// -*- Mode: c++-mode; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 2; -*- // // Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Grzegorz Jaskiewicz // Copyright (C) 2003 Zack Rusin // // gaduaccount.cpp // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA // 02111-1307, USA #include "gaduaccount.h" #include "gaducontact.h" #include "gaduprotocol.h" #include "gaduawayui.h" #include "gaduaway.h" #include "gadupubdir.h" #include "gadudcc.h" #include "gadudcctransaction.h" #include "kopetemetacontact.h" #include "kopetecontactlist.h" #include "kopetegroup.h" #include "kopetepassword.h" #include "kopeteuiglobal.h" #include "kopeteglobal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class GaduAccountPrivate { public: GaduAccountPrivate() {} GaduSession* session_; GaduDCC* gaduDcc_; QTimer* pingTimer_; QTextCodec* textcodec_; KFileDialog* saveListDialog; KFileDialog* loadListDialog; KActionMenu* actionMenu_; KAction* searchAction; KAction* listputAction; KAction* listToFileAction; KAction* listFromFileAction; KAction* friendsModeAction; bool connectWithSSL; int currentServer; unsigned int serverIP; QString lastDescription; bool forFriends; bool ignoreAnons; QTimer* exportTimer_; bool exportUserlist; KConfigGroup* config; Kopete::OnlineStatus status; QValueList servers; KGaduLoginParams loginInfo; }; // 10s is enough ;p #define USERLISTEXPORT_TIMEOUT (10*1000) // FIXME: use dynamic cache please, i consider this as broken resolution of this problem static const char* const servers_ip[] = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; #define NUM_SERVERS (sizeof(servers_ip)/sizeof(char*)) GaduAccount::GaduAccount( Kopete::Protocol* parent, const QString& accountID,const char* name ) : Kopete::PasswordedAccount( parent, accountID, 0, name ) { QHostAddress ip; p = new GaduAccountPrivate; p->pingTimer_ = NULL; p->saveListDialog = NULL; p->loadListDialog = NULL; p->forFriends = false; p->textcodec_ = QTextCodec::codecForName( "CP1250" ); p->session_ = new GaduSession( this, "GaduSession" ); KGlobal::config()->setGroup( "Gadu" ); setMyself( new GaduContact( accountId().toInt(), accountId(), this, Kopete::ContactList::self()->myself() ) ); p->status = GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL ); p->lastDescription = QString::null; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_SERVERS ; i++ ) { ip.setAddress( QString( servers_ip[i] ) ); p->servers.append( htonl( ip.toIPv4Address() ) ); kdDebug( 14100 ) << "adding IP: " << p->servers[ i ] << " to cache" << endl; } p->currentServer = -1; p->serverIP = 0; // initialize KGaduLogin structure to default values p->loginInfo.uin = accountId().toInt(); p->loginInfo.useTls = false; p->loginInfo.status = GG_STATUS_AVAIL; p->loginInfo.server = 0; p->loginInfo.client_port = 0; p->loginInfo.client_addr = 0; p->pingTimer_ = new QTimer( this ); p->exportTimer_ = new QTimer( this ); p->exportUserlist = false; p->gaduDcc_ = NULL; p->config = configGroup(); p->ignoreAnons = ignoreAnons(); p->forFriends = loadFriendsMode(); initConnections(); initActions(); QString nick = p->config->readEntry( QString::fromAscii( "nickName" ) ); if ( !nick.isNull() ) { myself()->setProperty( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName(), nick ); } else { myself()->setProperty( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName(), accountId() ); p->config->writeEntry( QString::fromAscii( "nickName" ), accountId() ); } } GaduAccount::~GaduAccount() { delete p; } void GaduAccount::initActions() { p->searchAction = new KAction( i18n( "&Search for Friends" ), "", 0, this, SLOT( slotSearch() ), this, "actionSearch" ); p->listputAction = new KAction( i18n( "Export Contacts to Server" ), "", 0, this, SLOT( slotExportContactsList() ), this, "actionListput" ); p->listToFileAction = new KAction( i18n( "Export Contacts to File..." ), "", 0, this, SLOT( slotExportContactsListToFile() ), this, "actionListputFile" ); p->listFromFileAction = new KAction( i18n( "Import Contacts From File..." ), "", 0, this, SLOT( slotImportContactsFromFile() ), this, "actionListgetFile" ); p->friendsModeAction = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Only for Friends" ), "", 0, this, SLOT( slotFriendsMode() ), this, "actionFriendsMode" ); static_cast(p->friendsModeAction)->setChecked( p->forFriends ); } void GaduAccount::initConnections() { QObject::connect( p->session_, SIGNAL( error( const QString&, const QString& ) ), SLOT( error( const QString&, const QString& ) ) ); QObject::connect( p->session_, SIGNAL( messageReceived( KGaduMessage* ) ), SLOT( messageReceived( KGaduMessage* ) ) ); QObject::connect( p->session_, SIGNAL( contactStatusChanged( KGaduNotify* ) ), SLOT( contactStatusChanged( KGaduNotify* ) ) ); QObject::connect( p->session_, SIGNAL( connectionFailed( gg_failure_t )), SLOT( connectionFailed( gg_failure_t ) ) ); QObject::connect( p->session_, SIGNAL( connectionSucceed( ) ), SLOT( connectionSucceed( ) ) ); QObject::connect( p->session_, SIGNAL( disconnect( Kopete::Account::DisconnectReason ) ), SLOT( slotSessionDisconnect( Kopete::Account::DisconnectReason ) ) ); QObject::connect( p->session_, SIGNAL( ackReceived( unsigned int ) ), SLOT( ackReceived( unsigned int ) ) ); QObject::connect( p->session_, SIGNAL( pubDirSearchResult( const SearchResult&, unsigned int ) ), SLOT( slotSearchResult( const SearchResult&, unsigned int ) ) ); QObject::connect( p->session_, SIGNAL( userListExported() ), SLOT( userListExportDone() ) ); QObject::connect( p->session_, SIGNAL( userListRecieved( const QString& ) ), SLOT( userlist( const QString& ) ) ); QObject::connect( p->session_, SIGNAL( incomingCtcp( unsigned int ) ), SLOT( slotIncomingDcc( unsigned int ) ) ); QObject::connect( p->pingTimer_, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( pingServer() ) ); QObject::connect( p->exportTimer_, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( slotUserlistSynch() ) ); } void GaduAccount::setAway( bool isAway, const QString& awayMessage ) { unsigned int currentStatus; if ( isAway ) { currentStatus = ( awayMessage.isEmpty() ) ? GG_STATUS_BUSY : GG_STATUS_BUSY_DESCR; } else{ currentStatus = ( awayMessage.isEmpty() ) ? GG_STATUS_AVAIL : GG_STATUS_AVAIL_DESCR; } changeStatus( GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( currentStatus ), awayMessage ); } KActionMenu* GaduAccount::actionMenu() { kdDebug(14100) << "actionMenu() " << endl; p->actionMenu_ = new KActionMenu( accountId(), myself()->onlineStatus().iconFor( this ), this ); p->actionMenu_->popupMenu()->insertTitle( myself()->onlineStatus().iconFor( myself() ), i18n( "%1 <%2> " ). arg( myself()->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName()).value().toString(), accountId() ) ); if ( p->session_->isConnected() ) { p->searchAction->setEnabled( TRUE ); p->listputAction->setEnabled( TRUE ); p->friendsModeAction->setEnabled( TRUE ); } else { p->searchAction->setEnabled( FALSE ); p->listputAction->setEnabled( FALSE ); p->friendsModeAction->setEnabled( FALSE ); } if ( contacts().count() > 1 ) { if ( p->saveListDialog ) { p->listToFileAction->setEnabled( FALSE ); } else { p->listToFileAction->setEnabled( TRUE ); } p->listToFileAction->setEnabled( TRUE ); } else { p->listToFileAction->setEnabled( FALSE ); } if ( p->loadListDialog ) { p->listFromFileAction->setEnabled( FALSE ); } else { p->listFromFileAction->setEnabled( TRUE ); } p->actionMenu_->insert( new KAction( i18n( "Go O&nline" ), GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( GG_STATUS_AVAIL ).iconFor( this ), 0, this, SLOT( slotGoOnline() ), this, "actionGaduConnect" ) ); p->actionMenu_->insert( new KAction( i18n( "Set &Busy" ), GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( GG_STATUS_BUSY ).iconFor( this ), 0, this, SLOT( slotGoBusy() ), this, "actionGaduConnect" ) ); p->actionMenu_->insert( new KAction( i18n( "Set &Invisible" ), GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( GG_STATUS_INVISIBLE ).iconFor( this ), 0, this, SLOT( slotGoInvisible() ), this, "actionGaduConnect" ) ); p->actionMenu_->insert( new KAction( i18n( "Go &Offline" ), GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL ).iconFor( this ), 0, this, SLOT( slotGoOffline() ), this, "actionGaduConnect" ) ); p->actionMenu_->insert( new KAction( i18n( "Set &Description..." ), "info", 0, this, SLOT( slotDescription() ), this, "actionGaduDescription" ) ); p->actionMenu_->insert( p->friendsModeAction ); p->actionMenu_->popupMenu()->insertSeparator(); p->actionMenu_->insert( p->searchAction ); p->actionMenu_->popupMenu()->insertSeparator(); p->actionMenu_->insert( p->listputAction ); p->actionMenu_->popupMenu()->insertSeparator(); p->actionMenu_->insert( p->listToFileAction ); p->actionMenu_->insert( p->listFromFileAction ); return p->actionMenu_; } void GaduAccount::connectWithPassword(const QString& password) { if (password.isEmpty()) { return; } if (isConnected ()) return; // FIXME: add status description to this mechainsm, this is a hack now. libkopete design issue. changeStatus( initialStatus(), p->lastDescription ); } void GaduAccount::disconnect() { disconnect( Manual ); } void GaduAccount::disconnect( DisconnectReason reason ) { slotGoOffline(); p->connectWithSSL = true; Kopete::Account::disconnected( reason ); } void GaduAccount::setOnlineStatus( const Kopete::OnlineStatus& status , const QString &reason ) { kdDebug(14100) << k_funcinfo << "Called" << endl; changeStatus( status, reason); } void GaduAccount::slotUserlistSynch() { if ( !p->exportUserlist ) { return; } p->exportUserlist = false; kdDebug(14100) << "userlist changed, exporting" << endl; slotExportContactsList(); } void GaduAccount::userlistChanged() { p->exportUserlist = true; p->exportTimer_->changeInterval( USERLISTEXPORT_TIMEOUT ); } bool GaduAccount::createContact( const QString& contactId, Kopete::MetaContact* parentContact ) { kdDebug(14100) << "createContact " << contactId << endl; uin_t uinNumber = contactId.toUInt(); GaduContact* newContact = new GaduContact( uinNumber, parentContact->displayName(),this, parentContact ); newContact->setParentIdentity( accountId() ); addNotify( uinNumber ); userlistChanged(); return true; } void GaduAccount::changeStatus( const Kopete::OnlineStatus& status, const QString& descr ) { unsigned int ns; kdDebug(14100) << "##### change status #####" << endl; kdDebug(14100) << "### Status = " << p->session_->isConnected() << endl; kdDebug(14100) << "### Status description = \"" << descr << "\"" << endl; // if change to not available, log off if ( GG_S_NA( status.internalStatus() ) ) { if ( !p->session_->isConnected() ) { return;//already logged off } else { if ( status.internalStatus() == GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL_DESCR ) { if ( p->session_->changeStatusDescription( status.internalStatus(), descr, p->forFriends ) != 0 ) { return; } } } p->session_->logoff(); dccOff(); } else { // if status is for no desc, but we get some desc, than convert it to status with desc if (!descr.isEmpty() && !GaduProtocol::protocol()->statusWithDescription( status.internalStatus() ) ) { // and rerun us again. This won't cause any recursive call, as both conversions are static ns = GaduProtocol::protocol()->statusToWithDescription( status ); changeStatus( GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( ns ), descr ); return; } // well, if it's empty but we want to set status with desc, change it too if (descr.isEmpty() && GaduProtocol::protocol()->statusWithDescription( status.internalStatus() ) ) { ns = GaduProtocol::protocol()->statusToWithoutDescription( status ); changeStatus( GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( ns ), descr ); return; } if ( !p->session_->isConnected() ) { if ( password().cachedValue().isEmpty() ) { // FIXME: when status string added to connect(), use it here p->lastDescription = descr; connect( status/*, descr*/ ); return; } if ( useTls() != TLS_no ) { p->connectWithSSL = true; } else { p->connectWithSSL = false; } dccOn(); p->serverIP = 0; p->currentServer = -1; p->status = status; kdDebug(14100) << "#### Connecting..., tls option "<< (int)useTls() << " " << endl; p->lastDescription = descr; slotLogin( status.internalStatus(), descr ); return; } else { p->status = status; if ( descr.isEmpty() ) { if ( p->session_->changeStatus( status.internalStatus(), p->forFriends ) != 0 ) return; } else { if ( p->session_->changeStatusDescription( status.internalStatus(), descr, p->forFriends ) != 0 ) return; } } } myself()->setOnlineStatus( status ); myself()->setProperty( GaduProtocol::protocol()->propAwayMessage, descr ); if ( status.internalStatus() == GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL || status.internalStatus() == GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL_DESCR ) { if ( p->pingTimer_ ){ p->pingTimer_->stop(); } } p->lastDescription = descr; } void GaduAccount::slotLogin( int status, const QString& dscr ) { p->lastDescription = dscr; myself()->setOnlineStatus( GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( GG_STATUS_CONNECTING )); myself()->setProperty( GaduProtocol::protocol()->propAwayMessage, dscr ); if ( !p->session_->isConnected() ) { if ( password().cachedValue().isEmpty() ) { connectionFailed( GG_FAILURE_PASSWORD ); } else { p->loginInfo.password = password().cachedValue(); p->loginInfo.useTls = p->connectWithSSL; p->loginInfo.status = status; p->loginInfo.statusDescr = dscr; p->loginInfo.forFriends = p->forFriends; p->loginInfo.server = p->serverIP; if ( dccEnabled() ) { p->loginInfo.client_addr = gg_dcc_ip; p->loginInfo.client_port = gg_dcc_port; } else { p->loginInfo.client_addr = 0; p->loginInfo.client_port = 0; } p->session_->login( &p->loginInfo ); } } else { p->session_->changeStatus( status ); } } void GaduAccount::slotLogoff() { if ( p->session_->isConnected() || p->status == GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( GG_STATUS_CONNECTING )) { p->status = GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL ); changeStatus( p->status ); p->session_->logoff(); dccOff(); } } void GaduAccount::slotGoOnline() { changeStatus( GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( GG_STATUS_AVAIL ) ); } void GaduAccount::slotGoOffline() { slotLogoff(); dccOff(); } void GaduAccount::slotGoInvisible() { changeStatus( GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( GG_STATUS_INVISIBLE ) ); } void GaduAccount::slotGoBusy() { changeStatus( GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( GG_STATUS_BUSY ) ); } void GaduAccount::removeContact( const GaduContact* c ) { if ( isConnected() ) { const uin_t u = c->uin(); p->session_->removeNotify( u ); userlistChanged(); } } void GaduAccount::addNotify( uin_t uin ) { if ( p->session_->isConnected() ) { p->session_->addNotify( uin ); } } void GaduAccount::notify( uin_t* userlist, int count ) { if ( p->session_->isConnected() ) { p->session_->notify( userlist, count ); } } void GaduAccount::sendMessage( uin_t recipient, const Kopete::Message& msg, int msgClass ) { if ( p->session_->isConnected() ) { p->session_->sendMessage( recipient, msg, msgClass ); } } void GaduAccount::error( const QString& title, const QString& message ) { KMessageBox::error( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), title, message ); } void GaduAccount::messageReceived( KGaduMessage* gaduMessage ) { GaduContact* contact = 0; QPtrList contactsListTmp; // FIXME:check for ignored users list if ( gaduMessage->sender_id == 0 ) { //system message, display them or not? kdDebug(14100) << "####" << " System Message " << gaduMessage->message << endl; return; } contact = static_cast ( contacts()[ QString::number( gaduMessage->sender_id ) ] ); if ( !contact ) { if ( p->ignoreAnons == true ) { return; } Kopete::MetaContact* metaContact = new Kopete::MetaContact (); metaContact->setTemporary ( true ); contact = new GaduContact( gaduMessage->sender_id, QString::number( gaduMessage->sender_id ), this, metaContact ); Kopete::ContactList::self ()->addMetaContact( metaContact ); addNotify( gaduMessage->sender_id ); } contactsListTmp.append( myself() ); Kopete::Message msg( gaduMessage->sendTime, contact, contactsListTmp, gaduMessage->message, Kopete::Message::Inbound, Kopete::Message::RichText ); contact->messageReceived( msg ); } void GaduAccount::ackReceived( unsigned int recipient ) { GaduContact* contact; contact = static_cast ( contacts()[ QString::number( recipient ) ] ); if ( contact ) { kdDebug(14100) << "####" << "Received an ACK from " << contact->uin() << endl; contact->messageAck(); } else { kdDebug(14100) << "####" << "Received an ACK from an unknown user : " << recipient << endl; } } void GaduAccount::contactStatusChanged( KGaduNotify* gaduNotify ) { kdDebug(14100) << "####" << " contact's status changed, uin:" << gaduNotify->contact_id <( contacts()[ QString::number( gaduNotify->contact_id ) ] ); if( !contact ) { kdDebug(14100) << "Notify not in the list " << gaduNotify->contact_id << endl; return; } contact->changedStatus( gaduNotify ); } void GaduAccount::pong() { kdDebug(14100) << "####" << " Pong..." << endl; } void GaduAccount::pingServer() { kdDebug(14100) << "####" << " Ping..." << endl; p->session_->ping(); } void GaduAccount::connectionFailed( gg_failure_t failure ) { bool tryReconnect = false; QString pass; switch (failure) { case GG_FAILURE_PASSWORD: password().setWrong(); // user pressed CANCEL p->status = GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL ); myself()->setOnlineStatus( p->status ); disconnected( BadPassword ); return; default: if ( p->connectWithSSL ) { if ( useTls() != TLS_only ) { slotCommandDone( QString::null, i18n( "connection using SSL was not possible, retrying without." ) ); kdDebug( 14100 ) << "try without tls now" << endl; p->connectWithSSL = false; tryReconnect = true; p->currentServer = -1; p->serverIP = 0; break; } } else { if ( p->currentServer == NUM_SERVERS - 1 ) { p->serverIP = 0; p->currentServer = -1; kdDebug(14100) << "trying : " << "IP from hub " << endl; } else { p->serverIP = p->servers[ ++p->currentServer ]; kdDebug(14100) << "trying : " << p->currentServer << " IP " << p->serverIP << endl; tryReconnect = true; } } break; } if ( tryReconnect ) { slotLogin( p->status.internalStatus() , p->lastDescription ); } else { error( i18n( "unable to connect to the Gadu-Gadu server(\"%1\")." ).arg( GaduSession::failureDescription( failure ) ), i18n( "Connection Error" ) ); p->status = GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL ); myself()->setOnlineStatus( p->status ); disconnected( InvalidHost ); } } void GaduAccount::dccOn() { if ( dccEnabled() ) { if ( !p->gaduDcc_ ) { p->gaduDcc_ = new GaduDCC( this ); } kdDebug( 14100 ) << " turn DCC on for " << accountId() << endl; p->gaduDcc_->registerAccount( this ); p->loginInfo.client_port = p->gaduDcc_->listeingPort(); } } void GaduAccount::dccOff() { if ( p->gaduDcc_ ) { kdDebug( 14100 ) << "destroying dcc in gaduaccount " << endl; delete p->gaduDcc_; p->gaduDcc_ = NULL; p->loginInfo.client_port = 0; p->loginInfo.client_addr = 0; } } void GaduAccount::slotIncomingDcc( unsigned int uin ) { GaduContact* contact; GaduDCCTransaction* trans; if ( !uin ) { return; } contact = static_cast( contacts()[ QString::number( uin ) ] ); if ( !contact ) { kdDebug(14100) << "attempt to make dcc connection from unknown uin " << uin << endl; return; } // if incapabile to transfer files, forget about it. if ( contact->contactPort() < 10 ) { kdDebug(14100) << "can't respond to " << uin << " request, his listeing port is too low" << endl; return; } trans = new GaduDCCTransaction( p->gaduDcc_ ); if ( trans->setupIncoming( p->loginInfo.uin, contact ) == false ) { delete trans; } } void GaduAccount::connectionSucceed( ) { kdDebug(14100) << "#### Gadu-Gadu connected! " << endl; p->status = GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( p->session_->status() ); myself()->setOnlineStatus( p->status ); myself()->setProperty( GaduProtocol::protocol()->propAwayMessage, p->lastDescription ); startNotify(); p->session_->requestContacts(); p->pingTimer_->start( 3*60*1000 );//3 minute timeout pingServer(); // check if we need to export userlist every USERLISTEXPORT_TIMEOUT ms p->exportTimer_->start( USERLISTEXPORT_TIMEOUT ); } void GaduAccount::startNotify() { int i = 0; if ( !contacts().count() ) { return; } QDictIterator kopeteContactsList( contacts() ); uin_t* userlist = 0; userlist = new uin_t[ contacts().count() ]; for( i=0 ; kopeteContactsList.current() ; ++kopeteContactsList ) { userlist[i++] = static_cast ((*kopeteContactsList))->uin(); } p->session_->notify( userlist, contacts().count() ); delete [] userlist; } void GaduAccount::slotSessionDisconnect( Kopete::Account::DisconnectReason reason ) { uin_t status; kdDebug(14100) << "Disconnecting" << endl; if (p->pingTimer_) { p->pingTimer_->stop(); } setAllContactsStatus( GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL ) ); status = myself()->onlineStatus().internalStatus(); if ( status != GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL || status != GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL_DESCR ) { myself()->setOnlineStatus( GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL ) ); } GaduAccount::disconnect( reason ); } void GaduAccount::userlist( const QString& contactsListString ) { kdDebug(14100)<<"### Got userlist - gadu account"<exportTimer_->stop(); for ( i = 0; i != contactsList.size() ; i++ ) { kdDebug(14100) << "uin " << contactsList[i].uin << endl; if ( contactsList[i].uin.isNull() ) { kdDebug(14100) << "no Uin, strange.. "<( contacts()[ contactsList[i].uin ] ); if ( contact == NULL ) { kdDebug(14100) << "oops, no Kopete::Contact in contacts()[] for some reason, for \"" << contactsList[i].uin << "\"" << endl; continue; } // update/add infor for contact contact->setContactDetails( &contactsList[i] ); if ( !( contactsList[i].group.isEmpty() ) ) { // FIXME: libkopete bug i guess, by default contact goes to top level group // if user desrired to see contact somewhere else, remove it from top level one metaContact = contact->metaContact(); metaContact->removeFromGroup( Kopete::Group::topLevel() ); // put him in all desired groups: groups = QStringList::split( ",", contactsList[i].group ); for ( QStringList::Iterator groupsIterator = groups.begin(); groupsIterator != groups.end(); ++groupsIterator ) { metaContact->addToGroup( Kopete::ContactList::self ()->findGroup ( *groupsIterator) ); } } } // start to check if we need to export userlist p->exportUserlist = false; p->exportTimer_->start( USERLISTEXPORT_TIMEOUT ); } void GaduAccount::userListExportDone() { slotCommandDone( QString::null, i18n( "Contacts exported to the server.") ); } void GaduAccount::slotFriendsMode() { p->forFriends = !p->forFriends; kdDebug( 14100 ) << "for friends mode: " << p->forFriends << " desc" << p->lastDescription << endl; // now change status, it will changing it with p->forFriends flag changeStatus( p->status, p->lastDescription ); saveFriendsMode( p->forFriends ); } // FIXME: make loading and saving nonblocking (at the moment KFileDialog stops plugin/kopete) void GaduAccount::slotExportContactsListToFile() { KTempFile tempFile; tempFile.setAutoDelete( true ); if ( p->saveListDialog ) { kdDebug( 14100 ) << " save contacts to file: alread waiting for input " << endl ; return; } p->saveListDialog = new KFileDialog( "::kopete-gadu" + accountId(), QString::null, Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), "gadu-list-save", false ); p->saveListDialog->setCaption( i18n("Save Contacts List for Account %1 As").arg( myself()->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName()).value().toString() ) ); if ( p->saveListDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { QCString list = p->textcodec_->fromUnicode( userlist()->asString() ); if ( tempFile.status() ) { // say cheese, can't create file..... error( i18n( "Unable to create temporary file." ), i18n( "Save Contacts List Failed" ) ); } else { QTextStream* tempStream = tempFile.textStream(); (*tempStream) << list.data(); tempFile.close(); bool res = KIO::NetAccess::upload( tempFile.name() , p->saveListDialog->selectedURL() , Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget() ); if ( !res ) { // say it failed error( KIO::NetAccess::lastErrorString(), i18n( "Save Contacts List Failed" ) ); } } } delete p->saveListDialog; p->saveListDialog = NULL; } void GaduAccount::slotImportContactsFromFile() { KURL url; QCString list; QString oname; if ( p->loadListDialog ) { kdDebug( 14100 ) << "load contacts from file: alread waiting for input " << endl ; return; } p->loadListDialog = new KFileDialog( "::kopete-gadu" + accountId(), QString::null, Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), "gadu-list-load", true ); p->loadListDialog->setCaption( i18n("Load Contacts List for Account %1 As").arg( myself()->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName()).value().toString() ) ); if ( p->loadListDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { url = p->loadListDialog->selectedURL(); kdDebug(14100) << "a:" << url << "\nb:" << oname << endl; if ( KIO::NetAccess::download( url, oname, Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget() ) ) { QFile tempFile( oname ); if ( tempFile.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { list = tempFile.readAll(); tempFile.close(); KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( oname ); // and store it kdDebug( 14100 ) << "loaded list:" << endl; kdDebug( 14100 ) << list << endl; kdDebug( 14100 ) << " --------------- " << endl; userlist( p->textcodec_->toUnicode( list ) ); } else { error( tempFile.errorString(), i18n( "Contacts List Load Has Failed" ) ); } } else { // say, it failed misourably error( KIO::NetAccess::lastErrorString(), i18n( "Contacts List Load Has Failed" ) ); } } delete p->loadListDialog; p->loadListDialog = NULL; } unsigned int GaduAccount::getPersonalInformation() { return p->session_->getPersonalInformation(); } bool GaduAccount::publishPersonalInformation( ResLine& d ) { return p->session_->publishPersonalInformation( d ); } void GaduAccount::slotExportContactsList() { p->session_->exportContactsOnServer( userlist() ); } GaduContactsList* GaduAccount::userlist() { GaduContact* contact; GaduContactsList* contactsList = new GaduContactsList(); int i; if ( !contacts().count() ) { return contactsList; } QDictIterator contactsIterator( contacts() ); for( i=0 ; contactsIterator.current() ; ++contactsIterator ) { contact = static_cast( *contactsIterator ); if ( contact->uin() != static_cast( myself() )->uin() ) { contactsList->addContact( *contact->contactDetails() ); } } return contactsList; } void GaduAccount::slotSearch( int uin ) { new GaduPublicDir( this, uin ); } void GaduAccount::slotChangePassword() { } void GaduAccount::slotCommandDone( const QString& /*title*/, const QString& what ) { //FIXME: any chance to have my own title in event popup ? KNotifyClient::userEvent( 0, what, KNotifyClient::PassivePopup, KNotifyClient::Notification ); } void GaduAccount::slotCommandError(const QString& title, const QString& what ) { error( title, what ); } void GaduAccount::slotDescription() { GaduAway* away = new GaduAway( this ); if( away->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { changeStatus( GaduProtocol::protocol()->convertStatus( away->status() ), away->awayText() ); } delete away; } unsigned int GaduAccount::pubDirSearch( ResLine& query, int ageFrom, int ageTo, bool onlyAlive ) { return p->session_->pubDirSearch( query, ageFrom, ageTo, onlyAlive ); } void GaduAccount::pubDirSearchClose() { p->session_->pubDirSearchClose(); } void GaduAccount::slotSearchResult( const SearchResult& result, unsigned int seq ) { emit pubDirSearchResult( result, seq ); } void GaduAccount::sendFile( GaduContact* peer, QString& filePath ) { GaduDCCTransaction* gtran = new GaduDCCTransaction( p->gaduDcc_ ); gtran->setupOutgoing( peer, filePath ); } void GaduAccount::dccRequest( GaduContact* peer ) { if ( peer && p->session_ ) { p->session_->dccRequest( peer->uin() ); } } // dcc settings bool GaduAccount::dccEnabled() { QString s = p->config->readEntry( QString::fromAscii( "useDcc" ) ); kdDebug( 14100 ) << "dccEnabled: "<< s << endl; if ( s == QString::fromAscii( "enabled" ) ) { return true; } return false; } bool GaduAccount::setDcc( bool d ) { QString s; bool f = true; if ( d == false ) { dccOff(); s = QString::fromAscii( "disabled" ); } else { s = QString::fromAscii( "enabled" ); } p->config->writeEntry( QString::fromAscii( "useDcc" ), s ); if ( p->session_->isConnected() && d ) { dccOn(); } kdDebug( 14100 ) << "s: "<config->writeEntry( QString::fromAscii( "forFriends" ), i == true ? QString::fromAscii( "1" ) : QString::fromAscii( "0" ) ); } bool GaduAccount::loadFriendsMode() { QString s; bool r; int n; s = p->config->readEntry( QString::fromAscii( "forFriends" ) ); n = s.toInt( &r ); if ( n ) { return true; } return false; } // might be bit inconsistent with what I used in DCC, but hell, it is so much easier to parse :-) bool GaduAccount::ignoreAnons() { QString s; bool r; int n; s = p->config->readEntry( QString::fromAscii( "ignoreAnons" ) ); n = s.toInt( &r ); if ( n ) { return true; } return false; } void GaduAccount::setIgnoreAnons( bool i ) { p->ignoreAnons = i; p->config->writeEntry( QString::fromAscii( "ignoreAnons" ), i == true ? QString::fromAscii( "1" ) : QString::fromAscii( "0" ) ); } GaduAccount::tlsConnection GaduAccount::useTls() { QString s; bool c; unsigned int oldC; tlsConnection Tls; s = p->config->readEntry( QString::fromAscii( "useEncryptedConnection" ) ); oldC = s.toUInt( &c ); // we have old format if ( c ) { kdDebug( 14100 ) << "old format for param useEncryptedConnection, value " << oldC << " willl be converted to new string value" << endl; setUseTls( (tlsConnection) oldC ); // should be string now, unless there was an error reading s = p->config->readEntry( QString::fromAscii( "useEncryptedConnection" ) ); kdDebug( 14100 ) << "new useEncryptedConnection value : " << s << endl; } Tls = TLS_no; if ( s == "TLS_ifAvaliable" ) { Tls = TLS_ifAvaliable; } if ( s == "TLS_only" ) { Tls = TLS_only; } return Tls; } void GaduAccount::setUseTls( tlsConnection ut ) { QString s; switch( ut ) { case TLS_ifAvaliable: s = "TLS_ifAvaliable"; break; case TLS_only: s = "TLS_only"; break; default: case TLS_no: s = "TLS_no"; break; } p->config->writeEntry( QString::fromAscii( "useEncryptedConnection" ), s ); } #include "gaduaccount.moc"