	Displays for time and other things
	using fonts provided by KJFont
	Maintainer: Stefan Gehn <sgehn@gmx.net>


// local includes
#include "kjtextdisplay.h"
#include "kjfont.h"
#include "kjprefs.h"

// kde includes
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kpixmap.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <krun.h>
#include <kmimemagic.h>

// arts-includes, needed for pitch
#include <artsmodules.h>
#include <arts/reference.h>
#include <arts/soundserver.h>
#include <arts/kmedia2.h>

// noatun includes
#include <noatun/player.h>
#include <noatun/engine.h>

 * KJFilename

KJFilename::KJFilename(const TQStringList &l, KJLoader *p)
	: TQObject(0), KJWidget(p), mBack(0)
	int x  = l[1].toInt();
	int y  = l[2].toInt();
	int xs = l[3].toInt() - x;
	int ys = l[4].toInt() - y;

	// fix for all those weird skins where the filenamewindow has more
	// height than needed for the font
	// ( ... usually resulting in garbage on-screen )
	if ( ys > (textFont().fontHeight()) )
		ys = textFont().fontHeight();

	// background under filename-scroller
	TQPixmap tmp  = p->pixmap(p->item("backgroundimage")[1]);
	mBack = new KPixmap ( TQSize(xs,ys) );
	bitBlt( mBack, 0, 0, &tmp, x, y, xs, ys, TQt::CopyROP );


	// how far it moves per cycle
	// TODO: make that configurable for the user

	//mDistance = 1;
//	mDistance = (int)(textFont().fontWidth()/2);

	prepareString(i18n("Welcome to Noatun").local8Bit());

	delete mBack;

void KJFilename::paint(TQPainter *p, const TQRect &)
	TQPixmap temp ( rect().width(), rect().height() );

	// draw background into buffer
	bitBlt ( &temp, 0, 0, mBack, 0, 0, -1, -1, TQt::CopyROP );
	// draw font into buffer
	bitBlt( &temp, 0, 0, &mView, 0, 0, rect().width(), rect().height(), TQt::CopyROP);
	// and draw it on screen
	bitBlt(p->device(), rect().topLeft(), &temp,
	       TQRect(0,0,-1,-1), TQt::CopyROP);

void KJFilename::timerEvent(TQTimerEvent *)
	int height = mView.height();
	int width = mView.width();

	TQBitmap cycleMask ( mDistance, height ); // temporary-space for moving parts of the mask
	TQPixmap cycle ( mDistance, height );	// temporary-space for moving parts of the pixmap
	TQBitmap newMask ( *mView.mask() );		// save old mask

	// copy mask like the same way we're doing it with the pixmap
	// a mask does not get copied on a bitblt automatically, we have to do
	// it "by hand"
	bitBlt(&cycleMask, 0,0, &newMask, 0,0, mDistance, height, TQt::CopyROP);
	bitBlt(&newMask, 0,0, &newMask, mDistance, 0, width-mDistance, height, TQt::CopyROP);
	bitBlt(&newMask, width-mDistance, 0, &cycleMask, 0,0, mDistance, height, TQt::CopyROP);

	bitBlt(&cycle, 0,0, &mView, 0,0, mDistance, height, TQt::CopyROP);
	bitBlt(&mView, 0,0, &mView, mDistance, 0, width-mDistance, height, TQt::CopyROP);
	bitBlt(&mView, width-mDistance, 0, &cycle, 0,0, mDistance, height, TQt::CopyROP);

	// apply the newly created mask


bool KJFilename::mousePress(const TQPoint &)
	return true;

void KJFilename::mouseRelease(const TQPoint &, bool in)
	if (!in) // only do something if users is still inside the button

	if ( !napp->player()->current() )

	KURL dirURL = napp->player()->current().url().upURL();

	KMimeMagicResult *result = KMimeMagic::self()->findFileType( dirURL.path() );

	// TODO: Maybe test for protocol type?
//	if ( napp->player()->current().url().protocol() == "file" )
	if ( result->isValid() )
		KRun::runURL ( dirURL, result->mimeType() );

void KJFilename::readConfig()
	kdDebug(66666) << "KJFilename::readConfig()" << endl;
	mDistance = (int)( textFont().fontWidth() * KJLoader::kjofol->prefs()->titleMovingDistance() );
	if ( mDistance <= 0 )
		mDistance = 1;
	mTimerUpdates = KJLoader::kjofol->prefs()->titleMovingUpdates();
	mLastTitle=""; // invalidate title so it gets repainted on next timeUpdate()

void KJFilename::prepareString(const TQCString &str)
	killTimers(); // i.e. stop timers

	mView = textFont().draw(str, rect().width());


void KJFilename::timeUpdate(int)
	if ( !napp->player()->current() ) // just for safety

	TQCString title = TQCString( napp->player()->current().title().local8Bit() );

	if ( title == mLastTitle )

	mLastTitle = title;

	TQCString timestring = napp->player()->lengthString().local8Bit();
	timestring = timestring.mid(timestring.find('/')+1);
	prepareString ( title + " (" + timestring + ")   ");

TQString KJFilename::tip()
	if ( !napp->player()->current() ) // just for safety
		return i18n("Filename");
		return napp->player()->current().url().prettyURL();

 * KJTime

KJTime::KJTime(const TQStringList &l, KJLoader *p)
	: KJWidget(p), mBack(0)
	int x  = l[1].toInt();
	int y  = l[2].toInt();
	int xs = l[3].toInt() - x;
	int ys = l[4].toInt() - y;

	// fix for all those weird skins where the timewindow
	// has more space than needed for the font
	int maxNeededHeight = timeFont().fontHeight();
	if ( ys > maxNeededHeight )
		ys = maxNeededHeight;

	// five digits + spacing between them
	int maxNeededWidth = ( 5 *timeFont().fontWidth() ) + ( 4 * timeFont().fontSpacing() );
	if ( xs > maxNeededWidth )
		xs = maxNeededWidth;

	// background under time-display
	TQPixmap tmp  = p->pixmap(p->item("backgroundimage")[1]);
	mBack = new KPixmap ( TQSize(xs,ys) );
	bitBlt( mBack, 0, 0, &tmp, x, y, xs, ys, TQt::CopyROP );




	delete mBack;

void KJTime::paint(TQPainter *p, const TQRect &)
//	kdDebug(66666) << "KJTime::paint(TQPainter *p, const TQRect &)" << endl;
	TQPixmap temp ( rect().width(), rect().height() );

	// draw background into buffer
	bitBlt ( &temp, 0, 0, mBack, 0, 0, -1, -1, TQt::CopyROP );
	// draw time-display into buffer (that's a pixmap with a mask applied)
	bitBlt( &temp, 0, 0, &mTime, 0, 0, rect().width(), rect().height(), TQt::CopyROP);

	// and draw it on screen
	bitBlt(p->device(), rect().topLeft(), &temp,
	       TQRect(0,0, rect().width(), rect().height()), TQt::CopyROP);

bool KJTime::mousePress(const TQPoint &)
	return true;

void KJTime::mouseRelease(const TQPoint &, bool in)
	if (!in) // only do something if users is still inside the button

	countDown = !countDown;
	napp->setDisplayRemaining( countDown );
//	KJLoader::kjofol->prefs()->setTimeCountMode( countDown );

void KJTime::readConfig()
//	kdDebug(66666) << "KJTime::readConfig()" << endl;
	countDown = napp->displayRemaining();
	mLastTime=""; // invalidate time so it gets repainted on next timeUpdate()

TQString KJTime::lengthString ( void )
	int pos = 0;
	TQString posString;
	int secs = 0,
	seconds = 0,
	minutes = 0,
	hours = 0;

	if ( countDown )
	{	// current remaining time
		pos = napp->player()->getLength() - napp->player()->getTime();
	{	// current time
		pos = napp->player()->getTime();

	if ( pos < 0 )
		posString = "00:00";
	{ // get the position
		secs = pos / 1000; // convert milliseconds -> seconds

		seconds = secs % 60;
		minutes = (secs - seconds) / 60;
		hours = minutes / 60;
		minutes %= 60; // remove the hours from minutes ;)

//		cerr << "  " << hours << ":" << minutes << ":" << seconds << endl;

//		if ( hours > 0 ) // looks ugly :)
		if ( (napp->player()->getLength()/1000) >= 3600 ) // displays hh:mm if file is long
			posString.sprintf("%d:%.2d", hours, minutes);
		else // displays mm:ss
			posString.sprintf("%.2d:%.2d", minutes, seconds);

	return posString;

void KJTime::timeUpdate(int)
//	kdDebug(66666) << "START KJTime::timeUpdate(int)" << endl;
	if (!napp->player()->current())

	prepareString( (lengthString()).latin1() );

//	kdDebug(66666) << "END KJTime::timeUpdate(int)" << endl;

void KJTime::prepareString(const TQCString &str)
//	kdDebug(66666) << "START KJTime::prepareString(const TQCString &str)" << endl;
	if ( str == mLastTime )

	mLastTime = str;
	mTime = timeFont().draw(str, rect().width());

//	kdDebug(66666) << "END KJTime::prepareString(const TQCString &str)" << endl;

TQString KJTime::tip()
	if ( countDown )
		return i18n("Play time left");
		return i18n("Current play time");

 * KJVolumeText

KJVolumeText::KJVolumeText(const TQStringList &l, KJLoader *p)
	: KJWidget(p), mBack(0)
	int x=l[1].toInt();
	int y=l[2].toInt();
	int xs=l[3].toInt()-x;
	int ys=l[4].toInt()-y;

	// fix for all those weird skins where the timewindow has more space than needed for the font
	if ( ys > (volumeFont().fontHeight()) )
		ys = volumeFont().fontHeight();

	// 3 digits for volume (1-100)
	// + spaces according to spacing
	// + percentage letter (seems to be 1px wider than a normal char)
	int tempWidth = (3*volumeFont().fontWidth()) + (2*volumeFont().fontSpacing()) + ((volumeFont().fontWidth()+1));
	if ( xs > ( tempWidth ) )
		xs = tempWidth;

	// background under volumetext-display
	TQPixmap tmp  = p->pixmap(p->item("backgroundimage")[1]);
	mBack = new KPixmap ( TQSize(xs,ys) );
	bitBlt( mBack, 0, 0, &tmp, x, y, xs, ys, TQt::CopyROP );



	delete mBack;

void KJVolumeText::paint(TQPainter *p, const TQRect &)
	TQPixmap temp ( rect().width(), rect().height() );

	// draw background into buffer
	bitBlt ( &temp, 0, 0, mBack, 0, 0, -1, -1, TQt::CopyROP );
	// draw time-display into buffer
	bitBlt( &temp, 0, 0, &mVolume, 0, 0, rect().width(), rect().height(), TQt::CopyROP);

	// and draw it on screen
	bitBlt(p->device(), rect().topLeft(), &temp,
	       TQRect(0,0,-1,-1), TQt::CopyROP);

bool KJVolumeText::mousePress(const TQPoint &)
	return false;

void KJVolumeText::readConfig()
	mLastVolume=""; // invalidate value so it gets repainted on next timeUpdate()

void KJVolumeText::timeUpdate(int)
	TQCString volume;

	if (!napp->player()->current())

	volume.sprintf("%d%%", napp->player()->volume() ); // FIXME: is sprintf safe to use?


void KJVolumeText::prepareString(const TQCString &str)
	if ( str == mLastVolume )

	mLastVolume = str;
	mVolume = volumeFont().draw(str, rect().width());


TQString KJVolumeText::tip()
	return i18n("Volume");

 * KJPitchText

KJPitchText::KJPitchText(const TQStringList &l, KJLoader *p)
	: KJWidget(p), mBack(0)
	int x  = l[1].toInt();
	int y  = l[2].toInt();
	int xs = l[3].toInt() - x;
	int ys = l[4].toInt() - y;

	// fix for all those weird skins where the timewindow has more space than needed for the font
	if ( ys > (pitchFont().fontHeight()) )
		ys = pitchFont().fontHeight();

	// 3 digits for volume (1-100), spaces according to spacing and percentage letter
	int tempWidth = (3*pitchFont().fontWidth()) + (2*pitchFont().fontSpacing());
	if ( xs > tempWidth )
		xs = tempWidth;

	// background under time-display
	TQPixmap tmp  = p->pixmap(p->item("backgroundimage")[1]);
	mBack = new KPixmap ( TQSize(xs,ys) );
	bitBlt( mBack, 0, 0, &tmp, x, y, xs, ys, TQt::CopyROP );



	delete mBack;

void KJPitchText::paint(TQPainter *p, const TQRect &)
	TQPixmap temp ( rect().width(), rect().height() );

	// draw background into buffer
	bitBlt ( &temp, 0, 0, mBack, 0, 0, -1, -1, TQt::CopyROP );
	// draw time-display into buffer
	bitBlt( &temp, 0, 0, &mSpeed, 0, 0, rect().width(), rect().height(), TQt::CopyROP);
	// and draw it on screen
	bitBlt(p->device(), rect().topLeft(), &temp, TQRect(0,0,-1,-1), TQt::CopyROP);

bool KJPitchText::mousePress(const TQPoint &)
	return true;

void KJPitchText::mouseRelease(const TQPoint &, bool in)
	if (!in)

	Arts::PlayObject playobject = napp->player()->engine()->playObject();
	Arts::PitchablePlayObject pitchable = Arts::DynamicCast(playobject);

	if (pitchable.isNull())

	pitchable.speed( 1.00f ); // reset pitch

void KJPitchText::readConfig()
	mLastPitch=""; // invalidate value so it gets repainted on next timeUpdate()

void KJPitchText::timeUpdate(int)
	TQCString speed;

	if (!napp->player()->current())

	Arts::PlayObject playobject = napp->player()->engine()->playObject();
	Arts::PitchablePlayObject pitchable = Arts::DynamicCast(playobject);

	if (pitchable.isNull())

	speed.setNum ( (int) ((float)pitchable.speed()*(float)100) );
	prepareString ( speed );

void KJPitchText::prepareString(const TQCString &str)
	if ( str == mLastPitch )

	mLastPitch = str;
	mSpeed = pitchFont().draw(str, rect().width());


TQString KJPitchText::tip()
	return i18n("Pitch");

 * KJFileInfo

KJFileInfo::KJFileInfo(const TQStringList &l, KJLoader *p)
	: KJWidget(p), mBack(0)
	mInfoType = l[0]; // type of info-display

	int x  = l[1].toInt();
	int y  = l[2].toInt();
	int xs = l[3].toInt() - x;
	int ys = l[4].toInt() - y;

	// fix for all those weird skins where the timewindow
	// has more space than needed for the font
	int maxNeededHeight = timeFont().fontHeight();
	if ( ys > maxNeededHeight )
		ys = maxNeededHeight;

	// five digits + spacing between them
	int maxNeededWidth = ( 3 *timeFont().fontWidth() ) + ( 2 * timeFont().fontSpacing() );
	if ( xs > maxNeededWidth )
		xs = maxNeededWidth;

	// background under info-display
	TQPixmap tmp  = p->pixmap(p->item("backgroundimage")[1]);
	mBack = new KPixmap ( TQSize(xs,ys) );
	bitBlt( mBack, 0, 0, &tmp, x, y, xs, ys, TQt::CopyROP );



	delete mBack;

void KJFileInfo::paint(TQPainter *p, const TQRect &)
	TQPixmap temp ( rect().width(), rect().height() );

	// draw background into buffer
	bitBlt ( &temp, 0, 0, mBack, 0, 0, -1, -1, TQt::CopyROP );
	// draw time-display into buffer (that's a pixmap with a mask applied)
	bitBlt( &temp, 0, 0, &mTime, 0, 0, rect().width(), rect().height(), TQt::CopyROP);

	// and draw it on screen
	bitBlt(p->device(), rect().topLeft(), &temp,
	       TQRect(0,0, rect().width(), rect().height()), TQt::CopyROP);

bool KJFileInfo::mousePress(const TQPoint &)
	return false;

void KJFileInfo::readConfig()
	mLastTime=""; // invalidate value so it gets repainted on next timeUpdate()

void KJFileInfo::timeUpdate(int)
	if (!napp->player()->current())

	const PlaylistItem &item = napp->player()->current();
	TQString prop;

	if ( mInfoType == "mp3khzwindow" )
		prop = item.property("samplerate");
		prop.truncate(2); // we just want 44 instead of 44100
	else if ( mInfoType == "mp3kbpswindow" )
		prop = item.property("bitrate");
	else	// for safety: no infoType we know of

	if (prop.isNull())
	prepareString( prop.latin1() );

void KJFileInfo::prepareString(const TQCString &str)
	if ( str == mLastTime )
	mLastTime = str;
	mTime = textFont().draw(str, rect().width());

TQString KJFileInfo::tip()
	if ( mInfoType == "mp3khzwindow" )
		return i18n("Sample rate in kHz");
	else if ( mInfoType == "mp3kbpswindow" )
		return i18n("Bitrate in kbps");

	return TQString();

#include "kjtextdisplay.moc"