path: root/kchart/kdchart/KDDrawText.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kchart/kdchart/KDDrawText.cpp')
1 files changed, 483 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kchart/kdchart/KDDrawText.cpp b/kchart/kdchart/KDDrawText.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b9467f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kchart/kdchart/KDDrawText.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++ -*-
+ KDChart - a multi-platform charting engine
+ */
+ ** Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
+ **
+ ** This file is part of the KDChart library.
+ **
+ ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
+ ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
+ ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+ ** packaging of this file.
+ **
+ ** Licensees holding valid commercial KDChart licenses may use this file in
+ ** accordance with the KDChart Commercial License Agreement provided with
+ ** the Software.
+ **
+ ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+ **
+ ** See for
+ ** information about KDChart Commercial License Agreements.
+ **
+ ** Contact if any conditions of this
+ ** licensing are not clear to you.
+ **
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qbitmap.h>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <KDDrawText.h>
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
+void KDDrawText::drawRotatedText( QPainter* painter,
+ float degrees,
+ QPoint anchor,
+ const QString& text,
+ const QFont* font,
+ int align,
+ bool showAnchor,
+ const QFontMetrics* fontMet,
+ bool noFirstrotate,
+ bool noBackrotate,
+ KDDrawTextRegionAndTrueRect* infos,
+ bool optimizeOutputForScreen )
+ drawRotatedTxt( painter,
+ optimizeOutputForScreen,
+ degrees,
+ anchor,
+ text,
+ font,
+ align,
+ showAnchor,
+ fontMet,
+ false,
+ 0 != infos,
+ noFirstrotate,
+ noBackrotate,
+ infos );
+KDDrawTextRegionAndTrueRect KDDrawText::measureRotatedText(
+ QPainter* painter,
+ float degrees,
+ QPoint anchor,
+ const QString& text,
+ const QFont* font,
+ int align,
+ const QFontMetrics* fontMet,
+ bool noFirstrotate,
+ bool noBackrotate,
+ int addPercentOfHeightToRegion )
+ KDDrawTextRegionAndTrueRect infos;
+ drawRotatedTxt( painter,
+ false,
+ degrees,
+ anchor,
+ text,
+ font,
+ align,
+ false,
+ fontMet,
+ true,
+ false,
+ noFirstrotate,
+ noBackrotate,
+ &infos,
+ addPercentOfHeightToRegion );
+ return infos;
+void KDDrawText::drawRotatedTxt( QPainter* painter,
+ bool optimizeOutputForScreen,
+ float degrees,
+ QPoint anchor,
+ const QString& text,
+ const QFont* font,
+ int align,
+ bool showAnchor,
+ int txtWidth,
+ int txtHeight,
+ const QFontMetrics* fontMet,
+ bool calculateOnly,
+ bool doNotCalculate,
+ bool noFirstrotate,
+ bool noBackrotate,
+ KDDrawTextRegionAndTrueRect* infos,
+ int addPercentOfHeightToRegion )
+// showAnchor=true;
+ //qDebug("\nanchor: "+ text + " / "+QString::number(anchor.x())
+ // +" / "+QString::number(anchor.y()));
+ bool useInfos = doNotCalculate && infos;
+ bool fontChanged = ( 0 != font );
+ QFont oldFont;
+ if( fontChanged ) {
+ oldFont = painter->font();
+ painter->setFont( *font );
+ }
+ else
+ font = &painter->font();
+ bool mustBackrotate = false;
+ if( !optimizeOutputForScreen && !noFirstrotate ){
+ painter->rotate( degrees );
+ if( !noBackrotate )
+ mustBackrotate = true;
+ }
+ QPoint pos = useInfos ? infos->pos : painter->xFormDev( anchor );
+ if( useInfos )
+ {
+ txtWidth = infos->width;
+ txtHeight = infos->height;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int newHeight=0;
+ // a bug in the AIX 5.2 compiler means using (?:) syntax doesn't work here
+ // therefor we do it the following way:
+ QFontMetrics* pFM=0;
+ if( ! pFM ) {
+ pFM = new QFontMetrics( painter->fontMetrics() );
+ } else {
+ pFM = const_cast<QFontMetrics*>(fontMet);
+ }
+ int nLF = text.contains('\n');
+ if( INT_MAX == txtWidth ) {
+ if( nLF ){
+ int tw;
+ txtWidth = 0;
+ int i0 = 0;
+ int iLF = text.find('\n');
+ while( -1 != iLF ){
+ const QRect r(pFM->boundingRect( text.mid(i0, iLF-i0) ));
+ tw = r.width()+ 2;
+ newHeight = r.height();
+ if( tw > txtWidth )
+ txtWidth = tw;
+ i0 = iLF+1;
+ iLF = text.find('\n', i0);
+ }
+ if( iLF < (int)text.length() ){
+ const QRect r(pFM->boundingRect( text.mid( i0 ) ));
+ tw = r.width()+2;
+ newHeight = r.height();
+ if( tw > txtWidth )
+ txtWidth = tw;
+ i0 = iLF+1;
+ }
+ }else{
+ const QRect r(painter->boundingRect( 0,0,1,1, Qt::AlignAuto, text ));
+ // correct width and height before painting with 2 unit to avoid truncating.
+ // PENDING Michel - improve
+ txtWidth = r.width()+2;
+ newHeight = r.height()+2;
+ }
+ }
+ if( INT_MAX == txtWidth || INT_MAX == txtHeight ) {
+ txtHeight = newHeight ? newHeight : pFM->height() * (1+nLF);
+ }
+ if( pFM != fontMet )
+ delete pFM;
+ if( infos ) {
+ infos->pos = pos;
+ // PENDING infos
+ infos->width = txtWidth;
+ infos->height = txtHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ if( showAnchor ) {
+ int d = txtHeight/4;
+ QPen savePen = painter->pen();
+ painter->setPen( QColor( Qt::darkRed ) );
+ painter->drawLine( pos.x(), pos.y()-d,
+ pos.x(), pos.y()+d );
+ painter->drawLine( pos.x()-d, pos.y(),
+ pos.x()+d, pos.y() );
+ painter->setPen( savePen );
+ }
+ int x = useInfos ? infos->x : pos.x();
+ int y = useInfos ? infos->y : pos.y();
+ //qDebug("1.: (x / y) :" + text + " / "+QString::number(x)
+ // +" / "+QString::number(y));
+ //qDebug("2.: (posx / posy) :" + text );
+ // qDebug ( "%d", pos.x() ); qDebug ( "%d", pos.y() );
+ //qDebug("3.: (infosx / infosy) :" + text + " / "+QString::number(infos->x)
+ // +" / "+QString::number(infos->y));
+ if( !useInfos && !optimizeOutputForScreen ) {
+ switch( align & ( Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignHCenter ) ) {
+ case Qt::AlignLeft:
+ break;
+ case Qt::AlignRight:
+//qDebug( QPaintDeviceMetrics::logicalDpiX() );
+ x -= txtWidth;
+ break;
+ case Qt::AlignHCenter:
+ x -= txtWidth - txtWidth/2;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch( align & ( Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignVCenter ) ) {
+ case Qt::AlignTop:
+ break;
+ case Qt::AlignBottom:
+ y -= txtHeight;
+ break;
+ case Qt::AlignVCenter:
+ y -= txtHeight/2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( infos && !useInfos ) {
+ painter->xForm( pos );
+ infos->x = x - 4;
+ infos->y = y - 4;
+ //PENDING Michel updating info using x , y from pos
+ //qDebug("4.: (infosx / infosy) :" + text + " / "+QString::number(infos->x)
+ //+" / "+QString::number(infos->y));
+ //qDebug("5.: (x / y) :" + text + " / "+QString::number(x)
+ // +" / "+QString::number(y));
+ //qDebug("6.: (anchorx /anchory) :" + text + " / "+QString::number(x)
+ // +" / "+QString::number(y));
+ QRect rect( painter->boundingRect( x, y,
+ txtWidth, txtHeight,
+ Qt::AlignLeft + Qt::AlignTop,
+ text ) );
+ //painter->fillRect (rect, Qt::blue );
+ QPoint topLeft( painter->xForm( rect.topLeft() ) );
+ QPoint topRight( painter->xForm( rect.topRight() ) );
+ QPoint bottomRight( painter->xForm( rect.bottomRight() ) );
+ QPoint bottomLeft( painter->xForm( rect.bottomLeft() ) );
+ int additor = addPercentOfHeightToRegion * txtHeight / 100;
+ QPointArray points;
+ points.setPoints( 4, topLeft.x()-additor, topLeft.y()-additor,
+ topRight.x()+additor, topRight.y()-additor,
+ bottomRight.x()+additor, bottomRight.y()+additor,
+ bottomLeft.x()-additor, bottomLeft.y()+additor );
+ infos->region = QRegion( points );
+ }
+ // When the Qt initialization bug is fixed the following scope
+ // will be put into an "if( showAnchor )" entirely.
+ {
+ int d = txtHeight/4;
+ QPen savePen = painter->pen();
+ if( showAnchor ) {
+ painter->setPen( QColor( Qt::blue ) );
+ painter->drawLine( x, y-d,
+ x, y+d );
+ painter->drawLine( x-d, y,
+ x+d, y );
+ painter->setPen( QColor( Qt::darkGreen ) );
+ painter->drawRect(x,y,txtWidth,txtHeight);
+ //painter->drawText( x, y-d, text);
+ }else{
+ // Working around a strange Qt bug: Rotated painter must be
+ // initialized by drawing before text can be painted there.
+ painter->setPen( QColor( Qt::white ) );
+ painter->drawLine( 30000,0,30001,0 );
+ }
+ painter->setPen( savePen );
+ }
+ if( mustBackrotate && optimizeOutputForScreen ){
+ painter->rotate( -degrees );
+ mustBackrotate = false;
+ }
+ if( !calculateOnly ){
+ //qDebug("txtWidth: %i txtHeight: %i", txtWidth, txtHeight);
+ if( !optimizeOutputForScreen ){
+ painter->drawText( x, y,
+ txtWidth, txtHeight,
+ Qt::AlignLeft + Qt::AlignTop,
+ text );
+ painter->drawText( x, y,
+ txtWidth, txtHeight,
+ Qt::AlignLeft + Qt::AlignTop,
+ text );
+ painter->drawText( x, y,
+ text,
+ -1,
+ Qt::AlignRight + Qt::AlignTop );
+ }else{
+ // new code (rotating the text ourselves for better quality on screens)
+ QPixmap pm( txtWidth+2, txtHeight+2, 1 );
+ // note: When using colored axis labels it will be necessary
+ // to change this code and use a 256 color pixmap instead
+ // of a monochrome one. (khz, 2002/08/15)
+ pm.fill(Qt::color0);
+ QPainter p;
+ p.begin( &pm );
+ if( showAnchor ){
+ p.drawRect(0,0, txtWidth,txtHeight);
+ p.drawLine(0,0, txtWidth,txtHeight);
+ p.drawLine(0,txtHeight, txtWidth,0);
+ }
+ p.setFont(painter->font());
+ p.drawText( 0, 0, txtWidth, txtHeight,
+ Qt::AlignLeft + Qt::AlignTop,
+ text );
+ p.drawText( 0,0,
+ text,
+ -1,
+ Qt::AlignLeft + Qt::AlignTop );
+ QBitmap mask;
+ mask = pm;
+ pm.setMask( mask );
+ QWMatrix m;
+ m.rotate( degrees );
+ QPixmap theRotatedPixmap = pm.xForm(m);
+ // where are our four corner points now:
+ double degreesRad = degrees;
+ while( degreesRad > 360 )
+ degreesRad -= 360;
+ degreesRad *= M_PI / 180.0;
+ double cosA = cos( degreesRad );
+ double sinA = sin( degreesRad );
+ QPoint pTopLeft( 0,
+ 0 );
+ QPoint pBotLeft( static_cast < int > ( 0 * cosA - txtHeight * sinA ),
+ static_cast < int > ( txtHeight * cosA + 0 * sinA ) );
+ QPoint pTopRight( static_cast < int > ( txtWidth * cosA - 0 * sinA ),
+ static_cast < int > ( 0 * cosA + txtWidth * sinA ) );
+ QPoint pBotRight( static_cast < int > ( txtWidth * cosA - txtHeight * sinA ),
+ static_cast < int > ( txtHeight * cosA + txtWidth * sinA ) );
+ // make our four corner points relative
+ // to the bounding rect of the rotated pixmap
+ {
+ QPoint pDeltaTL( QMIN(0, QMIN(pBotLeft.x(), QMIN(pTopRight.x(), pBotRight.x()))),
+ QMIN(0, QMIN(pBotLeft.y(), QMIN(pTopRight.y(), pBotRight.y()))) );
+ pTopLeft -= pDeltaTL;
+ pBotLeft -= pDeltaTL;
+ pTopRight -= pDeltaTL;
+ pBotRight -= pDeltaTL;
+ }
+ /*
+ painter->setPen( QColor( Qt::black ) );
+ painter->drawLine( x-13, y, x+13, y );
+ painter->drawLine( x, y-13, x, y+13 );
+ painter->setPen( QColor( Qt::blue ) );
+ painter->drawLine( x+pTopLeft.x()-3, y+pTopLeft.y(), x+pTopLeft.x()+3, y+pTopLeft.y() );
+ painter->drawLine( x+pTopLeft.x(), y+pTopLeft.y()-3, x+pTopLeft.x(), y+pTopLeft.y()+3 );
+ painter->setPen( QColor( Qt::red ) );
+ painter->drawLine( x+pTopRight.x()-3, y+pTopRight.y(), x+pTopRight.x()+3, y+pTopRight.y() );
+ painter->drawLine( x+pTopRight.x(), y+pTopRight.y()-3, x+pTopRight.x(), y+pTopRight.y()+3 );
+ painter->setPen( QColor( Qt::green ) );
+ painter->drawLine( x+pBotLeft.x()-3, y+pBotLeft.y(), x+pBotLeft.x()+3, y+pBotLeft.y() );
+ painter->drawLine( x+pBotLeft.x(), y+pBotLeft.y()-3, x+pBotLeft.x(), y+pBotLeft.y()+3 );
+ painter->setPen( QColor( Qt::yellow ) );
+ painter->drawLine( x+pBotRight.x()-3, y+pBotRight.y(), x+pBotRight.x()+3, y+pBotRight.y() );
+ painter->drawLine( x+pBotRight.x(), y+pBotRight.y()-3, x+pBotRight.x(), y+pBotRight.y()+3 );
+ */
+ // The horizontal and vertical alignment together define one of
+ // NINE possible points: this point must be moved on the anchor.
+ int hAlign = align & ( Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignHCenter );
+ int vAlign = align & ( Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignVCenter );
+ QPoint pixPoint;
+ switch( hAlign ) {
+ case Qt::AlignLeft:
+ switch( vAlign ) {
+ case Qt::AlignTop:
+ pixPoint = pTopLeft;
+ break;
+ case Qt::AlignBottom:
+ pixPoint = pBotLeft;
+ break;
+ case Qt::AlignVCenter:
+ default:
+ pixPoint = QPoint( (pTopLeft.x() + pBotLeft.x()) / 2,
+ (pTopLeft.y() + pBotLeft.y()) / 2 );
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::AlignRight:
+ switch( vAlign ) {
+ case Qt::AlignTop:
+ pixPoint = pTopRight;
+ break;
+ case Qt::AlignBottom:
+ pixPoint = pBotRight;
+ break;
+ case Qt::AlignVCenter:
+ default:
+ pixPoint = QPoint( (pTopRight.x() + pBotRight.x()) / 2,
+ (pTopRight.y() + pBotRight.y()) / 2 );
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::AlignHCenter:
+ default:
+ switch( vAlign ) {
+ case Qt::AlignTop:
+ pixPoint = QPoint( (pTopLeft.x() + pTopRight.x()) / 2,
+ (pTopLeft.y() + pTopRight.y()) / 2 );
+ break;
+ case Qt::AlignBottom:
+ pixPoint = QPoint( (pBotLeft.x() + pBotRight.x()) / 2,
+ (pBotLeft.y() + pBotRight.y()) / 2 );
+ break;
+ case Qt::AlignVCenter:
+ default:
+ pixPoint = QPoint( (pTopLeft.x() + pBotRight.x()) / 2,
+ (pTopLeft.y() + pBotRight.y()) / 2 );
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ //qDebug("2.: (x / y) : "+QString::number(x)
+ // +" / "+QString::number(y));
+ painter->drawPixmap( QPoint( x - pixPoint.x(),
+ y - pixPoint.y() ),
+ theRotatedPixmap );
+ p.end();
+ }
+ }
+ if( mustBackrotate )
+ painter->rotate( -degrees );
+ if( fontChanged )
+ painter->setFont( oldFont );