Command ReferenceThe Main &appname; WindowEach menu item is discussed below. When there is a keyboard shortcut that
performs a menu item function, the default shortcut is listed with the menu item.
The File MenuFileNewThis command creates a new collection. &appname; supports 12 default collection types along with an empty user-defined custom collection.&Ctrl;OFileOpen...This command opens a &appname; file.FileOpen RecentThis command opens a file from a submenu
that contains a list of recently opened files.&Ctrl;SFileSave...This command saves the collection. If the file is
Untitled then Save... is equivalent to
Save As. It is only enabled when the collection has been
modified.FileSave As...This command saves the collection to a new file.&Ctrl;PFilePrint...This command prints the collection. Printing options may be set in the &config-dialog;.FileImportThis command imports data from another file. &appname; can import data from a number of other formats.FileExportThis command exports the collection to another format. &appname; can export data to a number of other formats.&Ctrl;QFileQuitThis command closes the &appname; window. If the collection has unsaved changes, you will be prompted to save them before continuing.The Edit Menu&Ctrl;ZEditUndoThis command undoes the previous action. Not all actions are supported by Undo.&Ctrl;&Shift;ZEditRedoThis command reverts a previous Undo..&Ctrl;XEditCutThis command removes the selected text, if any, and places a copy of the removed text in the clipboard.&Ctrl;CEditCopyThis command copies the selected text, if any, to the clipboard.&Ctrl;VEditPasteThis command pastes the text in the clipboard,if any, into the editor at the cursor position.&Ctrl;AEditSelect AllThis command selects all the entries in the collection, in the &detailed-view;.&Ctrl;&Shift;AEditDeselectThis command deselects all the entries in the collection.EditInternet Search...This command opens the &fields-dialog; to search for and import entries from various Internet sites, including;JEditAdvanced Filter...This command opens the &filter-dialog;.The Collection Menu&Ctrl;NCollectionNew EntryThis command opens the &entry-editor; to edit a new entry.&Ctrl;ECollectionEdit EntryThis command opens the &entry-editor; to edit the selected entries.&Ctrl;YCollectionDuplicate EntryThis command copies, or duplicates, the selected entries as new entries in the collection.&Ctrl;DCollectionDelete EntryThis command deletes the selected entries.CollectionUpdate EntryThis menu contains a list of all available data sources, and can be used to autmatically query the
source and update the selected entries.CollectionCheck-out.This command opens a dialog box for loaning the selected entries..CollectionCheck-inThis command checks-in any of the selected entries which are currently on-loan.&Ctrl;RCollectionRename CollectionThis command opens a dialog box for renaming the collection.&Ctrl;UCollectionCollection Fields...This command opens the &fields-dialog;.&Ctrl;UCollectionGenerate Reports...This command opens the &report-dialog; for generating reports about the collection.CollectionConvert to BibliographyThis command converts a book collection to a bibliography by adding certain fields necessary for Bibtex export, and it is only enabled when a book collection is open.CollectionString Macros...This command opens a dialog box for editing the Bibtex string macros in the collection. It is only enabled when editing a bibliography.CollectionCopy Bibtex to ClipboardThis command copies a Bibtex citation to the clipboard so that it can pasted in a LaTeX document.CollectionCite Entry in LyxThis command sends a citation for the selected entries to the so-called lyxpipe for use in LyX, Kile, or other LaTeX applications. It is only enabled when editing a bibliography.CollectionCite Entry in OpenOffice.orgThis command sends a citation for the selected entries to Writer. It is only enabled when editing a bibliography when the plugin is available.The Settings MenuSettingsToolbarsThis command toggles the display of the toolbars.SettingsShow StatusbarThis command toggles the display of the statusbar.SettingsShow &group-view;This command toggles the display of the &group-view;.SettingsShow &entry-editor;This command toggles the display of the &entry-editor;.SettingsShow &entry-view;This command toggles the display of the &entry-view;.SettingsGroup SelectionThis command changes the field used to group the entries in the collection.SettingsConfigure Shortcuts...This command opens the the &kde; &shortcut-dialog;.SettingsConfigure Toolbars...This command opens the the &kde; &toolbar-dialog;.SettingsConfigure &appname;...This command opens the &appname; &config-dialog;.The Help MenuHelp&appname; HandbookThis command opens the &appname; Handbook.&Shift;F1HelpWhat's This?This command changes the mouse cursor to an arrow with a question mark. Clicking on items in the window will show a small tooltip (if one exists for that item) explaining what the item does.HelpTip of the DayThis command opens the Tip of the Day dialog. You can page through all the tips by using the buttons on the dialog.HelpReport Bug...This command open the Submit Bug Report dialog. If you find
a bug or a problem, if you have a suggestion for improvement, or a translation correction, use this interface to send the author an email.HelpAbout &appname;This command opens the About &appname; dialog, showing version and author information for the application.HelpAbout &kde;This command opens the About &kde; dialog, showing the &kde; version and other information about the desktop environment.