/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qt Designer. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License ** Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #ifndef WIDGETFACTORY_H #define WIDGETFACTORY_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "metadatabase.h" #include "tqwidgetfactory.h" class TQWidget; class TQLayout; class FormWindow; class CustomWidgetFactory : public QWidgetFactory { public: CustomWidgetFactory(); TQWidget *createWidget( const TQString &className, TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) const; }; class WidgetFactory : public Qt { friend class CustomWidgetFactory; public: enum LayoutType { HBox, VBox, Grid, NoLayout }; static TQWidget *create( int id, TQWidget *parent, const char *name = 0, bool init = TRUE, const TQRect *rect = 0, Qt::Orientation orient = Qt::Horizontal ); static TQLayout *createLayout( TQWidget *widget, TQLayout* layout, LayoutType type ); static void deleteLayout( TQWidget *widget ); static LayoutType layoutType( TQWidget *w ); static LayoutType layoutType( TQWidget *w, TQLayout *&layout ); static LayoutType layoutType( TQLayout *layout ); static TQWidget *layoutParent( TQLayout *layout ); static TQWidget* containerOfWidget( TQWidget *w ); static TQWidget* widgetOfContainer( TQWidget *w ); static bool isPassiveInteractor( TQObject* o ); static const char* classNameOf( TQObject* o ); static void initChangedProperties( TQObject *o ); static bool hasSpecialEditor( int id, TQObject *editorWidget ); static bool hasItems( int id, TQObject *editorWidget ); static void editWidget( int id, TQWidget *parent, TQWidget *editWidget, FormWindow *fw ); static bool canResetProperty( TQObject *w, const TQString &propName ); static bool resetProperty( TQObject *w, const TQString &propName ); static TQVariant defaultValue( TQObject *w, const TQString &propName ); static TQString defaultCurrentItem( TQObject *w, const TQString &propName ); static TQVariant property( TQObject *w, const char *name ); static void saveDefaultProperties( TQObject *w, int id ); static void saveChangedProperties( TQObject *w, int id ); static TQString defaultSignal( TQObject *w ); private: static TQWidget *createWidget( const TQString &className, TQWidget *parent, const char *name, bool init, const TQRect *r = 0, Qt::Orientation orient = Qt::Horizontal ); static TQWidget *createCustomWidget( TQWidget *parent, const char *name, MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w ); static TQGuardedPtr *lastPassiveInteractor; static bool lastWasAPassiveInteractor; }; class QDesignerTabWidget : public QTabWidget { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( int currentPage READ currentPage WRITE setCurrentPage STORED false DESIGNABLE true ) Q_PROPERTY( TQString pageTitle READ pageTitle WRITE setPageTitle STORED false DESIGNABLE true ) Q_PROPERTY( TQCString pageName READ pageName WRITE setPageName STORED false DESIGNABLE true ) public: QDesignerTabWidget( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ); int currentPage() const; void setCurrentPage( int i ); TQString pageTitle() const; void setPageTitle( const TQString& title ); TQCString pageName() const; void setPageName( const TQCString& name ); int count() const; TQTabBar *tabBar() const { return TQTabWidget::tabBar(); } bool eventFilter( TQObject*, TQEvent* ); private: TQPoint pressPoint; TQWidget *dropIndicator; TQWidget *dragPage; TQString dragLabel; bool mousePressed; }; class QDesignerWidgetStack : public QWidgetStack { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( int currentPage READ currentPage WRITE setCurrentPage STORED false DESIGNABLE true ) Q_PROPERTY( TQCString pageName READ pageName WRITE setPageName STORED false DESIGNABLE true ) public: QDesignerWidgetStack( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ); int currentPage() const; void setCurrentPage( int i ); TQCString pageName() const; void setPageName( const TQCString& name ); int count() const; TQWidget* page( int i ) const; int insertPage( TQWidget *p, int i = -1 ); int removePage( TQWidget *p ); public slots: void updateButtons(); protected: void resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent *e ) { TQWidgetStack::resizeEvent( e ); updateButtons(); } void showEvent( TQShowEvent *e ) { TQWidgetStack::showEvent( e ); updateButtons(); } private slots: void prevPage(); void nextPage(); private: TQPtrList pages; TQToolButton *prev, *next; }; class QDesignerWizard : public QWizard { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( int currentPage READ currentPageNum WRITE setCurrentPage STORED false DESIGNABLE true ) Q_PROPERTY( TQString pageTitle READ pageTitle WRITE setPageTitle STORED false DESIGNABLE true ) Q_PROPERTY( TQCString pageName READ pageName WRITE setPageName STORED false DESIGNABLE true ) Q_OVERRIDE( bool modal READ isModal WRITE setModal ) public: QDesignerWizard( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQWizard( parent, name ), modal(FALSE) {} int currentPageNum() const; void setCurrentPage( int i ); TQString pageTitle() const; void setPageTitle( const TQString& title ); TQCString pageName() const; void setPageName( const TQCString& name ); int pageNum( TQWidget *page ); void addPage( TQWidget *p, const TQString & ); void removePage( TQWidget *p ); void insertPage( TQWidget *p, const TQString &t, int index ); bool isPageRemoved( TQWidget *p ) { return (removedPages.find( p ) != 0); } bool isModal() const { return modal; } void setModal(bool b) { modal = b; } void reject() {} private: struct Page { Page( TQWidget *a, const TQString &b ) : p( a ), t( b ) {} Page() : p( 0 ), t( TQString::null ) {} TQWidget *p; TQString t; }; TQPtrDict removedPages; bool modal; }; class QLayoutWidget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: QLayoutWidget( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQWidget( parent, name ), sp( TQWidget::sizePolicy() ) {} TQSizePolicy sizePolicy() const; void updateSizePolicy(); protected: void paintEvent( TQPaintEvent * ); bool event( TQEvent * ); TQSizePolicy sp; }; class CustomWidget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: CustomWidget( TQWidget *parent, const char *name, MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *cw ) : TQWidget( parent, name ), cusw( cw ) { alwaysExpand = parentWidget() && parentWidget()->inherits( "FormWindow" ); setSizePolicy( cw->sizePolicy ); if ( !alwaysExpand ) setBackgroundMode( PaletteDark ); } TQSize sizeHint() const { TQSize sh = cusw->sizeHint; if ( sh.isValid() ) return sh; return TQWidget::sizeHint(); } TQString realClassName() { return cusw->className; } MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *customWidget() const { return cusw; } protected: void paintEvent( TQPaintEvent *e ); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *cusw; bool alwaysExpand; }; class Line : public QFrame { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( Orientation orientation READ orientation WRITE setOrientation ) Q_OVERRIDE( int frameWidth DESIGNABLE false ) Q_OVERRIDE( Shape frameShape DESIGNABLE false ) Q_OVERRIDE( TQRect frameRect DESIGNABLE false ) Q_OVERRIDE( TQRect contentsRect DESIGNABLE false ) public: Line( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQFrame( parent, name, WMouseNoMask ) { setFrameStyle( HLine | Sunken ); } void setOrientation( Orientation orient ) { if ( orient == Horizontal ) setFrameShape( HLine ); else setFrameShape( VLine ); } Orientation orientation() const { return frameShape() == HLine ? Horizontal : Vertical; } }; class QDesignerLabel : public QLabel { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( TQCString buddy READ buddyWidget WRITE setBuddyWidget ) public: QDesignerLabel( TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 ) : TQLabel( parent, name ) { myBuddy = 0; } void setBuddyWidget( const TQCString &b ) { myBuddy = b; updateBuddy(); } TQCString buddyWidget() const { return myBuddy; }; protected: void showEvent( TQShowEvent *e ) { TQLabel::showEvent( e ); updateBuddy(); } private: void updateBuddy(); TQCString myBuddy; }; class QDesignerWidget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: QDesignerWidget( FormWindow *fw, TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQWidget( parent, name, WResizeNoErase ), formwindow( fw ) { need_frame = parent && parent->inherits("QDesignerWidgetStack" ); } protected: void resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent* e); void paintEvent( TQPaintEvent *e ); private: FormWindow *formwindow; uint need_frame : 1; }; class QDesignerDialog : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT Q_OVERRIDE( bool modal READ isModal WRITE setModal ) public: QDesignerDialog( FormWindow *fw, TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQDialog( parent, name, FALSE, WResizeNoErase ), formwindow( fw ), modal(FALSE) {} bool isModal() const { return modal; } void setModal(bool b) { modal = b; } protected: void paintEvent( TQPaintEvent *e ); private: FormWindow *formwindow; bool modal; }; class QDesignerToolButton : public QToolButton { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( int buttonGroupId READ buttonGroupId WRITE setButtonGroupId ) public: QDesignerToolButton( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQToolButton( parent, name ) {} bool isInButtonGroup() const { return parentWidget() && parentWidget()->inherits( TQBUTTONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ); } int buttonGroupId() const { return parentWidget() && parentWidget()->inherits( TQBUTTONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ? ( (TQButtonGroup*)parentWidget() )->id( (TQButton*)this ) : -1; } void setButtonGroupId( int id ) { if ( parentWidget() && parentWidget()->inherits( TQBUTTONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ) { ( (TQButtonGroup*)parentWidget() )->remove( this ); ( (TQButtonGroup*)parentWidget() )->insert( this, id ); } } }; class QDesignerRadioButton : public QRadioButton { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( int buttonGroupId READ buttonGroupId WRITE setButtonGroupId ) public: QDesignerRadioButton( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQRadioButton( parent, name ) {} bool isInButtonGroup() const { return parentWidget() && parentWidget()->inherits( TQBUTTONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ); } int buttonGroupId() const { return parentWidget() && parentWidget()->inherits( TQBUTTONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ? ( (TQButtonGroup*)parentWidget() )->id( (TQButton*)this ) : -1; } void setButtonGroupId( int id ) { if ( parentWidget() && parentWidget()->inherits( TQBUTTONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ) { ( (TQButtonGroup*)parentWidget() )->remove( this ); ( (TQButtonGroup*)parentWidget() )->insert( this, id ); } } }; class QDesignerPushButton : public QPushButton { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( int buttonGroupId READ buttonGroupId WRITE setButtonGroupId ) public: QDesignerPushButton( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQPushButton( parent, name ) {} bool isInButtonGroup() const { return parentWidget() && parentWidget()->inherits( TQBUTTONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ); } int buttonGroupId() const { return parentWidget() && parentWidget()->inherits( TQBUTTONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ? ( (TQButtonGroup*)parentWidget() )->id( (TQButton*)this ) : -1; } void setButtonGroupId( int id ) { if ( parentWidget() && parentWidget()->inherits( TQBUTTONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ) { ( (TQButtonGroup*)parentWidget() )->remove( this ); ( (TQButtonGroup*)parentWidget() )->insert( this, id ); } } }; class QDesignerCheckBox : public QCheckBox { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( int buttonGroupId READ buttonGroupId WRITE setButtonGroupId ) public: QDesignerCheckBox( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQCheckBox( parent, name ) {} bool isInButtonGroup() const { return parentWidget() && parentWidget()->inherits( TQBUTTONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ); } int buttonGroupId() const { return parentWidget() && parentWidget()->inherits( TQBUTTONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ? ( (TQButtonGroup*)parentWidget() )->id( (TQButton*)this ) : -1; } void setButtonGroupId( int id ) { if ( parentWidget() && parentWidget()->inherits( TQBUTTONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ) { ( (TQButtonGroup*)parentWidget() )->remove( this ); ( (TQButtonGroup*)parentWidget() )->insert( this, id ); } } }; class QDesignerToolBox : public QToolBox { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY( TQString itemLabel READ itemLabel WRITE setItemLabel STORED false DESIGNABLE true ) Q_PROPERTY( TQCString itemName READ itemName WRITE setItemName STORED false DESIGNABLE true ) Q_PROPERTY( BackgroundMode itemBackgroundMode READ itemBackgroundMode WRITE setItemBackgroundMode STORED false DESIGNABLE true ) public: QDesignerToolBox( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ); TQString itemLabel() const; void setItemLabel( const TQString &l ); TQCString itemName() const; void setItemName( const TQCString &n ); BackgroundMode itemBackgroundMode() const; void setItemBackgroundMode( BackgroundMode ); protected: void itemInserted( int index ); }; #endif