    copyright            : (C) 2001-2006 by Robby Stephenson
    email                : robby@periapsis.org

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as  *
 *   published by the Free Software Foundation;                            *
 *                                                                         *


#include <config.h>

#include "datavectors.h"
#include "filter.h"

#include <kurl.h>

#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqguardedptr.h>

namespace Tellico {
  namespace Import {
    class TellicoImporter;
  namespace Data {

 * The Document contains everything needed to deal with the contents, thus separated from
 * the viewer, the Tellico object. It can take of opening and saving documents, and contains
 * a list of the collections in the document.
 * @author Robby Stephenson
class Document : public TQObject {

  static Document* self() { if(!s_self) s_self = new Document(); return s_self; }

   * Sets the URL associated with the document.
   * @param url The URL
  void setURL(const KURL& url);
   * Checks the modified flag, which indicates if the document has changed since the
   * last save.
   * @return A boolean indicating the modified status
  bool isModified() const { return m_isModified; }
   * Sets whether all images are loaded from file or not
  void setLoadAllImages(bool loadAll) { m_loadAllImages = loadAll; }
   * Returns the current url associated with the document
   * @return The url
  const KURL& URL() const { return m_url; }
   * Initializes a new document. The signalNewDoc() signal is emitted. The return
   * value is currently always true, but should indicate whether or not a new document
   * was correctly initialized.
   * @param type The type of collection to add
   * @return A boolean indicating success
  bool newDocument(int type);
   * Open a document given a specified location. If, for whatever reason, the file
   * cannot be opened, a proper message box is shown, indicating the problem. The
   * signalNewDoc() signal is made once the file contents have been confirmed.
   * @param url The location to open
   * @return A boolean indicating success
  bool openDocument(const KURL& url);
   * Checks to see if the document has been modified before deleting the contents.
   * If it has, then a message box asks the user if the document should be saved,
   * and then acts on the result.
   * @return A boolean indicating success
  bool saveModified();
   * Saves the document contents to a file.
   * @param url The location to save the file
   * @return A boolean indicating success
  bool saveDocument(const KURL& url);
   * Closes the document, deleting the contents. The return value is presently always true.
   * @return A boolean indicating success
  bool closeDocument();
   * Deletes the contents of the document. A signalCollectionDeleted() will be sent for every
   * collection in the document.
  void deleteContents();
   * Returns a pointer to the document collection
   * @return The collection
  CollPtr collection() const;
   * Returns true if there are no entries. A doc with an empty collection is still empty.
  bool isEmpty() const;
   * Appends the contents of another collection to the current one. The collections must be the
   * same type. Fields which are in the current collection are left alone. Fields
   * in the appended collection not in the current one are added. Entrys in the appended collection
   * are added to the current one.
   * @param coll A pointer to the appended collection.
  void appendCollection(CollPtr coll);
   * Merges another collection into this one. The collections must be the same type. Fields in the
   * current collection are left alone. Fields not in the current are added. The merging is slow
   * since each entry in @p coll must be compared to ever entry in the current collection.
   * @param coll A pointer to the collection to be merged.
   * @return A TQPair of the merged entries, see note in datavectors.h
  MergePair mergeCollection(CollPtr coll);
   * Replace the current collection with a new one. Effectively, this is equivalent to opening
   * a new file containing this collection.
   * @param coll A Pointer to the new collection, the document takes ownership.
  void replaceCollection(CollPtr coll);
  void unAppendCollection(CollPtr coll, FieldVec origFields);
  void unMergeCollection(CollPtr coll, FieldVec origFields_, MergePair entryPair);
   * Attempts to load an image from the document file
  bool loadImage(const TQString& id);
  bool loadAllImagesNow() const;
  bool allImagesOnDisk() const { return m_allImagesOnDisk; }
  int imageCount() const;
  EntryVec filteredEntries(Filter::Ptr filter) const;
   * Sort entries according to current detailed view
  EntryVec sortEntries(EntryVec entries) const;

  void renameCollection(const TQString& newTitle);

  void checkInEntry(EntryPtr entry);
  void checkOutEntry(EntryPtr entry);

   * The second entry vector contains entries with images which should not be removed
   * in addition to those already in the collection
  void removeImagesNotInCollection(EntryVec entries, EntryVec entriesToKeep);
  void cancelImageWriting() { m_cancelImageWriting = true; }

public slots:
   * Sets the modified flag. If it is true, the signalModified signal is made.
   * @param m A boolean indicating the current modified status
  void slotSetModified(bool m=true);
  void slotDocumentRestored();

   * Signals that the document has been modified.
  void signalModified(bool modified);
   * Signals that a status message should be shown.
   * @param str The message
  void signalStatusMsg(const TQString& str);
   * Signals that all images in the loaded file have been loaded
   * into memory or onto the disk
  void signalCollectionImagesLoaded(Tellico::Data::CollPtr coll);

private slots:
   * Does an initial loading of all images, used for writing
   * images to temp dir initially
  void slotLoadAllImages();

  static Document* s_self;

   * Writes all images in the current collection to the cache directory
   * if cacheDir = LocalDir, then url will be used and must not be empty
  void writeAllImages(int cacheDir, const KURL& url=KURL());
  bool pruneImages();

  // make all constructors private
  Document(const Document& doc);
  Document& operator=(const Document&);

  CollPtr m_coll;
  bool m_isModified : 1;
  bool m_loadAllImages : 1;
  KURL m_url;
  bool m_validFile : 1;
  TQGuardedPtr<Import::TellicoImporter> m_importer;
  bool m_cancelImageWriting : 1;
  int m_fileFormat;
  bool m_allImagesOnDisk : 1;

  } // end namespace
} // end namespace