/*  -*- c++ -*-

    KMail, the KDE mail client.
    Copyright (c) 2002 Marc Mutz <mutz@kde.org>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
    version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, US

#include <config.h>

#include "vacation.h"
#include <limits.h>

#include "vacationdialog.h"
#include "sievejob.h"
using KMail::SieveJob;
#include "kmkernel.h"
#include "kmmainwidget.h"
#include "accountmanager.h"
using KMail::AccountManager;
#include "kmacctimap.h"
#include "kmmessage.h"
#include "globalsettings.h"
#include <libkpimidentities/identitymanager.h>
#include <libkpimidentities/identity.h>

#include <kmime_header_parsing.h>
using KMime::Types::AddrSpecList;

#include <ksieve/parser.h>
#include <ksieve/scriptbuilder.h>
#include <ksieve/error.h>

#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kdebug.h>

#include <tqdatetime.h>

#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>

namespace KSieveExt {

  class MultiScriptBuilder : public KSieve::ScriptBuilder {
    std::vector<KSieve::ScriptBuilder*> mBuilders;
    MultiScriptBuilder() : KSieve::ScriptBuilder() {}
    MultiScriptBuilder( KSieve::ScriptBuilder * sb1 )
      : KSieve::ScriptBuilder(), mBuilders( 1 )
      mBuilders[0] = sb1;
      assert( sb1 );
    MultiScriptBuilder( KSieve::ScriptBuilder * sb1,
                        KSieve::ScriptBuilder * sb2 )
      : KSieve::ScriptBuilder(), mBuilders( 2 )
      mBuilders[0] = sb1;
      mBuilders[1] = sb2;
      assert( sb1 ); assert( sb2 );
    MultiScriptBuilder( KSieve::ScriptBuilder * sb1,
                        KSieve::ScriptBuilder * sb2,
                        KSieve::ScriptBuilder * sb3 )
      : KSieve::ScriptBuilder(), mBuilders( 3 )
      mBuilders[0] = sb1;
      mBuilders[1] = sb2;
      mBuilders[2] = sb3;
      assert( sb1 ); assert( sb2 ); assert( sb3 );
    ~MultiScriptBuilder() {}
#ifdef FOREACH
#undef FOREACH
#define FOREACH for ( std::vector<KSieve::ScriptBuilder*>::const_iterator it = mBuilders.begin(), end = mBuilders.end() ; it != end ; ++it ) (*it)->
    void commandStart( const TQString & identifier ) { FOREACH commandStart( identifier ); }
    void commandEnd() { FOREACH commandEnd(); }
    void testStart( const TQString & identifier ) { FOREACH testStart( identifier ); }
    void testEnd() { FOREACH testEnd(); }
    void testListStart() { FOREACH testListStart(); }
    void testListEnd() { FOREACH testListEnd(); }
    void blockStart() { FOREACH blockStart(); }
    void blockEnd() { FOREACH blockEnd(); }
    void hashComment( const TQString & comment ) { FOREACH hashComment( comment ); }
    void bracketComment( const TQString & comment ) { FOREACH bracketComment( comment ); }
    void lineFeed() { FOREACH lineFeed(); }
    void error( const KSieve::Error & e ) { FOREACH error( e ); }
    void finished() { FOREACH finished(); }
    void taggedArgument( const TQString & tag ) { FOREACH taggedArgument( tag ); }
    void stringArgument( const TQString & string, bool multiline, const TQString & fixme ) { FOREACH stringArgument( string, multiline, fixme ); }
    void numberArgument( unsigned long number, char quantifier ) { FOREACH numberArgument( number, quantifier ); }
    void stringListArgumentStart() { FOREACH stringListArgumentStart(); }
    void stringListEntry( const TQString & string, bool multiline, const TQString & fixme) { FOREACH stringListEntry( string, multiline, fixme ); }
    void stringListArgumentEnd() { FOREACH stringListArgumentEnd(); }
#undef FOREACH


namespace {

  class GenericInformationExtractor : public KSieve::ScriptBuilder {
    enum BuilderMethod {

    struct StateNode {
      // expectation:
      int depth;
      BuilderMethod method;
      const char * string;
      // actions:
      int if_found;
      int if_not_found;
      const char * save_tag;

    const std::vector<StateNode> mNodes;
    std::map<TQString,TQString> mResults;
    std::set<unsigned int> mRecursionGuard;
    unsigned int mState;
    int mNestingDepth;

    GenericInformationExtractor( const std::vector<StateNode> & nodes )
      : KSieve::ScriptBuilder(), mNodes( nodes ), mState( 0 ), mNestingDepth( 0 ) {}

    const std::map<TQString,TQString> & results() const { return mResults; }

    void process( BuilderMethod method, const TQString & string=TQString() ) {
      doProcess( method, string );
    void doProcess( BuilderMethod method, const TQString & string ) {
      mRecursionGuard.insert( mState );
      bool found = true;
      const StateNode & expected = mNodes[mState];
      if ( expected.depth != -1 && mNestingDepth != expected.depth )
        found = false;
      if ( expected.method != Any && method != expected.method )
        found = false;
      if ( const char * str = expected.string )
        if ( string.lower() != TQString::fromUtf8( str ).lower() )
          found = false;
      kdDebug(5006) << ( found ? "found:     " : "not found: " )
                    << mState << " -> "
                    << ( found ? expected.if_found : expected.if_not_found ) << endl;
      mState = found ? expected.if_found : expected.if_not_found ;
      assert( mState < mNodes.size() );
      if ( found )
        if ( const char * save_tag = expected.save_tag )
          mResults[save_tag] = string;
      if ( !found && !mRecursionGuard.count( mState ) ) {
        doProcess( method, string );
    void commandStart( const TQString & identifier ) { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; process( CommandStart, identifier ); }
    void commandEnd() { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; process( CommandEnd ); }
    void testStart( const TQString & identifier ) { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; process( TestStart, identifier ); }
    void testEnd() { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; process( TestEnd ); }
    void testListStart() { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; process( TestListStart ); }
    void testListEnd() { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; process( TestListEnd ); }
    void blockStart() { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; process( BlockStart ); ++mNestingDepth; }
    void blockEnd() { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; --mNestingDepth; process( BlockEnd ); }
    void hashComment( const TQString & ) { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; }
    void bracketComment( const TQString & ) { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; }
    void lineFeed() { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; }
    void error( const KSieve::Error & ) {
      kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl;
      mState = 0;
    void finished() { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; }

    void taggedArgument( const TQString & tag ) { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; process( TaggedArgument, tag ); }
    void stringArgument( const TQString & string, bool, const TQString & ) { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; process( StringArgument, string ); }
    void numberArgument( unsigned long number, char ) { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; process( NumberArgument, TQString::number( number ) ); }
    void stringListArgumentStart() { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; process( StringListArgumentStart ); }
    void stringListEntry( const TQString & string, bool, const TQString & ) { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; process( StringListEntry, string ); }
    void stringListArgumentEnd() { kdDebug(5006) << k_funcinfo << endl; process( StringListArgumentEnd ); }

  typedef GenericInformationExtractor GIE;
  static const GenericInformationExtractor::StateNode spamNodes[] = {
    { 0, GIE::CommandStart, "if",  1, 0, 0 },              // 0
    { 0,   GIE::TestStart, "header", 2, 0, 0 },            // 1
    { 0,     GIE::TaggedArgument, "contains", 3, 0, 0 },   // 2

    // accept both string and string-list:
    { 0,     GIE::StringArgument, "x-spam-flag", 9, 4, "x-spam-flag" },    // 3
    { 0,     GIE::StringListArgumentStart, 0, 5, 0, 0 },                   // 4
    { 0,       GIE::StringListEntry, "x-spam-flag", 6, 7, "x-spam-flag" }, // 5
    { 0,       GIE::StringListEntry, 0, 6, 8, 0 },                         // 6
    { 0,     GIE::StringListArgumentEnd, 0, 0, 5, 0 },                     // 7
    { 0,     GIE::StringListArgumentEnd, 0, 9, 0, 0 },                     // 8

    // accept both string and string-list:
    { 0,     GIE::StringArgument, "yes", 15, 10, "spam-flag-yes" },    // 9
    { 0,     GIE::StringListArgumentStart, 0, 11, 0, 0 },              // 10
    { 0,       GIE::StringListEntry, "yes", 12, 13, "spam-flag-yes" }, // 11
    { 0,       GIE::StringListEntry, 0, 12, 14, 0 },                   // 12
    { 0,     GIE::StringListArgumentEnd, 0, 0, 11, 0 },                // 13
    { 0,     GIE::StringListArgumentEnd, 0, 15, 0, 0 },                // 14

    { 0,   GIE::TestEnd, 0, 16, 0, 0 }, // 15

    // block of command, find "stop", take nested if's into account:
    { 0,   GIE::BlockStart, 0, 17, 0, 0 },                // 16
    { 1,     GIE::CommandStart, "stop", 20, 19, "stop" }, // 17
    { -1,    GIE::Any, 0, 17, 0, 0 },                     // 18
    { 0,   GIE::BlockEnd, 0, 0, 18, 0 },                  // 19

    { -1, GIE::Any, 0, 20, 20, 0 }, // 20 end state
  static const unsigned int numSpamNodes = sizeof spamNodes / sizeof *spamNodes ;

  class SpamDataExtractor : public GenericInformationExtractor {
      : GenericInformationExtractor( std::vector<StateNode>( spamNodes, spamNodes + numSpamNodes ) )


    bool found() const {
      return mResults.count( "x-spam-flag" ) &&
        mResults.count( "spam-flag-yes" ) &&
        mResults.count( "stop" ) ;

  // to understand this table, study the output of
  // libksieve/tests/parsertest
  //   'if not address :domain :contains ["from"] ["mydomain.org"] { keep; stop; }'
  static const GenericInformationExtractor::StateNode domainNodes[] = {
    { 0, GIE::CommandStart, "if", 1, 0, 0 },       // 0
    { 0,   GIE::TestStart, "not", 2, 0, 0, },      // 1
    { 0,     GIE::TestStart, "address", 3, 0, 0 }, // 2

    // :domain and :contains in arbitrary order:
    { 0,       GIE::TaggedArgument, "domain", 4, 5, 0 },     // 3
    { 0,       GIE::TaggedArgument, "contains", 7, 0, 0 },   // 4
    { 0,       GIE::TaggedArgument, "contains", 6, 0, 0 },   // 5
    { 0,       GIE::TaggedArgument, "domain", 7, 0, 0 },     // 6

    // accept both string and string-list:
    { 0,       GIE::StringArgument, "from", 13, 8, "from" },     // 7
    { 0,       GIE::StringListArgumentStart, 0, 9, 0, 0 },       // 8
    { 0,         GIE::StringListEntry, "from", 10, 11, "from" }, // 9
    { 0,         GIE::StringListEntry, 0, 10, 12, 0 },           // 10
    { 0,       GIE::StringListArgumentEnd, 0, 0, 9, 0 },         // 11
    { 0,       GIE::StringListArgumentEnd, 0, 13, 0, 0 },        // 12

    // string: save, string-list: save last
    { 0,       GIE::StringArgument, 0, 17, 14, "domainName" },    // 13
    { 0,       GIE::StringListArgumentStart, 0, 15, 0, 0 },       // 14
    { 0,         GIE::StringListEntry, 0, 15, 16, "domainName" }, // 15
    { 0,       GIE::StringListArgumentEnd, 0, 17, 0, 0 },         // 16

    { 0,     GIE::TestEnd, 0, 18, 0, 0 },  // 17
    { 0,   GIE::TestEnd, 0, 19, 0, 0 },    // 18

    // block of commands, find "stop", take nested if's into account:
    { 0,   GIE::BlockStart, 0, 20, 0, 0 },                 // 19
    { 1,     GIE::CommandStart, "stop", 23, 22, "stop" },  // 20
    { -1,    GIE::Any, 0, 20, 0, 0 },                      // 21
    { 0,   GIE::BlockEnd, 0, 0, 21, 0 },                   // 22

    { -1, GIE::Any, 0, 23, 23, 0 }  // 23 end state
  static const unsigned int numDomainNodes = sizeof domainNodes / sizeof *domainNodes ;

  class DomainRestrictionDataExtractor : public GenericInformationExtractor {
      : GenericInformationExtractor( std::vector<StateNode>( domainNodes, domainNodes+numDomainNodes ) )


    TQString domainName() /*not const, since map::op[] isn't const*/ {
      return mResults.count( "stop" ) && mResults.count( "from" )
        ? mResults["domainName"] : TQString() ;

  class VacationDataExtractor : public KSieve::ScriptBuilder {
    enum Context {
      None = 0,
      // command itself:
      // tagged args:
      Days, Addresses
      : KSieve::ScriptBuilder(),
	mContext( None ), mNotificationInterval( 0 )
      kdDebug(5006) << "VacationDataExtractor instantiated" << endl;
    virtual ~VacationDataExtractor() {}

    int notificationInterval() const { return mNotificationInterval; }
    const TQString & messageText() const { return mMessageText; }
    const TQStringList & aliases() const { return mAliases; }

    void commandStart( const TQString & identifier ) {
      kdDebug( 5006 ) << "VacationDataExtractor::commandStart( \"" << identifier << "\" )" << endl;
      if ( identifier != "vacation" )
      mContext = VacationCommand;

    void commandEnd() {
      kdDebug( 5006 ) << "VacationDataExtractor::commandEnd()" << endl;
      mContext = None;

    void testStart( const TQString & ) {}
    void testEnd() {}
    void testListStart() {}
    void testListEnd() {}
    void blockStart() {}
    void blockEnd() {}
    void hashComment( const TQString & ) {}
    void bracketComment( const TQString & ) {}
    void lineFeed() {}
    void error( const KSieve::Error & e ) {
      kdDebug( 5006 ) << "VacationDataExtractor::error() ### "
		      << e.asString() << " @ " << e.line() << "," << e.column()
		      << endl;
    void finished() {}

    void taggedArgument( const TQString & tag ) {
      kdDebug( 5006 ) << "VacationDataExtractor::taggedArgument( \"" << tag << "\" )" << endl;
      if ( mContext != VacationCommand )
      if ( tag == "days" )
	mContext = Days;
      else if ( tag == "addresses" )
	mContext = Addresses;

    void stringArgument( const TQString & string, bool, const TQString & ) {
      kdDebug( 5006 ) << "VacationDataExtractor::stringArgument( \"" << string << "\" )" << endl;
      if ( mContext == Addresses ) {
	mAliases.push_back( string );
	mContext = VacationCommand;
      } else if ( mContext == VacationCommand ) {
	mMessageText = string;
	mContext = VacationCommand;

    void numberArgument( unsigned long number, char ) {
      kdDebug( 5006 ) << "VacationDataExtractor::numberArgument( \"" << number << "\" )" << endl;
      if ( mContext != Days )
      if ( number > INT_MAX )
	mNotificationInterval = INT_MAX;
	mNotificationInterval = number;
      mContext = VacationCommand;

    void stringListArgumentStart() {}
    void stringListEntry( const TQString & string, bool, const TQString & ) {
      kdDebug( 5006 ) << "VacationDataExtractor::stringListEntry( \"" << string << "\" )" << endl;
      if ( mContext != Addresses )
      mAliases.push_back( string );
    void stringListArgumentEnd() {
      kdDebug( 5006 ) << "VacationDataExtractor::stringListArgumentEnd()" << endl;
      if ( mContext != Addresses )
      mContext = VacationCommand;

    Context mContext;
    int mNotificationInterval;
    TQString mMessageText;
    TQStringList mAliases;

    void reset() {
      kdDebug(5006) << "VacationDataExtractor::reset()" << endl;
      mContext = None;
      mNotificationInterval = 0;
      mMessageText = TQString();


namespace KMail {

  Vacation::Vacation( TQObject * parent, bool checkOnly, const char * name )
    : TQObject( parent, name ), mSieveJob( 0 ), mDialog( 0 ), mWasActive( false ), mCheckOnly( checkOnly )
    mUrl = findURL();
    kdDebug(5006) << "Vacation: found url \"" << mUrl.prettyURL() << "\"" << endl;
    if ( mUrl.isEmpty() ) // nothing to do...
    mSieveJob = SieveJob::get( mUrl, !checkOnly );
    connect( mSieveJob, TQT_SIGNAL(gotScript(KMail::SieveJob*,bool,const TQString&,bool)),
	     TQT_SLOT(slotGetResult(KMail::SieveJob*,bool,const TQString&,bool)) );

  Vacation::~Vacation() {
    if ( mSieveJob ) mSieveJob->kill(); mSieveJob = 0;
    delete mDialog; mDialog = 0;
    kdDebug(5006) << "~Vacation()" << endl;

  static inline TQString dotstuff( TQString s ) {
    if ( s.startsWith( "." ) )
      return '.' + s.replace( "\n.", "\n.." );
      return s.replace( "\n.", "\n.." );

  TQString Vacation::composeScript( const TQString & messageText,
				   int notificationInterval,
				   const AddrSpecList & addrSpecs,
                                   bool sendForSpam, const TQString & domain )
    TQString addressesArgument;
    TQStringList aliases;
    if ( !addrSpecs.empty() ) {
      addressesArgument += ":addresses [ ";
      TQStringList sl;
      for ( AddrSpecList::const_iterator it = addrSpecs.begin() ; it != addrSpecs.end() ; ++it ) {
	sl.push_back( '"' + (*it).asString().replace( '\\', "\\\\" ).replace( '"', "\\\"" ) + '"' );
	aliases.push_back( (*it).asString() );
      addressesArgument += sl.join( ", " ) + " ] ";
    TQString script = TQString::fromLatin1("require \"vacation\";\n\n" );
    if ( !sendForSpam )
      script += TQString::fromLatin1( "if header :contains \"X-Spam-Flag\" \"YES\""
                                     " { keep; stop; }\n" ); // FIXME?

    if ( !domain.isEmpty() ) // FIXME
      script += TQString::fromLatin1( "if not address :domain :contains \"from\" \"%1\" { keep; stop; }\n" ).arg( domain );

    script += "vacation ";
    script += addressesArgument;
    if ( notificationInterval > 0 )
      script += TQString::fromLatin1(":days %1 ").arg( notificationInterval );
    script += TQString::fromLatin1("text:\n");
    script += dotstuff( messageText.isEmpty() ? defaultMessageText() : messageText );
    script += TQString::fromLatin1( "\n.\n;\n" );
    return script;

  static KURL findUrlForAccount( const KMail::ImapAccountBase * a ) {
    assert( a );
    const SieveConfig sieve = a->sieveConfig();
    if ( !sieve.managesieveSupported() )
      return KURL();
    if ( sieve.reuseConfig() ) {
      // assemble Sieve url from the settings of the account:
      KURL u;
      u.setProtocol( "sieve" );
      u.setHost( a->host() );
      u.setUser( a->login() );
      u.setPass( a->passwd() );
      u.setPort( sieve.port() );
      u.addQueryItem( "x-mech", a->auth() == "*" ? "PLAIN" : a->auth() ); //translate IMAP LOGIN to PLAIN
      if ( !a->useSSL() && !a->useTLS() )
          u.addQueryItem( "x-allow-unencrypted", "true" );
      u.setFileName( sieve.vacationFileName() );
      return u;
    } else {
      KURL u = sieve.alternateURL();
      if ( u.protocol().lower() == "sieve" && !a->useSSL() && !a->useTLS() && u.queryItem("x-allow-unencrypted").isEmpty() )
          u.addQueryItem( "x-allow-unencrypted", "true" );
      u.setFileName( sieve.vacationFileName() );
      return u;

  KURL Vacation::findURL() const {
    AccountManager * am = kmkernel->acctMgr();
    assert( am );
    for ( KMAccount * a = am->first() ; a ; a = am->next() )
      if ( KMail::ImapAccountBase * iab = dynamic_cast<KMail::ImapAccountBase*>( a ) ) {
        KURL u = findUrlForAccount( iab );
	if ( !u.isEmpty() )
	  return u;
    return KURL();

  bool Vacation::parseScript( const TQString & script, TQString & messageText,
			      int & notificationInterval, TQStringList & aliases,
                              bool & sendForSpam, TQString & domainName ) {
    if ( script.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty() ) {
      messageText = defaultMessageText();
      notificationInterval = defaultNotificationInterval();
      aliases = defaultMailAliases();
      sendForSpam = defaultSendForSpam();
      domainName = defaultDomainName();
      return true;

    // The stripWhiteSpace() call below prevents parsing errors. The
    // slave somehow omits the last \n, which results in a lone \r at
    // the end, leading to a parse error.
    const TQCString scriptUTF8 = script.stripWhiteSpace().utf8();
    kdDebug(5006) << "scriptUtf8 = \"" + scriptUTF8 + "\"" << endl;
    KSieve::Parser parser( scriptUTF8.begin(),
			   scriptUTF8.begin() + scriptUTF8.length() );
    VacationDataExtractor vdx;
    SpamDataExtractor sdx;
    DomainRestrictionDataExtractor drdx;
    KSieveExt::MultiScriptBuilder tsb( &vdx, &sdx, &drdx );
    parser.setScriptBuilder( &tsb );
    if ( !parser.parse() )
      return false;
    messageText = vdx.messageText().stripWhiteSpace();
    notificationInterval = vdx.notificationInterval();
    aliases = vdx.aliases();
    if ( !GlobalSettings::allowOutOfOfficeUploadButNoSettings() ) {
      sendForSpam = !sdx.found();
      domainName = drdx.domainName();
    return true;

  TQString Vacation::defaultMessageText() {
    return i18n("I am out of office till %1.\n"
		"In urgent cases, please contact Mrs. <vacation replacement>\n"
		"email: <email address of vacation replacement>\n"
		"phone: +49 711 1111 11\n"
		"fax.:  +49 711 1111 12\n"
		"Yours sincerely,\n"
		"-- <enter your name and email address here>\n")
      .arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( TQDate::currentDate().addDays( 1 ) ) );

  int Vacation::defaultNotificationInterval() {
    return 7; // days

  TQStringList Vacation::defaultMailAliases() {
    TQStringList sl;
    for ( KPIM::IdentityManager::ConstIterator it = kmkernel->identityManager()->begin() ;
	  it != kmkernel->identityManager()->end() ; ++it ) {
      if ( !(*it).primaryEmailAddress().isEmpty() )
	sl.push_back( (*it).primaryEmailAddress() );
      sl += (*it).emailAliases();
    return sl;

  bool Vacation::defaultSendForSpam() {
    return GlobalSettings::outOfOfficeReactToSpam();

  TQString Vacation::defaultDomainName() {
    return GlobalSettings::outOfOfficeDomain();

  void Vacation::slotGetResult( SieveJob * job, bool success,
				const TQString & script, bool active ) {
    kdDebug(5006) << "Vacation::slotGetResult( ??, " << success
	      << ", ?, " << active << " )" << endl
	      << "script:" << endl
	      << script << endl;
    mSieveJob = 0; // job deletes itself after returning from this slot!

    if ( !mCheckOnly && mUrl.protocol() == "sieve" && !job->sieveCapabilities().isEmpty() &&
	 !job->sieveCapabilities().contains("vacation") ) {
      KMessageBox::sorry( 0, i18n("Your server did not list \"vacation\" in "
				  "its list of supported Sieve extensions;\n"
				  "without it, KMail cannot install out-of-"
				  "office replies for you.\n"
				  "Please contact you system administrator.") );
      emit result( false );

    if ( !mDialog && !mCheckOnly )
      mDialog = new VacationDialog( i18n("Configure \"Out of Office\" Replies"), 0, 0, false );

    TQString messageText = defaultMessageText();
    int notificationInterval = defaultNotificationInterval();
    TQStringList aliases = defaultMailAliases();
    bool sendForSpam = defaultSendForSpam();
    TQString domainName = defaultDomainName();
    if ( !success ) active = false; // default to inactive

    if ( !mCheckOnly && ( !success || !parseScript( script, messageText, notificationInterval, aliases, sendForSpam, domainName ) ) )
      KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("Someone (probably you) changed the "
					"vacation script on the server.\n"
					"KMail is no longer able to determine "
					"the parameters for the autoreplies.\n"
					"Default values will be used." ) );

    mWasActive = active;
    if ( mDialog ) {
      mDialog->setActivateVacation( active );
      mDialog->setMessageText( messageText );
      mDialog->setNotificationInterval( notificationInterval );
      mDialog->setMailAliases( aliases.join(", ") );
      mDialog->setSendForSpam( sendForSpam );
      mDialog->setDomainName( domainName );
      mDialog->enableDomainAndSendForSpam( !GlobalSettings::allowOutOfOfficeUploadButNoSettings() );

      connect( mDialog, TQT_SIGNAL(okClicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotDialogOk()) );
      connect( mDialog, TQT_SIGNAL(cancelClicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotDialogCancel()) );
      connect( mDialog, TQT_SIGNAL(defaultClicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotDialogDefaults()) );


    emit scriptActive( mWasActive );
    if ( mCheckOnly && mWasActive ) {
      if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( 0, i18n( "There is still an active out-of-office reply configured.\n"
                                        "Do you want to edit it?"), i18n("Out-of-office reply still active"),
                                        KGuiItem( i18n( "Edit"), "edit" ), KGuiItem( i18n("Ignore"), "button_cancel" ) )
           == KMessageBox::Yes ) {

  void Vacation::slotDialogDefaults() {
    if ( !mDialog )
    mDialog->setActivateVacation( true );
    mDialog->setMessageText( defaultMessageText() );
    mDialog->setNotificationInterval( defaultNotificationInterval() );
    mDialog->setMailAliases( defaultMailAliases().join(", ") );
    mDialog->setSendForSpam( defaultSendForSpam() );
    mDialog->setDomainName( defaultDomainName() );
    mDialog->setDomainCheck( false );

  void Vacation::slotDialogOk() {
    kdDebug(5006) << "Vacation::slotDialogOk()" << endl;
    // compose a new script:
    const TQString script = composeScript( mDialog->messageText(),
                                    mDialog->domainName() );
    const bool active = mDialog->activateVacation();
    emit scriptActive( active );

    kdDebug(5006) << "script:" << endl << script << endl;

    // and commit the dialog's settings to the server:
    mSieveJob = SieveJob::put( mUrl, script, active, mWasActive );
    connect( mSieveJob, TQT_SIGNAL(gotScript(KMail::SieveJob*,bool,const TQString&,bool)),
	     ? TQT_SLOT(slotPutActiveResult(KMail::SieveJob*,bool))
	     : TQT_SLOT(slotPutInactiveResult(KMail::SieveJob*,bool)) );

    // destroy the dialog:
    mDialog = 0;

  void Vacation::slotDialogCancel() {
    kdDebug(5006) << "Vacation::slotDialogCancel()" << endl;
    mDialog = 0;
    emit result( false );

  void Vacation::slotPutActiveResult( SieveJob * job, bool success ) {
    handlePutResult( job, success, true );

  void Vacation::slotPutInactiveResult( SieveJob * job, bool success ) {
    handlePutResult( job, success, false );

  void Vacation::handlePutResult( SieveJob *, bool success, bool activated ) {
    if ( success )
      KMessageBox::information( 0, activated
				? i18n("Sieve script installed successfully on the server.\n"
				       "Out of Office reply is now active.")
				: i18n("Sieve script installed successfully on the server.\n"
				       "Out of Office reply has been deactivated.") );

    kdDebug(5006) << "Vacation::handlePutResult( ???, " << success << ", ? )"
		  << endl;
    mSieveJob = 0; // job deletes itself after returning from this slot!
    emit result( success );
    emit scriptActive( activated );

} // namespace KMail

#include "vacation.moc"