/* Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Stefan Westerfeld stefan@space.twc.de This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "module.h" #include "drawutils.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <arts/debug.h> #include <tqpalette.h> #include <tqdrawutil.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; ModulePort::ModulePort(StructureComponent *owner, const string& description, int drawsegment, Direction direction, Arts::PortDesc PortDesc) { selected = false; this->owner = owner; // whats the syntax for that again? this->drawsegment = drawsegment; this->direction = direction; this->PortDesc = PortDesc; this->description = description.c_str(); pdID = PortDesc.ID(); isinitarg = (PortDesc.type().connType == Arts::conn_property); if(isinitarg) arts_debug("port %s is an init arg", (const char *)this->description.latin1()); arts_debug("port %s created", (const char *)this->description.latin1()); conntype = none; route_owner = 0; } bool ModulePort::down() { return (PortDesc.isConnected() || PortDesc.hasValue() || selected); } TQColor ModulePort::color(bool isInterface) { if(selected) return TQColor(255, 165, 0); if(PortDesc.hasValue()) { if(isinitarg) return TQColor(180, 180, 180); return TQColor(100, 100, 255); } if(isinitarg) return TQColor(128, 128, 128); if(isInterface) return TQColor(100, 100, 100); return TQColor(43, 43, 168); } Module::Module(Arts::ModuleDesc module, Arts::StructureDesc structuredesc, StructureCanvas *canvas) : StructureComponent(canvas) { StructureDesc = structuredesc; ModuleDesc = module; _x = ModuleDesc.x(); _y = ModuleDesc.y(); initModule(); } Module::Module(const Arts::ModuleInfo& minfo, Arts::StructureDesc structuredesc, StructureCanvas *canvas) : StructureComponent(canvas) { StructureDesc = structuredesc; ModuleDesc = StructureDesc.createModuleDesc(minfo); initModule(); } void Module::initModule() { TQString iconname; KIconLoader iconloader; _selected = false; _visible = false; _height = 1; _name = ModuleDesc.name().c_str(); _pixmap = NULL; // test if pixmap available iconname = _name + ".xpm"; _pixmap = new TQPixmap(iconloader.loadIcon(iconname, KIcon::User)); if(!_pixmap->height()) { iconname = _name + ".png"; delete _pixmap; _pixmap = new TQPixmap( iconloader.loadIcon( iconname, KIcon::User ) ); if( !_pixmap->height() ) { delete _pixmap; _pixmap = 0; } } // try again without Arts:: - prefix if(iconname.startsWith("Arts::")) { iconname = iconname.mid(6); _pixmap = new TQPixmap(iconloader.loadIcon(iconname, KIcon::User)); if(!_pixmap->height()) { iconname.tqreplace( iconname.length() - 4, 3, "png" ); delete _pixmap; _pixmap = new TQPixmap(iconloader.loadIcon(iconname, KIcon::User)); if( !_pixmap->height() ) { delete _pixmap; _pixmap = 0; } } } /* FILE *test = fopen(TQFile::encodeName(iconname), "r"); if(test) { pixmap = new TQPixmap(iconname); fclose(test); } */ // create lists with inports & outports for this module // and bind them to it ... arts_debug("Getting ports..."); vector<Arts::PortDesc >*ports = ModuleDesc.ports(); unsigned long portpos; long indraw = 1, outdraw = 2; for(portpos = 0; portpos < ports->size(); portpos++) { Arts::PortDesc pd = (*ports)[portpos]; ModulePort *p; arts_debug("CREATING %s", pd.name().c_str()); switch(pd.type().direction) { case Arts::input: p = new ModulePort(this, pd.name(), indraw++, ModulePort::in, pd); inports.push_back(p); break; case Arts::output: p = new ModulePort(this, pd.name(), outdraw++, ModulePort::out, pd); outports.push_back(p); break; default: assert(false); // shouldn't happen! } } delete ports; _width = 1 + max(inports.size(), outports.size() + 1); mdID = ModuleDesc.ID(); isInterface = ModuleDesc.isInterface(); } Module::~Module() { arts_debug("hide..."); hide(); arts_debug("sdfmd..."); list<ModulePort *>::iterator i; for(i = inports.begin(); i != inports.end(); ++i) delete *i; inports.clear(); for(i = outports.begin(); i != outports.end(); ++i) delete *i; outports.clear(); StructureDesc.freeModuleDesc(ModuleDesc); arts_debug("ok..."); delete _pixmap; } bool Module::moveInternal(int x, int y) { return ModuleDesc.moveTo(x, y); } int Module::width() const { return _width; } int Module::height() const { return _height; } StructureComponent::ComponentType Module::type() { return ctModule; } bool Module::drawNeedsBackground(int segment) { return (segment == 0); } void Module::drawSegment(TQPainter *p, int cellsize, int segment) { int border = cellsize / 10; // for the logo int ltop = (cellsize - border)/2; int lbot = (cellsize + border)/2; TQColor mcolor(43, 43, 168); TQColor mcolorlight(164, 176, 242); if(isInterface) { mcolor = TQColor(100, 100, 100); mcolorlight = TQColor(160, 160, 160); } TQColorGroup g( TQt::white, TQt::blue, mcolorlight, mcolor.dark(), mcolor, TQt::black, TQt::black ); TQBrush fill( mcolor ); TQPen textpen(TQColor(255, 255, 180), 1); if(segment == 0) { qDrawShadePanel(p, border, border, cellsize - 2*border + 1, cellsize - 2*border + 1, g, false, 1, &fill); p->fillRect(cellsize - border - 1, ltop, cellsize, lbot - ltop + 1, fill); p->setPen(g.light()); p->drawLine(cellsize - border, ltop - 1, cellsize, ltop - 1); p->setPen(g.dark()); p->drawLine(cellsize - border, lbot + 1, cellsize, lbot + 1); if(_pixmap) { int destsize = (cellsize - 4*border); float sx = (float)destsize/(float)_pixmap->width(); float sy = (float)destsize/(float)_pixmap->height(); TQWMatrix matrix; matrix.scale(sx, sy); TQPixmap pmscaled = _pixmap->xForm(matrix); p->drawPixmap(border*2, border*2, pmscaled); } return; } p->fillRect(0, 0, cellsize, cellsize, fill); /* * take care of the bevel lines around the module */ p->setPen(g.light()); p->drawLine(0, 0, cellsize - 1, 0); if(segment < 2) p->drawLine(0, 0, 0, cellsize - 1); p->setPen(g.dark()); p->drawLine(cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1, 0, cellsize - 1); if(segment == 0 || segment == width() - 1) p->drawLine(cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1, 0); /* * now draw the ports */ int direction; for(direction = 0;direction < 2; direction++) { ModulePort *port = findPort(segment, direction); if(port) { int border = cellsize/7; int textwidth; TQString label = DrawUtils::cropText(p, port->description, cellsize/2, textwidth); TQBrush pbrush(port->color(isInterface)); port->clickrect = TQRect(border, direction * cellsize/2 + border, cellsize/2 - 2*border, cellsize/2 - 2*border); qDrawShadePanel(p, port->clickrect, g, port->down(), 2, &pbrush); #if 0 TQBrush fillport(fill); if(port->isinitarg) { fillport = TQColor(128, 128, 128); } if(port->selected) { TQBrush fillorange(TQColor(255, 165, 0)); qDrawShadePanel(p, port->clickrect, g, true, 2, &fillorange); } else { if(port->PortDesc->isConnected()) { qDrawShadePanel(p, port->clickrect, g, true, 2, &fillport); } else if(port->PortDesc->hasValue()) { TQBrush fillp(TQColor(100, 100, 255)); if(port->isinitarg) { fillp = TQColor(180, 180, 180); } qDrawShadePanel(p, port->clickrect, g, true, 2, &fillp); } else // not connected and no value(); qDrawShadePanel(p, port->clickrect, g, false, 2, &fillport); } #endif p->setPen(textpen); p->drawText((cellsize - border)/2, (1 + direction) * (cellsize/2) - border, label); } } /* * if it was the rightmost part of the module, it has the module name * and the connection to the logo as well */ if(segment == 1) { // object type label int textwidth; TQString label = DrawUtils::cropText(p, _name, cellsize - 4, textwidth); p->setPen(textpen); p->fillRect(1, cellsize - 16, textwidth + 7, 15, TQBrush(g.dark())); p->drawText(4, cellsize - 5, label); // logo connection p->setPen(mcolor); p->drawLine(0, ltop, 0, lbot); } /* * when selected, draw a line of white dots around the module */ if(selected()) { TQPen pen(TQt::white, 1, TQt::DotLine); p->setPen(pen); p->drawLine(0, 0, cellsize - 1, 0); p->drawLine(0, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1); if(segment == 1) p->drawLine(0, 0, 0, cellsize - 1); if(segment == _width - 1) p->drawLine(cellsize - 1, 0, cellsize - 1, cellsize - 1); } } ModulePort *Module::findPort(int xoffset, int direction) { list<ModulePort *>*ports; list<ModulePort *>::iterator i; long n; if(direction == 0) ports = &inports; else ports = &outports; i = ports->begin(); n = xoffset - 1 - direction; if(n < (long)ports->size() && n >= 0) { while(n > 0) { n--; i++; } return (*i); } return(NULL); } ModulePort *Module::portAt(int segment, int x, int y) { for(int direction = 0; direction < 2; direction++) { ModulePort *port = findPort(segment, direction); if(port) { TQPoint clickpoint(x, y); if(port->clickrect.tqcontains(clickpoint)) return port; } } return 0; } void Module::dumpPorts(list<ModulePort *>& ports) { list<ModulePort *>::iterator i; for(i = inports.begin(); i != inports.end(); ++i) ports.push_back(*i); for(i = outports.begin(); i != outports.end(); ++i) ports.push_back(*i); } TQPixmap *Module::pixmap() { return _pixmap; } TQString Module::name() { return _name; } // vim: sw=4 ts=4 noet