- docked properties can be removed, but not fetched back

Wishlist for the artsbuilder app:
- implement File/New and provide templates
- implement cut/copy/paste
- implement undo
- implement some preferences (e.g. zoom scale)

- make application more KDE-like:
  - icons in menus
  - keyboard accelerators
  - application icon(s)
  - status bar
  - session management
  - tooltips and help
  - kpart?

- avoid crashing when loading a bad .arts file
  (i.e. file open: wrong structure parameters like x/y pos)

- ability to print a module view

- don't allow execution of a structure with ports (like an instrument) directly

- editing of structures while they are running (*)
- wysiwyg editing of visual structures (like qt designer/delphi), requires (*)

- provide a property dialog like
   | property | value  |
   | caption  | hello  |
   | width    | 20     |
   | height   | 100    |
   | x        | 30     |
   | y        | 30     |
  this should be very useful in editing objects with lots of properties

- make _changed Q_SIGNALS visible so you can connect the value_changed of a
  poti to the frequency of a filter

- make it possible to edit parent property of widgets (i.e. to insert one
  widget into another)

- add structure property dialog with structure meta information, at least
  * (class) name
  * (real world) name with i18n (?)
  * implemented interfaces
  * ports (maybe Details >>, tabbed notebook) - like already implemented
  * author
  * (category for menues)
  * copyright
  * license
  * whether to publish or not (?)
  * template (?)

Additions "outside" the app code:
- create standalone command line tool to load modules that does not
  depend on KDE

- write a tutorial in the arts manual

- create more bitmaps/icons for all modules