#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // 50kb buffer #define BUFSIZE (100*1000) #define PRGSTEP (BUFSIZE / 50) #define BLKSIZE (8) TQByteArray bytearray; class ProdEvent : public TQCustomEvent { public: ProdEvent(long s, bool d) : TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User + 100), sz(s), dn(d) { ; } long size() const { return sz; } bool done() const { return dn; } private: long sz; bool dn; }; class ProdThread : public TQThread { public: ProdThread(TQObject *r, TQMutex *m, TQWaitCondition *c); void stop(); void run(); private: TQObject *receiver; TQMutex *mutex; TQWaitCondition *condition; bool done; }; ProdThread::ProdThread(TQObject *r, TQMutex *m, TQWaitCondition *c) : receiver(r), mutex(m), condition(c), done(FALSE) { } void ProdThread::stop() { mutex->lock(); done = TRUE; mutex->unlock(); } void ProdThread::run() { bool stop = FALSE; done = FALSE; uchar *buffer = new uchar[BUFSIZE]; int pos = 0, oldpos = 0; int loop = 1; int lastpostedpos = 0; ProdEvent *pe = new ProdEvent(pos, done); TQApplication::postEvent(receiver, pe); while (! stop) { oldpos = pos; int i; for (i = 0; i < BLKSIZE && pos < BUFSIZE; i++) { buffer[pos++] = (loop % 2) ? 'o' : 'e'; } mutex->lock(); if (pos == BUFSIZE) { done = TRUE; } while (! bytearray.isNull() && ! stop) { condition->wakeOne(); condition->wait(mutex); stop = done; } stop = done; bytearray.duplicate((const char *) (buffer + oldpos), pos - oldpos); condition->wakeOne(); mutex->unlock(); if ( pos - lastpostedpos > PRGSTEP || stop ) { lastpostedpos = pos; ProdEvent *pe = new ProdEvent(pos, stop); TQApplication::postEvent(receiver, pe); } loop++; } condition->wakeOne(); delete [] buffer; } class ConsEvent : public TQCustomEvent { public: ConsEvent(long s) : TQCustomEvent(TQEvent::User + 101), sz(s) { ; } long size() const { return sz; } private: long sz; }; class ConsThread : public TQThread { public: ConsThread(TQObject *r, TQMutex *m, TQWaitCondition *c); void stop(); void run(); private: TQObject *receiver; TQMutex *mutex; TQWaitCondition *condition; bool done; }; ConsThread::ConsThread(TQObject *r, TQMutex *m, TQWaitCondition *c) : receiver(r), mutex(m), condition(c), done(FALSE) { } void ConsThread::stop() { mutex->lock(); done = TRUE; mutex->unlock(); } void ConsThread::run() { bool stop = FALSE; done = FALSE; TQFile file("prodcons.out"); file.open(IO_WriteOnly); long size = 0; long lastsize = 0; ConsEvent *ce = new ConsEvent(size); TQApplication::postEvent(receiver, ce); while (! stop) { mutex->lock(); while (bytearray.isNull() && ! stop) { condition->wakeOne(); condition->wait(mutex); stop = done; } if (size < BUFSIZE) { file.writeBlock(bytearray.data(), bytearray.size()); size += bytearray.size(); bytearray.resize(0); } stop = done || size >= BUFSIZE; mutex->unlock(); if ( size - lastsize > 1000 || stop ) { lastsize = size; ConsEvent *ce = new ConsEvent(size); TQApplication::postEvent(receiver, ce); } } file.flush(); file.close(); } class ProdCons : public TQWidget { Q_OBJECT public: ProdCons(); ~ProdCons(); void customEvent(TQCustomEvent *); public slots: void go(); void stop(); private: TQMutex mutex; TQWaitCondition condition; ProdThread *prod; ConsThread *cons; TQPushButton *startbutton, *stopbutton; TQCheckBox *loopcheckbox; TQProgressBar *prodbar, *consbar; bool stopped; bool redraw; }; ProdCons::ProdCons() : TQWidget(0, "producer consumer widget"), prod(0), cons(0), stopped(FALSE), redraw(TRUE) { startbutton = new TQPushButton("&Start", this); connect(startbutton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(go())); stopbutton = new TQPushButton("S&top", this); connect(stopbutton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(stop())); stopbutton->setEnabled(FALSE); loopcheckbox = new TQCheckBox("Loop", this); loopcheckbox->setChecked(FALSE); prodbar = new TQProgressBar(BUFSIZE, this); consbar = new TQProgressBar(BUFSIZE, this); TQVBoxLayout *vbox = new TQVBoxLayout(this, 8, 8); vbox->addWidget(new TQLabel(TQString("Producer/Consumer using %1 byte buffer"). arg(BUFSIZE), this)); vbox->addWidget(startbutton); vbox->addWidget(stopbutton); vbox->addWidget(loopcheckbox); vbox->addWidget(new TQLabel("Producer progress:", this)); vbox->addWidget(prodbar); vbox->addWidget(new TQLabel("Consumer progress:", this)); vbox->addWidget(consbar); } ProdCons::~ProdCons() { stop(); if (prod) { delete prod; prod = 0; } if (cons) { delete cons; cons = 0; } } void ProdCons::go() { stopped = FALSE; mutex.lock(); if ( redraw ) { startbutton->setEnabled(FALSE); stopbutton->setEnabled(TRUE); } // start the consumer first if (! cons) cons = new ConsThread(this, &mutex, &condition); cons->start(); // wait for consumer to signal that it has started condition.wait(&mutex); if (! prod) prod = new ProdThread(this, &mutex, &condition); prod->start(); mutex.unlock(); } void ProdCons::stop() { if (prod && prod->running()) { prod->stop(); condition.wakeAll(); prod->wait(); } if (cons && cons->running()) { cons->stop(); condition.wakeAll(); cons->wait(); } if ( redraw ) { // no point in repainting these buttons so many times is we are looping... startbutton->setEnabled(TRUE); stopbutton->setEnabled(FALSE); } stopped = TRUE; } void ProdCons::customEvent(TQCustomEvent *e) { switch (e->type()) { case TQEvent::User + 100: { // ProdEvent ProdEvent *pe = (ProdEvent *) e; if (pe->size() == 0 || pe->size() == BUFSIZE || pe->size() - prodbar->progress() >= PRGSTEP) prodbar->setProgress(pe->size()); // reap the threads if (pe->done()) { bool loop = (loopcheckbox->isChecked() && ! stopped); bool save_redraw = redraw; redraw = !loop; stop(); if (loop) go(); redraw = save_redraw; } break; } case TQEvent::User + 101: { // ConsEvent ConsEvent *ce = (ConsEvent *) e; if (ce->size() == 0 || ce->size() == BUFSIZE || ce->size() - consbar->progress() >= PRGSTEP) consbar->setProgress(ce->size()); break; } default: { ; } } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { TQApplication app(argc, argv); ProdCons prodcons; app.setMainWidget(&prodcons); prodcons.show(); return app.exec(); } #include "prodcons.moc"