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+<title>TQt Tutorial - Chapter 11: Giving It a Shot</title>
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+<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>TQt Tutorial - Chapter 11: Giving It a Shot</h1>
+<p> <center><img src="t11.png" alt="Screenshot of tutorial eleven"></center>
+<p> In this example we introduce a timer to implement animated shooting.
+<p> <ul>
+<li> <a href="t11-lcdrange-h.html">t11/lcdrange.h</a> contains the LCDRange
+class definition.
+<li> <a href="t11-lcdrange-cpp.html">t11/lcdrange.cpp</a> contains the LCDRange
+<li> <a href="t11-cannon-h.html">t11/cannon.h</a> contains the CannonField class
+<li> <a href="t11-cannon-cpp.html">t11/cannon.cpp</a> contains the CannonField
+<li> <a href="t11-main-cpp.html">t11/main.cpp</a> contains MyWidget and main.
+<p> <h2> Line-by-line Walkthrough
+<a name="1"></a><p> <h3> <a href="t11-cannon-h.html">t11/cannon.h</a>
+<a name="1-1"></a><p> The CannonField now has shooting capabilities.
+<p> <pre> void shoot();
+<p> Calling this slot will make the cannon shoot if a shot is not in the air.
+<p> <pre> private slots:
+ void moveShot();
+<p> This private slot is used to move the shot while it is in the air,
+using a <a href="qtimer.html">TQTimer</a>.
+<p> <pre> private:
+ void paintShot( <a href="qpainter.html">TQPainter</a> * );
+<p> This private function paints the shot.
+<p> <pre> <a href="qrect.html">TQRect</a> shotRect() const;
+<p> This private function returns the shot's enclosing rectangle if
+one is in the air; otherwise the returned rectangle is undefined.
+<p> <pre> int timerCount;
+ <a href="qtimer.html">TQTimer</a> * autoShootTimer;
+ float shoot_ang;
+ float shoot_f;
+ };
+<p> These private variables contain information that describes the shot. The
+<tt>timerCount</tt> keeps track of the time passed since the shot was fired.
+The <tt>shoot_ang</tt> is the cannon angle and <tt>shoot_f</tt> is the cannon force
+when the shot was fired.
+<p> <h3> <a href="t11-cannon-cpp.html">t11/cannon.cpp</a>
+<a name="1-2"></a><p>
+<p> <pre> #include &lt;math.h&gt;
+<p> We include the math library because we need the sin() and cos() functions.
+<p> <pre> CannonField::CannonField( <a href="qwidget.html">TQWidget</a> *parent, const char *name )
+ : <a href="qwidget.html">TQWidget</a>( parent, name )
+ {
+ ang = 45;
+ f = 0;
+ timerCount = 0;
+ autoShootTimer = new <a href="qtimer.html">TQTimer</a>( this, "movement handler" );
+ <a name="x2379"></a> <a href="qobject.html#connect">connect</a>( autoShootTimer, SIGNAL(<a href="qtimer.html#timeout">timeout</a>()),
+ this, SLOT(moveShot()) );
+ shoot_ang = 0;
+ shoot_f = 0;
+ <a href="qwidget.html#setPalette">setPalette</a>( TQPalette( TQColor( 250, 250, 200) ) );
+ }
+<p> We initialize our new private variables and connect the <a href="qtimer.html#timeout">TQTimer::timeout</a>() signal to our moveShot() slot. We'll move the
+shot every time the timer times out.
+<p> <pre> void CannonField::shoot()
+ {
+ <a name="x2376"></a> if ( autoShootTimer-&gt;<a href="qtimer.html#isActive">isActive</a>() )
+ return;
+ timerCount = 0;
+ shoot_ang = ang;
+ shoot_f = f;
+ <a name="x2377"></a> autoShootTimer-&gt;<a href="qtimer.html#start">start</a>( 50 );
+ }
+<p> This function shoots a shot unless a shot is in the air. The <tt>timerCount</tt>
+is reset to zero. The <tt>shoot_ang</tt> and <tt>shoot_f</tt> are set to the current
+cannon angle and force. Finally, we start the timer.
+<p> <pre> void CannonField::moveShot()
+ {
+ <a href="qregion.html">TQRegion</a> r( shotRect() );
+ timerCount++;
+ <a href="qrect.html">TQRect</a> shotR = shotRect();
+ if ( shotR.<a href="qrect.html#x">x</a>() &gt; width() || shotR.<a href="qrect.html#y">y</a>() &gt; height() )
+ <a name="x2378"></a> autoShootTimer-&gt;<a href="qtimer.html#stop">stop</a>();
+ else
+ <a name="x2373"></a> r = r.<a href="qrect.html#unite">unite</a>( TQRegion( shotR ) );
+ <a href="qwidget.html#repaint">repaint</a>( r );
+ }
+<p> moveShot() is the slot that moves the shot, called every 50
+milliseconds when the <a href="qtimer.html">TQTimer</a> fires.
+<p> Its tasks are to compute the new position, repaint the screen with the
+shot in the new position, and if necessary, stop the timer.
+<p> First we make a <a href="qregion.html">TQRegion</a> that holds the old shotRect(). A <a href="qregion.html">TQRegion</a>
+is capable of holding any sort of region, and we'll use it here to
+simplify the painting. ShotRect() returns the rectangle where the
+shot is now - it is explained in detail later.
+<p> Then we increment the <tt>timerCount</tt>, which has the effect of moving the
+shot one step along its trajectory.
+<p> Next we fetch the new shot rectangle.
+<p> If the shot has moved beyond the right or bottom edge of the widget, we
+stop the timer or we add the new shotRect() to the TQRegion.
+<p> Finally, we repaint the TQRegion. This will send a single paint event
+for just the one or two rectangles that need updating.
+<p> <pre> void CannonField::<a href="qwidget.html#paintEvent">paintEvent</a>( <a href="qpaintevent.html">TQPaintEvent</a> *e )
+ {
+ <a name="x2369"></a> <a href="qrect.html">TQRect</a> updateR = e-&gt;<a href="qpaintevent.html#rect">rect</a>();
+ <a href="qpainter.html">TQPainter</a> p( this );
+ <a name="x2370"></a> if ( updateR.<a href="qrect.html#intersects">intersects</a>( cannonRect() ) )
+ paintCannon( &amp;p );
+ if ( autoShootTimer-&gt;<a href="qtimer.html#isActive">isActive</a>() &amp;&amp;
+ updateR.<a href="qrect.html#intersects">intersects</a>( shotRect() ) )
+ paintShot( &amp;p );
+ }
+<p> The paint event function has been split in two since the previous
+chapter. Now we fetch the bounding rectangle of the region that
+needs painting, check whether it intersects either the cannon and/or
+the shot, and if necessary, call paintCannon() and/or paintShot().
+<p> <pre> void CannonField::paintShot( <a href="qpainter.html">TQPainter</a> *p )
+ {
+ p-&gt;<a href="qpainter.html#setBrush">setBrush</a>( black );
+ p-&gt;<a href="qpainter.html#setPen">setPen</a>( NoPen );
+ <a name="x2366"></a> p-&gt;<a href="qpainter.html#drawRect">drawRect</a>( shotRect() );
+ }
+<p> This private function paints the shot by drawing a black filled rectangle.
+<p> We leave out the implementation of paintCannon(); it is the same as
+the paintEvent() from the previous chapter.
+<p> <pre> TQRect CannonField::shotRect() const
+ {
+ const double gravity = 4;
+ double time = timerCount / 4.0;
+ double velocity = shoot_f;
+ double radians = shoot_ang*3.14159265/180;
+ double velx = velocity*cos( radians );
+ double vely = velocity*sin( radians );
+ <a name="x2372"></a> double x0 = ( barrelRect.<a href="qrect.html#right">right</a>() + 5 )*cos(radians);
+ double y0 = ( barrelRect.<a href="qrect.html#right">right</a>() + 5 )*sin(radians);
+ double x = x0 + velx*time;
+ double y = y0 + vely*time - 0.5*gravity*time*time;
+ <a href="qrect.html">TQRect</a> r = TQRect( 0, 0, 6, 6 );
+ <a name="x2371"></a> r.<a href="qrect.html#moveCenter">moveCenter</a>( TQPoint( qRound(x), height() - 1 - qRound(y) ) );
+ return r;
+ }
+<p> This private function calculates the center point of the shot and returns
+the enclosing rectangle of the shot. It uses the initial cannon force and
+angle in addition to <tt>timerCount</tt>, which increases as time passes.
+<p> The formula used is the classical Newtonian formula for frictionless
+movement in a gravity field. For simplicity, we've chosen to
+disregard any Einsteinian effects.
+<p> We calculate the center point in a coordinate system where y
+coordinates increase upward. After we have calculated the center
+point, we construct a <a href="qrect.html">TQRect</a> with size 6x6 and move its center point to
+the point calculated above. In the same operation we convert the
+point into the widget's coordinate system (see <a href="coordsys.html">The
+Coordinate System</a>).
+<p> The qRound() function is an inline function defined in qglobal.h (included
+by all other TQt header files). qRound() rounds a double to the closest
+<p> <h3> <a href="t11-main-cpp.html">t11/main.cpp</a>
+<a name="1-3"></a><p>
+<p> <pre> class MyWidget: public <a href="qwidget.html">TQWidget</a>
+ {
+ public:
+ MyWidget( <a href="qwidget.html">TQWidget</a> *parent=0, const char *name=0 );
+ };
+<p> The only addition is the Shoot button.
+<p> <pre> <a href="qpushbutton.html">TQPushButton</a> *shoot = new <a href="qpushbutton.html">TQPushButton</a>( "&amp;Shoot", this, "shoot" );
+ <a name="x2382"></a> shoot-&gt;<a href="qwidget.html#setFont">setFont</a>( TQFont( "Times", 18, TQFont::Bold ) );
+<p> In the constructor we create and set up the Shoot button exactly like we
+did with the Quit button. Note that the first argument to the constructor
+is the button text, and the third is the widget's name.
+<p> <pre> <a href="qobject.html#connect">connect</a>( shoot, SIGNAL(<a href="qbutton.html#clicked">clicked</a>()), cannonField, SLOT(shoot()) );
+<p> Connects the clicked() signal of the Shoot button to the shoot() slot
+of the CannonField.
+<p> <h2> Behavior
+<a name="2"></a><p> The cannon can shoot, but there's nothing to shoot at.
+<p> (See <a href="tutorial1-07.html#compiling">Compiling</a> for how to create a
+makefile and build the application.)
+<p> <h2> Exercises
+<a name="3"></a><p> Make the shot a filled circle. Hint: <a href="qpainter.html#drawEllipse">TQPainter::drawEllipse</a>() may
+<p> Change the color of the cannon when a shot is in the air.
+<p> You're now ready for <a href="tutorial1-12.html">Chapter 12.</a>
+<p> [<a href="tutorial1-10.html">Previous tutorial</a>]
+[<a href="tutorial1-12.html">Next tutorial</a>]
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