Requirements ============ o KDE 3 o Sword 1.5.7 o for compiling from source, the header files for the above libraries are also needed. o Sword modules installed (kio-sword isn't very useful without them) License ======= GNU General Public License v2 or later. See file COPYING for details. Feedback ======== Comments, feature requests, bug reports are all welcome - please e-mail the author (e-mail above). For bug reports, please include: o version of KDE o version of Sword o operating system o locale information (the output of 'locale' if available, or the contents of LANG, LC_ALL etc) o the full error message if one was printed. Website =======