The Menubar Robert Nickel
András Mantia
Christopher Hornbaker
Fabrice Mous
The Menubar This chapter explains all the various functions that can be found in the menubar. The <guimenu>File</guimenu> Menu &Ctrl;N File New Create a new, blank file. &Ctrl;O File Open... Search the file system to open an existing file. File Open Recent Quick list of the last several files you've opened. This list will change each time you open a file that is not on it, with the oldest being bumped off first. &Ctrl;S File Save Save the active file's changes. File Save As... Save the active file with another name. File Save as Template This allows you to save code snippets and entire files as a template for later use. See the section on templates. If you try to save the selected text/file outside of the local/project template dir, then you will receive an error. File Save as Template Save as Local Template... Allows you to save a file as a template within the local scope. File Save as Template Save as Project Template... Allows you to save a file as a template within the project scope. File Save as Template Save Selection to Local Template File... Allows you to save the selected text (⪚ a code snippet) in a local template file. File Save as Template Save Selection to Project Template File... Allows you to save the selected text (⪚ a code snippet) in a project template file. &Ctrl;&Shift;S File Save All... Save all modified files in the editor. &Ctrl;F5 File Reload Reloads the current focused document. &Ctrl;P File Print... You can actually print out your documents. Uses the kprinter interface. &Ctrl;Q File Quit Exit &quantaplus; The <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> Menu &Ctrl;Z Edit Undo Undo the last action performed. &Ctrl;&Shift;Z Edit Redo Redo the last action undone. &Ctrl;X Edit Cut Cut the current block of text and place its contents on the clipboard. &Ctrl;C Edit Copy Copy the current block of text to the clipboard. &Ctrl;V Edit Paste Paste the contents of the clipboard at the current cursor position. Edit Paste Special Edit Paste Special Paste HTML Quoted Converts the clipboard text &HTML; special characters to &HTML; entities before pasting into the text body, so they show up properly when viewed and aren't picked up as tags by the client browser. Edit Paste Special Paste &URL; Encoded Converts the clipboard text into &URL; encoding, which is the correct way to include special characters and spaces into &URL;s. Used primarily when pasting a &URL; into an anchor tag. &Ctrl;A Edit Select All Select all of the text in the current document. &Ctrl;&Shift;A Edit Deselect Unselect all text in the current document. &Ctrl;&Shift;B Edit Block Selection Mode Turn on/off block highlighting. Allows you to select text blocks with your keyboard without holding down the shift key. Insert Edit Overwrite Mode Overrides the Insert key. &Ctrl;F Edit Find... String or regular expression pattern to find in the current document. F3 Edit Find Next Repeat the find downward in the document from the current location. &Shift;F3 Edit Find Previous Repeat the find upward in the document from the current location. &Ctrl;R Edit Replace... String or regular expression replacement of text in the current file. &Ctrl;G Edit Go to Line... Go directly to a specific line number. This is really helpful when your &PHP; script is breaking unexpectedly! &Alt;&Ctrl;F Edit Find in Files... Find a string or expression in files in the selected folder. Sort of a &GUI; grep or sed with some predefined pattern spaces to help you out. &Ctrl;J Edit Expand Abbreviation Expands the abbreviations. Abbreviations can be defined in the Settings Configure Quanta... dialog. Edit Apply Source Indentation Reformats the source code accroding to the same rules as the &VPL; part inserts the tags. The <guimenu>View</guimenu> Menu View Tool Views View Tool Views Show Files Toggle display of the files tree. View Tool Views Show Project Toggle display of the project tree. ViewTool Views Show Templates Toggle display of the template tree. ViewTool Views Show Scripts Toggle display of the scripts tree. ViewTool Views Show Document Structure Toggle display of the document structure tree. ViewTool Views Show Attribute Editor Toggle display of the attribute tree. ViewTool Views Show Documentation Toggle display of the documentation tree. &Ctrl;M ViewTool Views Show Messages Toggle display of the message window. This is the window where you see the output of any scripting actions and the debugger. ViewTool Views Show Problems Toggle display of the Problem Reporter at the bottom of the main &quantaplus; window. The Problem Reporter activates when you switch to the Structure Tree. ViewTool Views Show Annotations Shows the annotation view. Read the for details. ViewTool Views Show Upload Profile:... Shows the files on the server for an upload profile. &Shift;F9 View Show Icon Border Toggle display of the icon border to the left of the main editor window. This bar allows for click toggling of bookmarks. F11 View Show Line Numbers Toggles the display of line numbers along the side of the main editor window. F10 View Dynamic Word Wrap Toggle on and off reformatting of text to a specific width as you type. &Alt;F9 View Source Editor Switch to the source of a document to edit. &Ctrl;&Shift;F9 View &VPL; Editor Switch to the &VPL; Editor to edit a document. F9 View &VPL; & Source Editors Switch to split screen mode to edit a document. F6 View Preview Preview the current document. &Alt;Left Arrow View Back Navigate back one step in the preview. &Alt;Right Arrow View Forward Navigate forward one step in the preview after having gone back in the preview. F5 View Reload Preview Reload the preview from disk. F12 ViewExternal Preview View with &konqueror; View the current file with &konqueror;. &Ctrl;&Shift;F12 ViewExternal Preview View with Firefox; View the current file with the Mozilla Firefox browser. &Shift;F12 ViewExternal Preview View with Mozilla View the current file with Mozilla. &Shift;F6 ViewExternal Preview View with &Netscape; View the current file with &Netscape;. &Alt;F6 ViewExternal Preview View with Opera View the current file with Opera. ViewExternal Preview View with Lynx View the current file with Lynx (a text based browser). The <guimenu>Bookmarks</guimenu> Menu &Ctrl;B Bookmarks Set Bookmark Sets a bookmark at the current line location in the current file. Bookmarks Clear All Bookmarks Clears all set bookmarks in the current document. If you have bookmarks in the current file, they will appear in the menu together with a Previous or Next item, depending on the position of the cursor in the document. If you have bookmarks in other opened documents, they will appear in the menu grouped by the file name of the other documents. The <guimenu>Project</guimenu> Menu How to use projects in &quantaplus; is described in . Project New Project... Launch the project creation wizard. Project Open Project... Open an existing project file from disk. &quantaplus; projects are saved with the .webprj extension. Project Open Recent Project Gives you a list of your most recently used projects for quick access. Project Close Project Close the current project. Project Open Project View... Open a View, a specific combination of open files that you have previously saved. Project Save Project View Save the current set of open files as a View. Project Save Project View As... Save the current set of open files as a View under another name. Project Delete Project View Delete a View. Project Insert Files... Presents a dialog that allows you to select files to add to your current project. These files will then be copied into the project folder for editing. Project Insert Folder... Insert a folder and all of its contents into the current project. Project Rescan Project Folder... Scan the project folder for any new files you may have there. This allows you to copy graphics into your project folder or a subfolder thereof and then add them to the project. F8 Project Upload Project... Upload the files in your project to the hosting server. The list of available transports depends on the version of &kde; you are running and whether or not you've downloaded extra KIO slaves. &Shift;F7 Project Project Properties Settings affecting the way &quantaplus; manages your project. See the &quantaplus; projects section for details. The <guimenu>Toolbars</guimenu> Menu Toolbars Load Toolbars Toolbars Load Toolbars Load Global Toolbar... Loads a globally defined toolbar. These are kept in $TDEDIR/share/apps/quanta/toolbars by default. Toolbars Load Toolbars Load Local Toolbar... Loads a locally defined toolbar. These are kept in $HOME/.kde/share/apps/quanta/toolbars by default. Toolbars Load Toolbars Load Project Toolbar Loads a project toolbar. These are kept in ProjectDir/toolbars and are only available in this menu if they have been assigned to this project. Toolbars Save Toolbars Dialog for saving your toolbars. Allows you to pick the type of toolbar; Local or Project. Toolbars Save Toolbars Save as Local Toolbar... Save as a local toolbar to $HOME/.kde/share/apps/quanta/toolbars Toolbars Save Toolbars Save as Project Toolbar... Save as a project toolbar in ProjectDir/toolbars Toolbars Add User Toolbar... Brings up a dialog to create a new toolbar. This only creates the name. Actions must be added from the Settings Configure Actions menu item. Toolbars are saved via the Toolbars Save Toolbars menu or on close unsaved toolbars will prompt for you to save. Toolbars Remove User Toolbar... Remove a toolbar from usage. This does not remove it from the disk. If you've not saved the toolbar you are removing, you will be prompted to save it. Toolbars Rename User Toolbar.. Allows you to rename a toolbar. Toolbars Send Toolbar in E-Mail... This is a hook to email your custom toolbar to someone (maybe the &quantaplus; team for inclusion in the next release!) for their use. It spawns an email window and attaches your toolbar file to it automatically. Toolbars Send Toolbar in Email... This is allows you to upload a toolbar to the main resource server. See . Toolbars Upload Toolbar... This is allows you to upload toolbars to the main server, from where others can download it.See . Toolbars Download Toolbar... This is allows you to download toolbars from the Internet.See . The <guimenu>&DTD;</guimenu> Menu Christopher Hornbaker
The <guimenu>&DTD;</guimenu> Menu &DTD; Change the &DTD;... Pops up a dialog box that allows you to change the current documents &DTD; &DTD; Edit &DTD; Settings... Makes possible to change the &descriptionrc; configuration file for a &DTEP;. &DTD; Load & Convert &DTD;... Load a &DTD; that you or someone else made and convert it to &quantaplus;' native description format. &DTD; Load &DTD; Entities... Load/update the entities from a &DTD;. It is useful if you want to update the entities in a &DTEP; without regenerating the whole &DTEP;. In case the &DTEP; is a global one and you do not have write permission to the global KDE directory, the entity loading will fail. &DTD; Load &DTD; Package (&DTEP;)... Load a your own &DTEP;. &DTD; Send &DTD; Package (&DTEP;) in E-Mail... Send your &DTEP; to a friend via &kmail;. &DTD; Upload &DTD; Package (&DTEP;)... This is allows you to upload a &DTEP;s. See . &DTD; Download &DTD; Package (&DTEP;)... This is allows you to download &DTEP;s from the Internet. See .
The <guimenu>Tags</guimenu> Menu This menu contains a list of the elements that are in the currently loaded toolbars. If you have the Standard (&HTML;) toolbar loaded, the Tags menu will contain a submenu Standard which will contain the list of tags/actions on that toolbar. &Ctrl;E Tags Edit Current Tag... Allows you to access the current markup tag settings dialog if one exists. This entry is always present, followed by the &DTD; specific submenus. Tags Select Current Tag Area This highlights the current tag area. The tag area begins where the mouse cursor is placed. Tags Smart Tag Insertion Activates/deactivates the smart insertion of tags. Currently it works only in (X)HTML DTDs. Smart insertion means that &quantaplus; will refuse to insert a tag using the toolbar if the tag cannot be present in the current location. The <guimenu>Plugins</guimenu> Menu Plugins Plugin The Plugins menu lists the available plugins under the above menu items. Clicking them will activate them. Clicking an activated plugin will deactivate it. The <guimenu>Tools</guimenu> Menu Tools Highlight Mode Choose the syntax highlighting mode for the current file. The list of available highlighting schemes varies depending on your version of &kate;. Tools End of Line Select the end of line encoding type. Useful if you have folks using other &OS; platforms to develop on. Choose from Unix, Windows/DOS or Macintosh. &Ctrl;I Tools Indent Move the selected block of text one tab width to the right. &Ctrl;&Shift;I Tools Unindent Move the selected block of text one tab width to the left. Tools Clean Indentation Removes all indentation. &Ctrl;D Tools Comment Comments selected text. &Ctrl;&Shift;D Tools Uncomment Uncomments selected text. Tools Word Wrap Document Wrap the text in the current window to a predefined width. Tools Spelling... Check the spelling in the current document. Tools Document Properties Edit specific properties of a currently loaded document when using the &VPL; Editor. Tools Convert Tag & Attribute Case... Convert all tags and/or attributes character cases to another. &Alt;&Ctrl;T Tools HTML Tidy Syntax Checking Checks the syntax of the current document against the selected &DTD; using the external tidy application. The <guimenu>Window</guimenu> Menu Window Close Closes the current tab (document, plugin, preview or documentation). Window Close All Closes all opened tabs. Window MDI Mode On-the-fly switching between different UI modes. Due to some limitations in the KDE libraries, the switching might take time and cause ugly artifacts. The recommended modes to use are IDEAl Mode, which is the default or Tab Page Mode, which is the same mode that was present in &quantaplus; 3.2 and earlier versions. Furthermore this menu contains an entry for every opened tab. By selecting such an entry, that selected tab will become the active one. The <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> Menu Settings Toolbars Show or hide the non-user toolbars. Settings Show/Hide DTD Toolbar Toggle on and off the display of the &DTD; specific toolbar. Settings Show/Hide Statusbar Toggle on and off the display of the status bar at the bottom of the main &quantaplus; window. Settings Configure Quanta... Setup the behavior of &quantaplus;. Settings Configure Preview... Setup the behavior of the integrated preview. The changes made in the dialog have effects on every application using the KHTML part, including the &konqueror; web browser. Settings Configure Actions... This is where you define the actions for use on toolbars. See . Settings Configure Plugins... This is where you can define and modify the plugins. Settings Configure Editor... Setup the behavior of the editor window. See the documentation on &kate; for details. Settings Configure Toolbars... Dialog that allows you to add/delete items to/from toolbars and change the order the icons appear in. Settings Configure Shortcuts... Allows you to configure the many editor shortcuts available to &quantaplus;. The <guimenu>Help</guimenu> Menu &quantaplus; contains a standard &kde; Help menu with the addition of these items: &Ctrl;H Help Context Help This should produce help based on the current pointer context. At the time of this writing this feature is not implemented. Help Make A Donation &quantaplus; is a high quality product that is freely available, and freely licensed, but like any open source project, its developers can always use help. If you would like to support &quantaplus; development in a financial manner, you can find out how to here. The standard &kde; help menu items are as follows: &;