path: root/kexi/core/kexiblobbuffer.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kexi/core/kexiblobbuffer.h')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kexi/core/kexiblobbuffer.h b/kexi/core/kexiblobbuffer.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd593ab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kexi/core/kexiblobbuffer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2005 Jaroslaw Staniek <>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <qintdict.h>
+#include <qdict.h>
+#include <qpixmap.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+namespace KexiDB
+ class Connection;
+//! Application-wide buffer for local BLOB data like pixmaps.
+/*! For now only pixmaps are supported
+ @todo support any KPart-compatible objects and more...
+ Use this class by acessing to its singleton: KexiBLOBBuffer::self().
+ This class is used for buffering BLOB data,
+ to avoid duplicating object's data in memory and a need for loading (decoding)
+ the same object many times.
+ The data is always local, what means database storage is not employed here.
+ Each BLOB instance is identified by an unsigned integer number (Id_t type),
+ uniquely generated on BLOB loading. Each BLOB can have assigned source url
+ it has been loaded from (the url can be empty though, e.g. for data coming from clipboard).
+ References to KexiBLOBBuffer are counted, so when last reference is lost, data is freed
+ and the integer identifier is no longer pointing any valid data.
+ KexiBLOBBuffer::Handle is value-based class that describes handle based in an identifier.
+ Objects of this class are obtained e.g. from insertPixmap() method.
+ There are two kinds of identifiers:
+ - integers assigned for BLOBs already saved to a db backend,
+ when KexiBLOBBuffer::Handle::stored() is true
+ - temporary integers assigned for new BLOBs not yet saved to a db backend,
+ when KexiBLOBBuffer::Handle::stored() is false
+ KexiBLOBBuffer::Handle::setStoredWidthID() can be used to switch from unstored to stored state.
+ Among others, the state has effect on saving forms: only unstored BLOBs will be saved back
+ to the database; when a BLOB needs to be removed, only it will be physically removed only if it was stored.
+ KexiBLOBBuffer is also useful for two more reasons:
+ - Property editor's item for "image" property displays a preview of pixmap contents.
+ Without buffering, it would be needed to load pixmap data again: what if the file
+ it is loaded from is located remote and connection is slow? Memory would be also unnecessary doubled.
+ - Undo/Redo framework requires to store previous property values. Having a reference defined
+ by a single interger, memory can be handled more effectively.
+ Example use cases:
+ A large pixmap file "abc.jpg" is loaded as QByteArray <b>once</b> and buffered:
+ integer identifier is returned.
+ Then, multiple image widgets are using "abc.jpg" for displaying.
+ Duplicating an image widget means only duplicating it's properties
+ like position and BLOB's id: BLOB itself (data of "abc.jpg") is not duplicated.
+ Creating a new image widget and assiging the same "abc.jpg" pixmap, means only
+ referencing KexiBLOBBuffer using the same identifier.
+class KEXICORE_EXPORT KexiBLOBBuffer : public QObject
+ private:
+ class Item;
+ public:
+ //! long integer for unique identifying blobs
+//! @todo Qt4: will be changed
+ typedef long Id_t;
+ //! Access to KexiBLOBBuffer singleton
+ static KexiBLOBBuffer* self();
+ static void setConnection(KexiDB::Connection *conn);
+ //! Object handle used by KexiBLOBBuffer
+ class KEXICORE_EXPORT Handle {
+ public:
+ //! Constructs a null handle.
+ //! Null handles have empty pixap and data members, id == 0 and cast to boolean false.
+ Handle();
+ //! Constructs a copy of \a handle.
+ Handle(const Handle& handle);
+ ~Handle();
+ Id_t id() const { return m_item ? m_item->id : 0; }
+ /*! \return true if this BLOB data pointed by this handle is stored at the db backend
+ or false if it is kept in memory. Null handles return false. */
+ bool stored() const { return m_item ? m_item->stored : false; }
+ //! \return true if this is null handle (i.e. one not pointing to any data)
+ operator bool() const { return m_item; }
+ Handle& operator=(const Handle& handle);
+ QByteArray data() const { return m_item ? m_item->data() : QByteArray(); }
+ QPixmap pixmap() const { return m_item ? m_item->pixmap() : QPixmap(); }
+ /*! Sets "stored" flag to true by setting non-temporary identifier.
+ Only call this method for unstored (in memory) BLOBs */
+ void setStoredWidthID(Id_t id);
+ QString originalFileName() const { return m_item ? m_item->name: QString::null; }
+ QString mimeType() const { return m_item ? m_item->mimeType : QString::null; }
+ Id_t folderId() const { return m_item ? m_item->folderId : 0; }
+ protected:
+ //! Constructs a handle based on \a item. Null handle is constructed for null \a item.
+ Handle(Item* item);
+ private:
+ Item* m_item;
+ friend class KexiBLOBBuffer;
+ };
+ //! @internal
+ KexiBLOBBuffer();
+ ~KexiBLOBBuffer();
+ /*! Inserts a new pixmap loaded from a file at \a url.
+ If the same file has already been loaded before, it can be found in cache
+ and returned instantly. It is assumed that the BLOB is unstored, because it is loaded from
+ external source, so stored() will be equal to false for returned handle.
+ \return handle to the pixmap data or a null handle if such pixmap could not be loaded. */
+ Handle insertPixmap(const KURL& url);
+ /*! Inserts a new BLOB data.
+ @param data The data for BLOB object.
+ @param name The name for the object, usually a file name or empty
+ @param caption The more friendly than name, can be based on file name or empty or
+ defined by a user (this case is not yet used)
+ @param mimeType The mimeType for the object for easier and mor accurate decoding.
+ @param identifier Object's identifier. If positive, the "stored" flag for the data
+ will be set to true with \a identifer, otherwise (the default) the BLOB data will
+ have "stored" flag set to false, and a new temporary identifier will be assigned. */
+ Handle insertObject(const QByteArray& data, const QString& name,
+ const QString& caption, const QString& mimeType, Id_t identifier = 0);
+ /*! Inserts a new pixmap available in memory, e.g. coming from clipboard. */
+ Handle insertPixmap(const QPixmap& pixmap);
+ /*! \return an object for a given \a id. If \a stored is true, stored BLOBs buffer
+ is browsed, otherwise unstored (in memory) BLOBs buffer is browsed.
+ If no object is cached for this id, null handle is returned. */
+ Handle objectForId(Id_t id, bool stored);
+ /*! \return an object for a given \a id. First, unstored object is checked, then unstored,
+ if stored was not found. */
+ Handle objectForId(Id_t id);
+ protected:
+ /*! Removes an object for a given \a id. If \a stored is true, stored BLOB is removed,
+ otherwise unstored (in memory) BLOB is removed. */
+ void removeItem(Id_t id, bool stored);
+ /*! Takes an object for a \a item out of the buffer. */
+ void takeItem(Item* item);
+ /*! Inserts an object for a given \a id into the buffer. */
+ void insertItem(Item* item);
+ private:
+ class KEXICORE_EXPORT Item {
+ public:
+ Item(const QByteArray& data, Id_t ident,
+ bool stored,
+ const QString& name = QString::null,
+ const QString& caption = QString::null,
+ const QString& mimeType = QString::null,
+ Id_t folderId = 0,
+ const QPixmap& pixmap = QPixmap());
+ ~Item();
+ QPixmap pixmap() const;
+ QByteArray data() const;
+// KexiBLOBBuffer* buf;
+// KURL url;
+ QString name;
+ QString caption; //!< @todo for future use within image gallery
+ QString mimeType;
+ uint refs;
+ Id_t id;
+ Id_t folderId;
+ bool stored : 1;
+ QString prettyURL; //!< helper
+ private:
+ QByteArray *m_data;
+ QPixmap *m_pixmap;
+ bool *m_pixmapLoaded; //!< *m_pixmapLoaded will be set in Info::pixmap(),
+ //!< to avoid multiple pixmap decoding when it previously failed
+ friend class KexiBLOBBuffer;
+ };
+ class Private;
+ Private *d;
+ friend class Handle;