To generate our zoneinfo .ics files: 1. Download and untar the most recent tzdataXXX.tar.gz package from to the tzdata subdir % cd tzdata % wget % cat tzdata2007h.tar.gz | gunzip -c | tar xvf - % rm tzdata2007h.tar.gz % cd .. 2. Make sure we have the most recent version of the vzic program which can be found at % wget % cat vzic-1.3.tgz | gunzip -c | tar xvf - % rm vzic-1.3.tgz 3. Configure and build vzic % cd vzic-1.3 % vi Makefile make the following changes: OLSON_DIR = ../tzdata PRODUCT_ID = -//KDE//NONSGML KCal Olson-VTIMEZONE Converter//EN TZID_PREFIX = / % make % cd .. 4. Do it! % cd vzic-1.3 % ./vzic --pure --output-dir ../zoneinfo 5. Cleanup % make clean 6. Commit new tzdata and vzic, if necessary 7. Commit new zoneinfo