 *   Copyright (C) 2004 by Alexander Dymo  <cloudtemple@mskat.net>         *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as       *
 *   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the    *
 *   License, or (at your option) any later version.                       *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public     *
 *   License along with this program; if not, write to the                 *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.             *
#include "multiproperty.h"

#include "propertylist.h"

namespace PropertyLib{

MultiProperty::MultiProperty(Property *prop)

MultiProperty::MultiProperty(PropertyList *propertyList)

MultiProperty::MultiProperty(PropertyList *propertyList, Property *prop)


TQString MultiProperty::name() const
    if (list.count() >= 1)
        return list.getFirst()->name();
    return TQString();   

int MultiProperty::type() const
    if (list.count() >= 1)
        return list.getFirst()->type();
    return TQVariant::Invalid;   

TQVariant MultiProperty::value() const
    TQVariant value;
    if (list.count() >= 1)
        value = list.getFirst()->value();

    TQPtrListIterator<Property> it(list);
    Property *property;
    while ((property = it.current()) != 0)
        if (property->value() != value)
            return TQVariant::Invalid;

    return value;

TQString MultiProperty::description() const
    TQString description;
    if (list.count() >= 1)
        description = list.getFirst()->description();

    TQPtrListIterator<Property> it(list);
    Property *property;
    while ((property = it.current()) != 0)
        if (property->description() != description)
            return TQString();

    return description;

bool MultiProperty::readOnly() const
    bool v = true;
    if (list.count() >= 1)
        v = list.getFirst()->readOnly();

    TQPtrListIterator<Property> it(list);
    Property *property;
    while ((property = it.current()) != 0)
        if (property->readOnly() != v)
            return false;

    return v;

bool MultiProperty::visible() const
    bool v = true;
    if (list.count() >= 1)
        v = list.getFirst()->readOnly();

    TQPtrListIterator<Property> it(list);
    Property *property;
    while ((property = it.current()) != 0)
        if (property->visible() != v)
            return false;

    return v;

TQMap<TQString, TQVariant> MultiProperty::valueList() const
    if (list.count() >= 1)
        return list.getFirst()->valueList;
    return TQMap<TQString, TQVariant>();

void MultiProperty::setDescription(const TQString &description)
    Property *property;
    for (property = list.first(); property; property = list.next())

/*void MultiProperty::setName(const TQString &name)

void MultiProperty::setType(int type)
void MultiProperty::setValue(const TQVariant &value)
    Property *property;
    for (property = list.first(); property; property = list.next())
        if (m_propertyList)
//             tqWarning("emit change");
            emit m_propertyList->propertyValueChanged(property);

void MultiProperty::setValue(const TQVariant &value, bool emitChange)
    Property *property;
    for (property = list.first(); property; property = list.next())
        if (emitChange && m_propertyList)
            emit m_propertyList->propertyValueChanged(property);

void MultiProperty::setValueList(const TQMap<TQString, TQVariant> &valueList)
    Property *property;
    for (property = list.first(); property; property = list.next())

void MultiProperty::addProperty(Property *prop)

void MultiProperty::removeProperty(Property *prop)
/*    tqWarning("op >>            removing %s", prop->name().ascii());
    tqWarning("op >>            list is %d", list.count());*/
    /*bool b = */list.remove(prop);
/*    tqWarning("op >>            list is %d", list.count());
    tqWarning("op >>            removal is %s", b?"true":"false");    */

bool MultiProperty::operator ==(const MultiProperty &prop) const
    if ( (type() == prop.type()) && (name() == prop.name()) )
        return true;
    return false;

bool MultiProperty::operator ==(const Property &prop) const
/*    tqWarning("MultiProperty::operator == for %s = %s", name().ascii(), prop.name().ascii());
    tqWarning("MultiProperty::operator == for %d = %d", type(), prop.type());*/
    if ( (type() == prop.type()) && (name() == prop.name()) )
        return true;
    return false;

void MultiProperty::addProperty( MultiProperty *prop)
    Property *property;
    for (property = prop->list.first(); property; property = prop->list.next())

void MultiProperty::removeProperty( MultiProperty *prop)
    Property *property;
    for (property = prop->list.first(); property; property = prop->list.next())

TQVariant MultiProperty::findValueDescription() const
    TQVariant val = value();
    if (type() != Property::ValueFromList)
        return val;
    TQMap<TQString, TQVariant> vl = valueList();
    for (TQMap<TQString, TQVariant>::const_iterator it = vl.begin(); it != vl.end(); ++ it)
        if (it.data() == val)
            return it.key();
    return "";

TQVariant MultiProperty::findValueDescription(TQVariant val) const
    if (type() != Property::ValueFromList)
        return val;
    TQMap<TQString, TQVariant> vl = valueList();
    for (TQMap<TQString, TQVariant>::const_iterator it = vl.begin(); it != vl.end(); ++ it)
        if (it.data() == val)
            return it.key();
    return "";

bool MultiProperty::valid() const
    return list.count() != 0;

void MultiProperty::undo()
    Property *property;
    for (property = list.first(); property; property = list.next())
        property->setValue(property->oldValue(), false);
        if (m_propertyList)
            emit m_propertyList->propertyValueChanged(property);
