#if defined(_MSC_VER) /* MSVC Compiler */ #pragma warning ( disable : 4786 ) #endif #include #include "qwt3d_openglhelper.h" #include "../3rdparty/gl2ps/gl2ps.h" #include "qwt3d_io_gl2ps.h" #include "qwt3d_plot.h" using namespace Qwt3D; //! Provides a new VectorWriter object. IO::Functor* VectorWriter::clone() const { return new VectorWriter(*this); } VectorWriter::VectorWriter() : gl2ps_format_(GL2PS_EPS), formaterror_(false), #ifdef GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB compressed_(true), #else compressed_(false), #endif sortmode_(SIMPLESORT), landscape_(VectorWriter::AUTO), textmode_(VectorWriter::PIXEL), texfname_("") {} /*! Sets the mode for text output:\n \param val The underlying format for the generated output:\n PIXEL - poor quality but exact positioning\n NATIVE - high quality but inexact positioning\n TEX - high quality and exact positioning, arbitrary TeX strings as content for the saved labels are possible. The disadvantage is the need for an additionally TeX run to get the final output.\n \param fname Optional, used only in conjunction with TeX output; file name for the generated TeX file. If not set, a file called "OUTPUT.FOR.tex" will be generated, where "OUTPUT.FOR" describes the file name argument for IO::save().\n\n (04/05/27: On Linux platforms, pdflatex seems a file named 'dump_0.pdf.tex' mistakenly to identify as PDF file.) */ void VectorWriter::setTextMode(TEXTMODE val, QString fname) { textmode_ = val; texfname_ = (fname.isEmpty()) ? QString("") : fname; } #ifdef GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB //! Turns compressed output on or off (no effect if zlib support has not been set) void VectorWriter::setCompressed(bool val) { compressed_ = val; } #else //! Turns compressed output on or off (no effect if zlib support has not been set) void VectorWriter::setCompressed(bool) { compressed_ = false; } #endif /*! Set output format, must be one of "EPS_GZ", "PS_GZ", "EPS", "PS", "PDF" (case sensitive) */ bool VectorWriter::setFormat(QString const& format) { if (format == QString("EPS")) { gl2ps_format_ = GL2PS_EPS; } else if (format == QString("PS")) { gl2ps_format_ = GL2PS_PS; } else if (format == QString("PDF")) { gl2ps_format_ = GL2PS_PDF; } #ifdef GL2PS_HAVE_ZLIB else if (format == QString("EPS_GZ")) { gl2ps_format_ = GL2PS_EPS; } else if (format == QString("PS_GZ")) { gl2ps_format_ = GL2PS_PS; } #endif else { formaterror_ = true; return false; } formaterror_ = false; return true; } //! Performs actual output bool VectorWriter::operator()(Plot3D* plot, QString const& fname) { if (formaterror_) return false; plot->makeCurrent(); GLint bufsize = 0, state = GL2PS_OVERFLOW; GLint viewport[4]; glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport); GLint options = GL2PS_SIMPLE_LINE_OFFSET | GL2PS_SILENT | GL2PS_DRAW_BACKGROUND | GL2PS_OCCLUSION_CULL | GL2PS_BEST_ROOT; if (compressed_) options |= GL2PS_COMPRESS; switch (landscape_) { case VectorWriter::AUTO: if (viewport[2] - viewport[0] > viewport[3] - viewport[0]) options |= GL2PS_LANDSCAPE; break; case VectorWriter::ON: options |= GL2PS_LANDSCAPE; break; default: break; } int sortmode = GL2PS_SIMPLE_SORT; switch (sortmode_) { case VectorWriter::NOSORT: sortmode = GL2PS_NO_SORT; break; case VectorWriter::SIMPLESORT: sortmode = GL2PS_SIMPLE_SORT; break; case VectorWriter::BSPSORT: sortmode = GL2PS_BSP_SORT; break; default: break; } switch (textmode_) { case NATIVE: Label::useDeviceFonts(true); break; case PIXEL: Label::useDeviceFonts(false); break; case TEX: options |= GL2PS_NO_PIXMAP | GL2PS_NO_TEXT; break; default: break; } QString version = QString::number(QWT3D_MAJOR_VERSION) + "." + QString::number(QWT3D_MINOR_VERSION) + "." + QString::number(QWT3D_PATCH_VERSION); QString producer = QString("QwtPlot3D ") + version + " (beta) , (C) 2002"; // calculate actual year time_t now; struct tm *newtime; time(&now); newtime = gmtime(&now); if (newtime && newtime->tm_year + 1900 > 2002) producer += "-" + QString::number(newtime->tm_year+1900); producer += " Micha Bieber "; FILE *fp = fopen(QWT3DLOCAL8BIT(fname), "wb"); if (!fp) { Label::useDeviceFonts(false); return false; } while( state == GL2PS_OVERFLOW ) { bufsize += 2*1024*1024; gl2psBeginPage ( "---", QWT3DLOCAL8BIT(producer), viewport, gl2ps_format_, sortmode, options, GL_RGBA, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, bufsize, fp, QWT3DLOCAL8BIT(fname) ); plot->updateData(); plot->updateGL(); state = gl2psEndPage(); } fclose(fp); // extra TeX file if (textmode_ == TEX) { QString fn = (texfname_.isEmpty()) ? fname + ".tex" : texfname_; fp = fopen(QWT3DLOCAL8BIT(fn), "wb"); if (!fp) { Label::useDeviceFonts(false); return false; } Label::useDeviceFonts(true); options &= ~GL2PS_NO_PIXMAP & ~GL2PS_NO_TEXT; state = GL2PS_OVERFLOW; while( state == GL2PS_OVERFLOW ) { bufsize += 2*1024*1024; gl2psBeginPage ( "---", QWT3DLOCAL8BIT(producer), viewport, GL2PS_TEX, sortmode, options, GL_RGBA, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, bufsize, fp, QWT3DLOCAL8BIT(fn) ); plot->updateData(); plot->updateGL(); state = gl2psEndPage(); } fclose(fp); } Label::useDeviceFonts(false); return true; } // moved GLint Qwt3D::setDeviceLineWidth(GLfloat val) { if (val<0) val=0; GLint ret = gl2psLineWidth(val); GLfloat lw[2]; glGetFloatv(GL_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE, lw); if (val < lw[0]) val = lw[0]; else if (val > lw[1]) val = lw[1]; glLineWidth(val); return ret; } GLint Qwt3D::setDevicePointSize(GLfloat val) { if (val<0) val=0; GLint ret = gl2psPointSize(val); GLfloat lw[2]; glGetFloatv(GL_POINT_SIZE_RANGE, lw); if (val < lw[0]) val = lw[0]; else if (val > lw[1]) val = lw[1]; glPointSize(val); return ret; } GLint Qwt3D::drawDevicePixels(GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void *pixels) { glDrawPixels(width, height, format, type, pixels); if(format != GL_RGBA || type != GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) return GL2PS_ERROR; GLfloat* convertedpixel = (GLfloat*)malloc(3 * width * height * sizeof(GLfloat)); if (!convertedpixel) return GL2PS_ERROR; GLubyte* px = (GLubyte*)pixels; for (int i=0; i!=3*width*height; i+=3) { int pxi = (4*i)/3; convertedpixel[i] = px[pxi] / float(255); convertedpixel[i+1] = px[pxi+1] / float(255); convertedpixel[i+2] = px[pxi+2] / float(255); } GLint ret = gl2psDrawPixels(width, height, 0, 0, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, convertedpixel); free(convertedpixel); return ret; } GLint Qwt3D::drawDeviceText(const char* str, const char* fontname, int fontsize, Triple pos, RGBA /*rgba*/, ANCHOR align, double gap) { double vp[3]; World2ViewPort(vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); Triple start(vp[0],vp[1],vp[2]); GLdouble fcol[4]; glGetDoublev(GL_CURRENT_COLOR, fcol); GLdouble bcol[4]; glGetDoublev(GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE, bcol); // glColor4d(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); // glClearColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); GLint ret = GL2PS_SUCCESS; GLint a = GL2PS_TEXT_BL; switch(align) { case Center: a = GL2PS_TEXT_C; break; case CenterLeft: a = GL2PS_TEXT_CL; start += Triple(gap,0,0); break; case CenterRight: a = GL2PS_TEXT_CR; start += Triple(-gap,0,0); break; case BottomCenter: a = GL2PS_TEXT_B; start += Triple(0,gap,0); break; case BottomLeft: a = GL2PS_TEXT_BL; start += Triple(gap,gap,0); break; case BottomRight: a = GL2PS_TEXT_BR; start += Triple(-gap,gap,0); break; case TopCenter: a = GL2PS_TEXT_T; start += Triple(0,-gap,0); break; case TopLeft: a = GL2PS_TEXT_TL; start += Triple(gap,-gap,0); break; case TopRight: a = GL2PS_TEXT_TR; start += Triple(-gap,-gap,0); break; default: break; } ViewPort2World(vp[0], vp[1], vp[2], start.x, start.y, start.z); Triple adjpos(vp[0],vp[1],vp[2]); glRasterPos3d(adjpos.x, adjpos.y, adjpos.z); ret = gl2psTextOpt(str, fontname, (int)fontsize, a, 0); glColor4dv(fcol); glClearColor(bcol[0], bcol[1], bcol[2], bcol[3]); return ret; } void Qwt3D::setDevicePolygonOffset(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units) { glPolygonOffset(factor, units); gl2psEnable(GL2PS_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); }