From d796c9dd933ab96ec83b9a634feedd5d32e1ba3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Timothy Pearson Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 12:31:36 -0600 Subject: Test conversion to TQt3 from Qt3 8c6fc1f8e35fd264dd01c582ca5e7549b32ab731 --- doc/html/customlayout-example.html | 851 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 851 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/html/customlayout-example.html (limited to 'doc/html/customlayout-example.html') diff --git a/doc/html/customlayout-example.html b/doc/html/customlayout-example.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5c26c5f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/html/customlayout-example.html @@ -0,0 +1,851 @@ + + + + + +Customized Layoutmanager + + + + + + + +
+ +Home + | +All Classes + | +Main Classes + | +Annotated + | +Grouped Classes + | +Functions +

Customized Layoutmanager

+ + +

+This examples demonstrates how to write customized layout (geometry) managers +like card layouts, border layout and flow layouts. +

See also: Documentation of Geometry Management. +


Header file of the flow layout: +

+** $Id: qt/flow.h   3.3.8   edited Jan 11 14:46 $
+** Definition of simple flow layout for custom layout example
+** Created : 979899
+** Copyright (C) 1997-2007 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of an example program for TQt.  This example
+** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
+#ifndef FLOW_H
+#define FLOW_H
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+class SimpleFlow : public TQLayout
+    SimpleFlow( TQWidget *parent, int border=0, int space=-1,
+                const char *name=0 )
+        : TQLayout( parent, border, space, name ),
+        cached_width(0) {}
+    SimpleFlow( TQLayout* parent, int space=-1, const char *name=0 )
+        : TQLayout( parent, space, name ),
+        cached_width(0) {}
+    SimpleFlow( int space=-1, const char *name=0 )
+        : TQLayout( space, name ),
+        cached_width(0) {}
+    ~SimpleFlow();
+    void addItem( TQLayoutItem *item);
+    bool hasHeightForWidth() const;
+    int heightForWidth( int ) const;
+    TQSize sizeHint() const;
+    TQSize minimumSize() const;
+    TQLayoutIterator iterator();
+    TQSizePolicy::ExpandData expanding() const;
+    void setGeometry( const TQRect& );
+    int doLayout( const TQRect&, bool testonly = FALSE );
+    TQPtrList<TQLayoutItem> list;
+    int cached_width;
+    int cached_hfw;
+ +


Implementation of the flow layout: +

+** $Id: qt/flow.cpp   3.3.8   edited Jan 11 14:46 $
+** Implementing your own layout: flow example
+** Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of an example program for TQt.  This example
+** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
+#include "flow.h"
+class SimpleFlowIterator :public TQGLayoutIterator
+    SimpleFlowIterator( TQPtrList<TQLayoutItem> *l ) :idx(0), list(l)  {}
+    uint count() const;
+    TQLayoutItem *current();
+    TQLayoutItem *next();
+    TQLayoutItem *takeCurrent();
+    int idx;
+    TQPtrList<TQLayoutItem> *list;
+uint SimpleFlowIterator::count() const
+    return list->count();
+TQLayoutItem *SimpleFlowIterator::current()
+    return idx < int(count()) ? list->at(idx) : 0;
+TQLayoutItem *SimpleFlowIterator::next()
+    idx++; return current();
+TQLayoutItem *SimpleFlowIterator::takeCurrent()
+    return idx < int(count()) ? list->take( idx ) : 0;
+    deleteAllItems();
+int SimpleFlow::heightForWidth( int w ) const
+    if ( cached_width != w ) {
+        //Not all C++ compilers support "mutable" yet:
+        SimpleFlow * mthis = (SimpleFlow*)this;
+        int h = mthis->doLayout( TQRect(0,0,w,0), TRUE );
+        mthis->cached_hfw = h;
+        mthis->cached_width = w;
+        return h;
+    }
+    return cached_hfw;
+void SimpleFlow::addItem( TQLayoutItem *item)
+    list.append( item );
+bool SimpleFlow::hasHeightForWidth() const
+    return TRUE;
+TQSize SimpleFlow::sizeHint() const
+    return minimumSize();
+TQSizePolicy::ExpandData SimpleFlow::expanding() const
+    return TQSizePolicy::NoDirection;
+TQLayoutIterator SimpleFlow::iterator()
+    return TQLayoutIterator( new SimpleFlowIterator( &list ) );
+void SimpleFlow::setGeometry( const TQRect &r )
+    TQLayout::setGeometry( r );
+    doLayout( r );
+int SimpleFlow::doLayout( const TQRect &r, bool testonly )
+    int x = r.x();
+    int y = r.y();
+    int h = 0;          //height of this line so far.
+    TQPtrListIterator<TQLayoutItem> it(list);
+    TQLayoutItem *o;
+    while ( (o=it.current()) != 0 ) {
+        ++it;
+        int nextX = x + o->sizeHint().width() + spacing();
+        if ( nextX - spacing() > r.right() && h > 0 ) {
+            x = r.x();
+            y = y + h + spacing();
+            nextX = x + o->sizeHint().width() + spacing();
+            h = 0;
+        }
+        if ( !testonly )
+            o->setGeometry( TQRect( TQPoint( x, y ), o->sizeHint() ) );
+        x = nextX;
+        h = TQMAX( h,  o->sizeHint().height() );
+    }
+    return y + h - r.y();
+TQSize SimpleFlow::minimumSize() const
+    TQSize s(0,0);
+    TQPtrListIterator<TQLayoutItem> it(list);
+    TQLayoutItem *o;
+    while ( (o=it.current()) != 0 ) {
+        ++it;
+        s = s.expandedTo( o->minimumSize() );
+    }
+    return s;
+ +


Header file of the border layout: +

+** $Id: qt/border.h   3.3.8   edited Jan 11 14:46 $
+** Definition of simple flow layout for custom layout example
+** Created : 979899
+** Copyright (C) 1997-2007 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of an example program for TQt.  This example
+** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
+#ifndef BORDER_H
+#define BORDER_H
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+class BorderWidgetItem : public TQWidgetItem
+    BorderWidgetItem( TQWidget *w )
+        : TQWidgetItem( w )
+    {}
+    void setGeometry( const TQRect &r )
+    { widget()->setGeometry( r ); }
+class BorderLayout : public TQLayout
+    enum Position {
+        West = 0,
+        North,
+        South,
+        East,
+        Center
+    };
+    struct BorderLayoutStruct
+    {
+        BorderLayoutStruct( TQLayoutItem *i, Position p ) {
+            item = i;
+            pos = p;
+        }
+        TQLayoutItem *item;
+        Position pos;
+    };
+    enum SizeType {
+        Minimum = 0,
+        SizeHint
+    };
+    BorderLayout( TQWidget *parent, int border = 0, int autoBorder = -1,
+                  const char *name = 0 )
+        : TQLayout( parent, border, autoBorder, name ), cached( 0, 0 ), mcached( 0, 0 ),
+          sizeDirty( TRUE ), msizeDirty( TRUE )
+    {}
+    BorderLayout( TQLayout* parent, int autoBorder = -1, const char *name = 0 )
+        : TQLayout( parent, autoBorder, name  ), cached( 0, 0 ), mcached( 0, 0 ),
+          sizeDirty( TRUE ), msizeDirty( TRUE )
+    {}
+    BorderLayout( int autoBorder = -1, const char *name = 0 )
+        : TQLayout( autoBorder, name ), cached( 0, 0 ), mcached( 0, 0 ),
+          sizeDirty( TRUE ), msizeDirty( TRUE )
+    {}
+    ~BorderLayout();
+    void addItem( TQLayoutItem *item );
+    void addWidget( TQWidget *widget, Position pos );
+    void add( TQLayoutItem *item, Position pos );
+    bool hasHeightForWidth() const;
+    TQSize sizeHint() const;
+    TQSize minimumSize() const;
+    TQLayoutIterator iterator();
+    TQSizePolicy::ExpandData expanding() const;
+    void setGeometry( const TQRect &rect );
+    void doLayout( const TQRect &rect, bool testonly = FALSE );
+    void calcSize( SizeType st );
+    TQPtrList<BorderLayoutStruct> list;
+    TQSize cached, mcached;
+    bool sizeDirty, msizeDirty;
+ +


Implementation of the border layout: +

+** $Id: qt/border.cpp   3.3.8   edited Jan 11 14:46 $
+** Implementing your own layout: flow example
+** Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of an example program for TQt.  This example
+** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
+#include "border.h"
+class BorderLayoutIterator : public TQGLayoutIterator
+    BorderLayoutIterator( const TQPtrList<BorderLayout::BorderLayoutStruct> *l )
+        : idx( 0 ) , list( (TQPtrList<BorderLayout::BorderLayoutStruct>*)l )
+    {}
+    uint count() const;
+    TQLayoutItem *current();
+    BorderLayout::BorderLayoutStruct *currentStruct();
+    void toFirst();
+    TQLayoutItem *next();
+    TQLayoutItem *takeCurrent();
+    BorderLayoutIterator &operator++();
+    int idx;
+    TQPtrList<BorderLayout::BorderLayoutStruct> *list;
+uint BorderLayoutIterator::count() const
+    return list->count();
+TQLayoutItem *BorderLayoutIterator::current()
+    return idx < (int)count() ? list->at( idx )->item : 0;
+BorderLayout::BorderLayoutStruct *BorderLayoutIterator::currentStruct()
+    return idx < (int)count() ? list->at( idx ) : 0;
+void BorderLayoutIterator::toFirst()
+    idx = 0;
+TQLayoutItem *BorderLayoutIterator::next()
+    idx++;
+    return current();
+TQLayoutItem *BorderLayoutIterator::takeCurrent()
+    BorderLayout::BorderLayoutStruct *b
+        = idx < int( list->count() ) ? list->take(  idx  ) : 0;
+    TQLayoutItem *item =  b ? b->item : 0;
+    delete b;
+    return item;
+BorderLayoutIterator &BorderLayoutIterator::operator++()
+    next();
+    return *this;
+    deleteAllItems();
+void BorderLayout::addItem( TQLayoutItem *item )
+    add( item, West );
+void BorderLayout::addWidget( TQWidget *widget, Position pos )
+    add( new BorderWidgetItem( widget ), pos );
+void BorderLayout::add( TQLayoutItem *item, Position pos )
+    list.append( new BorderLayoutStruct( item, pos ) );
+    sizeDirty = TRUE; msizeDirty = TRUE;
+    calcSize( SizeHint ); calcSize( Minimum );
+bool BorderLayout::hasHeightForWidth() const
+    return FALSE;
+TQSize BorderLayout::sizeHint() const
+    return cached;
+TQSize BorderLayout::minimumSize() const
+    return cached;
+TQSizePolicy::ExpandData BorderLayout::expanding() const
+    return TQSizePolicy::BothDirections;
+TQLayoutIterator BorderLayout::iterator()
+    return TQLayoutIterator( new BorderLayoutIterator( &list ) );
+void BorderLayout::setGeometry( const TQRect &rct )
+    TQLayout::setGeometry( rct );
+    doLayout( rct );
+void BorderLayout::doLayout( const TQRect &rct, bool /*testonly*/ )
+    int ew = 0, ww = 0, nh = 0, sh = 0;
+    int h = 0;
+    BorderLayoutIterator it( &list );
+    BorderLayoutStruct *o;
+    BorderLayoutStruct *center = 0;
+    while ( ( o = it.currentStruct() ) != 0 ) {
+        ++it;
+        if ( o->pos == North ) {
+            o->item->setGeometry( TQRect( rct.x(), nh, rct.width(), o->item->sizeHint().height() ) );
+            nh += o->item->geometry().height() + spacing();
+        }
+        if ( o->pos == South ) {
+            o->item->setGeometry( TQRect( o->item->geometry().x(), o->item->geometry().y(),
+                                         rct.width(), o->item->sizeHint().height() ) );
+            sh += o->item->geometry().height() + spacing();
+            o->item->setGeometry( TQRect( rct.x(), rct.y() + rct.height() - sh + spacing(),
+                                         o->item->geometry().width(), o->item->geometry().height() ) );
+        }
+        if ( o->pos == Center )
+            center = o;
+    }
+    h = rct.height() - nh - sh;
+    it.toFirst();
+    while ( ( o = it.currentStruct() ) != 0 ) {
+        ++it;
+        if ( o->pos == West ) {
+            o->item->setGeometry( TQRect( rct.x() + ww, nh, o->item->sizeHint().width(), h ) );
+            ww += o->item->geometry().width() + spacing();
+        }
+        if ( o->pos == East ) {
+            o->item->setGeometry( TQRect( o->item->geometry().x(), o->item->geometry().y(),
+                                         o->item->sizeHint().width(), h ) );
+            ew += o->item->geometry().width() + spacing();
+            o->item->setGeometry( TQRect( rct.x() + rct.width() - ew + spacing(), nh,
+                                         o->item->geometry().width(), o->item->geometry().height() ) );
+        }
+    }
+    if ( center )
+        center->item->setGeometry( TQRect( ww, nh, rct.width() - ew - ww, h ) );
+void BorderLayout::calcSize( SizeType st )
+    if ( ( st == Minimum && !msizeDirty ) ||
+         ( st == SizeHint && !sizeDirty ) )
+        return;
+    int w = 0, h = 0;
+    BorderLayoutIterator it( &list );
+    BorderLayoutStruct *o;
+    while ( ( o = it.currentStruct() ) != 0 ) {
+        ++it;
+        if ( o->pos == North ||
+             o->pos == South ) {
+            if ( st == Minimum )
+                h += o->item->minimumSize().height();
+            else
+                h += o->item->sizeHint().height();
+        }
+        else if ( o->pos == West ||
+                  o->pos == East ) {
+            if ( st == Minimum )
+                w += o->item->minimumSize().width();
+            else
+                w += o->item->sizeHint().width();
+        } else {
+            if ( st == Minimum ) {
+                h += o->item->minimumSize().height();
+                w += o->item->minimumSize().width();
+            }
+            else {
+                h += o->item->sizeHint().height();
+                w += o->item->sizeHint().width();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if ( st == Minimum ) {
+        msizeDirty = FALSE;
+        mcached = TQSize( w, h );
+    } else {
+        sizeDirty = FALSE;
+        cached = TQSize( w, h );
+    }
+    return;
+ +


Header file of the card layout: +

+** $Id: qt/card.h   3.3.8   edited Jan 11 14:46 $
+** Definition of simple flow layout for custom layout example
+** Created : 979899
+** Copyright (C) 1997-2007 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of an example program for TQt.  This example
+** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
+#ifndef CARD_H
+#define CARD_H
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+class CardLayout : public TQLayout
+    CardLayout( TQWidget *parent, int dist )
+        : TQLayout( parent, 0, dist ) {}
+    CardLayout( TQLayout* parent, int dist)
+        : TQLayout( parent, dist ) {}
+    CardLayout( int dist )
+        : TQLayout( dist ) {}
+    ~CardLayout();
+    void addItem( TQLayoutItem *item );
+    TQSize sizeHint() const;
+    TQSize minimumSize() const;
+    TQLayoutIterator iterator();
+    void setGeometry( const TQRect &rect );
+    TQPtrList<TQLayoutItem> list;
+ +


Implementation of the card layout: +

+** $Id: qt/card.cpp   3.3.8   edited Jan 11 14:46 $
+** Implementing your own layout: flow example
+** Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of an example program for TQt.  This example
+** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
+#include "card.h"
+class CardLayoutIterator :public TQGLayoutIterator
+    CardLayoutIterator( TQPtrList<TQLayoutItem> *l )
+        : idx( 0 ), list( l )  {}
+    TQLayoutItem *current();
+    TQLayoutItem *next();
+    TQLayoutItem *takeCurrent();
+    int idx;
+    TQPtrList<TQLayoutItem> *list;
+TQLayoutItem *CardLayoutIterator::current()
+    return idx < int( list->count() ) ? list->at( idx ) : 0;
+TQLayoutItem *CardLayoutIterator::next()
+    idx++; return current();
+TQLayoutItem *CardLayoutIterator::takeCurrent()
+    return idx < int( list->count() ) ?list->take( idx ) : 0;
+TQLayoutIterator CardLayout::iterator()
+    return TQLayoutIterator(  new CardLayoutIterator( &list )  );
+    deleteAllItems();
+void CardLayout::addItem(  TQLayoutItem *item  )
+    list.append( item );
+void CardLayout::setGeometry( const TQRect &rct )
+    TQLayout::setGeometry( rct );
+    TQPtrListIterator<TQLayoutItem> it( list );
+    if ( it.count() == 0 )
+        return;
+    TQLayoutItem *o;
+    int i = 0;
+    int w = rct.width() - ( list.count() - 1 ) * spacing();
+    int h = rct.height() - ( list.count() - 1 ) * spacing();
+    while ( ( o=it.current() ) != 0 ) {
+        ++it;
+        TQRect geom( rct.x() + i * spacing(), rct.y() + i * spacing(),
+                    w, h  );
+        o->setGeometry(  geom  );
+        ++i;
+    }
+TQSize CardLayout::sizeHint() const
+    TQSize s(0,0);
+    int n = list.count();
+    if ( n > 0 )
+        s = TQSize(100,70); //start with a nice default size
+    TQPtrListIterator<TQLayoutItem> it(list);
+    TQLayoutItem *o;
+    while ( (o=it.current()) != 0 ) {
+        ++it;
+        s = s.expandedTo( o->minimumSize() );
+    }
+    return s + n*TQSize(spacing(),spacing());
+TQSize CardLayout::minimumSize() const
+    TQSize s(0,0);
+    int n = list.count();
+    TQPtrListIterator<TQLayoutItem> it(list);
+    TQLayoutItem *o;
+    while ( (o=it.current()) != 0 ) {
+        ++it;
+        s = s.expandedTo( o->minimumSize() );
+    }
+    return s + n*TQSize(spacing(),spacing());
+ +


Main: +

+** $Id: qt/main.cpp   3.3.8   edited Jan 11 14:46 $
+** Main for custom layout example
+** Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of an example program for TQt.  This example
+** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
+#include "flow.h"
+#include "border.h"
+#include "card.h"
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qcolor.h>
+#include <qgroupbox.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qmultilineedit.h>
+#include <qcolor.h>
+int main( int argc, char **argv )
+    TQApplication a( argc, argv );
+    TQWidget *f = new TQWidget;
+    TQBoxLayout *gm = new TQVBoxLayout( f, 5 );
+    SimpleFlow *b1 = new SimpleFlow( gm );
+    b1->add( new TQPushButton( "Short", f ) );
+    b1->add( new TQPushButton( "Longer", f ) );
+    b1->add( new TQPushButton( "Different text", f ) );
+    b1->add( new TQPushButton( "More text", f ) );
+    b1->add( new TQPushButton( "Even longer button text", f ) );
+    TQPushButton* qb = new TQPushButton( "Quit", f );
+    a.connect( qb, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( tquit() ) );
+    b1->add( qb );
+    TQWidget *wid = new TQWidget( f );
+    BorderLayout *large = new BorderLayout( wid );
+    large->setSpacing( 5 );
+    large->addWidget( new TQPushButton( "North", wid ), BorderLayout::North );
+    large->addWidget( new TQPushButton( "West", wid ), BorderLayout::West );
+    TQMultiLineEdit* m = new TQMultiLineEdit( wid );
+    m->setText( "Central\nWidget" );
+    large->addWidget( m, BorderLayout::Center );
+    TQWidget *east1 = new TQPushButton( "East", wid );
+    large->addWidget( east1, BorderLayout::East );
+    TQWidget *east2 = new TQPushButton( "East 2", wid );
+    large->addWidget( east2 , BorderLayout::East );
+    large->addWidget( new TQPushButton( "South", wid ), BorderLayout::South );
+    //Left-to-right tab order looks better:
+    TQWidget::setTabOrder( east2, east1 );
+    gm->addWidget( wid );
+    wid = new TQWidget( f );
+    CardLayout *card = new CardLayout( wid, 10 );
+    TQWidget *crd = new TQWidget( wid );
+    crd->setBackgroundColor( TQt::red );
+    card->add( crd );
+    crd = new TQWidget( wid );
+    crd->setBackgroundColor( TQt::green );
+    card->add( crd );
+    crd = new TQWidget( wid );
+    crd->setBackgroundColor( TQt::blue );
+    card->add( crd );
+    crd = new TQWidget( wid );
+    crd->setBackgroundColor( TQt::white );
+    card->add( crd );
+    crd = new TQWidget( wid );
+    crd->setBackgroundColor( TQt::black );
+    card->add( crd );
+    crd = new TQWidget( wid );
+    crd->setBackgroundColor( TQt::yellow );
+    card->add( crd );
+    gm->addWidget( wid );
+    TQLabel* s = new TQLabel( f );
+    s->setText( "outermost box" );
+    s->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Sunken );
+    s->setAlignment( TQt::AlignVCenter | TQt::AlignHCenter );
+    gm->addWidget( s );
+    a.setMainWidget( f );
+    f->setCaption("TQt Example - Custom Layout");
+    f->show();
+    int result = a.exec();
+    delete f;
+    return result;
+ +

See also Examples. + + +

+ +
Copyright © 2007 +TrolltechTrademarks +
TQt 3.3.8
+ -- cgit v1.2.1