 * xrdp: A Remote Desktop Protocol server.
 * Copyright (C) Jay Sorg 2004-2014
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * types

#ifndef _XRDP_TYPES_H_
#define _XRDP_TYPES_H_


#include "xrdp_rail.h"
#include "xrdp_constants.h"
#include "fifo.h"

#define MAX_NR_CHANNELS 16
/* lib */
struct xrdp_mod
  int size; /* size of this struct */
  int version; /* internal version */
  /* client functions */
  int (*mod_start)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int w, int h, int bpp);
  int (*mod_connect)(struct xrdp_mod* v);
  int (*mod_event)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int msg, long param1, long param2,
                   long param3, long param4);
  int (*mod_signal)(struct xrdp_mod* v);
  int (*mod_end)(struct xrdp_mod* v);
  int (*mod_set_param)(struct xrdp_mod *v, const char *name, const char *value);
  int (*mod_session_change)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int, int);
  int (*mod_get_wait_objs)(struct xrdp_mod* v, tbus* read_objs, int* rcount,
                           tbus* write_objs, int* wcount, int* timeout);
  int (*mod_check_wait_objs)(struct xrdp_mod* v);
  int (*mod_frame_ack)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int flags, int frame_id);
  tintptr mod_dumby[100 - 10]; /* align, 100 minus the number of mod
                                  functions above */
  /* server functions */
  int (*server_begin_update)(struct xrdp_mod* v);
  int (*server_end_update)(struct xrdp_mod* v);
  int (*server_fill_rect)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int x, int y, int cx, int cy);
  int (*server_screen_blt)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
                           int srcx, int srcy);
  int (*server_paint_rect)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
                           char* data, int width, int height,
                           int srcx, int srcy);
  int (*server_set_pointer)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int x, int y,
                            char* data, char* mask);
  int (*server_palette)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int* palette);
  int (*server_msg)(struct xrdp_mod* v, char* msg, int code);
  int (*server_is_term)(struct xrdp_mod* v);
  int (*server_set_clip)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int x, int y, int cx, int cy);
  int (*server_reset_clip)(struct xrdp_mod* v);
  int (*server_set_fgcolor)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int fgcolor);
  int (*server_set_bgcolor)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int bgcolor);
  int (*server_set_opcode)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int opcode);
  int (*server_set_mixmode)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int mixmode);
  int (*server_set_brush)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int x_origin, int y_origin,
                          int style, char* pattern);
  int (*server_set_pen)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int style,
                        int width);
  int (*server_draw_line)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
  int (*server_add_char)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int font, int character,
                         int offset, int baseline,
                         int width, int height, char* data);
  int (*server_draw_text)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int font,
                          int flags, int mixmode, int clip_left, int clip_top,
                          int clip_right, int clip_bottom,
                          int box_left, int box_top,
                          int box_right, int box_bottom,
                          int x, int y, char* data, int data_len);
  int (*server_reset)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int width, int height, int bpp);
  int (*server_query_channel)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int index,
                              char* channel_name,
                              int* channel_flags);
  int (*server_get_channel_id)(struct xrdp_mod* v, const char *name);
  int (*server_send_to_channel)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int channel_id,
                                char* data, int data_len,
                                int total_data_len, int flags);
  int (*server_bell_trigger)(struct xrdp_mod* v);
  /* off screen bitmaps */
  int (*server_create_os_surface)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int rdpindex,
                                  int width, int height);
  int (*server_switch_os_surface)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int rdpindex);
  int (*server_delete_os_surface)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int rdpindex);
  int (*server_paint_rect_os)(struct xrdp_mod* mod, int x, int y,
                              int cx, int cy,
                              int rdpindex, int srcx, int srcy);
  int (*server_set_hints)(struct xrdp_mod* mod, int hints, int mask);
  /* rail */
  int (*server_window_new_update)(struct xrdp_mod* mod, int window_id,
                                  struct rail_window_state_order* window_state,
                                  int flags);
  int (*server_window_delete)(struct xrdp_mod* mod, int window_id);
  int (*server_window_icon)(struct xrdp_mod* mod,
                            int window_id, int cache_entry, int cache_id,
                            struct rail_icon_info* icon_info,
                            int flags);
  int (*server_window_cached_icon)(struct xrdp_mod* mod,
                                   int window_id, int cache_entry,
                                   int cache_id, int flags);
  int (*server_notify_new_update)(struct xrdp_mod* mod,
                                  int window_id, int notify_id,
                                  struct rail_notify_state_order* notify_state,
                                  int flags);
  int (*server_notify_delete)(struct xrdp_mod* mod, int window_id,
                              int notify_id);
  int (*server_monitored_desktop)(struct xrdp_mod* mod,
                                  struct rail_monitored_desktop_order* mdo,
                                  int flags);
  int (*server_set_pointer_ex)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int x, int y, char* data,
                               char* mask, int bpp);
  int (*server_add_char_alpha)(struct xrdp_mod* mod, int font, int character,
                               int offset, int baseline,
                               int width, int height, char* data);

  int (*server_create_os_surface_bpp)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int rdpindex,
                                      int width, int height, int bpp);
  int (*server_paint_rect_bpp)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int x, int y, int cx, int cy,
                               char* data, int width, int height,
                               int srcx, int srcy, int bpp);
  int (*server_composite)(struct xrdp_mod* v, int srcidx, int srcformat,
                          int srcwidth, int srcrepeat, int* srctransform,
                          int mskflags, int mskidx, int mskformat,
                          int mskwidth, int mskrepeat, int op,
                          int srcx, int srcy, int mskx, int msky,
                          int dstx, int dsty, int width, int height,
                          int dstformat);
  int (*server_paint_rects)(struct xrdp_mod* v,
                            int num_drects, short *drects,
                            int num_crects, short *crects,
                            char *data, int width, int height,
                            int flags, int frame_id);
  int (*server_session_info)(struct xrdp_mod* v, const char *data,
                             int data_bytes);
  tintptr server_dumby[100 - 44]; /* align, 100 minus the number of server
                                     functions above */
  /* common */
  tintptr handle; /* pointer to self as int */
  tintptr wm; /* struct xrdp_wm* */
  tintptr painter;
  tintptr si;

/* header for bmp file */
struct xrdp_bmp_header
  int size;
  int image_width;
  int image_height;
  short planes;
  short bit_count;
  int compression;
  int image_size;
  int x_pels_per_meter;
  int y_pels_per_meter;
  int clr_used;
  int clr_important;

struct xrdp_palette_item
  int stamp;
  int palette[256];

struct xrdp_bitmap_item
  int stamp;
  int lru_index;
  struct xrdp_bitmap* bitmap;

struct xrdp_lru_item
  int next;
  int prev;

struct xrdp_os_bitmap_item
  int id;
  struct xrdp_bitmap* bitmap;

struct xrdp_char_item
  int stamp;
  struct xrdp_font_char font_item;

struct xrdp_pointer_item
  int stamp;
  int x; /* hotspot */
  int y;
  char data[32 * 32 * 4];
  char mask[32 * 32 / 8];
  int bpp;

struct xrdp_brush_item
  int stamp;
  /* expand this to a structure to handle more complicated brushes
     for now it's 8x8 1bpp brushes only */
  char pattern[8];

/* moved to xrdp_constants.h

/* difference caches */
struct xrdp_cache
  struct xrdp_wm* wm; /* owner */
  struct xrdp_session* session;
  /* palette */
  int palette_stamp;
  struct xrdp_palette_item palette_items[6];
  /* bitmap */
  int bitmap_stamp;
  struct xrdp_bitmap_item bitmap_items[XRDP_MAX_BITMAP_CACHE_ID]

  /* lru optimize */
  struct xrdp_lru_item bitmap_lrus[XRDP_MAX_BITMAP_CACHE_ID]
  int lru_head[XRDP_MAX_BITMAP_CACHE_ID];
  int lru_tail[XRDP_MAX_BITMAP_CACHE_ID];
  int lru_reset[XRDP_MAX_BITMAP_CACHE_ID];

  /* crc optimize */
  struct list16 crc16[XRDP_MAX_BITMAP_CACHE_ID][64 * 1024];

  int use_bitmap_comp;
  int cache1_entries;
  int cache1_size;
  int cache2_entries;
  int cache2_size;
  int cache3_entries;
  int cache3_size;
  int bitmap_cache_persist_enable;
  int bitmap_cache_version;
  /* font */
  int char_stamp;
  struct xrdp_char_item char_items[12][256];
  /* pointer */
  int pointer_stamp;
  struct xrdp_pointer_item pointer_items[32];
  int pointer_cache_entries;
  int brush_stamp;
  struct xrdp_brush_item brush_items[64];
  struct xrdp_os_bitmap_item os_bitmap_items[2000];
  struct list* xrdp_os_del_list;

/* defined later */
struct xrdp_enc_data;

struct xrdp_mm
  struct xrdp_wm* wm; /* owner */
  int connected_state; /* true if connected to sesman else false */
  struct trans* sesman_trans; /* connection to sesman */
  int sesman_trans_up; /* true once connected to sesman */
  int delete_sesman_trans; /* boolean set when done with sesman connection */
  struct list* login_names;
  struct list* login_values;
  /* mod vars */
  long mod_handle; /* returned from g_load_library */
  struct xrdp_mod* (*mod_init)(void);
  int (*mod_exit)(struct xrdp_mod*);
  struct xrdp_mod* mod; /* module interface */
  int display; /* 10 for :10.0, 11 for :11.0, etc */
  int code; /* 0=Xvnc session, 10=X11rdp session, 20=xorg driver mode */
  int sesman_controlled; /* true if this is a sesman session */
  struct trans* chan_trans; /* connection to chansrv */
  int chan_trans_up; /* true once connected to chansrv */
  int delete_chan_trans; /* boolean set when done with channel connection */
  int usechansrv; /* true if chansrvport is set in xrdp.ini or using sesman */
  struct xrdp_encoder *encoder;

struct xrdp_key_info
  int sym;
  int chr;

struct xrdp_keymap
  struct xrdp_key_info keys_noshift[256];
  struct xrdp_key_info keys_shift[256];
  struct xrdp_key_info keys_altgr[256];
  struct xrdp_key_info keys_shiftaltgr[256];
  struct xrdp_key_info keys_capslock[256];
  struct xrdp_key_info keys_capslockaltgr[256];
  struct xrdp_key_info keys_shiftcapslock[256];
  struct xrdp_key_info keys_shiftcapslockaltgr[256];

/* the window manager */
struct xrdp_wm
  struct xrdp_process* pro_layer; /* owner */
  struct xrdp_bitmap* screen;
  struct xrdp_session* session;
  struct xrdp_painter* painter;
  struct xrdp_cache* cache;
  int palette[256];
  struct xrdp_bitmap* login_window;
  /* generic colors */
  int black;
  int grey;
  int dark_grey;
  int blue;
  int dark_blue;
  int white;
  int red;
  int green;
  int background;
  /* dragging info */
  int dragging;
  int draggingx;
  int draggingy;
  int draggingcx;
  int draggingcy;
  int draggingdx;
  int draggingdy;
  int draggingorgx;
  int draggingorgy;
  int draggingxorstate;
  struct xrdp_bitmap* dragging_window;
  /* the down(clicked) button */
  struct xrdp_bitmap* button_down;
  /* popup for combo box */
  struct xrdp_bitmap* popup_wnd;
  /* focused window */
  struct xrdp_bitmap* focused_window;
  /* pointer */
  int current_pointer;
  int mouse_x;
  int mouse_y;
  /* keyboard info */
  int keys[256]; /* key states 0 up 1 down*/
  int caps_lock;
  int scroll_lock;
  int num_lock;
  /* client info */
  struct xrdp_client_info* client_info;
  /* session log */
  struct list* log;
  struct xrdp_bitmap* log_wnd;
  int login_mode;
  tbus login_mode_event;
  struct xrdp_mm* mm;
  struct xrdp_font* default_font;
  struct xrdp_keymap keymap;
  int hide_log_window;
  struct xrdp_bitmap* target_surface; /* either screen or os surface */
  int current_surface_index;
  int hints;
  int allowedchannels[MAX_NR_CHANNELS];
  int allowedinitialized ;
  char pamerrortxt[256];

  /* configuration derived from xrdp.ini */
  struct xrdp_config *xrdp_config;

/* rdp process */
struct xrdp_process
  int status;
  struct trans* server_trans; /* in tcp server mode */
  tbus self_term_event;
  struct xrdp_listen* lis_layer; /* owner */
  struct xrdp_session* session;
  /* create these when up and running */
  struct xrdp_wm* wm;
  //int app_sck;
  tbus done_event;
  int session_id;

/* rdp listener */
struct xrdp_listen
  int status;
  struct trans* listen_trans; /* in tcp listen mode */
  struct list* process_list;
  tbus pro_done_event;
  struct xrdp_startup_params* startup_params;

/* region */
struct xrdp_region
  struct xrdp_wm* wm; /* owner */
  struct pixman_region16 *reg;

/* painter */
struct xrdp_painter
  int rop;
  struct xrdp_rect* use_clip; /* nil if not using clip */
  struct xrdp_rect clip;
  int clip_children;
  int bg_color;
  int fg_color;
  int mix_mode;
  struct xrdp_brush brush;
  struct xrdp_pen pen;
  struct xrdp_session* session;
  struct xrdp_wm* wm; /* owner */
  struct xrdp_font* font;
  void *painter;
  struct xrdp_region *dirty_region;
  int begin_end_level;

/* window or bitmap */
struct xrdp_bitmap
  /* 0 = bitmap 1 = window 2 = screen 3 = button 4 = image 5 = edit
     6 = label 7 = combo 8 = special */
  int type;
  int width;
  int height;
  struct xrdp_wm* wm;
  /* msg 1 = click 2 = mouse move 3 = paint 100 = modal result */
  /* see messages in constants.h */
  int (*notify)(struct xrdp_bitmap* wnd, struct xrdp_bitmap* sender,
                int msg, long param1, long param2);
  /* for bitmap */
  int bpp;
  int line_size; /* in bytes */
  int do_not_free_data;
  char* data;
  /* for all but bitmap */
  int left;
  int top;
  int pointer;
  int bg_color;
  int tab_stop;
  int id;
  char* caption1;
  /* for window or screen */
  struct xrdp_bitmap* modal_dialog;
  struct xrdp_bitmap* focused_control;
  struct xrdp_bitmap* owner; /* window that created us */
  struct xrdp_bitmap* parent; /* window contained in */
  /* for modal dialog */
  struct xrdp_bitmap* default_button; /* button when enter is pressed */
  struct xrdp_bitmap* esc_button; /* button when esc is pressed */
  /* list of child windows */
  struct list* child_list;
  /* for edit */
  int edit_pos;
  twchar password_char;
  /* for button or combo */
  int state; /* for button 0 = normal 1 = down */
  /* for combo */
  struct list* string_list;
  struct list* data_list;
  /* for combo or popup */
  int item_index;
  /* for popup */
  struct xrdp_bitmap* popped_from;
  int item_height;
  /* crc */
  int crc32;
  int crc16;

#define NUM_FONTS 0x4e00
#define DEFAULT_FONT_NAME "sans-10.fv1"

#define DEFAULT_BUTTON_W      60
#define DEFAULT_BUTTON_H      23
#define DEFAULT_COMBO_W       210
#define DEFAULT_COMBO_H       21
#define DEFAULT_EDIT_W        210
#define DEFAULT_EDIT_H        21
#define DEFAULT_WND_LOGIN_W   425
#define DEFAULT_WND_LOGIN_H   475
#define DEFAULT_WND_HELP_W    340
#define DEFAULT_WND_HELP_H    300
#define DEFAULT_WND_LOG_W     400
#define DEFAULT_WND_LOG_H     400

/* font */
struct xrdp_font
  struct xrdp_wm* wm;
  struct xrdp_font_char font_items[NUM_FONTS];
  char name[32];
  int size;
  int style;

/* module */
struct xrdp_mod_data
  struct list* names;
  struct list* values;

struct xrdp_startup_params
  char port[128];
  int kill;
  int no_daemon;
  int help;
  int version;
  int fork;
  int send_buffer_bytes;
  int recv_buffer_bytes;

 * For storing xrdp.ini configuration settings

struct xrdp_cfg_globals
    int  ini_version;            /* xrdp.ini file version number */
    int  use_bitmap_cache;
    int  use_bitmap_compression;
    int  port;
    int  crypt_level;            /* low=1, medium=2, high=3 */
    int  allow_channels;
    int  max_bpp;
    int  fork;
    int  tcp_nodelay;
    int  tcp_keepalive;
    int  tcp_send_buffer_bytes;
    int  tcp_recv_buffer_bytes;
    char autorun[256];
    int  hidelogwindow;
    int  require_credentials;
    int  bulk_compression;
    int  new_cursors;
    int  nego_sec_layer;
    int  allow_multimon;

    /* colors */

    int  grey;
    int  black;
    int  dark_grey;
    int  blue;
    int  dark_blue;
    int  white;
    int  red;
    int  green;
    int  background;

    /* login screen */
    int  ls_top_window_bg_color; /* top level window background color */
    int  ls_width;               /* window width */
    int  ls_height;              /* window height */
    int  ls_bg_color;            /* background color */
    char ls_logo_filename[256];  /* logo filename */
    char ls_background_image[256];  /* background image file name */
    int  ls_logo_x_pos;          /* logo x co-ordinate */
    int  ls_logo_y_pos;          /* logo y co-ordinate */
    int  ls_label_x_pos;         /* x pos of labels */
    int  ls_label_width;         /* width of labels */
    int  ls_input_x_pos;         /* x pos of text and combo boxes */
    int  ls_input_width;         /* width of input and combo boxes */
    int  ls_input_y_pos;         /* y pos for for first label and combo box */
    int  ls_btn_ok_x_pos;        /* x pos for OK button */
    int  ls_btn_ok_y_pos;        /* y pos for OK button */
    int  ls_btn_ok_width;        /* width of OK button */
    int  ls_btn_ok_height;       /* height of OK button */
    int  ls_btn_cancel_x_pos;    /* x pos for Cancel button */
    int  ls_btn_cancel_y_pos;    /* y pos for Cancel button */
    int  ls_btn_cancel_width;    /* width of Cancel button */
    int  ls_btn_cancel_height;   /* height of Cancel button */
    char ls_title[256];          /* loginscreen window title */

struct xrdp_cfg_logging


struct xrdp_cfg_channels


struct xrdp_config
    struct xrdp_cfg_globals   cfg_globals;
    struct xrdp_cfg_logging   cfg_logging;
    struct xrdp_cfg_channels  cfg_channels;
