/* $Id$ * ANTLR Ada tree walker for building the Kdevelop class store * Copyright (C) 2003 Oliver Kellogg <okellogg@users.sourceforge.net> */ header "pre_include_hpp" { #include <qstring.h> #include <qstringlist.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> #include <codemodel.h> #include "AdaAST.hpp" #include "ada_utils.hpp" } header "post_include_hpp" { #include <codemodel.h> #include <kdebug.h> } options { language="Cpp"; } class AdaStoreWalker extends AdaTreeParserSuper; options { importVocab = Ada; ASTLabelType = "RefAdaAST"; } { private: QString m_fileName; QValueList<NamespaceDom> m_scopeStack; CodeModel* m_model; QValueList<QStringList> m_imports; NamespaceDom m_currentContainer; int m_currentAccess; bool m_addToStore; /* auxiliary variable: for the moment, this is `true' only when we are in specs, not bodies. */ bool m_isSubprogram; // auxiliary to def_id() FileDom m_file; public: void setCodeModel (CodeModel* model) { m_model = model; } CodeModel* codeModel () { return m_model; } const CodeModel* codeModel () const { return m_model; } QString fileName () const { return m_fileName; } void setFileName (const QString& fileName) { m_fileName = fileName; } void init () { m_scopeStack.clear (); m_imports.clear (); m_currentContainer = m_model->globalNamespace (); m_scopeStack.append (m_currentContainer); m_currentAccess = CodeModelItem::Public; m_addToStore = false; m_isSubprogram = false; if (m_model->hasFile(m_fileName)) m_model->removeFile (m_model->fileByName(m_fileName)); m_file = m_model->create<FileModel>(); m_file->setName(m_fileName); m_model->addFile(m_file); } void wipeout () { m_model->wipeout (); } // void out () { m_store->out (); } void removeWithReferences (const QString& fileName) { m_model->removeFile (m_model->fileByName(fileName)); } NamespaceDom insertScopeContainer (NamespaceDom scope, const QStringList & scopes ) { QStringList::ConstIterator it = scopes.begin(); QString prefix( *it ); NamespaceDom ns = scope->namespaceByName( prefix ); // kdDebug() << "insertScopeContainer begin with prefix " << prefix << endl; if (!ns.data()) { // kdDebug() << "insertScopeContainer: ns is empty" << endl; ns = m_model->create<NamespaceModel>(); // kdDebug() << "insertScopeContainer: ns created" << endl; ns->setName( prefix ); // kdDebug() << "insertScopeContainer: ns name set" << endl; scope->addNamespace( ns ); // kdDebug() << "insertScopeContainer: ns added to a scope" << endl; if (scope == m_model->globalNamespace()) m_file->addNamespace( ns ); } // kdDebug() << "insertScopeContainer: while" << endl; while ( ++it != scopes.end() ) { QString nameSegment( *it ); prefix += "." + nameSegment; // kdDebug() << "insertScopeContainer: while prefix = " << prefix << endl; NamespaceDom inner = scope->namespaceByName( prefix ); if (!inner.data() ) { // kdDebug() << "insertScopeContainer: inner is empty " << endl; inner = m_model->create<NamespaceModel>(); // kdDebug() << "insertScopeContainer: inner created " << endl; inner->setName( nameSegment ); ns->addNamespace( inner ); // kdDebug() << "insertScopeContainer: inner added " << endl; } ns = inner; } return ns; } NamespaceDom defineScope( RefAdaAST namenode ) { QStringList scopes( qnamelist( namenode ) ); // kdDebug() << "defineScope: " << scopes.join(" ") << endl; NamespaceDom psc = insertScopeContainer( m_currentContainer, scopes ); // kdDebug() << "defineScope psc created" << endl; psc->setStartPosition(namenode->getLine(), namenode->getColumn()); // kdDebug() << "defineScope start position set" << endl; psc->setFileName(m_fileName); // kdDebug() << "defineScope file name set" << endl; // psc->setEndPosition (endLine, 0); // kdDebug() << "defineScope return" << endl; return psc; } } /* * Only those rules that require specific action for the kdevelop * class store are overloaded here. */ compilation_unit : { init(); } context_items_opt ( library_item | subunit ) ( pragma )* ; with_clause : #(WITH_CLAUSE ( compound_name // TBD: slurp in the actual files )+ ) ; /* compound_name : IDENTIFIER | #(DOT compound_name IDENTIFIER) ; */ use_clause : #(USE_TYPE_CLAUSE ( subtype_mark )+ ) | #(USE_CLAUSE ( c:compound_name { m_imports.back ().push_back (qtext (#c)); } )+ ) ; library_item : #(LIBRARY_ITEM #(MODIFIERS ( PRIVATE { m_currentAccess = CodeModelItem::Protected; } )? ) ( lib_subprog_decl_or_rename_or_inst_or_body | #(PACKAGE_BODY pb:def_id pkg_body_part) | #(GENERIC_PACKAGE_INSTANTIATION gpi:def_id { defineScope( #gpi ); } generic_inst ) | #(PACKAGE_SPECIFICATION ps:def_id { NamespaceDom psc = defineScope( #ps ); m_currentContainer = psc; m_scopeStack.append( psc ); m_addToStore = true; } pkg_spec_part { m_scopeStack.remove(m_scopeStack.last()); if (m_scopeStack.count() == 0) { kdDebug() << "adastore: m_scopeStack is empty!" << endl; m_scopeStack.append( m_model->globalNamespace() ); } m_currentContainer = m_scopeStack.last(); // m_currentContainer->setEndPosition (endLine, 0); m_addToStore = false; } ) | #(PACKAGE_RENAMING_DECLARATION prd:def_id { defineScope( #prd ); } renames ) | generic_decl ) ) ; subprog_def_id : { m_isSubprogram = true; } def_id { m_isSubprogram = false; } ; subprog_decl : #(GENERIC_PROCEDURE_INSTANTIATION subprog_def_id generic_inst) | #(PROCEDURE_RENAMING_DECLARATION subprog_def_id formal_part_opt renames) | #(PROCEDURE_DECLARATION subprog_def_id formal_part_opt) | #(PROCEDURE_BODY_STUB subprog_def_id formal_part_opt) | #(ABSTRACT_PROCEDURE_DECLARATION subprog_def_id formal_part_opt) | #(GENERIC_FUNCTION_INSTANTIATION def_designator generic_inst) | #(FUNCTION_RENAMING_DECLARATION def_designator function_tail renames) | #(FUNCTION_DECLARATION def_designator function_tail) | #(FUNCTION_BODY_STUB def_designator function_tail) | #(ABSTRACT_FUNCTION_DECLARATION subprog_def_id function_tail) ; def_id : cn:compound_name { // kdDebug() << "cn:compound_name started " << endl; if (m_addToStore) { // kdDebug() << "cn:compound_name m_addToStore " << endl; if (m_isSubprogram) { // kdDebug() << "cn:compound_name m_isSubprogram " << endl; FunctionDom method = m_model->create<FunctionModel>(); method->setName (qtext (cn)); method->setFileName(m_fileName); // kdDebug() << "cn:compound_name method->setStartPosition(" << endl; method->setStartPosition(#cn->getLine(), #cn->getColumn()); if (m_currentContainer == m_model->globalNamespace()) m_file->addFunction(method); else m_currentContainer->addFunction(method); //FIXME: adymo: is this valid for CodeModel /* ParsedMethod *old = m_currentContainer->getMethod (method); if (old) { delete (method); method = old; } else { m_currentContainer->addMethod (method); }*/ } else { // TBC: what about other declarations? } } } ; /* generic_inst : compound_name ( value_s )? ; */ /* formal_part_opt : #(FORMAL_PART_OPT ( parameter_specification )* ) ; */ /* parameter_specification : #(PARAMETER_SPECIFICATION defining_identifier_list modifiers subtype_mark init_opt) ; */ /* defining_identifier_list : #(DEFINING_IDENTIFIER_LIST ( IDENTIFIER )+ ) ; */ /* renames : CHARACTER_STRING // CHARACTER_STRING should not really be there. | OPERATOR_SYMBOL // OPERATOR_SYMBOL should be used instead. | name ; */ /* name : IDENTIFIER | #(DOT name ( ALL | IDENTIFIER | CHARACTER_LITERAL | OPERATOR_SYMBOL ) ) | #(INDEXED_COMPONENT name value_s) | #(TIC name attribute_id) ; */ def_designator : cn:compound_name { // kdDebug() << "def_designator cn:compound_name started" << endl; if (m_addToStore) { // kdDebug() << "def_designator cn:compound_name m_addToStore" << endl; FunctionDom method = m_model->create<FunctionModel>(); method->setName (qtext (cn)); method->setFileName(m_fileName); // kdDebug() << "def_designator cn:compound_name method->setStartPosition(" << endl; method->setStartPosition(#cn->getLine(), #cn->getColumn()); if (m_currentContainer == m_model->globalNamespace()) m_file->addFunction(method); else m_currentContainer->addFunction(method); //FIXME: adymo: is this valid for CodeModel /* ParsedMethod *old = m_currentContainer->getMethod (method); if (old) { delete method; method = old; } else { m_currentContainer->addMethod (method); }*/ } } | definable_operator_symbol ; /* function_tail : formal_part_opt subtype_mark ; */ spec_decl_part : #(GENERIC_PACKAGE_INSTANTIATION def_id generic_inst) | #(PACKAGE_SPECIFICATION ps:def_id { NamespaceDom psc = defineScope( #ps ); m_currentContainer = psc; m_scopeStack.append( psc ); m_addToStore = true; } pkg_spec_part { m_scopeStack.remove(m_scopeStack.last()); if (m_scopeStack.count() == 0) { kdDebug() << "adastore: m_scopeStack is empty!" << endl; m_scopeStack.append( m_model->globalNamespace() ); } m_currentContainer = m_scopeStack.last(); // m_currentContainer->setDeclarationEndsOnLine (endLine); m_addToStore = false; } ) | #(PACKAGE_RENAMING_DECLARATION def_id renames) ; pkg_spec_part : basic_declarative_items_opt private_declarative_items_opt end_id_opt ; private_declarative_items_opt : ( { m_currentAccess = CodeModelItem::Protected; } ( basic_decl_item | pragma )+ { m_currentAccess = CodeModelItem::Public; } )? ; /* task_type_or_single_decl : #(TASK_TYPE_DECLARATION def_id discrim_part_opt task_definition_opt) | #(SINGLE_TASK_DECLARATION def_id task_definition_opt) ; */ /* discriminant_specification : #(DISCRIMINANT_SPECIFICATION defining_identifier_list modifiers subtype_mark init_opt) ; */ /* entry_declaration : #(ENTRY_DECLARATION IDENTIFIER discrete_subtype_def_opt formal_part_opt) ; */ /* prot_op_decl : entry_declaration | #(PROCEDURE_DECLARATION def_id formal_part_opt) | #(FUNCTION_DECLARATION def_designator function_tail) | rep_spec | pragma ; */ /* prot_member_decl_s : #(PROT_MEMBER_DECLARATIONS ( prot_op_decl | comp_decl )* ) ; comp_decl : #(COMPONENT_DECLARATION defining_identifier_list component_subtype_def init_opt) ; */ /* // decl_common is shared between declarative_item and basic_decl_item. // decl_common only contains specifications. decl_common : // type_def: #(ENUMERATION_TYPE_DECLARATION IDENTIFIER enum_id_s) | #(SIGNED_INTEGER_TYPE_DECLARATION IDENTIFIER range) | #(MODULAR_TYPE_DECLARATION IDENTIFIER expression) | #(FLOATING_POINT_DECLARATION IDENTIFIER expression range_constraint_opt) | #(ORDINARY_FIXED_POINT_DECLARATION IDENTIFIER expression range) | #(DECIMAL_FIXED_POINT_DECLARATION IDENTIFIER expression expression range_constraint_opt) | array_type_declaration | access_type_declaration // | #(INCOMPLETE_TYPE_DECLARATION IDENTIFIER discrim_part_opt) // derived_or_private_or_record | #(PRIVATE_EXTENSION_DECLARATION id_and_discrim modifiers subtype_ind) | #(DERIVED_RECORD_EXTENSION id_and_discrim modifiers subtype_ind record_definition) | #(ORDINARY_DERIVED_TYPE_DECLARATION id_and_discrim subtype_ind) | #(PRIVATE_TYPE_DECLARATION id_and_discrim modifiers) | #(RECORD_TYPE_DECLARATION id_and_discrim modifiers record_definition) // | #(SUBTYPE_DECLARATION IDENTIFIER subtype_ind) | generic_decl | use_clause | rep_spec // enumeration_representation_clause only | #(EXCEPTION_RENAMING_DECLARATION def_id compound_name) | #(OBJECT_RENAMING_DECLARATION def_id subtype_mark name) | #(EXCEPTION_DECLARATION defining_identifier_list) | #(NUMBER_DECLARATION defining_identifier_list expression) | #(ARRAY_OBJECT_DECLARATION defining_identifier_list modifiers array_type_definition init_opt) | #(OBJECT_DECLARATION defining_identifier_list modifiers subtype_ind init_opt) ; */ /* id_and_discrim : IDENTIFIER discrim_part_opt ; */ /* enumeration_literal_specification : IDENTIFIER | CHARACTER_LITERAL ; */ /* array_type_declaration : #(ARRAY_TYPE_DECLARATION IDENTIFIER array_type_definition) ; */ /* access_type_declaration : #(ACCESS_TO_PROCEDURE_DECLARATION IDENTIFIER modifiers formal_part_opt) | #(ACCESS_TO_FUNCTION_DECLARATION IDENTIFIER modifiers function_tail) | #(ACCESS_TO_OBJECT_DECLARATION IDENTIFIER modifiers subtype_ind) ; */ generic_decl : #(GENERIC_PACKAGE_RENAMING generic_formal_part_opt def_id renames) | #(GENERIC_PACKAGE_DECLARATION generic_formal_part_opt gpd:def_id { NamespaceDom psc = defineScope( #gpd ); m_currentContainer = psc; m_scopeStack.append( psc ); m_addToStore = true; } pkg_spec_part { m_scopeStack.remove(m_scopeStack.last()); if (m_scopeStack.count() == 0) m_scopeStack.append( m_model->globalNamespace() ); m_currentContainer = m_scopeStack.last(); // m_currentContainer->setDeclarationEndsOnLine (endLine); m_addToStore = false; } ) | #(GENERIC_PROCEDURE_RENAMING generic_formal_part_opt def_id formal_part_opt renames) | #(GENERIC_PROCEDURE_DECLARATION generic_formal_part_opt subprog_def_id formal_part_opt) | #(GENERIC_FUNCTION_RENAMING generic_formal_part_opt def_designator function_tail renames) | #(GENERIC_FUNCTION_DECLARATION generic_formal_part_opt subprog_def_id function_tail) ; /* generic_formal_part_opt : #(GENERIC_FORMAL_PART ( pragma | use_clause | generic_formal_parameter )* ) ; */ /* generic_formal_parameter : // FORMAL_TYPE_DECLARATIONs: #(FORMAL_DISCRETE_TYPE_DECLARATION def_id) | #(FORMAL_SIGNED_INTEGER_TYPE_DECLARATION def_id) | #(FORMAL_MODULAR_TYPE_DECLARATION def_id) | #(FORMAL_DECIMAL_FIXED_POINT_DECLARATION def_id) | #(FORMAL_ORDINARY_FIXED_POINT_DECLARATION def_id) | #(FORMAL_FLOATING_POINT_DECLARATION def_id) | formal_array_type_declaration | formal_access_type_declaration | #(FORMAL_PRIVATE_TYPE_DECLARATION id_part modifiers) | #(FORMAL_ORDINARY_DERIVED_TYPE_DECLARATION id_part subtype_ind) | #(FORMAL_PRIVATE_EXTENSION_DECLARATION id_part modifiers subtype_ind) | #(FORMAL_PROCEDURE_DECLARATION def_id formal_part_opt subprogram_default_opt) | #(FORMAL_FUNCTION_DECLARATION def_designator function_tail subprogram_default_opt) | #(FORMAL_PACKAGE_DECLARATION def_id compound_name formal_package_actual_part_opt) | parameter_specification ; */ lib_subprog_decl_or_rename_or_inst_or_body : { m_addToStore = true; } ( subprog_decl | procedure_body | function_body ) { m_addToStore = false; } ; subprog_decl_or_rename_or_inst_or_body : subprog_decl | procedure_body | function_body ; /* // A declarative_item may appear in the declarative part of any body. declarative_item : #(PACKAGE_BODY_STUB def_id) | #(PACKAGE_BODY def_id pkg_body_part) | spec_decl_part | #(TASK_BODY_STUB def_id) | #(TASK_BODY def_id body_part) | task_type_or_single_decl | #(PROTECTED_BODY_STUB def_id) | #(PROTECTED_BODY def_id prot_op_bodies_opt) | prot_type_or_single_decl | subprog_decl_or_rename_or_inst_or_body | decl_common ; */ subprog_decl_or_body : procedure_body | #(PROCEDURE_DECLARATION subprog_def_id formal_part_opt) | function_body | #(FUNCTION_DECLARATION def_designator function_tail) ; /* // Temporary, to be turned into just `qualified'. // We get away with it because `qualified' is always mentioned // together with `name'. // Only exception: `code_stmt', which is not yet implemented. name_or_qualified : IDENTIFIER | #(DOT name_or_qualified ( ALL | IDENTIFIER | CHARACTER_LITERAL | OPERATOR_SYMBOL ) ) | #(INDEXED_COMPONENT name_or_qualified value_s) | #(TIC name_or_qualified ( parenthesized_primary | attribute_id ) ) ; */ package_body : #(PACKAGE_BODY id:def_id /* TBD { QString name (qtext (id)); } */ pkg_body_part) ; /* task_body : #(TASK_BODY def_id body_part) ; */ /* protected_body : #(PROTECTED_BODY def_id prot_op_bodies_opt) ; */