#ifndef MailSubject_h
#define MailSubject_h

class TQTextCodec;

class KMailDrop;

#include "mailid.h"

 * A KornMailSubject instance represents a single mail. It stores 
 * its id, sender, subject, header, size and date and possibly its
 * mail body
class KornMailSubject
	KornMailId * 	_id;
	KMailDrop *     _drop;
	TQString		_subject;
	TQString		_sender;
	TQString		_header;
	int 		_size;
	int		_date;
	bool 		_fullMessage;
	 * KornMailSubject default constructor

	 * KornMailSubject constructor
	 * @param id id of the mail. The KornMailId instance should
	 * not be touched or deleted afterwards. It is destroyed by
	 * KornMailSubject's destructor.
	 * @param drop The KMailDrop.
	KornMailSubject(KornMailId * id, KMailDrop * drop);

	 * KornMailSubject copy constructor. All data of the source
	 * KornMailSubject instance are cloned.
	 * @param src KornMailSubject to copy from
	KornMailSubject(const KornMailSubject & src);

	 * replaces the contents of this by the contents of another
	 * KornMailSubject instance.  All data of the source
	 * KornMailSubject instance are cloned.
	 * @param src KornMailSubject to copy from
	KornMailSubject & operator= (const KornMailSubject & src);
	 * KornMailSubject destructor
	virtual ~KornMailSubject();

	 * Return the mail id.
	 * @return the mail id.
	const KornMailId * getId() const {return _id;}

	 * Set the mails subject.
	 * @param subject the mails subject.
	void setSubject(const TQString & subject) {_subject = subject;}

	 * Return the subject.
	 * @return the subject.
	const TQString & getSubject() const {return _subject;}

	 * Set the mails sender.
	 * @param sender the mails sender.
	void setSender(const TQString & sender) {_sender = sender;}

	 * Return the sender.
	 * @return the sender.
	const TQString & getSender() const {return _sender;}

	 * Set the mails header and (if possible) body.
	 * @param header the mails header with or without body (see fullMessage parameter).
	 * @param fullMessage true, if header contains the message body as well, false otherwise.
	void setHeader(const TQString & header, bool fullMessage) {_header = header; _fullMessage = fullMessage;}

	 * Return the header or the full message (if isHeaderFullMessage() is true).
	 * @return the header or the full message.
	const TQString & getHeader() const {return _header;}

	 * Return true, if the header contains the header and the full message.
	 * Return false if the header just contains the header.
	 * @return see above.
	bool isHeaderFullMessage() const {return _fullMessage;}

	 * Set the size of the full mail.
	 * @param the mails full size.
	void setSize(int size) {_size = size;}

	 * Return the size of the full mail.
	 * @return the size of the full mail.
	int getSize() const {return _size;}

	 * Set the mails date in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
	 * @param date the mails date.
	void setDate(int date) {_date = date;}

	 * Return the mails date in seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
	 * @return the mails date.
	int getDate() const {return _date;}

	 * Return a string representation of this (for debugging purposes only)
	 * @return a string representation
	TQString toString() const;
	 * Sets the KMailDrop field.
	 * @param drop The KMailDrop-object
	void setMailDrop( KMailDrop* drop ) { _drop = drop; }
	 * Returns the KMailDrop instance of the Maildrop which owns the subject
	KMailDrop* getMailDrop() const { return _drop; }

         * decodes headers using decodeRFC2047String
        void decodeHeaders();


         * Decode a string based on RFC2047
        TQString decodeRFC2047String(const TQCString& aStr);

         * Unfolding a string (basically changing tabs to spaces
        TQCString unfold( const TQCString & header );

         * Returns true if the parameter is a blank (or tab)
         * Note from KMail's code, where this function is taken from:
         * don't rely on isblank(), which is a GNU extension in
         * <cctype>. But if someone wants to write a configure test for
         * isblank(), we can then rename this function to isblank and #ifdef
         * it's definition...
        inline bool isBlank( char ch ) { return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' ; }

         * ??
        const TQTextCodec* codecForName(const TQCString& _str);
