path: root/libkdepim/weaver.cpp
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-06 15:57:02 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <>2011-11-06 15:57:02 -0600
commit2c2fbd828ca474671bb9e03681b30b115d8d6035 (patch)
tree526a9da418f8d3d7ccf515c37048d3dfc80f2843 /libkdepim/weaver.cpp
parentf0610eece3676b6fe99f42cf4ef2b19a39a5c4e8 (diff)
Actually move the kde files that were renamed in the last commit
Diffstat (limited to 'libkdepim/weaver.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 550 deletions
diff --git a/libkdepim/weaver.cpp b/libkdepim/weaver.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b1dba8de7..000000000
--- a/libkdepim/weaver.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- C++ -*-
- This file implements the Weaver, Job and Thread classes.
- $ Author: Mirko Boehm $
- $ Copyright: (C) 2004, Mirko Boehm $
- $ Contact:
- $
- $ License: LGPL with the following explicit clarification:
- This code may be linked against any version of the TQt toolkit
- from Troll Tech, Norway. $
-extern "C" {
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <tqevent.h>
-#include <tqapplication.h>
-#include "weaver.h"
-namespace KPIM {
-namespace ThreadWeaver {
- bool Debug = true;
- int DebugLevel = 2;
- Job::Job (TQObject* parent, const char* name)
- : TQObject (parent, name),
- m_finished (false),
- m_mutex (new TQMutex (true) ),
- m_thread (0)
- {
- }
- Job::~Job()
- {
- }
- void Job::lock()
- {
- m_mutex->lock();
- }
- void Job::unlock()
- {
- m_mutex->unlock();
- }
- void Job::execute(Thread *th)
- {
- m_mutex->lock();
- m_thread = th;
- m_mutex->unlock();
- run ();
- m_mutex->lock();
- setFinished (true);
- m_thread = 0;
- m_mutex->unlock();
- }
- Thread *Job::thread ()
- {
- TQMutexLocker l (m_mutex);
- return m_thread;
- }
- bool Job::isFinished() const
- {
- TQMutexLocker l (m_mutex);
- return m_finished;
- }
- void Job::setFinished(bool status)
- {
- TQMutexLocker l (m_mutex);
- m_finished = status;
- }
- void Job::processEvent (Event *e)
- {
- switch ( e->action() )
- {
- case Event::JobStarted:
- emit ( started() );
- break;
- case Event::JobFinished:
- emit ( done() );
- break;
- case Event::JobSPR:
- emit ( SPR () );
- m_wc->wakeOne ();
- break;
- case Event::JobAPR:
- emit ( APR () );
- // no wake here !
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- void Job::triggerSPR ()
- {
- m_mutex->lock ();
- m_wc = new TQWaitCondition;
- m_mutex->unlock ();
- thread()->post (KPIM::ThreadWeaver::Event::JobSPR, this);
- m_wc->wait ();
- m_mutex->lock ();
- delete m_wc;
- m_wc = 0;
- m_mutex->unlock ();
- }
- void Job::triggerAPR ()
- {
- m_mutex->lock ();
- m_wc = new TQWaitCondition;
- m_mutex->unlock ();
- thread()->post (KPIM::ThreadWeaver::Event::JobAPR, this);
- m_wc->wait ();
- }
- void Job::wakeAPR ()
- {
- TQMutexLocker l(m_mutex);
- if ( m_wc!=0 )
- {
- m_wc->wakeOne ();
- delete m_wc;
- m_wc = 0;
- }
- }
- const int Event::Type = TQEvent::User + 1000;
- Event::Event ( Action action, Thread *thread, Job *job)
- : TQCustomEvent ( type () ),
- m_action (action),
- m_thread (thread),
- m_job (job)
- {
- }
- int Event::type ()
- {
- return Type;
- }
- Thread* Event::thread () const
- {
- if ( m_thread != 0)
- {
- return m_thread;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- Job* Event::job () const
- {
- return m_job;
- }
- Event::Action Event::action () const
- {
- return m_action;
- }
- unsigned int Thread::sm_Id;
- Thread::Thread (Weaver *parent)
- : TQThread (),
- m_parent ( parent ),
- m_id ( makeId() )
- {
- }
- Thread::~Thread()
- {
- }
- unsigned int Thread::makeId()
- {
- static TQMutex mutex;
- TQMutexLocker l (&mutex);
- return ++sm_Id;
- }
- unsigned int Thread::id() const
- {
- return m_id;
- }
- void Thread::run()
- {
- Job *job = 0;
- post ( Event::ThreadStarted );
- while (true)
- {
- debug ( 3, "Thread::run [%u]: trying to execute the next job.\n", id() );
- job = m_parent->applyForWork ( this, job );
- if (job == 0)
- {
- break;
- } else {
- post ( Event::JobStarted, job );
- job->execute (this);
- post ( Event::JobFinished, job );
- }
- }
- post ( Event::ThreadExiting );
- }
- void Thread::post (Event::Action a, Job *j)
- {
- m_parent->post ( a, this, j);
- }
- void Thread::msleep(unsigned long msec)
- {
- TQThread::msleep(msec);
- }
- Weaver::Weaver(TQObject* parent, const char* name,
- int inventoryMin, int inventoryMax)
- : TQObject(parent, name),
- m_active(0),
- m_inventoryMin(inventoryMin),
- m_inventoryMax(inventoryMax),
- m_shuttingDown(false),
- m_running (false),
- m_suspend (false),
- m_mutex ( new TQMutex(true) )
- {
- lock();
- for ( int count = 0; count < m_inventoryMin; ++count)
- {
- Thread *th = new Thread(this);
- m_inventory.append(th);
- // this will idle the thread, waiting for a job
- th->start();
- emit (threadCreated (th) );
- }
- unlock();
- }
- Weaver::~Weaver()
- {
- lock();
- debug ( 1, "Weaver dtor: destroying inventory.\n" );
- m_shuttingDown = true;
- unlock();
- m_jobAvailable.wakeAll();
- // problem: Some threads might not be asleep yet, just finding
- // out if a job is available. Those threads will suspend
- // waiting for their next job (a rare case, but not impossible).
- // Therefore, if we encounter a thread that has not exited, we
- // have to wake it again (which we do in the following for
- // loop).
- for ( Thread *th = m_inventory.first(); th; th = )
- {
- if ( !th->finished() )
- {
- m_jobAvailable.wakeAll();
- th->wait();
- }
- emit (threadDestroyed (th) );
- delete th;
- }
- m_inventory.clear();
- delete m_mutex;
- debug ( 1, "Weaver dtor: done\n" );
- }
- void Weaver::lock()
- {
- debug ( 3 , "Weaver::lock: lock (mutex is %s).\n",
- ( m_mutex->locked() ? "locked" : "not locked" ) );
- m_mutex->lock();
- }
- void Weaver::unlock()
- {
- m_mutex->unlock();
- debug ( 3 , "Weaver::unlock: unlock (mutex is %s).\n",
- ( m_mutex->locked() ? "locked" : "not locked" ) );
- }
- int Weaver::threads () const
- {
- TQMutexLocker l (m_mutex);
- return m_inventory.count ();
- }
- void Weaver::enqueue(Job* job)
- {
- lock();
- m_assignments.append(job);
- m_running = true;
- unlock();
- assignJobs();
- }
- void Weaver::enqueue (TQPtrList <Job> jobs)
- {
- lock();
- for ( Job * job = jobs.first(); job; job = )
- {
- m_assignments.append (job);
- }
- unlock();
- assignJobs();
- }
- bool Weaver::dequeue ( Job* job )
- {
- TQMutexLocker l (m_mutex);
- return m_assignments.remove (job);
- }
- void Weaver::dequeue ()
- {
- TQMutexLocker l (m_mutex);
- m_assignments.clear();
- }
- void Weaver::suspend (bool state)
- {
- lock();
- if (state)
- {
- // no need to wake any threads here
- m_suspend = true;
- if ( m_active == 0 && isEmpty() )
- { // instead of waking up threads:
- post (Event::Suspended);
- }
- } else {
- m_suspend = false;
- // make sure we emit suspended () even if all threads are sleeping:
- assignJobs ();
- debug (2, "Weaver::suspend: queueing resumed.\n" );
- }
- unlock();
- }
- void Weaver::assignJobs()
- {
- m_jobAvailable.wakeAll();
- }
- bool Weaver::event (TQEvent *e )
- {
- if ( e->type() >= TQEvent::User )
- {
- if ( e->type() == Event::type() )
- {
- Event *event = (Event*) e;
- switch (event->action() )
- {
- case Event::JobFinished:
- if ( event->job() !=0 )
- {
- emit (jobDone (event->job() ) );
- }
- break;
- case Event::Finished:
- emit ( finished() );
- break;
- case Event::Suspended:
- emit ( suspended() );
- break;
- case Event::ThreadSuspended:
- if (!m_shuttingDown )
- {
- emit (threadSuspended ( event->thread() ) );
- }
- break;
- case Event::ThreadBusy:
- if (!m_shuttingDown )
- {
- emit (threadBusy (event->thread() ) );
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if ( event->job() !=0 )
- {
- event->job()->processEvent (event);
- }
- } else {
- debug ( 0, "Weaver::event: Strange: received unknown user event.\n" );
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- // others - please make sure we are a TQObject!
- return TQObject::event ( e );
- }
- }
- void Weaver::post (Event::Action a, Thread* t, Job* j)
- {
- Event *e = new Event ( a, t, j);
- TQApplication::postEvent (this, e);
- }
- bool Weaver::isEmpty() const
- {
- TQMutexLocker l (m_mutex);
- return m_assignments.count()==0;
- }
- Job* Weaver::applyForWork(Thread *th, Job* previous)
- {
- Job *rc = 0;
- bool lastjob = false;
- bool suspended = false;
- while (true)
- {
- lock();
- if (previous != 0)
- { // cleanup and send events:
- --m_active;
- debug ( 3, "Weaver::applyForWork: job done, %i jobs left, "
- "%i active jobs left.\n",
- queueLength(), m_active );
- if ( m_active == 0 && isEmpty() )
- {
- lastjob = true;
- m_running = false;
- post (Event::Finished);
- debug ( 3, "Weaver::applyForWork: last job.\n" );
- }
- if (m_active == 0 && m_suspend == true)
- {
- suspended = true;
- post (Event::Suspended);
- debug ( 2, "Weaver::applyForWork: queueing suspended.\n" );
- }
- m_jobFinished.wakeOne();
- }
- previous = 0;
- if (m_shuttingDown == true)
- {
- unlock();
- return 0;
- } else {
- if ( !isEmpty() && m_suspend == false )
- {
- rc = m_assignments.getFirst();
- m_assignments.removeFirst ();
- ++m_active;
- debug ( 3, "Weaver::applyForWork: job assigned, "
- "%i jobs in queue (%i active).\n",
- m_assignments.count(), m_active );
- unlock();
- post (Event::ThreadBusy, th);
- return rc;
- } else {
- unlock();
- post (Event::ThreadSuspended, th);
- m_jobAvailable.wait();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int Weaver::queueLength()
- {
- TQMutexLocker l (m_mutex);
- return m_assignments.count();
- }
- bool Weaver::isIdle () const
- {
- TQMutexLocker l (m_mutex);
- return isEmpty() && m_active == 0;
- }
- void Weaver::finish()
- {
- while ( !isIdle() )
- {
- debug (2, "Weaver::finish: not done, waiting.\n" );
- m_jobFinished.wait();
- }
- debug (1, "Weaver::finish: done.\n\n\n" );
- }
-#include "weaver.moc"