Welcome to the wonderful world of noatun plugin development!

This is just a "notes" file.  It won't show you _how_ to do it.

You're free to use the net plugin as a base, I've licensed it under the
public domain, so you can relicense it however you wish (preferably not
GPL, though :)

Remember that QObject must derive first.

Do a "return this;" in the PlayList *playlist() const; function, if your class
is a playlist, otherwise, don't even override that function.

If your playlist can't seem to get activated, you might have left out the 

For your create_plugin class, it should return Plugin*, not ClassName *:
Plugin *create_plugin() {...} // good
MyClass *create_plugin() {...{ // bad
(this is important)

A lot should be available to you with the 'napp' variable. It returns
the global NoatunApp* type.