path: root/kdeui/tests/kmessageboxtest.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kdeui/tests/kmessageboxtest.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 242 deletions
diff --git a/kdeui/tests/kmessageboxtest.cpp b/kdeui/tests/kmessageboxtest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e63d24fca..000000000
--- a/kdeui/tests/kmessageboxtest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-#include "kmessagebox.h"
-#include <tqdialog.h>
-#include <tqlayout.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <kstatusbar.h>
-#include <kapplication.h>
-#include <kglobal.h>
-class ExampleWidget : public QLabel
- ExampleWidget( TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 );
-ExampleWidget::ExampleWidget( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
- : TQLabel(parent, name )
- // Make the top-level layout; a vertical box to contain all widgets
- // and sub-layouts.
- TQSize sh;
- setText("<p>Hello.</p>");
- sh = tqsizeHint();
- qWarning("SizeHint = %d x %d", sh.width(), sh.height());
- setText("Hello.");
- sh = tqsizeHint();
- qWarning("SizeHint = %d x %d", sh.width(), sh.height());
- setText("<p>Hello<br>World</p>");
- sh = tqsizeHint();
- qWarning("SizeHint = %d x %d", sh.width(), sh.height());
-// setText("Hello\nWorld");
- sh = tqsizeHint();
- qWarning("SizeHint = %d x %d", sh.width(), sh.height());
- setMinimumSize(tqsizeHint());
-class Foo: public QDialog
- public:
- Foo() : TQDialog(0, "foo", true) { resize(200,200); new TQLabel("Hello World", this); show(); }
-void showResult(int test, int i)
- printf("%d. returned %d ", test, i);
- switch( i) {
- case KMessageBox::Ok : printf("(%s)\n", "Ok"); break;
- case KMessageBox::Cancel : printf("(%s)\n", "Cancel"); break;
- case KMessageBox::Yes : printf("(%s)\n", "Yes"); break;
- case KMessageBox::No : printf("(%s)\n", "No"); break;
- case KMessageBox::Continue : printf("(%s)\n", "Continue"); break;
- default: printf("(%s)\n", "ERROR!"); exit(1);
- }
-int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
- int i, test;
- new KApplication( argc, argv, "MyApplication" );
- ExampleWidget *w = new ExampleWidget();
- w->show();
- w->deleteLater();
- TQStringList list; list.append("Hello"); list.append("World");
- for( test = 1; true; test++)
- {
- switch(test)
- {
-case 1:
- i = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(w,
- "You are about to <Print>.\n"
- "Are you sure?",
- "Print", TQString::tqfromLatin1("&Print"), "dontask", false);
- i = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(0,
- "You are about to <Print>.\n"
- "Are you sure?",
- "Print", TQString::tqfromLatin1("&Print"), "dontask", KMessageBox::AllowLink);
- i = KMessageBox::questionYesNo(0, "<p>Do you have a printer? thisisaverylongdkldhklghklghklashgkllasghkdlsghkldfghklsabla bla bbla bla. It also has <a href=>this URL</a>.</p>",
- TQString("Bla"), TQString("Yes"), TQString("No"), "bla", KMessageBox::AllowLink);
- break;
-case 2:
- i = KMessageBox::questionYesNo(0, "Do you have a printer?",
- TQString("Printer setup"), TQString::null);
- break;
-case 3:
- i = KMessageBox::questionYesNo(0,
- "Does your printer support color or only black and white?",
- "Printer setup", TQString::tqfromLatin1("&Color"), TQString::tqfromLatin1("&Black & White"));
- break;
-case 4:
- i = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(0,
- "KDVI could not locate the program 'dvipdfm' on your computer. That program is "
- "absolutely needed by the export function. You can, however, convert "
- "the DVI-file to PDF using the print function of KDVI, but that will often "
- "produce files which print ok, but are of inferior quality if viewed in the "
- "Acrobat Reader. It may be wise to upgrade to a more recent version of your "
- "TeX distribution which includes the 'dvipdfm' program.\n"
- "Hint to the perplexed system administrator: KDVI uses the shell's PATH variable "
- "when looking for programs."
- );
- break;
-case 5:
- i = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(0, "Your printer has been added.\n"
- "Do you want to update your configuration?",
- "Printer Setup");
- break;
-case 6:
- i = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(0,
- "You are about to print.\n"
- "Are you sure?",
- "Print", TQString::tqfromLatin1("&Print"));
- break;
-case 7:
- i = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(0,
- "You are about to <Print>.\n"
- "Are you sure?",
- "Print", TQString::tqfromLatin1("&Print"), "dontask", false);
- break;
-case 8:
- i = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(0,
- "Your document contains unsaved changes.\n"
- "Do you want to save your changes?\n");
- break;
-case 9:
- i = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(0,
- "Your document contains unsaved changes.\n"
- "Do you want to save your changes?\n",
- TQString::tqfromLatin1("Close"));
- break;
-case 10:
- i = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(0,
- "Your document contains unsaved changes.\n"
- "Do you want to save or discard your changes?\n",
- "Close", TQString::tqfromLatin1("&Save"), TQString::tqfromLatin1("&Discard") );
- break;
-case 11:
- i = KMessageBox::Ok;
- KMessageBox::error(0, "Oops, Your harddisk is unreadable.");
- break;
-case 12:
- i = KMessageBox::Ok;
- KMessageBox::error(0, "Oops, Your harddisk is unreadable." , "Uh ooh");
- break;
-case 13:
- i = KMessageBox::Ok;
- KMessageBox::sorry(0, "Sorry, Your harddisk appears to be empty.");
- break;
-case 14:
- i = KMessageBox::Ok;
- KMessageBox::sorry(0, "Sorry, Your harddisk appears to be empty.", "Oops");
- break;
-case 15:
- i = KMessageBox::Ok;
- KMessageBox::information(0, "You can enable the menubar again "
- "with the right mouse button menu.");
- break;
-case 16:
- i = KMessageBox::Ok;
- KMessageBox::information(0, "You can enable the menubar again "
- "with the right mouse button menu.", "Menubar Info");
- break;
-case 17:
- i = KMessageBox::Ok;
- KMessageBox::information(0, "You can enable the menubar again\nwith the right mouse button menu.", TQString::null, "Enable_Menubar");
- break;
-case 18:
- i = KMessageBox::Ok;
- KMessageBox::enableAllMessages();
- break;
-case 19:
- i = KMessageBox::Ok;
- KMessageBox::information(0, "Return of the annoying popup message.", TQString::null, "Enable_Menubar");
- break;
-case 20:
- {
- TQStringList strlist;
- strlist << "/dev/hda" << "/etc/inittab" << "/usr/somefile" << "/some/really/"
- "long/file/name/which/is/in/a/really/deep/directory/in/a/really/large/"
- "hard/disk/of/your/system" << "/and/another/one" ;
- i = KMessageBox::questionYesNoList(0, "Do you want to delete the following files ?",strlist);
- }
- break;
-case 21:
- {
- TQStringList strlist;
- printf("Filling StringList...\n");
- for (int j=1;j<=6000;j++) strlist.append(TQString("/tmp/tmp.%1").arg(j));
- printf("Completed...\n");
- i = KMessageBox::questionYesNoList(0, "Do you want to delete the following files ?",strlist);
- }
- break;
-case 22:
- i = KMessageBox::Ok;
- KMessageBox::informationList(0, "The following words have been found:",list);
- break;
-case 23:
- i = KMessageBox::Ok;
- KMessageBox::informationList(0, "The following words have been found:", list, "Search Words");
- break;
-case 24:
- i = KMessageBox::Ok;
- KMessageBox::informationList(0, "The follwoing words have been found:", list, TQString::null, "Search_Words");
- break;
- return 0;
- } // Switch
- showResult(test, i);
- } // Test