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&Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail;


<sect1 id="powerctrl">

<title>Laptop Power Control</title>
<!-- <note><para>The laptop modules require the correct installation of the apm modules.  For more information see the section entitled <link linkend="laptop">Laptop Information</link>.</para></note> -->
<sect2 id="powerctrl-intro">

<para>This tab provides a screensaver-style interface to the APM
suspend/standby modes.  It allows you to configure different wait
times and/or actions depending on whether or not your laptop is
plugged into the wall. It's intended to be used in addition to the
existing &kde; screensavers - you could for example disable
suspend/standby when plugged in to the wall, but enable suspend with a
shorter time than your normal screensaver kicks in while running on

<warning><para>Standby mode seems to do different things on different laptops -
in particular on some it may not stay in standby mode and your laptop may be
continually waking/sleeping if you leave it in this mode.</para></warning>

<sect2 id="powerctrl-use">

<para>This panel configures the power-down feature of your laptop.  It works as
a sort of extreme screen saver.</para>
<para>You can configure different timeouts and behavior depending on whether
your computer is plugged in or running on battery power.</para>
<para>For both the <guilabel>Powered</guilabel> and <guilabel>Not Powered</guilabel>, you should select one of the
following options:</para>
<listitem><para>Standby - Puts your laptop into standby state</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Suspend - Puts your laptop into suspend state</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Off - Nothing happens at the specified time.</para></listitem>

<para>Below that, is a text box labeled <guilabel>Wait for</guilabel>.  Enter
the time in minutes, that your computer should remain unused, before the laptop
is powered down.</para>

<sect2 id="powerctrl-author">
<title>Section Author</title>
<para>This section written by &Paul.Campbell; &Paul.Campbell.mail;</para>
<para>Converted to Docbook by &Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail;</para>
