path: root/kexi/plugins/importexport/csv/kexicsvimportdialog.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kexi/plugins/importexport/csv/kexicsvimportdialog.h')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kexi/plugins/importexport/csv/kexicsvimportdialog.h b/kexi/plugins/importexport/csv/kexicsvimportdialog.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f7b159e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kexi/plugins/importexport/csv/kexicsvimportdialog.h
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+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Jaroslaw Staniek <>
+ This work is based on kspread/dialogs/
+ and will be merged back with KOffice libraries.
+ Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Norbert Andres <>
+ Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Ariya Hidayat <>
+ Copyright (C) 2002 Laurent Montel <>
+ Copyright (C) 1999 David Faure <>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <qvaluevector.h>
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+#include <qptrvector.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qbitarray.h>
+#include <kdialogbase.h>
+#include <kexiutils/tristate.h>
+#include <kexidb/connection.h>
+#include "kexicsvimportoptionsdlg.h"
+class QVBoxLayout;
+class QHBoxLayout;
+class QGridLayout;
+class QButtonGroup;
+class QCheckBox;
+class QLabel;
+class QLineEdit;
+class QPushButton;
+class QRadioButton;
+class QTable;
+class QFile;
+class KComboBox;
+class KIntSpinBox;
+class KProgressDialog;
+class KexiMainWindow;
+class KexiCSVDelimiterWidget;
+class KexiCSVTextQuoteComboBox;
+class KexiCSVInfoLabel;
+ * @short Kexi CSV import dialog
+ *
+ * This is temporary solution for Kexi CSV import,
+ * based on kspread/dialogs/kspread_dlg_csv.h, cc.
+ *
+ * Provides dialog for managing CSV (comma separated value) data.
+ *
+ * Currently KexiCSVImportDialog is used for converting text into columns,
+ * inserting text file and pasting text from clipboard, where conversion
+ * from CSV (comma separated value) data is is all required.
+ * The different purposed mentioned above is determined
+ * using mode, which can be Column, File, or Clipboard respectively.
+class KexiCSVImportDialog : public KDialogBase
+ public:
+ enum Mode { Clipboard, File /*, Column*/ };
+ enum Header { TEXT, NUMBER, DATE, CURRENCY };
+ //! @todo what about making it kexidb-independent?
+ KexiCSVImportDialog( Mode mode, KexiMainWindow* mainWin, QWidget * parent,
+ const char * name = 0/*, QRect const & rect*/);
+ virtual ~KexiCSVImportDialog();
+ bool cancelled() const;
+ virtual bool eventFilter ( QObject * watched, QEvent * e );
+ protected:
+ bool openData();
+ virtual void accept();
+ private:
+ QGridLayout* MyDialogLayout;
+ QHBoxLayout* Layout1;
+ QTable* m_table;
+ KexiCSVDelimiterWidget* m_delimiterWidget;
+ bool m_detectDelimiter; //!< true if delimiter should be detected
+ //!< (true by default, set to false if user sets delimiter)
+ QString m_formatComboText;
+ QLabel* m_formatLabel;
+ KComboBox* m_formatCombo;
+ KIntSpinBox *m_startAtLineSpinBox;
+ KexiCSVTextQuoteComboBox* m_comboQuote;
+ QLabel* m_startAtLineLabel;
+ QLabel* TextLabel2;
+ QCheckBox* m_ignoreDuplicates;
+ QCheckBox* m_1stRowForFieldNames;
+ QCheckBox* m_primaryKeyField;
+ KexiMainWindow* m_mainWin;
+ void detectTypeAndUniqueness(int row, int col, const QString& text);
+ void setText(int row, int col, const QString& text, bool inGUI);
+ /*! Parses date from \a text and stores into \a date.
+ m_dateRegExp is used for clever detection;
+ if '/' separated is found, it's assumed the format is american mm/dd/yyyy.
+ This function supports omitted zeros, so 1/2/2006 is parsed properly too.
+ \return true on success. */
+ bool parseDate(const QString& text, QDate& date);
+ /*! Parses time from \a text and stores into \a date.
+ m_timeRegExp1 and m_timeRegExp2 are used for clever detection;
+ both hh:mm:ss and hh:mm are supported.
+ This function supports omitted zeros, so 1:2:3 is parsed properly too.
+ \return true on success. */
+ bool parseTime(const QString& text, QTime& time);
+ /*! Called after the first fillTable() when number of rows is unknown. */
+ void adjustRows(int iRows);
+ int getHeader(int col);
+ QString getText(int row, int col);
+ void updateColumnText(int col);
+ void updateRowCountInfo();
+ tristate loadRows(QString &field, int &row, int &columnm, int &maxColumn, bool inGUI);
+ /*! Detects delimiter by looking at first 4K bytes of the data. Used by loadRows().
+ The used algorithm:
+ 1. Look byte by byte and locate special characters that can be delimiters.
+ Special fact is taken into account: if there are '"' quotes used for text values,
+ delimiters that follow directly the closing quote has higher priority than the one
+ that follows other character. We do not assume that every text value is quoted.
+ Summing up, there is following hierarchy (from highest to lowest):
+ quote+tab, quote+semicolon, quote+comma, tab, semicolon, comma.
+ Space characters are skipped. Text inside quotes is skipped, as well as double
+ (escaped) quotes.
+ 2. While scanning the data, for every row following number of tabs, semicolons and commas
+ (only these outside of the quotes) are computed. On every line the values are appended
+ to a separate list (QValueList<int>).
+ 3. After scanning, all the values are checked on the QValueList<int> of tabs.
+ If the list has more one element (so there was more than one row) and all the values
+ (numbers of tabs) are equal, it's very probable the tab is a delimiter.
+ So, this character is returned as a delimiter.
+ 3a. The same algorithm as in 3. is performed for semicolon character.
+ 3b. The same algorithm as in 3. is performed for comma character.
+ 4. If the step 3. did not return a delimiter, a character found in step 1. with
+ the highest priority is retured as delimiter. */
+ QString detectDelimiterByLookingAtFirstBytesOfFile(QTextStream& inputStream);
+ /*! Callback, called whenever row is loaded in loadRows(). When inGUI is true,
+ nothing is performed, else database buffer is written back to the database. */
+ bool saveRow(bool inGUI);
+ bool m_cancelled;
+ bool m_adjustRows;
+ int m_startline;
+ QChar m_textquote;
+ QString m_clipboardData;
+ QByteArray m_fileArray;
+ Mode m_mode;
+ int m_prevSelectedCol;
+ //! vector of detected types, 0==text (the default), 1==number, 2==date
+//! @todo more types
+ QValueVector<int> m_detectedTypes;
+ //! m_detectedUniqueColumns[i]==true means that i-th column has unique values
+ //! (only for numeric type)
+ QPtrVector< QValueList<int> > m_uniquenessTest;
+ QRegExp m_dateRegExp, m_timeRegExp1, m_timeRegExp2, m_fpNumberRegExp;
+ QValueVector<QString> m_typeNames, m_columnNames;
+ QBitArray m_changedColumnNames;
+ bool m_columnsAdjusted : 1; //!< to call adjustColumn() only once
+ bool m_1stRowForFieldNamesDetected : 1; //!< used to force rerun fillTable() after 1st row
+ bool m_firstFillTableCall : 1; //!< used to know whether it's 1st fillTable() call
+ bool m_blockUserEvents : 1;
+ int m_primaryKeyColumn; //!< index of column with PK assigned (-1 if none)
+ int m_maximumRowsForPreview;
+ int m_maximumBytesForPreview;
+ QPixmap m_pkIcon;
+ QString m_fname;
+ QFile* m_file;
+ QTextStream *m_inputStream; //!< used in loadData()
+ KexiCSVImportOptions m_options;
+ KProgressDialog *m_loadingProgressDlg, *m_importingProgressDlg;
+ bool m_dialogCancelled;
+ KexiCSVInfoLabel *m_infoLbl;
+ KexiDB::Connection *m_conn; //!< (temp) database connection used for importing
+ KexiDB::TableSchema *m_destinationTableSchema; //!< (temp) dest. table schema used for importing
+ KexiDB::PreparedStatement::Ptr m_importingStatement;
+ QValueList<QVariant> m_dbRowBuffer; //!< (temp) used for importing
+ bool m_implicitPrimaryKeyAdded; //!< (temp) used for importing
+ bool m_allRowsLoadedInPreview; //!< we need to know whether all rows were loaded or it's just a partial data preview
+ bool m_stoppedAt_MAX_BYTES_TO_PREVIEW; //!< used to compute m_allRowsLoadedInPreview
+ private slots:
+ void fillTable();
+ void fillTableLater();
+ void initLater();
+ void formatChanged(int id);
+ void delimiterChanged(const QString& delimiter);
+ void startlineSelected(int line);
+ void textquoteSelected(int);
+ void currentCellChanged(int, int col);
+ void ignoreDuplicatesChanged(int);
+ void slot1stRowForFieldNamesChanged(int);
+ void cellValueChanged(int row,int col);
+ void optionsButtonClicked();
+ void slotPrimaryKeyFieldToggled(bool on);