path: root/kommander/editor/functionsimpl.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kommander/editor/functionsimpl.cpp')
1 files changed, 392 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kommander/editor/functionsimpl.cpp b/kommander/editor/functionsimpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad4924e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kommander/editor/functionsimpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+ functionsimpl.cpp - Function browser implementation
+ -------------------
+ copyright : (C) 2004 Michal Rudolf <>
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or mody *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qmetaobject.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <kcombobox.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <klistbox.h>
+#include <klineedit.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kpushbutton.h>
+#include <ktextedit.h>
+#include <ktextbrowser.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include "functionsimpl.h"
+#include "kommanderwidget.h"
+#include "invokeclass.h"
+#include "widgetdatabase.h"
+const int MaxFunctionArgs = 6;
+FunctionsDialog::FunctionsDialog(QWidget* a_parent, const QDict<QWidget>& a_widgetList, bool useInternalParser, char* a_name,
+ bool a_modal)
+ : FunctionsDialogBase(a_parent, a_name, a_modal), m_widgetList(a_widgetList), m_useInternalParser(useInternalParser)
+ clearButton->setPixmap(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("locationbar_erase", KIcon::Toolbar));
+ copyButton->setPixmap(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("1downarrow", KIcon::Toolbar));
+ groupComboBox->insertStringList(SpecialInformation::groups());
+ connect(groupComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(groupChanged(int)));
+ connect(widgetComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(groupChanged(int)));
+ connect(functionListBox, SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), SLOT(functionChanged(int)));
+ connect(copyButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(copyText()));
+ connect(clearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), insertedText, SLOT(clear()));
+ // build widget name list
+ for (QDictIterator<QWidget> It(m_widgetList); It.current(); ++It)
+ m_widgetNames.append(It.currentKey());
+ m_widgetNames.sort();
+ widgetComboBox->insertStringList(m_widgetNames);
+ for (int j = 0; j < WidgetDatabase::count(); j++)
+ {
+ QString group = WidgetDatabase::group(j);
+ if (group == "Kommander" || group == "Custom")
+ m_widgetTypes << WidgetDatabase::className(j);
+ }
+ m_widgetTypes.sort();
+//TODO: Insert either the generic widget types or parse for on the fly created widget
+//names. The problem is that the rest of the code depends on the fact that the widget
+//from the widgetComboBox exists
+// widgetComboBox->insertStringList(m_widgetTypes);
+ m_acceptedSlots = InvokeClass::acceptedSlots();
+ m_DCOP = -1; // Select DCOP functions by default
+ m_Slots = -1;
+ for (int i=0; i<groupComboBox->count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (groupComboBox->text(i) == i18n("Slots"))
+ {
+ m_Slots = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!useInternalParser)
+ {
+ groupComboBox->removeItem(m_Slots);
+ m_Slots = -1;
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i<groupComboBox->count(); i++)
+ {
+ if (groupComboBox->text(i) == "DCOP")
+ {
+ m_DCOP = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ groupComboBox->changeItem(i18n("Functions"), m_DCOP); //this is a quick way to rename this group in the UI
+ groupComboBox->setCurrentItem(m_DCOP);
+ groupChanged(groupComboBox->currentItem());
+QString FunctionsDialog::functionText() const
+ return insertedText->text();
+QString FunctionsDialog::currentFunctionText()
+ QString prefix, function;
+ int index = groupComboBox->currentItem();
+ QString s = (index != m_DCOP ) ? groupComboBox->text(index) : "DCOP";
+ if (m_useInternalParser)
+ {
+ function = SpecialInformation::parserGroupName(s);
+ if (!function.isEmpty())
+ function += "_";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ prefix = "@";
+ function = s + ".";
+ }
+ if (groupComboBox->currentText() == "Kommander")
+ return QString("%1%2%3").arg(prefix).arg(functionListBox->currentText()).arg(params());
+ else if (groupComboBox->currentItem() == m_DCOP || groupComboBox->currentItem() == m_Slots)
+ return QString("%1%2.%3%4").arg(prefix).arg(widgetComboBox->currentText().section(' ', 0, 0))
+ .arg(functionListBox->currentText().left(functionListBox->currentText().find('('))).arg(params());
+ else
+ return QString("%1%2%3%4").arg(prefix).arg(function)
+ .arg(functionListBox->currentText()).arg(params());
+void FunctionsDialog::groupChanged(int index)
+ index = groupComboBox->currentItem();
+ functionListBox->clear();
+ m_slotList.clear();
+ if (index == m_Slots)
+ {
+ KommanderWidget* a_atw = dynamic_cast<KommanderWidget *>(m_widgetList[widgetComboBox->currentText()]);
+ QStringList pFunctions = QStringList::fromStrList(a_atw->object()->metaObject()->slotNames(true));
+ for (uint i=0; i<pFunctions.count(); i++)
+ {
+ QString slot = pFunctions[i];
+ QString slotArgStr = slot.section(QRegExp("\\(|\\)"), 1);
+ if (slotArgStr.isEmpty() || m_acceptedSlots.contains(slotArgStr))
+ {
+ QString name = slot.remove("()");
+ if (!m_slotList.contains(name))
+ {
+ m_slotList[name] = slot;
+ functionListBox->insertItem(name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ QString s = (index != m_DCOP ) ? groupComboBox->text(index) : "DCOP";
+ QStringList pFunctions = SpecialInformation::functions(s);
+ KommanderWidget* a_atw = 0;
+ if (index == m_DCOP)
+ a_atw = dynamic_cast<KommanderWidget *>(m_widgetList[widgetComboBox->currentText()]);
+ int pGroup = SpecialInformation::group(s);
+ SpecialFunction::ParserType pType = m_useInternalParser
+ ? SpecialFunction::InternalParser : SpecialFunction::MacroParser;
+ for (uint i=0; i<pFunctions.count(); i++)
+ {
+ int pFunction = SpecialInformation::function(pGroup, pFunctions[i]);
+ if (!SpecialInformation::isValid(pGroup, pFunction, pType))
+ continue;
+ if (a_atw && !a_atw->isFunctionSupported(pFunction) && !a_atw->isCommonFunction(pFunction))
+ continue;
+ functionListBox->insertItem(pFunctions[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ functionListBox->sort();
+ functionListBox->setCurrentItem(0);
+ functionChanged(functionListBox->currentItem());
+void FunctionsDialog::functionChanged(int)
+ if (groupComboBox->currentItem() == m_Slots)
+ {
+ KommanderWidget* w = dynamic_cast<KommanderWidget *>(m_widgetList[widgetComboBox->currentText()]);
+ QObject *o = w->object();
+ QString slotHelp = i18n("To learn more about the slot, look at the documentation of the base Qt/KDE class, most probably <i>%1</i>.").arg(o->metaObject()->superClassName() ? QString(o->metaObject()->superClassName()) : QString(o->className()) );
+ QString slotName = functionListBox->currentText();
+ QString slot = m_slotList[slotName];
+ descriptionText->clear();
+ descriptionText->setText(i18n("<qt><h3>%1</h3>"
+ "<p><b>Description:</b> %2\n<p><b>Syntax:</b> <i>%3</i>%4</qt>")
+ .arg(slotName).arg(slotHelp).arg(slot).arg(""));
+ } else
+ {
+ int index = groupComboBox->currentItem();
+ QString s = (index != m_DCOP ) ? groupComboBox->text(index) : "DCOP";
+ m_function = SpecialInformation::functionObject(s,
+ functionListBox->currentText());
+ QString defArgs;
+ if (m_function.minArg() < m_function.argumentCount())
+ if (!m_function.minArg())
+ defArgs = i18n("<p>Parameters are not obligatory.");
+ else
+ defArgs = i18n("<p>Only first argument is obligatory.",
+ "<p>Only first %n arguments are obligatory.",
+ m_function.minArg());
+ uint pflags = SpecialFunction::ShowArgumentNames;
+ if (m_function.maxArg() && m_function.argumentName(0) == "widget")
+ pflags = pflags | SpecialFunction::SkipFirstArgument;
+ descriptionText->clear();
+ descriptionText->setText(i18n("<qt><h3>%1</h3>"
+ "<p><b>Description:</b> %2\n<p><b>Syntax:</b> <i>%3</i>%4</qt>")
+ .arg(functionListBox->currentText()).arg(m_function.description())
+ .arg(m_function.prototype(pflags)).arg(defArgs));
+ }
+ showParameters();
+void FunctionsDialog::copyText()
+ QString text = currentFunctionText();
+ int para, i;
+ insertedText->getCursorPosition(&para, &i);
+// int cursorPos = insertedText->cursorPosition();
+ insertedText->insert(text);
+ insertedText->setCursorPosition(para, i + text.find('(') + 1);
+void FunctionsDialog::showParameters()
+ KLineEdit* edits[MaxFunctionArgs] = {arg1Edit, arg2Edit, arg3Edit, arg4Edit, arg5Edit, arg6Edit};
+ QLabel* labels[MaxFunctionArgs] = {argLabel1, argLabel2, argLabel3, argLabel4, argLabel5, argLabel6};
+ KComboBox* combos[MaxFunctionArgs] = {combo1, combo2, combo3, combo4, combo5, combo6};
+ QCheckBox* quotes[MaxFunctionArgs] = {quote1, quote2, quote3, quote4, quote5, quote6};
+ if (groupComboBox->currentItem() == m_Slots)
+ {
+ widgetComboBox->setShown(true);
+ widgetLabel->setShown(true);
+ QString slot = m_slotList[functionListBox->currentText()];
+ QStringList slotArgs = QStringList::split(',', slot.section(QRegExp("\\(|\\)"), 1), false);
+ int argsCount = slotArgs.count();
+ for (int i = 0; i < MaxFunctionArgs; i++)
+ {
+ labels[i]->setShown(i < argsCount);
+ QString type;
+ if (i < argsCount)
+ {
+ type = slotArgs[i].remove(QRegExp("\\*|\\&|const\\s"));
+ labels[i]->setText(QString("%1:").arg(type));
+ }
+ quotes[i]->setChecked(true);
+ quotes[i]->setShown(false);
+ if (type == "bool")
+ {
+ edits[i]->setShown(false);
+ combos[i]->setShown(i < argsCount);
+ combos[i]->clear();
+ combos[i]->setEditable(false);
+ combos[i]->insertItem("true");
+ combos[i]->insertItem("false");
+ } else
+ {
+ combos[i]->setShown(false);
+ edits[i]->setShown(i < argsCount);
+ edits[i]->clear();
+ if (type == "QString")
+ {
+ quotes[i]->setShown(i < argsCount);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ int start = (m_function.argumentCount() && m_function.argumentName(0) == "widget");
+ widgetComboBox->setShown(start);
+ widgetLabel->setShown(start);
+ if (start)
+ {
+ arg1Edit->setShown(false);
+ argLabel1->setShown(false);
+ combo1->setShown(false);
+ quote1->setShown(false);
+ }
+ int argsCount = m_function.argumentCount();
+ for (int i=start; i<MaxFunctionArgs; i++)
+ {
+ labels[i]->setShown(i < argsCount);
+ if (i < argsCount)
+ labels[i]->setText(QString("%1:").arg(m_function.argumentName(i)));
+ quotes[i]->setChecked(true);
+ quotes[i]->setShown(false);
+ if (m_function.argumentType(i) == "bool")
+ {
+ edits[i]->setShown(false);
+ combos[i]->setShown(i < argsCount);
+ combos[i]->setEditable(false);
+ combos[i]->clear();
+ combos[i]->insertItem("true");
+ combos[i]->insertItem("false");
+ } else
+ {
+//FIXME: big hack to show a combo for createWidgets. Good solution: extra flag for arguments telling if it is a file/widget/etc.
+ if ( == "createWidget" && ( i == 1 || i == 2))
+ {
+ combos[i]->clear();
+ combos[i]->setEditable(true);
+ if ( i == 1)
+ {
+ combos[i]->insertStringList(m_widgetTypes);
+ } else
+ {
+ combos[i]->insertItem("");
+ combos[i]->insertStringList(m_widgetNames);
+ }
+ edits[i]->setShown(false);
+ combos[i]->setShown(true);
+ } else
+ {
+ combos[i]->setShown(false);
+ edits[i]->setShown(i < argsCount);
+ edits[i]->clear();
+ if (m_function.argumentType(i) == "QString")
+ {
+ quotes[i]->setShown(i < argsCount);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+QString FunctionsDialog::params()
+ QLabel* labels[MaxFunctionArgs] = {argLabel1, argLabel2, argLabel3, argLabel4, argLabel5, argLabel6};
+ KLineEdit* edits[MaxFunctionArgs] = {arg1Edit, arg2Edit, arg3Edit, arg4Edit, arg5Edit, arg6Edit};
+ KComboBox* combos[MaxFunctionArgs] = {combo1, combo2, combo3, combo4, combo5, combo6};
+ QStringList pars;
+ QCheckBox* quotes[MaxFunctionArgs] = {quote1, quote2, quote3, quote4, quote5, quote6};
+ bool params = false;
+ bool slotsShown = (groupComboBox->currentItem() == m_Slots);
+ for (int i=0; i<MaxFunctionArgs; i++)
+ {
+ if (edits[i]->isShown())
+ {
+ QString s = edits[i]->text();
+ if (!s.isEmpty() || i < m_function.minArg())
+ {
+ if (quotes[i]->isChecked() && ( (!slotsShown && m_function.argumentType(i) == "QString")
+ || (slotsShown && labels[i]->text().startsWith("QString")) ) )
+ s = '"' + s + '"';
+ pars.append(s);
+ }
+ params = true;
+ } else
+ if (combos[i]->isShown())
+ {
+ QString s = combos[i]->currentText();
+ if (!s.isEmpty() || i < m_function.minArg())
+ {
+ if (s != "true" && s !="false")
+ s = '"' + s + '"';
+ pars.append(s);
+ }
+ params = true;
+ }
+ }
+ QString a_param = pars.join(", ");
+ if (params)
+ return QString("(%1)").arg(a_param);
+ else
+ return a_param;
+#include "functionsimpl.moc"