path: root/doc/api/FutureTasks.dox
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/api/FutureTasks.dox')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/api/FutureTasks.dox b/doc/api/FutureTasks.dox
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fbed119a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/api/FutureTasks.dox
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+/** \file FutureTasks.dox
+ * \brief Future tasks and ideas for the next release of KDevelop
+ */
+/** \page FutureTasks Future tasks and ideas for the next release of KDevelop
+\section codereftodo Code Refactoring / Improvements:
+ - Core
+ - Make sure all lib interfaces are available via DCOP
+ - Find a nicer way to remove dynamic menu entries from context menus
+ - Resolve the path handling mess
+ - Project name should be able to contain spaces
+ - Import existing directory: Should be named "Import existing project"
+ and more intuitive (wizard-like)
+ - Question from the wizard: "I have found C++ files in your
+ project directory. Should C++ be the primary language of your
+ project?" User: [Yes/No] => Next Step...
+ - Something intuitive for the binary/-ies (for debugger and
+ execution of program), libtool ([Yes/No] for the debugger), build
+ tool (qmake, automake,...?), etc.., too.
+ - use mimetype to determine code files, not extension
+ (see bug #
+ - Make the help buttons (that we already have) open the KDevelop Handbook on
+ the correct page (or the index if the subject is not covered yet).
+ - New and improved VCS framework (Needs better description)
+ - Another look at the plugin system (Nees better description)
+ - Another look at the project files (shared, non-shared, session)
+ - fix(redesign?) project language switching
+ - editor handling could be made a bit saner if editor plugin switching was an after-restart-only feature
+ - Programming Language Support Parts
+ - Create base classes for language support parts:
+ - AntlrLanguageSupport
+ - AntlrBackgroundParser
+ - AntlrProblemReporter
+ - Same for:
+ - YaccLanguageSupport
+ - YaccBackgroundParser
+ - YaccProblemReporter
+ - There is a possibility to create even something like
+ - LanguageSupportBase
+ Look at java, pascal and ada support parts to get more inspiration.
+ There should be base classes for ada, java and pascal language supports - too much code duplication.
+ - CppSupportPart
+ - Extended "make member" functionality - run on a .h to implement stubs for all unimplemented non-abstract methods
+ - Code Refactoring
+ - text hint type info tooltips (edit mode)
+ - text hint value info tooltips (debug mode)
+ - Make the language plugin know stuff like what file patterns to look for (for instance, "find in files" needs this)
+ - Build tools Parts
+ - Show .po files in project management
+ - Custom actions for groups, targets and files for project managers:
+ - any menu item should be a KAction plugged into KPopupMenu, also we need to define shortcuts for any such action,
+ also we should make sure those actions are properly executed from a shortcut.
+ - AutoProjectPart
+ - Should be able to DND files from other targets / file list / konq to add to targets
+ - Should loose the experimental crashy and nonstandard "add files" dialog
+ - Update when sub projects are added and the project doesn't use am_edit
+ - Keep the correctly cased project name and save it to the project file
+ - Debugger Parts
+ - Create a debugger support base classes. Make the current GDB support a plugin.
+ - Implement parts for other debuggers i.e. DBX, WDB, Ladebug, JDB, XDB, bashdb, the Perl debugger, or the Python debugger.
+ We can use DDD as inspiration.
+ - General debugger
+ - variable widget
+ - set variable by editing the value in the tree
+ - cast value by editing the type in the tree
+ - disassembly
+ - add breakpoint display
+ - set breakpoint by selecting a line as in the edit window
+ - allow scrolling of disassembled code about and below current limits
+ - add source to disassembled code as comments
+ - basically just re-work the whole disassemble window :)
+ - Bugs
+ - Fix "core file" handling
+ - Fix "attach to" handling
+ - Breakpoints can disappear at odd times
+ - When the target program crashes, the debugger can't be started again. (intermittant?)
+ - Break on method() - could have multiple methods which require a choice. How to handle this?
+ - Plugins
+ - DocTreeViewPart
+ - Implement plugin system for doctreeview.
+ - improve documentation browsing
+ - Check if a man page exists before offering the context menu item 'Goto manpage'
+ - right click -> set as bookmark in docviewer
+ - ClassViewPart
+ - Implement language-dependant plugin system for classview:
+ - namespaces/classes/functions are not always applicable to a language, we need a way to correctly
+ fill a class view and combo boxes - only a language support can do that properly.
+ - Distinguish vanilla c++ support from c++ + Qt extensions and show signals/slots in the class view only with Qt. (is this still valid?)
+ - KonsoleViewPart
+ - Perhaps use konsole part for the application frontend
+ - cd's when selecting a file, but doesn't when selecting a dir,
+ desired: a menu option to "cd" to that directory
+ - QEditor
+ - Replace editors/qeditor/koReplace.* and editors/qeditor/koFind.* with kdelibs/kutils/kreplace.* and kdelibs/kutils/kfind.*
+\section extensiontodo Extensions / New Functionality:
+ - Core
+ - implement multiple-views per document (why?)
+ - Document manager (not obviously useful)
+ - Implement Add Plugin
+ - Show intro page on startup
+ - Programming Language Support Parts
+ - Build tools Parts
+ - Plugins
+ - better sourcenav part (all navigation tools should be supported with at least a "back" action - forward much less important)
+ - Integrate kontact's TODO-List and knotes plugin. (We need something like a
+ server/client system that all the knotes/toto-clients are always synced.)
+ - a generic macro-tool (if possible, probably best implemented as a KTE plugin)
+ - Free grouping of files in file group plugin
+\section misctodo Miscellaneous (and possibly invalid) items:
+ - UI bugs
+ - Editor options dialog missing when all views are closed (virtually impossible to fix)
+ - If you click an error in the output view, "Next Error"/"Previous
+ Error" should then start from that point (already implemented?)
+ - Messages in status bar would look nicer if they appeared with
+ the same border as other items (impossible)
+ - Browser tool bar should truncate long menu entries so it doesn't
+ take so much space (already implemented?)
+ - Extend KDevPlugin-API in order to have a preferred border for at
+ least the selection parts (Automake Manager, Class Browser, File
+ Groups, etc...)