NetParamsWizard NetParamsWizard 0 0 427 356 First Connection Wizard false true 1 welcome Welcome to First Connection Wizard unnamed textLabel1_2 <b><p>This is the first time you are trying to connect to the selected network.</p></b> <p>You will be asked a few questions necessary to configure this connection.</p> <p><i>Press Next to continue.</i></p> WordBreak|AlignTop WizardPage ESSID unnamed 15 textLabel8_2 <p><b>You are trying to connect to a network that does not broadcast its ESSID.</b></p> <p>Please specify ESSID that you would like to use when connecting to this access point.</p> spacer54 Vertical Expanding 21 100 textLabel9 ESSID: AlignVCenter|AlignRight essid spacer55 Horizontal Expanding 101 21 spacer56 Horizontal Expanding 61 21 ConfigMode Interface Configuration unnamed 15 spacer5 Horizontal Expanding 80 21 spacer4 Horizontal Expanding 60 31 spacer6 Vertical Expanding 21 20 buttonGroup3 TabFocus 0 true unnamed radioDhcp Automatic (DHCP) true radioManualConfig Manual textLabel2_2 <p><b>Your IP and other parameters need to be configured to connect to any network.</b></p> <p>Which configuration option would you like to use when connecting to this network?</p> ManualConfig Interface Parameters unnamed 15 tqlayout12 unnamed dns1 32767 gateway 32767 textLabel6 Secondary DNS: AlignVCenter|AlignRight ip 32767 broadcast 32767 textLabel1 IP: AlignVCenter|AlignRight textLabel3 Netmask: AlignVCenter|AlignRight dns2 32767 textLabel5 Primary DNS: AlignVCenter|AlignRight textLabel7 Gateway: AlignVCenter|AlignRight domain netmask 32767 textLabel4 Domain: AlignVCenter|AlignRight textLabel2 Broadcast: AlignVCenter|AlignRight spacer7 Horizontal Expanding 60 31 spacer8 Horizontal Expanding 50 21 spacer9 Vertical Expanding 21 16 textLabel3_2 <p><b>Please specify interface parameters to be used to connect to this network.</b></p> <p>You may leave some fields blank.</p> WepConfig WEP Configuration unnamed textLabel5_2 <p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WEP authentication.</b></p> <p>Which WEP mode would you like to use?</p> buttonGroup3_2_2 0 true unnamed radioWepOpen Open S&ystem true radioButton2_2_2 Shared Key spacer4_2_2 Horizontal Expanding 122 31 spacer5_2_2 Horizontal Expanding 150 21 textLabel6_2 <p><b>Please provide a key to be used with this network.</b></p> spacer17 Vertical Expanding 31 16 spacer15 Horizontal Expanding 50 21 spacer16 Horizontal Expanding 30 21 textLabel8 WEP key: AlignVCenter|AlignRight wepKey 140 0 Password checkWepAscii ASCII WizardPage WPA Configuration unnamed spacer17_2 Vertical Expanding 31 54 spacer15_2 Horizontal Expanding 80 21 spacer16_2 Horizontal Expanding 49 21 textLabel5_2_2 <p><b>The network you are trying to connect to requires WPA authentication.</b></p> textLabel8_3 WPA Key: AlignVCenter|AlignRight wpaKey 140 0 Password checkWpaAscii ASCII textLabel6_2_2 <p><b>Please provide a key to be used with this network.</b></p> spacer43 Horizontal Expanding 80 21 spacer42 Horizontal Expanding 60 31 labelWpaSettings 1 5 0 0 <b>?<br>?<br>?<br>?</b> textLabel1_3 3 5 0 0 WPA Version:<br>Group Cipher:<br>Pairwise Cipher:<br>Authentication Suite: done Done! unnamed textLabel7_2 <p><b>Congratulations!</b></p> <p>You have successfully finished configuring this connection.</p> <p><b>Press Finish to connect!</b></p> WordBreak|AlignTop buttonGroup3 ip broadcast netmask gateway domain dns1 dns2 radioWepOpen wepKey radioDhcp