** Implementation of TQLibraryPrivate class
** Created : 000101
** Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Trolltech ASA.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the tools module of the TQt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free
** Software Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2
** and LICENSE.GPL3 included in the packaging of this file.
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#include "qplatformdefs.h"
#include "private/qlibrary_p.h"


#include <string.h>

  The platform dependent implementations of
  - loadLibrary
  - freeLibrary
  - resolveSymbol

  It's not too hard to guess what the functions do.

#if defined(QT_HPUX_LD) // for HP-UX < 11.x and 32 bit

bool TQLibraryPrivate::loadLibrary()
    if ( pHnd )
	return TRUE;

    TQString filename = library->library();

    pHnd = (void*)shl_load( filename.latin1(), BIND_DEFERRED | BIND_NONFATAL | DYNAMIC_PATH, 0 );
#if defined(QT_DEBUG) || defined(QT_DEBUG_COMPONENT)
    if ( !pHnd )
	tqWarning( "%s: failed to load library!", filename.latin1() );
    return pHnd != 0;

bool TQLibraryPrivate::freeLibrary()
    if ( !pHnd )
	return TRUE;

    if ( shl_unload( (shl_t)pHnd ) ) {
#if defined(QT_DEBUG) || defined(QT_DEBUG_COMPONENT)
	TQString filename = library->library();
	tqWarning( "%s: Failed to unload library!", filename.latin1() );
	return FALSE;
    pHnd = 0;
    return TRUE;

void* TQLibraryPrivate::resolveSymbol( const char* symbol )
    if ( !pHnd )
	return 0;

    void* address = 0;
    if ( shl_findsym( (shl_t*)&pHnd, symbol, TYPE_UNDEFINED, &address ) < 0 ) {
	TQString filename = library->library();
	tqWarning( "%s: couldn't resolve symbol \"%s\"", filename.latin1(), symbol );
    return address;

#else // POSIX
#include <dlfcn.h>
#ifndef DL_PREFIX //for mac dlcompat
#  define DL_PREFIX(x) x

bool TQLibraryPrivate::loadLibrary()
    if ( pHnd )
	return TRUE;

    TQString filename = library->library();

    pHnd = DL_PREFIX(dlopen)( filename.latin1(), RTLD_LAZY );
#if defined(QT_DEBUG) || defined(QT_DEBUG_COMPONENT)
    if ( !pHnd )
	tqWarning( "%s", DL_PREFIX(dlerror)() );
    return pHnd != 0;

bool TQLibraryPrivate::freeLibrary()
    if ( !pHnd )
	return TRUE;

    if ( DL_PREFIX(dlclose)( pHnd ) ) {
#if defined(QT_DEBUG) || defined(QT_DEBUG_COMPONENT)
	tqWarning( "%s", DL_PREFIX(dlerror)() );
	return FALSE;

    pHnd = 0;
    return TRUE;

void* TQLibraryPrivate::resolveSymbol( const char* symbol )
    if ( !pHnd )
	return 0;

    // older a.out systems add an underscore in front of symbols
    char* undrscr_symbol = new char[strlen(symbol)+2];
    undrscr_symbol[0] = '_';
    strcpy(undrscr_symbol+1, symbol);
    void* address = DL_PREFIX(dlsym)( pHnd, undrscr_symbol );
    delete [] undrscr_symbol;
    void* address = DL_PREFIX(dlsym)( pHnd, symbol );
    const char* error = DL_PREFIX(dlerror)();
    if ( error )
	tqWarning( "%s", error );
    return address;

#endif // POSIX
