- abs
- acos
- asc
- asin
- atn
- atan
- bin$
- bind
- callfunc
- chdir
- chr$
- cint
- clng
- const
- convbase$
- cos
- data
- date$
- dec
- def
- delete$
- dim
- dir$
- direxists
- doevents
- end
- environ
- environ$
- exp
- extractresource
- field$
- fileexists
- fix
- format$
- frac
- hex$
- iif
- inc
- inp
- insert$
- instr
- int
- kill
- lcase$
- left$
- len
- log
- lbound
- lflush
- lprint
- ltrim$
- messagedlg
- mid$
- mkdir
- out
- playwav
- postmessage
- quicksort
- randomize
- read
- redim
- rem
- rename
- tqreplace$
- tqreplacesubstr$
- resource
- resourcecount
- restore
- reverse$
- rgb
- right$
- rinstr
- rmdir
- rnd
- round
- rtrim$
- run
- sendmessage
- sgn
- shell
- showmessage
- sin
- sizeof
- space$
- sqr
- str$
- strf$
- string$
- swap
- tally
- tan
- time$
- timer
- ubound
- ucase$
- val
- varptr
- varptr$
- true
- false
- sound
- call
- goto
- gosub
- sub
- function
- declare
- do
- doevent
- loop
- while
- wend
- until
- if
- then
- elseif
- select
- case
- functioni
- subi
- create
- type
- exit
- messagebox
- as
- string
- integer
- word
- long
- byte
- off
- on
- else
- gui
- for
- next
- with
- tqmask
- and
- or
- constructor
- extends
- defint
- defstr
- static
- public
- private
- event
- single
- double
- to
- clipboard
- printer
- qbitmap
- qbutton
- qcanvas
- qcheckbox
- qcombobox
- qcomport
- qcoolbtn
- qdirtree
- qedit
- qfilelistbox
- qfilestream
- qfont
- qfontdialog
- qform
- qgauge
- qglassframe
- qgroupbox
- qheader
- qimage
- qimagelist
- qlabel
- qlistbox
- qlistview
- qmainmenu
- qmemorystream
- qmenuitem
- qmysql
- qnotifyicondata
- qopendialog
- qoutline
- qovalbtn
- qpanel
- qpopupmenu
- qradiobutton
- qrect
- qregistry
- qrichedit
- qsavedialog
- qscrollbar
- qsocket
- qsplitter
- qstatusbar
- qstringgrid
- qstringlist
- qtabcontrol
- qtimer
- qtrackbar
- qdximagelist
- qdxscreen
- qdxtimer
- qd3dface
- qd3dframe
- qd3dlight
- qd3dmesh
- qd3dtexture
- qd3dvector
- qd3dvisual
- qd3dwarp
- application
- screen
- command$
- curdir$
- sender
- $apptype
- $typecheck
- $include
- $resource
- $define
- $undef
- $ifdef
- $ifndef
- $option
- $optimize
- $escapechars
- $EndIf
- left
- top
- width
- height
- open
- close
- readstring
- readinteger
- readudt
- writestring
- writeinteger
- writeudt
- rootkey
- openkey
- closekey
- flat
- cursor
- showhint
- hint
- transparent
- caption
- onclick
- onkeydown
- onkeyup
- onmousedown
- onmouseup
- tag
- color
- onchange
- autosize
- borderstyle
- wordwrap
- align
- tqalignment
- font
- visible
- enabled
- readline
- writeline
- additems
- addstrings
- addstring
- delitems
- itemcount
- itemindex
- item
- handle
- icon
- bmphandle
- terminate
- wndproc
- onclose
- ontimer
- interval
- name
- size
- addstyles
- hidetitlebar
- show
- showmodal
- text
- button
- labelstyle
- center
- taborder
- position
- delbordericons
- onshow
- addbordericons
- onkeypress
- key
- mousex
- mousey
- onpaint
- parent
- icohandle
- directory
- filter
- execute
- +
- filename
- bevelinner
- bold
- checked
- clear
- underline
- maxlength
- inputtqmask
- forecolor
- backcolor
- deldrivetypes
- adddrivetypes
- update
- bevelouter
- loadfromfile
- subitem
- viewstyle
- rowselect
- readonly
- gridlines
- addcolumns
- oncolumnclick
- ondblclick
- addsubitem
- scrollbars
- addchilditems
- plaintext
- selstart
- sellength
- sorted
- ColCount
- onmoved
- groupindex
- OnResize
- RowCount
- cell
- TabPosition
- KeyPreview
- AddTabs
- DelTabs
- HotTrack
- TabIndex
- SizeGrip
- AddPanels
- Panel
- DefaultColWidth
- FixedCols
- AddOptions
- Separator
- Col
- Row
- Rectangle
- FillRect
- Draw
- Count
- Line
- Circle
- TextWidth
- TextHeight
- TextOut
- BeginDoc
- EndDoc
- CopyRect
- FilterIndex
- SaveToStream
- LoadFromStream
- PrinterIndex
- Orientation
- PageWidth
- PageHeight
- Right
- Bottom