path: root/languages/ada/adasupportpart.cpp
diff options
authortoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
committertoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
commit114a878c64ce6f8223cfd22d76a20eb16d177e5e (patch)
treeacaf47eb0fa12142d3896416a69e74cbf5a72242 /languages/ada/adasupportpart.cpp
Copy the KDE 3.5 branch to branches/trinity for new KDE 3.5 features.
BUG:215923 git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'languages/ada/adasupportpart.cpp')
1 files changed, 376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/languages/ada/adasupportpart.cpp b/languages/ada/adasupportpart.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39ead02a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/ada/adasupportpart.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qlistview.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#include <qprogressbar.h>
+#include <qwhatsthis.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kstatusbar.h>
+#include <kdialogbase.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "kdevgenericfactory.h"
+#include "kdevcore.h"
+#include "kdevproject.h"
+#include "kdevmainwindow.h"
+#include "kdevpartcontroller.h"
+#include "codemodel.h"
+#include "adasupportpart.h"
+#include "problemreporter.h"
+#include "backgroundparser.h"
+#include "AdaLexer.hpp"
+#include "AdaParser.hpp"
+#include "AdaStoreWalker.hpp"
+#include "AdaAST.hpp"
+#include <kdevplugininfo.h>
+enum { KDEV_DB_VERSION = 6 };
+enum { KDEV_PCS_VERSION = 6 };
+typedef KDevGenericFactory<AdaSupportPart> AdaSupportPartFactory;
+static const KDevPluginInfo data("kdevadasupport");
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY (libkdevadasupport, AdaSupportPartFactory (data))
+struct AdaSupportPartData {
+ ProblemReporter* problemReporter;
+ AdaSupportPartData () : problemReporter (0) {}
+AdaSupportPart::AdaSupportPart (QObject *parent, const char *name, const QStringList &)
+ : KDevLanguageSupport (&data, parent, name ? name : "AdaSupportPart"), d (new AdaSupportPartData())
+ setInstance (AdaSupportPartFactory::instance ());
+ d->problemReporter = new ProblemReporter (this);
+// connect (core (), SIGNAL (configWidget (KDialogBase*)),
+// d->problemReporter, SLOT (configWidget (KDialogBase*)));
+ d->problemReporter->setIcon( SmallIcon("info") );
+ mainWindow( )->embedOutputView( d->problemReporter, i18n("Problems"), i18n("Problem reporter"));
+ QWhatsThis::add(d->problemReporter, i18n("<b>Problem reporter</b><p>This window shows various \"problems\" in your project. "
+ "It displays errors reported by a language parser."));
+ setXMLFile ("adasupportpart.rc");
+ connect (core (), SIGNAL (projectOpened ()), this, SLOT (projectOpened ()));
+ connect (core (), SIGNAL (projectClosed ()), this, SLOT (projectClosed ()));
+ connect (partController (), SIGNAL (savedFile (const KURL&)),
+ this, SLOT (savedFile (const KURL&)));
+// connect (core (), SIGNAL (configWidget (KDialogBase*)), this, SLOT (configWidget (KDialogBase*)));
+ connect( core(), SIGNAL(configWidget(KDialogBase*)),
+ d->problemReporter, SLOT(configWidget(KDialogBase*)) );
+ // a small hack (robe)
+ //classStore ()->globalScope ()->setName ("(default packages)");
+ //classStore ()->addScope (classStore ()->globalScope ());
+ //classStore ()->globalScope ()->setName (QString::null);
+AdaSupportPart::~AdaSupportPart ()
+ mainWindow ()->removeView (d->problemReporter);
+ delete (d->problemReporter);
+ d->problemReporter = 0;
+ delete (d);
+ d = 0;
+KDevLanguageSupport::Features AdaSupportPart::features ()
+ return KDevLanguageSupport::Features
+ ( // TBD: Classes |
+ Functions | Namespaces);
+void AdaSupportPart::projectOpened ()
+ connect (project (), SIGNAL (addedFilesToProject (const QStringList &)),
+ this, SLOT (addedFilesToProject (const QStringList &)));
+ connect (project (), SIGNAL (removedFilesFromProject (const QStringList &)),
+ this, SLOT (removedFilesFromProject (const QStringList &)));
+ connect( project( ), SIGNAL( changedFilesInProject( const QStringList & ) ),
+ this, SLOT( changedFilesInProject( const QStringList & ) ) );
+ QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (initialParse ()));
+void AdaSupportPart::projectClosed ()
+ saveProjectSourceInfo();
+void AdaSupportPart::initialParse ()
+ kdDebug () << "------------------------------------------> initialParse ()" << endl;
+ if (project ())
+ {
+ mainWindow()->statusBar()->message( i18n("Updating...") );
+ kapp->processEvents( );
+ kapp->setOverrideCursor (waitCursor);
+ int n = 0;
+ QStringList files = project ()->allFiles ();
+ QProgressBar* bar = new QProgressBar( files.count( ), mainWindow( )->statusBar( ) );
+ bar->setMinimumWidth( 120 );
+ bar->setCenterIndicator( true );
+ mainWindow( )->statusBar( )->addWidget( bar );
+ bar->show( );
+ for (QStringList::Iterator it = files.begin (); it != files.end (); ++it) {
+ bar->setProgress( n++ );
+ QString fn = project ()->projectDirectory () + "/" + *it;
+ maybeParse (fn);
+ kapp->processEvents (500);
+ }
+ emit updatedSourceInfo();
+ mainWindow( )->statusBar( )->removeWidget( bar );
+ delete bar;
+ kapp->restoreOverrideCursor ();
+ mainWindow( )->statusBar( )->message( i18n( "Done" ), 2000 );
+/* mainWindow ()->statusBar ()->message
+ (i18n ("Found 1 problem", "Found %n problems", d->problemReporter->childCount ()));*/
+ }
+QStringList AdaSupportPart::fileExtensions ()
+ return QStringList () << "ads" << "adb";
+void AdaSupportPart::maybeParse (const QString &fileName)
+ kdDebug () << "AdaSupportPart::maybeParse: " << fileName << endl;
+ if (!fileExtensions ().contains (QFileInfo (fileName).extension ()))
+ return;
+// mainWindow ()->statusBar ()->message (i18n ("Parsing file: %1").arg (fileName));
+ parse (fileName);
+void AdaSupportPart::addedFilesToProject (const QStringList &fileList)
+ QStringList::ConstIterator it;
+ for (it = fileList.begin (); it != fileList.end (); ++it)
+ {
+ QString path = project ()->projectDirectory () + "/" + (*it);
+ maybeParse (path);
+ emit addedSourceInfo( path );
+ }
+void AdaSupportPart::removedFilesFromProject (const QStringList &fileList)
+ QStringList::ConstIterator it;
+ for (it = fileList.begin (); it != fileList.end (); ++it)
+ {
+ kdDebug () << "AdaSupportPart::removedFileFromProject () -- " << (*it) << endl;
+ QString path = project ()->projectDirectory () + "/" + (*it);
+ if( codeModel()->hasFile(path) )
+ {
+ emit aboutToRemoveSourceInfo( path );
+ codeModel()->removeFile( codeModel()->fileByName(path) );
+ }
+ }
+// emit updatedSourceInfo();
+void AdaSupportPart::parse (const QString &fileName)
+ kdDebug () << "AdaSupportPart::parse () -- " << fileName << endl;
+ std::ifstream stream (QFile::encodeName( fileName ).data());
+ QCString _fn = fileName.utf8 ();
+ std::string fn ( ());
+ AdaLexer lexer (stream);
+ lexer.setFilename (fn);
+ lexer.setProblemReporter (d->problemReporter);
+ AdaParser parser (lexer);
+ parser.setFilename (fn);
+ parser.setProblemReporter (d->problemReporter);
+ // make an ast factory
+ antlr::ASTFactory ast_factory;
+ // initialize and put it in the parser...
+ parser.initializeASTFactory (ast_factory);
+ parser.setASTFactory (&ast_factory);
+ // parser.setASTNodeType ("RefAdaAST");
+ try {
+ // old: parser.setASTNodeFactory (AdaAST::factory);
+ lexer.resetErrors ();
+ parser.resetErrors ();
+ parser.compilation_unit ();
+ int errors = lexer.numberOfErrors () + parser.numberOfErrors ();
+ RefAdaAST ast = RefAdaAST (parser.getAST ());
+ if (errors == 0 && ast != antlr::nullAST) {
+ kdDebug () << "-------------------> start StoreWalker" << endl;
+ AdaStoreWalker walker;
+ walker.setFileName (fileName);
+ walker.setCodeModel (codeModel ());
+ walker.compilation_unit (ast);
+ }
+ } catch (antlr::ANTLRException& ex) {
+ kdDebug () << "*exception*: " << ex.toString ().c_str () << endl;
+ d->problemReporter->reportError (QString::fromLatin1( ex.getMessage ().c_str() ),
+ fileName,
+ lexer.getLine (),
+ lexer.getColumn ());
+ }
+void AdaSupportPart::parseContents (const QString& contents, const QString& fileName)
+ kdDebug () << "AdaSupportPart::parseContents () -- " << fileName << endl;
+ QCString _fn = QFile::encodeName (fileName);
+ std::string fn ( ());
+ QCString text = contents.utf8 ();
+ std::istringstream stream ((const char *)text);
+ AdaLexer lexer (stream);
+ lexer.setFilename (fn);
+ lexer.setProblemReporter (d->problemReporter);
+ AdaParser parser (lexer);
+ parser.setFilename (fn);
+ parser.setProblemReporter (d->problemReporter);
+ try {
+ lexer.resetErrors ();
+ parser.resetErrors ();
+ parser.compilation_unit ();
+ int errors = lexer.numberOfErrors () + parser.numberOfErrors ();
+ Q_UNUSED( errors );
+ } catch (antlr::ANTLRException& ex) {
+ kdDebug () << "*exception*: " << ex.toString ().c_str () << endl;
+ d->problemReporter->reportError (QString::fromLatin1( ex.getMessage().c_str() ),
+ fileName,
+ lexer.getLine (),
+ lexer.getColumn ());
+ }
+void AdaSupportPart::savedFile (const KURL& fileName)
+ kdDebug () << "AdaSupportPart::savedFile ()" << endl;
+ if (project ()->allFiles ().contains (fileName.path().mid (project ()->projectDirectory ().length () + 1))) {
+ maybeParse (fileName.path());
+ emit updatedSourceInfo();
+ }
+KMimeType::List AdaSupportPart::mimeTypes( )
+ KMimeType::List list;
+ list << KMimeType::mimeType( "text/x-adasrc" );
+ return list;
+//@todo adymo: implement source info loading and saving
+//hint: check javasupport for an example
+// and modify initialParse() method
+void AdaSupportPart::saveProjectSourceInfo( )
+/* const FileList fileList = codeModel()->fileList();
+ if( !project() || fileList.isEmpty() )
+ return;
+ QFile f( project()->projectDirectory() + "/" + project()->projectName() + ".pcs" );
+ if( ! IO_WriteOnly ) )
+ return;
+ QDataStream stream( &f );
+ QMap<QString, Q_ULONG> offsets;
+ QString pcs( "PCS" );
+ stream << pcs << KDEV_PCS_VERSION;
+ stream << int( fileList.size() );
+ for( FileList::ConstIterator it=fileList.begin(); it!=fileList.end(); ++it ){
+ const FileDom dom = (*it);
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030100
+ stream << dom->name() << m_timestamp[ dom->name() ].toTime_t();
+ stream << dom->name() << toTime_t(m_timestamp[ dom->name() ]);
+ offsets.insert( dom->name(), stream.device()->at() );
+ stream << (Q_ULONG)0; // dummy offset
+ }
+ for( FileList::ConstIterator it=fileList.begin(); it!=fileList.end(); ++it ){
+ const FileDom dom = (*it);
+ int offset = stream.device()->at();
+ dom->write( stream );
+ int end = stream.device()->at();
+ stream.device()->at( offsets[dom->name()] );
+ stream << offset;
+ stream.device()->at( end );
+ }*/
+void AdaSupportPart::changedFilesInProject( const QStringList & fileList )
+ QStringList files = fileList;
+ for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ QString path = project ()->projectDirectory () + "/" + *it ;
+ maybeParse( path );
+ emit addedSourceInfo( path );
+ }
+#include "adasupportpart.moc"