path: root/doc/man/man3/tqcontextmenuevent.3qt
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authorTimothy Pearson <>2013-11-06 16:23:17 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <>2013-11-06 16:23:17 -0600
commite193e0140419d117a52e3756ddd9d2bdf3ab7a4a (patch)
tree2581a958653985ed91ff63ff702ad47a253553b3 /doc/man/man3/tqcontextmenuevent.3qt
parentab9c0372a33806de1210b9b6f3bc7544895ad4fb (diff)
Automated update from Qt3
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+'\" t
+.TH QContextMenuEvent 3qt "2 February 2007" "Trolltech AS" \" -*- nroff -*-
+.\" Copyright 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved. See the
+.\" license file included in the distribution for a complete license
+.\" statement.
+.\" l
+QContextMenuEvent \- Parameters that describe a context menu event
+\fC#include <ntqevent.h>\fR
+Inherits QEvent.
+.SS "Public Members" +1c
+.ti -1c
+.BI "enum \fBReason\fR { Mouse, Keyboard, Other }"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "\fBQContextMenuEvent\fR ( Reason reason, const QPoint & pos, const QPoint & globalPos, int state )"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "\fBQContextMenuEvent\fR ( Reason reason, const QPoint & pos, int state )"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "int \fBx\fR () const"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "int \fBy\fR () const"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "int \fBglobalX\fR () const"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "int \fBglobalY\fR () const"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "const QPoint & \fBpos\fR () const"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "const QPoint & \fBglobalPos\fR () const"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "ButtonState \fBstate\fR () const"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "bool \fBisAccepted\fR () const"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "bool \fBisConsumed\fR () const"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "void \fBconsume\fR ()"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "void \fBaccept\fR ()"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "void \fBignore\fR ()"
+.ti -1c
+.BI "Reason \fBreason\fR () const" -1c
+The QContextMenuEvent class contains parameters that describe a context menu event.
+Context menu events are sent to widgets when a user triggers a context menu. What triggers this is platform dependent. For example, on Windows, pressing the menu button or releasing the right mouse button will cause this event to be sent.
+When this event occurs it is customary to show a QPopupMenu with a context menu, if this is relevant to the context.
+Context menu events contain a special accept flag that indicates whether the receiver accepted the event. If the event handler does not accept the event, then whatever triggered the event will be handled as a regular input event if possible.
+See also QPopupMenu and Event Classes.
+.SS "Member Type Documentation"
+.SH "QContextMenuEvent::Reason"
+This enum describes the reason the ContextMenuEvent was sent. The values are:
+\fCQContextMenuEvent::Mouse\fR - The mouse caused the event to be sent. Normally this means the right mouse button was clicked, but this is platform specific.
+\fCQContextMenuEvent::Keyboard\fR - The keyboard caused this event to be sent. On Windows this means the menu button was pressed.
+\fCQContextMenuEvent::Other\fR - The event was sent by some other means (i.e. not by the mouse or keyboard).
+.SH "QContextMenuEvent::QContextMenuEvent ( Reason reason, const QPoint & pos, const QPoint & globalPos, int state )"
+Constructs a context menu event object with the accept parameter flag set to FALSE.
+The \fIreason\fR parameter must be QContextMenuEvent::Mouse or QContextMenuEvent::Keyboard.
+The \fIpos\fR parameter specifies the mouse position relative to the receiving widget. \fIglobalPos\fR is the mouse position in absolute coordinates. \fIstate\fR is the ButtonState at the time of the event.
+.SH "QContextMenuEvent::QContextMenuEvent ( Reason reason, const QPoint & pos, int state )"
+Constructs a context menu event object with the accept parameter flag set to FALSE.
+The \fIreason\fR parameter must be QContextMenuEvent::Mouse or QContextMenuEvent::Keyboard.
+The \fIpos\fR parameter specifies the mouse position relative to the receiving widget. \fIstate\fR is the ButtonState at the time of the event.
+The globalPos() is initialized to QCursor::pos(), which may not be appropriate. Use the other constructor to specify the global position explicitly.
+.SH "void QContextMenuEvent::accept ()"
+Sets the accept flag of the context event object.
+Setting the accept flag indicates that the receiver of this event has processed the event. Processing the event means you did something with it and it will be implicitly consumed.
+The accept flag is not set by default.
+See also ignore() and consume().
+.SH "void QContextMenuEvent::consume ()"
+Sets the consume flag of the context event object.
+Setting the consume flag indicates that the receiver of this event does not want the event to be propagated further (i.e. not sent to parent classes.)
+The consumed flag is not set by default.
+See also ignore() and accept().
+.SH "const QPoint & QContextMenuEvent::globalPos () const"
+Returns the global position of the mouse pointer at the time of the event.
+See also x(), y(), and pos().
+.SH "int QContextMenuEvent::globalX () const"
+Returns the global x-position of the mouse pointer at the time of the event.
+See also globalY() and globalPos().
+.SH "int QContextMenuEvent::globalY () const"
+Returns the global y-position of the mouse pointer at the time of the event.
+See also globalX() and globalPos().
+.SH "void QContextMenuEvent::ignore ()"
+Clears the accept flag of the context event object.
+Clearing the accept flag indicates that the receiver of this event does not need to show a context menu. This will implicitly remove the consumed flag as well.
+The accept flag is not set by default.
+See also accept() and consume().
+.SH "bool QContextMenuEvent::isAccepted () const"
+Returns TRUE if the receiver has processed the event; otherwise returns FALSE.
+See also accept(), ignore(), and consume().
+.SH "bool QContextMenuEvent::isConsumed () const"
+Returns TRUE (which stops propagation of the event) if the receiver has blocked the event; otherwise returns FALSE.
+See also accept(), ignore(), and consume().
+.SH "const QPoint & QContextMenuEvent::pos () const"
+Returns the position of the mouse pointer relative to the widget that received the event.
+See also x(), y(), and globalPos().
+.SH "Reason QContextMenuEvent::reason () const"
+Returns the reason for this context event.
+.SH "ButtonState QContextMenuEvent::state () const"
+Returns the button state (a combination of mouse buttons and keyboard modifiers), i.e. what buttons and keys were being pressed immediately before the event was generated.
+The returned value is LeftButton, RightButton, MidButton, ShiftButton, ControlButton and AltButton OR'ed together.
+.SH "int QContextMenuEvent::x () const"
+Returns the x-position of the mouse pointer, relative to the widget that received the event.
+See also y() and pos().
+.SH "int QContextMenuEvent::y () const"
+Returns the y-position of the mouse pointer, relative to the widget that received the event.
+See also x() and pos().
+Copyright 1992-2007 Trolltech ASA, See the
+license file included in the distribution for a complete license
+Generated automatically from the source code.
+If you find a bug in Qt, please report it as described in
+.BR .
+Good bug reports help us to help you. Thank you.
+The definitive Qt documentation is provided in HTML format; it is
+located at $QTDIR/doc/html and can be read using Qt Assistant or with
+a web browser. This man page is provided as a convenience for those
+users who prefer man pages, although this format is not officially
+supported by Trolltech.
+If you find errors in this manual page, please report them to
+.BR .
+Please include the name of the manual page (tqcontextmenuevent.3qt) and the Qt
+version (3.3.8).