/*************************************************************************** sounddevice_interfaces.h - description ------------------- begin : Sun Mar 21 2004 copyright : (C) 2004 by Martin Witte email : witte@kawo1.rwth-aachen.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * Interfaces in this header: * * * * ISoundDevice(Client) * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef KRADIO_SOUNDSTREAMCLIENT_INTERFACES_H #define KRADIO_SOUNDSTREAMCLIENT_INTERFACES_H #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include "interfaces.h" #include "soundformat.h" #include "soundstreamid.h" #include "sound_metadata.h" #define CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER(name, param, call) \ inline int name param const { \ return iConnections.count() ? iConnections.getFirst()->name call : 0; \ } #define SIZE_T_DONT_CARE ((size_t)(-1)) class RadioStation; INTERFACE(ISoundStreamServer, ISoundStreamClient) { friend class ISoundStreamClient; public: IF_CON_DESTRUCTOR(ISoundStreamServer, -1) virtual void noticeConnectedI(cmplInterface *i, bool valid); virtual void noticeDisconnectedI(cmplInterface *i, bool valid); virtual TQMap getPlaybackClients() const; virtual TQMap getPlaybackClientDescriptions() const; virtual TQMap getCaptureClients() const; virtual TQMap getCaptureClientDescriptions() const; virtual ISoundStreamClient *getSoundStreamClientWithID(const TQString &id) const; ANSWERS: virtual TQPtrList getPlaybackMixers() const; virtual TQPtrList getCaptureMixers() const; SENDERS: IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifyPlaybackChannelsChanged, (const TQString &/*client_id*/, const TQStringList &) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifyCaptureChannelsChanged, (const TQString &/*client_id*/, const TQStringList &) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendPlaybackVolume, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*volume*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendCaptureVolume, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*volume*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( queryPlaybackVolume, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float &/*volume*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( queryCaptureVolume, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float &/*volume*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifyPlaybackVolumeChanged, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*volume*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifyCaptureVolumeChanged, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*volume*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifyTrebleChanged, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*v*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifyBassChanged, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*v*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifyBalanceChanged, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*v*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifyMuted, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool /*m*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifySignalQualityChanged, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*q*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifySignalQualityBoolChanged, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool /*good*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifySignalMinQualityChanged, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*q*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifyStereoChanged, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool /*s*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendTreble, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*v*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendBass, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*v*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendBalance, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*v*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendMute, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool mute = true) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendUnmute, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool unmute = true) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendSignalMinQuality, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*q*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendStereo, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool /*s*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( queryTreble, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float &) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( queryBass, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float &) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( queryBalance, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float &) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( querySignalQuality, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float &) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( querySignalMinQuality, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float &) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( queryHasGoodQuality, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool &) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( queryIsStereo, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool &) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( queryIsMuted, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool &) ) // sendPreparePlayback/sendPrepareCapture don't make sense for multiple receivers IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendReleasePlayback, (SoundStreamID id) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendReleaseCapture, (SoundStreamID id) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendStartPlayback, (SoundStreamID id) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendPausePlayback, (SoundStreamID id) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendStopPlayback, (SoundStreamID id) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( queryIsPlaybackRunning, (SoundStreamID id, bool &) ) // IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendStartCapture, (SoundStreamID id) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendStartCaptureWithFormat, (SoundStreamID id, const SoundFormat &proposed_format, SoundFormat &real_format, bool force_format = false) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendStopCapture, (SoundStreamID id) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( queryIsCaptureRunning, (SoundStreamID id, bool &running, SoundFormat &sf)) // we need extra recording, in order to distinguish between plain capturing // (making sound data available to kradio) and writing a stream to disk or sth similar IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendStartRecording, (SoundStreamID id) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendStartRecordingWithFormat, (SoundStreamID id, const SoundFormat &proposed_format, SoundFormat &real_format) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( sendStopRecording, (SoundStreamID id) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( queryIsRecordingRunning, (SoundStreamID id, bool &running, SoundFormat &sf)) IF_SENDER_FINE ( querySoundStreamDescription, (SoundStreamID id, TQString &descr) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( querySoundStreamRadioStation, (SoundStreamID id, const RadioStation *&rs)) IF_SENDER_FINE ( queryEnumerateSoundStreams, (TQMap &) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifySoundStreamCreated, (SoundStreamID id) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifySoundStreamClosed, (SoundStreamID id) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifySoundStreamRedirected, (SoundStreamID oldID, SoundStreamID newID) ) // e.g description or whatever changed IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifySoundStreamChanged, (SoundStreamID id) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifySoundStreamData, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, const SoundFormat &, const char */*data*/, size_t /*size*/, size_t &/*consumed_size*/, const SoundMetaData &/*md*/) ) IF_SENDER_FINE ( notifyReadyForPlaybackData, (SoundStreamID /*id*/, size_t /*size*/) ) }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INTERFACE(ISoundStreamClient, ISoundStreamServer) { public: ISoundStreamClient(); virtual ~ISoundStreamClient(); cmplInterface *getSoundStreamServer() const { return m_Server; } virtual void noticeConnectedSoundClient(thisInterface *i, bool valid); virtual void noticeDisconnectedSoundClient(thisInterface *i, bool valid); virtual void noticeConnectedI(cmplInterface *i, bool valid); virtual void noticeDisconnectedI(cmplInterface *i, bool valid); // some rarely implemented functions are not pure virtual for convenience // direct playback / capture device functions RECEIVERS: IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( preparePlayback(SoundStreamID /*id*/, const TQString &/*channel*/, bool /*active_mode*/, bool /*start_immediately = false*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( prepareCapture(SoundStreamID /*id*/, const TQString &/*channel*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( releasePlayback(SoundStreamID /*id*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( releaseCapture(SoundStreamID /*id*/) ) ANSWERS: virtual bool supportsPlayback() const { return false; } virtual bool supportsCapture() const { return false; } virtual const TQString &getSoundStreamClientID() const; virtual TQString getSoundStreamClientDescription() const { return TQString(); } virtual TQMap getPlaybackClients() const; virtual TQMap getPlaybackClientDescriptions() const; virtual TQMap getCaptureClients() const; virtual TQMap getCaptureClientDescriptions() const; virtual ISoundStreamClient *getSoundStreamClientWithID(const TQString &id) const; // device mixer functions TQUERIES: IF_TQUERY ( TQPtrList queryPlaybackMixers() ); IF_TQUERY ( TQPtrList queryCaptureMixers() ); ANSWERS: virtual const TQStringList &getPlaybackChannels() const; virtual const TQStringList &getCaptureChannels() const; RECEIVERS: IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticePlaybackChannelsChanged(const TQString & /*client_id*/, const TQStringList &/*channels*/) ); IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticeCaptureChannelsChanged (const TQString & /*client_id*/, const TQStringList &/*channels*/) ); RECEIVERS: IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( setPlaybackVolume(SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*volume*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( setCaptureVolume(SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*volume*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( getPlaybackVolume(SoundStreamID /*id*/, float &/*volume*/) const ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( getCaptureVolume(SoundStreamID /*id*/, float &/*volume*/) const ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticePlaybackVolumeChanged(SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*volume*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticeCaptureVolumeChanged(SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*volume*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( setTreble (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*v*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( setBass (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*v*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( setBalance (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*v*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( mute (SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool /*mute*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( unmute (SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool /*unmute*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( setSignalMinQuality(SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*q*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( setStereo(SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool /*s*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticeTrebleChanged(SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*v*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticeBassChanged(SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*v*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticeBalanceChanged(SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*v*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticeSignalQualityChanged(SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*q*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticeSignalQualityChanged(SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool /*good*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticeSignalMinQualityChanged(SoundStreamID /*id*/, float /*q*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticeStereoChanged(SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool /*s*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticeMuted(SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool /*m*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( getTreble (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float &/*v*/) const ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( getBass (SoundStreamID /*id*/, float &/*v*/) const ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( getBalance(SoundStreamID /*id*/, float &/*v*/) const ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( isMuted(SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool &/*m*/) const ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( getSignalQuality(SoundStreamID /*id*/, float &/*q*/) const ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( getSignalMinQuality(SoundStreamID /*id*/, float &/*q*/) const ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( hasGoodQuality(SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool &/*good*/) const ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( isStereo(SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool &/*s*/) const ) // generic stream handling (broadcasts) RECEIVERS: IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( startPlayback(SoundStreamID /*id*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( pausePlayback(SoundStreamID /*id*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( stopPlayback(SoundStreamID /*id*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( isPlaybackRunning(SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool &) const ) // IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( startCapture(SoundStreamID /*id*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( startCaptureWithFormat(SoundStreamID /*id*/, const SoundFormat &/*proposed_format*/, SoundFormat &/*real_format*/, bool /*force_format*/ = false) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( stopCapture(SoundStreamID /*id*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( isCaptureRunning(SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool &/*running*/, SoundFormat &/*sf*/) const ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( startRecording(SoundStreamID /*id*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( startRecordingWithFormat(SoundStreamID /*id*/, const SoundFormat &/*proposed_format*/, SoundFormat &/*real_format*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( stopRecording(SoundStreamID /*id*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( isRecordingRunning(SoundStreamID /*id*/, bool &/*running*/, SoundFormat &/*sf*/) const ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( getSoundStreamDescription(SoundStreamID /*id*/, TQString &/*descr*/) const ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( getSoundStreamRadioStation(SoundStreamID /*id*/, const RadioStation *&/*rs*/) const ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( enumerateSoundStreams(TQMap &/*list*/) const ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticeSoundStreamCreated(SoundStreamID /*id*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticeSoundStreamClosed(SoundStreamID /*id*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticeSoundStreamRedirected(SoundStreamID /*oldID*/, SoundStreamID /*newID*/) ) // e.g description or whatever changed IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticeSoundStreamChanged(SoundStreamID /*id*/) ) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticeSoundStreamData(SoundStreamID /*id*/, const SoundFormat &, const char */*data*/, size_t /*size*/, size_t &/*consumed_size*/, const SoundMetaData &/*md*/)) IF_RECEIVER_EMPTY( noticeReadyForPlaybackData(SoundStreamID /*id*/, size_t /*size*/) ) SENDERS: CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifyPlaybackChannelsChanged, (const TQString &client_id, const TQStringList &map), (client_id, map) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifyCaptureChannelsChanged, (const TQString &client_id, const TQStringList &map), (client_id, map) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendPlaybackVolume, (SoundStreamID id, float volume), (id, volume) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendCaptureVolume, (SoundStreamID id, float volume), (id, volume) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( queryPlaybackVolume, (SoundStreamID id, float &volume), (id, volume) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( queryCaptureVolume, (SoundStreamID id, float &volume), (id, volume) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifyPlaybackVolumeChanged, (SoundStreamID id, float volume), (id, volume) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifyCaptureVolumeChanged, (SoundStreamID id, float volume), (id, volume) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifyTrebleChanged, (SoundStreamID id, float v), (id, v) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifyBassChanged, (SoundStreamID id, float v), (id, v) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifyBalanceChanged, (SoundStreamID id, float v), (id, v) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifyMuted, (SoundStreamID id, bool m), (id, m) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifySignalQualityChanged, (SoundStreamID id, float q), (id, q) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifySignalQualityBoolChanged, (SoundStreamID id, bool good), (id, good) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifySignalMinQualityChanged, (SoundStreamID id, float q), (id, q) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifyStereoChanged, (SoundStreamID id, bool s), (id, s) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendTreble , (SoundStreamID id, float v), (id, v) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendBass , (SoundStreamID id, float v), (id, v) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendBalance , (SoundStreamID id, float v), (id, v) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendMute , (SoundStreamID id, bool mute = true), (id, mute) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendUnmute , (SoundStreamID id, bool unmute = true), (id, unmute) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendSignalMinQuality , (SoundStreamID id, float q), (id, q) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendStereo, (SoundStreamID id, bool s), (id, s) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( queryTreble, (SoundStreamID id, float &v), (id, v) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( queryBass, (SoundStreamID id, float &v), (id, v) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( queryBalance, (SoundStreamID id, float &v), (id, v) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( querySignalQuality, (SoundStreamID id, float &v), (id, v) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( querySignalMinQuality, (SoundStreamID id, float &v), (id, v) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( queryHasGoodQuality, (SoundStreamID id, bool &v), (id, v) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( queryIsStereo, (SoundStreamID id, bool &v), (id, v) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( queryIsMuted, (SoundStreamID id, bool &v), (id, v) ) // sendPreparePlayback/sendPrepareCapture don't make sense for multiple receivers CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendReleasePlayback, (SoundStreamID id), (id) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendReleaseCapture, (SoundStreamID id), (id) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendStartPlayback, (SoundStreamID id), (id) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendPausePlayback, (SoundStreamID id), (id) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendStopPlayback, (SoundStreamID id), (id) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( queryIsPlaybackRunning, (SoundStreamID id, bool &b), (id, b) ) // CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendStartCapture, (SoundStreamID id), (id) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendStartCaptureWithFormat, (SoundStreamID id, const SoundFormat &proposed_format, SoundFormat &real_format, bool force_format = false), (id, proposed_format, real_format, force_format) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendStopCapture, (SoundStreamID id), (id) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( queryIsCaptureRunning, (SoundStreamID id, bool &b, SoundFormat &sf), (id, b, sf) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendStartRecording, (SoundStreamID id), (id) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendStartRecordingWithFormat, (SoundStreamID id, const SoundFormat &proposed_format, SoundFormat &real_format), (id, proposed_format, real_format) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( sendStopRecording, (SoundStreamID id), (id) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( queryIsRecordingRunning, (SoundStreamID id, bool &b, SoundFormat &sf), (id, b, sf) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( querySoundStreamDescription, (SoundStreamID id, TQString &descr), (id, descr) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( querySoundStreamRadioStation,(SoundStreamID id, const RadioStation *&rs), (id, rs) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( queryEnumerateSoundStreams, (TQMap &list), (list) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifySoundStreamCreated, (SoundStreamID id), (id) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifySoundStreamClosed, (SoundStreamID id), (id) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifySoundStreamRedirected, (SoundStreamID oldID, SoundStreamID newID), (oldID, newID) ) // e.g description or whatever changed CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifySoundStreamChanged, (SoundStreamID id), (id) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifySoundStreamData, (SoundStreamID id, const SoundFormat &f, const char *data, size_t size, size_t consumed_size, const SoundMetaData &md), (id, f, data, size, consumed_size, md) ) CALL_SNDSTR_SERVER ( notifyReadyForPlaybackData, (SoundStreamID id, size_t size), (id, size) ) protected: SoundStreamID createNewSoundStream(bool notify = true) const; SoundStreamID createNewSoundStream(SoundStreamID old_id, bool notify = true) const; void closeSoundStream(SoundStreamID id, bool notify = true); static TQString createNewSoundStreamClientID(); void setSoundStreamClientID(const TQString &s); TQString m_SoundStreamClientID; cmplInterface *m_Server; }; #endif