path: root/kexi/widget/tableview/kexidataawareobjectiface.h
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+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Jaroslaw Staniek <>
+ Based on KexiTableView code.
+ Copyright (C) 2002 Till Busch <>
+ Copyright (C) 2003 Lucijan Busch <>
+ Copyright (C) 2003 Daniel Molkentin <>
+ Copyright (C) 2003 Joseph Wenninger <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <qguardedptr.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <widget/utils/kexiarrowtip.h>
+#include <kexisearchandreplaceiface.h>
+#include "kexitableviewdata.h"
+class QObject;
+class QScrollBar;
+class KPopupMenu;
+class KexiTableItem;
+class KexiTableViewData;
+class KexiRecordMarker;
+class KexiTableViewHeader;
+class KexiRecordNavigator;
+#include <kexidataiteminterface.h>
+namespace KexiDB {
+ class RowEditBuffer;
+//! default column width in pixels
+//! \brief The KexiDataAwareObjectInterface is an interface for record-based data object.
+/** This interface is implemented by KexiTableView and KexiFormView
+ and used by KexiDataAwareView. If yu're implementing this interface,
+ add KEXI_DATAAWAREOBJECTINTERFACE convenience macro just after Q_OBJECT.
+ You should add following code to your destructor so data is deleted:
+ \code
+ if (m_owner)
+ delete m_data;
+ m_data = 0;
+ \endcode
+ This is not performed in KexiDataAwareObjectInterface because you may need
+ to access m_data in your desctructor.
+class KEXIDATATABLE_EXPORT KexiDataAwareObjectInterface
+ public:
+ KexiDataAwareObjectInterface();
+ virtual ~KexiDataAwareObjectInterface();
+ /*! Sets data for this object. if \a owner is true, the object will own
+ \a data and therefore will be destroyed when needed, else: \a data is (possibly) shared and
+ not owned by the widget.
+ If widget already has _different_ data object assigned (and owns this data),
+ old data is destroyed before new assignment.
+ */
+ void setData( KexiTableViewData *data, bool owner = true );
+ /*! \return data structure displayed for this object */
+ inline KexiTableViewData *data() const { return m_data; }
+ /*! \return currently selected column number or -1. */
+ inline int currentColumn() const { return m_curCol; }
+ /*! \return currently selected row number or -1. */
+ inline int currentRow() const { return m_curRow; }
+ /*! \return last row visible on the screen (counting from 0).
+ The returned value is guaranteed to be smaller or equal to currentRow() or -1
+ if there are no rows. */
+ virtual int lastVisibleRow() const = 0;
+ /*! \return currently selected item (row data) or null. */
+ KexiTableItem *selectedItem() const { return m_currentItem; }
+ /*! \return number of rows in this view. */
+ int rows() const;
+ /*! \return number of visible columns in this view.
+ By default returns dataColumns(), what is proper table view.
+ In case of form view, there can be a number of duplicated columns defined
+ (data-aware widgets, see KexiFormScrollView::columns()),
+ so columns() can return greater number than dataColumns(). */
+ virtual int columns() const { return dataColumns(); }
+ /*! Helper function.
+ \return number of columns of data. */
+ int dataColumns() const;
+ /*! \return true if data represented by this object
+ is not editable (it can be editable with other ways although,
+ outside of this object). */
+ virtual bool isReadOnly() const;
+ /*! Sets readOnly flag for this object.
+ Unless the flag is set, the widget inherits readOnly flag from it's data
+ structure assigned with setData(). The default value if false.
+ This method is useful when you need to switch on the flag indepentently
+ from the data structure.
+ Note: it is not allowed to force readOnly off
+ when internal data is readOnly - in that case the method does nothing.
+ You can check internal data flag calling data()->isReadOnly().
+ If \a set is true, insertingEnabled flag will be cleared automatically.
+ \sa isInsertingEnabled()
+ */
+ void setReadOnly(bool set);
+ /*! \return true if sorting is enabled. */
+ inline bool isSortingEnabled() const { return m_isSortingEnabled; }
+ /*! Sets sorting on column \a col, or (when \a col == -1) sets rows unsorted
+ this will do not work if sorting is disabled with setSortingEnabled() */
+ virtual void setSorting(int col, bool ascending=true);
+ /*! Enables or disables sorting for this object
+ This method is different that setSorting() because it prevents both user
+ and programmer from sorting by clicking a column's header or calling setSorting().
+ By default sorting is enabled.
+ */
+ virtual void setSortingEnabled(bool set);
+ /*! \return sorted column number or -1 if no column is sorted within data.
+ This does not mean that any sorting has been performed within GUI of this object,
+ because the data could be changed in the meantime outside of this GUI object. */
+ int dataSortedColumn() const;
+ /*! \return 1 if ascending order for data sorting data is set, -1 for descending,
+ 0 for no sorting.
+ This does not mean that any sorting has been performed within GUI of this objetct,
+ because the data could be changed in the meantime outside of this GUI object.
+ */
+ int dataSortingOrder() const;
+ /*! Sorts all rows by column selected with setSorting().
+ If there is currently row edited, it is accepted.
+ If acception failed, sort() will return false.
+ \return true on success. */
+ virtual bool sort();
+ /*! Sorts currently selected column in ascending order.
+ This slot is used typically for "data_sort_az" action. */
+ void sortAscending();
+ /*! Sorts currently selected column in descending order.
+ This slot is used typically for "data_sort_za" action. */
+ void sortDescending();
+ /*! \return true if data inserting is enabled (the default). */
+ virtual bool isInsertingEnabled() const;
+ /*! Sets insertingEnabled flag. If true, empty row is available
+ at the end of this widget for new entering new data.
+ Unless the flag is set, the widget inherits insertingEnabled flag from it's data
+ structure assigned with setData(). The default value if false.
+ Note: it is not allowed to force insertingEnabled on when internal data
+ has insertingEnabled set off - in that case the method does nothing.
+ You can check internal data flag calling data()->insertingEnabled().
+ Setting this flag to true will have no effect if read-only flag is true.
+ \sa setReadOnly()
+ */
+ void setInsertingEnabled(bool set);
+ /*! \return true if row deleting is enabled.
+ Equal to deletionPolicy() != NoDelete && !isReadOnly()). */
+ bool isDeleteEnabled() const;
+ /*! \return true if inserting empty rows are enabled (false by default).
+ Mostly usable for not db-aware objects (e.g. used in Kexi Alter Table).
+ Note, that if inserting is disabled, or the data set is read-only,
+ this flag will be ignored. */
+ bool isEmptyRowInsertingEnabled() const { return m_emptyRowInsertingEnabled; }
+ /*! Sets emptyRowInserting flag.
+ Note, that if inserting is disabled, this flag is ignored. */
+ void setEmptyRowInsertingEnabled(bool set);
+ /*! Enables or disables filtering. Filtering is enabled by default. */
+ virtual void setFilteringEnabled(bool set);
+ /*! \return true if filtering is enabled. */
+ inline bool isFilteringEnabled() const { return m_isFilteringEnabled; }
+ /*! Added for convenience: configure this object
+ to behave more like spreadsheet (it's used for things like alter-table view).
+ - hides navigator
+ - disables sorting, inserting and filtering
+ - enables accepting row after cell accepting; see setAcceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting()
+ - enables inserting empty row; see setEmptyRowInsertingEnabled() */
+ virtual void setSpreadSheetMode();
+ /*! \return true id "spreadSheetMode" is enabled. It's false by default. */
+ bool spreadSheetMode() const { return m_spreadSheetMode; }
+ /*! \return true if currently selected row is edited. */
+ inline bool rowEditing() const { return m_rowEditing; }
+ enum DeletionPolicy
+ {
+ NoDelete = 0,
+ AskDelete = 1,
+ ImmediateDelete = 2,
+ SignalDelete = 3
+ };
+ /*! \return deletion policy for this object.
+ The default (after allocating) is AskDelete. */
+ DeletionPolicy deletionPolicy() const { return m_deletionPolicy; }
+ virtual void setDeletionPolicy(DeletionPolicy policy);
+ /*! Deletes currently selected record; does nothing if no record
+ is currently selected. If record is in edit mode, editing
+ is cancelled before deleting. */
+ virtual void deleteCurrentRow();
+ /*! Inserts one empty row above row \a row. If \a row is -1 (the default),
+ new row is inserted above the current row (or above 1st row if there is no current).
+ A new item becomes current if row is -1 or if row is equal currentRow().
+ This method does nothing if:
+ -inserting flag is disabled (see isInsertingEnabled())
+ -read-only flag is set (see isReadOnly())
+ \ return inserted row's data
+ */
+ virtual KexiTableItem *insertEmptyRow(int row = -1);
+ /*! For reimplementation: called by deleteItem(). If returns false, deleting is aborted.
+ Default implementation just returns true. */
+ virtual bool beforeDeleteItem(KexiTableItem *item);
+ /*! Deletes \a item. Used by deleteCurrentRow(). Calls beforeDeleteItem() before deleting,
+ to double-check if deleting is allowed.
+ \return true on success. */
+ bool deleteItem(KexiTableItem *item);//, bool moveCursor=true);
+ /*! Inserts newItem at \a row. -1 means current row. Used by insertEmptyRow(). */
+ void insertItem(KexiTableItem *newItem, int row = -1);
+ /*! Clears entire table data, its visible representation
+ and deletes data at database backend (if this is db-aware object).
+ Does not clear columns information.
+ Does not destroy KexiTableViewData object (if present) but only clears its contents.
+ Displays confirmation dialog if \a ask is true (the default is false).
+ Repaints widget if \a repaint is true (the default).
+ For empty tables, true is returned immediately.
+ If isDeleteEnabled() is false, false is returned.
+ For spreadsheet mode all current rows are just replaced by empty rows.
+ \return true on success, false on failure, and cancelled if user cancelled deletion
+ (only possible if \a ask is true).
+ */
+ tristate deleteAllRows(bool ask = false, bool repaint = true);
+ /*! \return maximum number of rows that can be displayed per one "page"
+ for current view's size. */
+ virtual int rowsPerPage() const = 0;
+ virtual void selectRow(int row);
+ virtual void selectNextRow();
+ virtual void selectPrevRow();
+ virtual void selectNextPage(); //!< page down action
+ virtual void selectPrevPage(); //!< page up action
+ virtual void selectFirstRow();
+ virtual void selectLastRow();
+ virtual void addNewRecordRequested();
+ /*! Clears current selection. Current row and column will be now unspecified:
+ currentRow(), currentColumn() will return -1, and selectedItem() will return null. */
+ virtual void clearSelection();
+ /*! Moves cursor to \a row and \a col. If \a col is -1, current column number is used.
+ If forceSet is true, cursor position is updated even if \a row and \a col doesn't
+ differ from actual position. */
+ virtual void setCursorPosition(int row, int col = -1, bool forceSet = false);
+ /*! Ensures that cell at \a row and \a col is visible.
+ If \a col is -1, current column number is used. \a row and \a col (if not -1) must
+ be between 0 and rows() (or cols() accordingly). */
+ virtual void ensureCellVisible(int row, int col/*=-1*/) = 0;
+ /*! Specifies, if this object automatically accepts
+ row editing (using acceptRowEdit()) on accepting any cell's edit
+ (i.e. after acceptEditor()). \sa acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting() */
+ virtual void setAcceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting(bool set);
+ /*! \return true, if this object automatically accepts
+ row editing (using acceptRowEdit()) on accepting any cell's edit
+ (i.e. after acceptEditor()).
+ By default this flag is set to false.
+ Not that if the query for this table has given constraints defined,
+ like NOT NULL / NOT EMPTY for more than one field - editing a record would
+ be impossible for the flag set to true, because of constraints violation.
+ However, setting this flag to true can be useful especially for not-db-aware
+ data set (it's used e.g. in Kexi Alter Table's field editor). */
+ bool acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting() const { return m_acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting; }
+ /*! \return true, if this table accepts dropping data on the rows. */
+ bool dropsAtRowEnabled() const { return m_dropsAtRowEnabled; }
+ /*! Specifies, if this table accepts dropping data on the rows.
+ If enabled:
+ - dragging over row is indicated by drawing a line at bottom side of this row
+ - dragOverRow() signal will be emitted on dragging,
+ -droppedAtRow() will be emitted on dropping
+ By default this flag is set to false. */
+ virtual void setDropsAtRowEnabled(bool set);
+ /*! \return currently used data (field/cell) editor or 0 if there is no data editing. */
+ inline KexiDataItemInterface *editor() const { return m_editor; }
+ /*! Cancels row editing All changes made to the editing
+ row during this current session will be undone.
+ \return true on success or false on failure (e.g. when editor does not exist) */
+ virtual bool cancelRowEdit();
+ /*! Accepts row editing. All changes made to the editing
+ row during this current session will be accepted (saved).
+ \return true if accepting was successful, false otherwise
+ (e.g. when current row contain data that does not meet given constraints). */
+ virtual bool acceptRowEdit();
+ virtual void removeEditor();
+ /*! Cancels changes made to the currently active editor.
+ Reverts the editor's value to old one.
+ \return true on success or false on failure (e.g. when editor does not exist) */
+ virtual bool cancelEditor();
+ //! Accepst changes made to the currently active editor.
+ //! \return true on success or false on failure (e.g. when editor does not exist or there is data validation error)
+ virtual bool acceptEditor();
+ //! Creates editors and shows it, what usually means the beginning of a cell editing
+ virtual void createEditor(int row, int col, const QString& addText = QString::null,
+ bool removeOld = false) = 0;
+ /*! Used when Return key is pressed on cell, the cell has been double clicked
+ or "+" navigator's button is clicked.
+ Also used when we want to continue editing a cell after "invalid value" message
+ was displayed (in this case, \a setText is usually not empty, what means
+ that text will be set in the cell replacing previous value).
+ */
+ virtual void startEditCurrentCell(const QString& setText = QString::null);
+ /*! Deletes currently selected cell's contents, if allowed.
+ In most cases delete is not accepted immediately but "row editing" mode is just started. */
+ virtual void deleteAndStartEditCurrentCell();
+ inline KexiTableItem *itemAt(int row) const;
+ /*! \return column information for column number \a col.
+ Default implementation just returns column # col,
+ but for Kexi Forms column data
+ corresponding to widget number is used here
+ (see KexiFormScrollView::fieldNumberForColumn()). */
+ virtual KexiTableViewColumn* column(int col);
+ /*! \return field number within data model connected to a data-aware
+ widget at column \a col. Can return -1 if there's no such column. */
+ virtual int fieldNumberForColumn(int col) { return col; }
+ bool hasDefaultValueAt(const KexiTableViewColumn& tvcol);
+ const QVariant* bufferedValueAt(int col, bool useDefaultValueIfPossible = true);
+ //! \return a type of column \a col - one of KexiDB::Field::Type
+ int columnType(int col);
+ //! \return default value for column \a col
+ QVariant columnDefaultValue(int col) const;
+ /*! \return true is column \a col is editable.
+ Default implementation takes information about 'readOnly' flag from data member.
+ Within forms, this is reimplemented for checking 'readOnly' flag from a widget
+ ('readOnly' flag from data member is still checked though).
+ */
+ virtual bool columnEditable(int col);
+ /*! Redraws the current cell. To be implemented. */
+ virtual void updateCurrentCell() = 0;
+ inline KexiRecordMarker* verticalHeader() const { return m_verticalHeader; }
+ //! signals
+ virtual void itemChanged(KexiTableItem *, int row, int col) = 0;
+ virtual void itemChanged(KexiTableItem *, int row, int col, QVariant oldValue) = 0;
+ virtual void itemDeleteRequest(KexiTableItem *, int row, int col) = 0;
+ virtual void currentItemDeleteRequest() = 0;
+ //! Emitted for spreadsheet mode when an item was deleted and a new item has been appended
+ virtual void newItemAppendedForAfterDeletingInSpreadSheetMode() = 0;
+ /*! Data has been refreshed on-screen - emitted from initDataContents(). */
+ virtual void dataRefreshed() = 0;
+ virtual void dataSet( KexiTableViewData *data ) = 0;
+ /*! \return a pointer to context menu. This can be used to plug some actions there. */
+ KPopupMenu* contextMenu() const { return m_popupMenu; }
+ /*! \return true if the context menu is enabled (visible) for the view.
+ True by default. */
+ bool contextMenuEnabled() const { return m_contextMenuEnabled; }
+ /*! Enables or disables the context menu for the view. */
+ void setContextMenuEnabled(bool set) { m_contextMenuEnabled = set; }
+ /*! \return true if vertical scrollbar's tooltips are enabled (true by default). */
+ bool scrollbarToolTipsEnabled() const;
+ /*! Enables or disables vertical scrollbar's tooltip. */
+ void setScrollbarToolTipsEnabled(bool set);
+ /*! Typically handles pressing Enter or F2 key:
+ if current cell has boolean type, toggles it's value,
+ otherwise starts editing (startEditCurrentCell()). */
+ void startEditOrToggleValue();
+ /*! \return true if new row is edited; implies: rowEditing==true. */
+ inline bool newRowEditing() const { return m_newRowEditing; }
+ /*! Reaction on toggling a boolean value of a cell:
+ we're starting to edit the cell and inverting it's state. */
+ virtual void boolToggled();
+ virtual void connectCellSelectedSignal(const QObject* receiver,
+ const char* intIntMember) = 0;
+ virtual void connectRowEditStartedSignal(const QObject* receiver,
+ const char* intMember) = 0;
+ virtual void connectRowEditTerminatedSignal(const QObject* receiver,
+ const char* voidMember) = 0;
+ virtual void connectReloadActionsSignal(const QObject* receiver,
+ const char* voidMember) = 0;
+ virtual void connectDataSetSignal(const QObject* receiver,
+ const char* kexiTableViewDataMember) = 0;
+ virtual void connectToReloadDataSlot(const QObject* sender,
+ const char* voidSignal) = 0;
+ virtual void slotDataDestroying();
+ //! Copy current selection to a clipboard (e.g. cell)
+ virtual void copySelection() = 0;
+ //! Cut current selection to a clipboard (e.g. cell)
+ virtual void cutSelection() = 0;
+ //! Paste current clipboard contents (e.g. to a cell)
+ virtual void paste() = 0;
+ /*! Finds \a valueToFind within the data items
+ \a options are used to control the process. Selection is moved to found value.
+ If \a next is true, "find next" is performed, else "find previous" is performed.
+ Searching behaviour also depends on status of the previous search: for every search,
+ position of the cells containing the found value is stored internally
+ by the data-aware interface (not in options).
+ Moreover, position (start, end) of the found value is also stored.
+ Thus, the subsequent search will reuse this information to be able to start
+ searching exactly after the previously found value (or before for "find previous" option).
+ The flags can be zeroed, what will lead to seaching from the first character
+ of the current item (cell).
+ \return true if value has been found, false if value has not been found,
+ and cancelled if there is nothing to find or there is no data to search in. */
+ virtual tristate find(const QVariant& valueToFind,
+ const KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options& options, bool next);
+ /*! Finds \a valueToFind within the data items and replaces with \a replacement
+ \a options are used to control the process.
+ \return true if value has been found and replaced, false if value
+ has not been found and replaced, and cancelled if there is nothing
+ to find or there is no data to search in or the data is read only.
+ If \a replaceAll is true, all found values are replaced. */
+ virtual tristate findNextAndReplace(const QVariant& valueToFind,
+ const QVariant& replacement,
+ const KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options& options, bool replaceAll);
+ /*! \return vertical scrollbar */
+ virtual QScrollBar* verticalScrollBar() const = 0;
+ /*! Used in KexiTableView::keyPressEvent() (and in continuous forms).
+ \return true when the key press event \e was consumed.
+ You should also check e->isAccepted(), if it's true, nothing should be done;
+ if it is false, you should call setCursorPosition() for the altered \a curCol
+ and \c curRow variables.
+ If \a moveToFirstField is not 0, *moveToFirstField will be set to true
+ when the cursor should be moved to the first field (in tab order) and to false otherwise.
+ If \a moveToLastField is not 0, *moveToLastField will be set to true
+ when the cursor should be moved to the last field (in tab order) and to false otherwise.
+ Note for forms: if moveToFirstField and moveToLastField are not 0,
+ \a curCol is altered after calling this method, so setCursorPosition() will set to
+ the index of an appropriate column (field). This is needed because field widgets can be
+ inserted and ordered in custom tab order, so the very first field in the data source
+ can be other than the very first field in the form.
+ Used by KexiTableView::keyPressEvent() and KexiTableView::keyPressEvent(). */
+ virtual bool handleKeyPress(QKeyEvent *e, int &curRow, int &curCol, bool fullRowSelection,
+ bool *moveToFirstField = 0, bool *moveToLastField = 0);
+ protected:
+ /*! Reimplementation for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface.
+ Initializes data contents (resizes it, sets cursor at 1st row).
+ Sets record count for record navigator.
+ Sets cursor positin (using setCursorPosition()) to first row or sets
+ (-1, -1) position if no rows are available.
+ Called on setData(). Also called once on show event after
+ refreshRequested() signal was received from KexiTableViewData object. */
+ virtual void initDataContents();
+ /*! Clears columns information and thus all internal table data
+ and its visible representation. Repaints widget if \a repaint is true. */
+ virtual void clearColumns(bool repaint = true);
+ /*! Called by clearColumns() to clear internals of the object.
+ For example, KexiTableView removes contents of it's horizontal header. */
+ virtual void clearColumnsInternal(bool repaint) = 0;
+ /*! @internal for implementation
+ This should append another section within horizontal header or any sort of caption
+ for a field using provided names. \a width is a hint for new field's width. */
+ virtual void addHeaderColumn(const QString& caption, const QString& description,
+ const QIconSet& icon, int size) = 0;
+ /*! @internal for implementation
+ \return sorting order (within GUI): -1: descending, 1: ascending, 0: no sorting.
+ This does not mean that any sorting has been performed within GUI of this object,
+ because the data could be changed in the meantime outside of this GUI object.
+ @see dataSortingOrder()*/
+ virtual int currentLocalSortingOrder() const = 0;
+ /*! @internal for implementation
+ \return sorted column number for this widget or -1 if no column
+ is sorted witin GUI.
+ This does not mean that the same sorting is performed within data member
+ which is used by this widget, because the data could be changed in the meantime
+ outside of this GUI widget.
+ @see dataSortedColumn() */
+ virtual int currentLocalSortColumn() const = 0;
+ /*! @internal for implementation
+ Shows sorting indicator order within GUI: -1: descending, 1: ascending,
+ 0: no sorting. This should not perform any sorting within data member
+ which is used by this object.
+ col = -1 should mean "no sorting" as well. */
+ virtual void setLocalSortingOrder(int col, int order) = 0;
+ /*! @internal Sets order for \a column: -1: descending, 1: ascending,
+ 0: invert order */
+ virtual void sortColumnInternal(int col, int order = 0);
+ /*! @internal for implementation
+ Updates GUI after sorting.
+ After sorting you need to ensure current row and column
+ is visible to avoid user confusion. For exaple, in KexiTableView
+ implementation, current cell is centered (if possible)
+ and updateContents() is called. */
+ virtual void updateGUIAfterSorting() = 0;
+ /*! Emitted in initActions() to force reload actions
+ You should remove existing actions and add them again.
+ Define and emit reloadActions() signal here. */
+ virtual void reloadActions() = 0;
+ /*! Reloads data for this object. */
+ virtual void reloadData();
+ /*! for implementation as a signal */
+ virtual void itemSelected(KexiTableItem *) = 0;
+ /*! for implementation as a signal */
+ virtual void cellSelected(int col, int row) = 0;
+ /*! for implementation as a signal */
+ virtual void sortedColumnChanged(int col) = 0;
+ /*! for implementation as a signal */
+ virtual void rowEditTerminated(int row) = 0;
+ /*! Clear temporary members like the pointer to current editor.
+ If you reimplement this method, don't forget to call this one. */
+ virtual void clearVariables();
+ /*! @internal
+ Creates editor structure without filling it with data.
+ Used in createEditor() and few places to be able to display cell contents
+ dependending on its type. If \a ignoreMissingEditor is false (the default),
+ and editor cannot be instantiated, current row editing (if present) is cancelled.
+ */
+ virtual KexiDataItemInterface *editor( int col, bool ignoreMissingEditor = false ) = 0;
+ /*! Updates editor's position, size and shows its focus (not the editor!)
+ for \a row and \a col, using editor(). Does nothing if editor not found. */
+ virtual void editorShowFocus( int row, int col ) = 0;
+ /*! Redraws specified cell. */
+ virtual void updateCell(int row, int col) = 0;
+ /*! Redraws all cells of specified row. */
+ virtual void updateRow(int row) = 0;
+ /*! Updates contents of the widget. Just call update() here on your widget. */
+ virtual void updateWidgetContents() = 0;
+ /*! Updates widget's contents size e.g. using QScrollView::resizeContents(). */
+ virtual void updateWidgetContentsSize() = 0;
+ /*! Updates scrollbars of the widget.
+ QScrollView::updateScrollbars() will be usually called here. */
+ virtual void updateWidgetScrollBars() = 0;
+ /*! @internal
+ Updates row appearance after canceling row edit.
+ Used by cancelRowEdit(). By default just calls updateRow(m_curRow).
+ Reimplemented by KexiFormScrollView. */
+ virtual void updateAfterCancelRowEdit();
+ /*! @internal
+ Updates row appearance after accepting row edit.
+ Used by acceptRowEdit(). By default just calls updateRow(m_curRow).
+ Reimplemented by KexiFormScrollView. */
+ virtual void updateAfterAcceptRowEdit();
+ //! Handles KexiTableViewData::rowRepaintRequested() signal
+ virtual void slotRowRepaintRequested(KexiTableItem& item) { Q_UNUSED( item ); }
+ //! Handles KexiTableViewData::aboutToDeleteRow() signal. Prepares info for slotRowDeleted().
+ virtual void slotAboutToDeleteRow(KexiTableItem& item, KexiDB::ResultInfo* result,
+ bool repaint);
+ //! Handles KexiTableViewData::rowDeleted() signal to repaint when needed.
+ virtual void slotRowDeleted();
+ //! Handles KexiTableViewData::rowInserted() signal to repaint when needed.
+ virtual void slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem *item, bool repaint);
+ //! Like above, not db-aware version
+ virtual void slotRowInserted(KexiTableItem *item, uint row, bool repaint);
+ virtual void slotRowsDeleted( const QValueList<int> & ) {}
+ //! for sanity checks (return true if m_data is present; else: outputs warning)
+ inline bool hasData() const;
+ /*! Only needed for forms: called by KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::setCursorPosition()
+ if cursor's position is really changed. */
+ virtual void selectCellInternal() {}
+ /*! Used in KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::slotRowDeleted()
+ to repaint tow \a row and all visible below.
+ Implemented if there is more than one row displayed, i.e. currently for KexiTableView. */
+ virtual void updateAllVisibleRowsBelow(int row) { Q_UNUSED( row ); }
+ //! Call this from the subclass. */
+ virtual void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent* e);
+ /*! Handles verticalScrollBar()'s valueChanged(int) signal.
+ Called when vscrollbar's value has been changed.
+ Call this method from the subclass. */
+ virtual void vScrollBarValueChanged(int v);
+ /*! Handles sliderReleased() signal of the verticalScrollBar(). Used to hide the "row number" tooltip. */
+ virtual void vScrollBarSliderReleased();
+ /*! Handles timeout() signal of the m_scrollBarTipTimer. If the tooltip is visible,
+ m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt is set to 0 and m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt is restarted;
+ else the m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt is just set to 0.*/
+ virtual void scrollBarTipTimeout();
+ /*! Shows error message box suitable for \a resultInfo. This can be "sorry" or "detailedSorry"
+ message box or "queryYesNo" if resultInfo->allowToDiscardChanges is true.
+ \return code of button clicked: KMessageBox::Ok in case of "sorry" or "detailedSorry" messages
+ and KMessageBox::Yes or KMessageBox::No in case of "queryYesNo" message. */
+ int showErrorMessageForResult(KexiDB::ResultInfo* resultInfo);
+ /*! Prepares array of indices of visible values to search within.
+ This is per-interface global cache.
+ Needed for faster lookup because there could be lookup values.
+ Called whenever columns definition changes, i.e. in setData() and clearColumns().
+ @see find() */
+ void updateIndicesForVisibleValues();
+ //! data structure displayed for this object
+ KexiTableViewData *m_data;
+ //! true if m_data member is owned by this object
+ bool m_owner : 1;
+ //! cursor position
+ int m_curRow, m_curCol;
+ //! current data item
+ KexiTableItem *m_currentItem;
+ //! data item's iterator
+ KexiTableViewData::Iterator *m_itemIterator;
+ //! item data for inserting
+ KexiTableItem *m_insertItem;
+ //! when (current or new) row is edited - changed field values are temporary stored here
+// KexiDB::RowEditBuffer *m_rowEditBuffer;
+ /*! true if currently selected row is edited */
+ bool m_rowEditing : 1;
+ /*! true if new row is edited; implies: rowEditing==true. */
+ bool m_newRowEditing : 1;
+ /*! 'sorting by column' availability flag for widget */
+ bool m_isSortingEnabled : 1;
+ /*! true if filtering is enabled for the view. */
+ bool m_isFilteringEnabled : 1;
+ /*! Public version of 'acceptsRowEditAfterCellAcceptin' flag (available for a user).
+ It's OR'es together with above flag.
+ */
+ bool m_acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting : 1;
+ /*! Used in acceptEditor() to avoid infinite recursion,
+ eg. when we're calling acceptRowEdit() during cell accepting phase. */
+ bool m_inside_acceptEditor : 1;
+ /*! @internal if true, this object automatically accepts
+ row editing (using acceptRowEdit()) on accepting any cell's edit
+ (i.e. after acceptEditor()). */
+ bool m_internal_acceptsRowEditAfterCellAccepting : 1;
+ /*! true, if inserting empty rows are enabled (false by default) */
+ bool m_emptyRowInsertingEnabled : 1;
+ /*! Contains 1 if the object is readOnly, 0 if not;
+ otherwise (-1 means "do not know") the 'readOnly' flag from object's
+ internal data structure (KexiTableViewData *KexiTableView::m_data) is reused.
+ */
+ int m_readOnly;
+//! @todo really keep this here and not in KexiTableView?
+ /*! true if currently double click action was is performed
+ (so accept/cancel editor shoudn't be executed) */
+ bool m_contentsMousePressEvent_dblClick : 1;
+ /*! like for readOnly: 1 if inserting is enabled */
+ int m_insertingEnabled;
+ /*! true, if initDataContents() should be called on show event. */
+ bool m_initDataContentsOnShow : 1;
+ /*! Set to true in setCursorPosition() to indicate that cursor position was set
+ before show() and it shouldn't be changed on show().
+ Only used if initDataContentsOnShow is true. */
+ bool m_cursorPositionSetExplicityBeforeShow : 1;
+ /*! true if spreadSheetMode is enabled. False by default.
+ @see KexiTableView::setSpreadSheetMode() */
+ bool m_spreadSheetMode : 1;
+ /*! true, if this table accepts dropping data on the rows (false by default). */
+ bool m_dropsAtRowEnabled : 1;
+ /*! true, if this entire (visible) row should be updated when boving to other row.
+ False by default. For table view with 'row highlighting' flag enabled, it is true. */
+ bool m_updateEntireRowWhenMovingToOtherRow : 1;
+ DeletionPolicy m_deletionPolicy;
+//! @todo make generic interface out of KexiRecordMarker
+ KexiRecordMarker *m_verticalHeader;
+//! @todo make generic interface out of KexiTableViewHeader
+ KexiTableViewHeader *m_horizontalHeader;
+ KexiDataItemInterface *m_editor;
+// KexiTableEdit *m_editor;
+ /*! Navigation panel, used if navigationPanelEnabled is true. */
+ KexiRecordNavigator *m_navPanel; //!< main navigation widget
+ bool m_navPanelEnabled : 1;
+ /*! true, if certical header shouldn't be increased in
+ KexiTableView::slotRowInserted() because it was already done
+ in KexiTableView::createEditor(). */
+ bool m_verticalHeaderAlreadyAdded : 1;
+ /*! Row number that over which user drags a mouse pointer.
+ Used to indicate dropping possibility for that row.
+ Equal -1 if no indication is needed. */
+ int m_dragIndicatorLine;
+ /*! Context menu widget. */
+ KPopupMenu *m_popupMenu;
+ bool m_contextMenuEnabled : 1;
+ //! Used by updateAfterCancelRowEdit()
+ bool m_alsoUpdateNextRow : 1;
+ /*! Row number (>=0 or -1 == no row) that will be deleted in deleteRow().
+ It is set in slotAboutToDeleteRow(KexiTableItem&,KexiDB::ResultInfo*,bool)) slot
+ received from KexiTableViewData member.
+ This value will be used in slotRowDeleted() after rowDeleted() signal
+ is received from KexiTableViewData member and then cleared (set to -1). */
+ int m_rowWillBeDeleted;
+ /*! Displays passive error popup label used when invalid data has been entered. */
+ QGuardedPtr<KexiArrowTip> m_errorMessagePopup;
+ /*! Used to enable/disable execution of vScrollBarValueChanged()
+ when users navigate through rows using keyboard, so vscrollbar tooltips are not visible. */
+ bool m_vScrollBarValueChanged_enabled : 1;
+ /*! True, if vscrollbar tooltips are enabled (true by default). */
+ bool m_scrollbarToolTipsEnabled : 1;
+ QLabel* m_scrollBarTip; //!< scrollbar tooltip
+ QTimer m_scrollBarTipTimer; //!< scrollbar tooltip's timer
+ uint m_scrollBarTipTimerCnt; //!< helper for timeout counting (scrollbar tooltip)
+ //! Used to mark recently found value
+ class PositionOfValue {
+ public:
+ PositionOfValue() : firstCharacter(0), lastCharacter(0), exists(false)
+ {}
+ uint firstCharacter;
+ uint lastCharacter;
+ bool exists : 1;
+ };
+ /*! Used to mark recently found value. Updated on succesful execution of find().
+ If the current cursor's position changes, or data in the current cell changes,
+ positionOfRecentlyFoundValue.exists is set to false. */
+ PositionOfValue m_positionOfRecentlyFoundValue;
+ /*! Used to compare whether we're looking for new value. */
+ QVariant m_recentlySearchedValue;
+ /*! Used to compare whether the search direction has changed. */
+ KexiSearchAndReplaceViewInterface::Options::SearchDirection m_recentSearchDirection;
+ //! Setup by updateIndicesForVisibleValues() and used by find()
+ QValueVector<uint> m_indicesForVisibleValues;
+inline bool KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::hasData() const
+ if (!m_data)
+ kdDebug() << "KexiDataAwareObjectInterface: No data assigned!" << endl;
+ return m_data!=0;
+inline KexiTableItem *KexiDataAwareObjectInterface::itemAt(int row) const
+ KexiTableItem *item = m_data->at(row);
+ if (!item)
+ kdDebug() << "KexiTableView::itemAt(" << row << "): NO ITEM!!" << endl;
+ else {
+/* kdDebug() << "KexiTableView::itemAt(" << row << "):" << endl;
+ int i=1;
+ for (KexiTableItem::Iterator it = item->begin();it!=item->end();++it,i++)
+ kdDebug() << i<<": " << (*it).toString()<< endl;*/
+ }
+ return item;
+//! Convenience macro used for KexiDataAwareObjectInterface implementations.
+public: \
+ void connectCellSelectedSignal(const QObject* receiver, const char* intIntMember) { \
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(cellSelected(int,int)), receiver, intIntMember); \
+ } \
+ void connectRowEditStartedSignal(const QObject* receiver, const char* intMember) { \
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(rowEditStarted(int)), receiver, intMember); \
+ } \
+ void connectRowEditTerminatedSignal(const QObject* receiver, const char* voidMember) { \
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(rowEditTerminated(int)), receiver, voidMember); \
+ } \
+ void connectReloadActionsSignal(const QObject* receiver, const char* voidMember) { \
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(reloadActions()), receiver, voidMember); \
+ } \
+ void connectDataSetSignal(const QObject* receiver, \
+ const char* kexiTableViewDataMember) { \
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(dataSet(KexiTableViewData*)), receiver, kexiTableViewDataMember); \
+ } \
+ void connectToReloadDataSlot(const QObject* sender, const char* voidSignal) { \
+ connect(sender, voidSignal, this, SLOT(reloadData())); \
+ }