path: root/src/circuitdocument.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/circuitdocument.cpp')
1 files changed, 821 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/circuitdocument.cpp b/src/circuitdocument.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43f4fca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/circuitdocument.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by David Saxton *
+ * *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "canvasmanipulator.h"
+#include "circuitdocument.h"
+#include "circuitview.h"
+#include "component.h"
+#include "connector.h"
+#include "core/ktlconfig.h"
+#include "cnitemgroup.h"
+#include "documentiface.h"
+#include "drawpart.h"
+#include "ecnode.h"
+#include "itemdocumentdata.h"
+#include "ktechlab.h"
+#include "pin.h"
+#include "simulator.h"
+#include "subcircuits.h"
+#include "switch.h"
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kinputdialog.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+CircuitDocument::CircuitDocument( const QString & caption, KTechlab *ktechlab, const char *name )
+ : ICNDocument( caption, ktechlab, name )
+ m_pOrientationAction = new KActionMenu( i18n("Orientation"), "rotate", this );
+ m_type = Document::dt_circuit;
+ m_pDocumentIface = new CircuitDocumentIface(this);
+ m_fileExtensionInfo = i18n("*.circuit|Circuit(*.circuit)\n*|All Files");
+ m_cmManager->addManipulatorInfo( CMSelect::manipulatorInfo() );
+ m_cmManager->addManipulatorInfo( CMDraw::manipulatorInfo() );
+ m_cmManager->addManipulatorInfo( CMRightClick::manipulatorInfo() );
+ m_cmManager->addManipulatorInfo( CMRepeatedItemAdd::manipulatorInfo() );
+ m_cmManager->addManipulatorInfo( CMItemResize::manipulatorInfo() );
+ m_cmManager->addManipulatorInfo( CMItemDrag::manipulatorInfo() );
+ connect( this, SIGNAL(connectorAdded(Connector*)), this, SLOT(requestAssignCircuits()) );
+ connect( this, SIGNAL(connectorAdded(Connector*)), this, SLOT(connectorAdded(Connector*)) );
+ m_updateCircuitsTmr = new QTimer();
+ connect( m_updateCircuitsTmr, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(assignCircuits()) );
+ requestStateSave();
+ m_bDeleted = true;
+ deleteCircuits();
+ delete m_updateCircuitsTmr;
+ m_updateCircuitsTmr = 0l;
+ delete m_pDocumentIface;
+ m_pDocumentIface = 0l;
+void CircuitDocument::slotInitItemActions( Item *itemBase )
+ ICNDocument::slotInitItemActions(itemBase);
+ CircuitView * activeCircuitView = dynamic_cast<CircuitView*>(activeView());
+ if ( !p_ktechlab || !activeCircuitView )
+ return;
+ Component * item = dynamic_cast<Component*>(itemBase);
+ if ( !item && m_selectList->count() > 0 || !m_selectList->itemsAreSameType() )
+ return;
+ KAction * orientation_actions[] = {
+ activeCircuitView->action("edit_orientation_0"),
+ activeCircuitView->action("edit_orientation_90"),
+ activeCircuitView->action("edit_orientation_180"),
+ activeCircuitView->action("edit_orientation_270") };
+ if ( !item || !item->canRotate() )
+ {
+ for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
+ orientation_actions[i]->setEnabled(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++ i)
+ {
+ orientation_actions[i]->setEnabled(true);
+ m_pOrientationAction->remove( orientation_actions[i] );
+ m_pOrientationAction->insert( orientation_actions[i] );
+ }
+ if ( item->angleDegrees() == 0 )
+ (static_cast<KToggleAction*>( orientation_actions[0] ))->setChecked(true);
+ else if ( item->angleDegrees() == 90 )
+ (static_cast<KToggleAction*>( orientation_actions[1] ))->setChecked(true);
+ else if ( item->angleDegrees() == 180 )
+ (static_cast<KToggleAction*>( orientation_actions[2] ))->setChecked(true);
+ else if ( item->angleDegrees() == 270 )
+ (static_cast<KToggleAction*>( orientation_actions[3] ))->setChecked(true);
+void CircuitDocument::rotateCounterClockwise()
+ m_selectList->slotRotateCCW();
+ requestRerouteInvalidatedConnectors();
+void CircuitDocument::rotateClockwise()
+ m_selectList->slotRotateCW();
+ requestRerouteInvalidatedConnectors();
+void CircuitDocument::itemFlip()
+ m_selectList->slotFlip();
+ requestRerouteInvalidatedConnectors();
+void CircuitDocument::setOrientation0()
+ m_selectList->slotSetOrientation0();
+ requestRerouteInvalidatedConnectors();
+void CircuitDocument::setOrientation90()
+ m_selectList->slotSetOrientation90();
+ requestRerouteInvalidatedConnectors();
+void CircuitDocument::setOrientation180()
+ m_selectList->slotSetOrientation180();
+ requestRerouteInvalidatedConnectors();
+void CircuitDocument::setOrientation270()
+ m_selectList->slotSetOrientation270();
+ requestRerouteInvalidatedConnectors();
+View *CircuitDocument::createView( ViewContainer *viewContainer, uint viewAreaId, const char *name )
+ View *view = new CircuitView( this, viewContainer, viewAreaId, name );
+ handleNewView(view);
+ return view;
+void CircuitDocument::slotUpdateConfiguration()
+ ICNDocument::slotUpdateConfiguration();
+ NodeList::iterator nodeEnd = m_nodeList.end();
+ for ( NodeList::iterator it = m_nodeList.begin(); it != nodeEnd; ++it )
+ {
+ (static_cast<ECNode*>((Node*)*it))->setShowVoltageBars( KTLConfig::showVoltageBars() );
+ }
+ ComponentList::iterator componentsEnd = m_componentList.end();
+ for ( ComponentList::iterator it = m_componentList.begin(); it != componentsEnd; ++it )
+ (*it)->slotUpdateConfiguration();
+void CircuitDocument::update()
+ ICNDocument::update();
+ if ( KTLConfig::showVoltageBars() )
+ {
+ NodeList::iterator end = m_nodeList.end();
+ for ( NodeList::iterator it = m_nodeList.begin(); it != end; ++it )
+ {
+ (static_cast<ECNode*>((Node*)*it))->setNodeChanged();
+ }
+ }
+void CircuitDocument::fillContextMenu( const QPoint &pos )
+ ICNDocument::fillContextMenu(pos);
+ CircuitView * activeCircuitView = dynamic_cast<CircuitView*>(activeView());
+ if ( m_selectList->count() < 1 || !activeCircuitView )
+ return;
+ Component * item = dynamic_cast<Component*>( selectList()->activeItem() );
+ // NOTE: I negated this whole condition because I couldn't make out quite what the
+ //logic was --electronerd
+ if (!( !item && m_selectList->count() > 0 || !m_selectList->itemsAreSameType() ))
+ {
+ KAction * orientation_actions[] = {
+ activeCircuitView->action("edit_orientation_0"),
+ activeCircuitView->action("edit_orientation_90"),
+ activeCircuitView->action("edit_orientation_180"),
+ activeCircuitView->action("edit_orientation_270") };
+ if ( !item || !item->canRotate() )
+ return;
+ for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++ i)
+ {
+ m_pOrientationAction->remove( orientation_actions[i] );
+ m_pOrientationAction->insert( orientation_actions[i] );
+ }
+ QPtrList<KAction> orientation_actionlist;
+ // orientation_actionlist.prepend( new KActionSeparator() );
+ orientation_actionlist.append( m_pOrientationAction );
+ p_ktechlab->plugActionList( "orientation_actionlist", orientation_actionlist );
+ }
+ if(m_selectList->count() > 1 && countExtCon(m_selectList->items()) > 0)
+ {
+ QPtrList<KAction> component_actionlist;
+ // component_actionlist.append( new KActionSeparator() );
+ component_actionlist.append( activeCircuitView->action("circuit_create_subcircuit") );
+ p_ktechlab->plugActionList( "component_actionlist", component_actionlist );
+ }
+void CircuitDocument::deleteCircuits()
+ const CircuitList::iterator end = m_circuitList.end();
+ for ( CircuitList::iterator it = m_circuitList.begin(); it != end; ++it )
+ {
+ Simulator::self()->detachCircuit(*it);
+ delete *it;
+ }
+ m_circuitList.clear();
+ m_pinList.clear();
+ m_wireList.clear();
+void CircuitDocument::requestAssignCircuits()
+// kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;
+ deleteCircuits();
+ m_updateCircuitsTmr->stop();
+ m_updateCircuitsTmr->start( 0, true );
+void CircuitDocument::connectorAdded( Connector * connector )
+ if (connector)
+ {
+ connect( connector, SIGNAL(numWiresChanged(unsigned )), this, SLOT(requestAssignCircuits()) );
+ connect( connector, SIGNAL(removed(Connector*)), this, SLOT(requestAssignCircuits()) );
+ }
+void CircuitDocument::itemAdded( Item * item)
+ ICNDocument::itemAdded( item );
+ componentAdded( item );
+void CircuitDocument::componentAdded( Item * item )
+ Component * component = dynamic_cast<Component*>(item);
+ if (!component)
+ return;
+ requestAssignCircuits();
+ connect( component, SIGNAL(elementCreated(Element*)), this, SLOT(requestAssignCircuits()) );
+ connect( component, SIGNAL(elementDestroyed(Element*)), this, SLOT(requestAssignCircuits()) );
+ connect( component, SIGNAL(removed(Item*)), this, SLOT(componentRemoved(Item*)) );
+ // We don't attach the component to the Simulator just yet, as the
+ // Component's vtable is not yet fully constructed, and so Simulator can't
+ // tell whether or not it is a logic component
+ if ( !m_toSimulateList.contains(component) )
+ m_toSimulateList << component;
+void CircuitDocument::componentRemoved( Item * item )
+ Component * component = dynamic_cast<Component*>(item);
+ if (!component)
+ return;
+ m_componentList.remove(component);
+ requestAssignCircuits();
+ Simulator::self()->detachComponent(component);
+void CircuitDocument::calculateConnectorCurrents()
+ const CircuitList::iterator circuitEnd = m_circuitList.end();
+ for ( CircuitList::iterator it = m_circuitList.begin(); it != circuitEnd; ++it )
+ (*it)->updateCurrents();
+ PinList groundPins;
+ // Tell the Pins to reset their calculated currents to zero
+ m_pinList.remove((Pin*)0l);
+ const PinList::iterator pinEnd = m_pinList.end();
+ for ( PinList::iterator it = m_pinList.begin(); it != pinEnd; ++it )
+ {
+ if ( Pin *n = dynamic_cast<Pin*>((Pin*)*it) )
+ {
+ n->resetCurrent();
+ n->setSwitchCurrentsUnknown();
+ if ( !n->parentECNode()->isChildNode() )
+ {
+ n->setCurrentKnown( true );
+ // (and it has a current of 0 amps)
+ }
+ else if ( n->groundType() == Pin::gt_always )
+ {
+ groundPins << n;
+ n->setCurrentKnown( false );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Child node that is non ground
+ n->setCurrentKnown( n->parentECNode()->numPins() < 2 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Tell the components to update their ECNode's currents' from the elements
+ const ComponentList::iterator componentEnd = m_componentList.end();
+ for ( ComponentList::iterator it = m_componentList.begin(); it != componentEnd; ++it )
+ (*it)->setNodalCurrents();
+ // And now for the wires and switches...
+ m_wireList.remove((Wire*)0l);
+ const WireList::iterator clEnd = m_wireList.end();
+ for ( WireList::iterator it = m_wireList.begin(); it != clEnd; ++it )
+ (*it)->setCurrentKnown(false);
+ SwitchList switches = m_switchList;
+ WireList wires = m_wireList;
+ bool found = true;
+ while ( (!wires.isEmpty() || !switches.isEmpty() || !groundPins.isEmpty()) && found )
+ {
+ found = false;
+ WireList::iterator wiresEnd = wires.end();
+ for ( WireList::iterator it = wires.begin(); it != wiresEnd; )
+ {
+ if ( (*it)->calculateCurrent() )
+ {
+ found = true;
+ WireList::iterator oldIt = it;
+ ++it;
+ wires.remove(oldIt);
+ }
+ else
+ ++it;
+ }
+ SwitchList::iterator switchesEnd = switches.end();
+ for ( SwitchList::iterator it = switches.begin(); it != switchesEnd; )
+ {
+ if ( (*it)->calculateCurrent() )
+ {
+ found = true;
+ SwitchList::iterator oldIt = it;
+ ++it;
+ switches.remove(oldIt);
+ }
+ else
+ ++it;
+ }
+ PinList::iterator groundPinsEnd = groundPins.end();
+ for ( PinList::iterator it = groundPins.begin(); it != groundPinsEnd; )
+ {
+ if ( (*it)->calculateCurrentFromWires() )
+ {
+ found = true;
+ PinList::iterator oldIt = it;
+ ++it;
+ groundPins.remove(oldIt);
+ }
+ else
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+void CircuitDocument::assignCircuits()
+ // Now we can finally add the unadded components to the Simulator
+ const ComponentList::iterator toSimulateEnd = m_toSimulateList.end();
+ for ( ComponentList::iterator it = m_toSimulateList.begin(); it != toSimulateEnd; ++it )
+ Simulator::self()->attachComponent(*it);
+ m_toSimulateList.clear();
+ // Stage 0: Build up pin and wire lists
+ m_pinList.clear();
+ const NodeList::const_iterator nodeListEnd = m_nodeList.end();
+ for ( NodeList::const_iterator it = m_nodeList.begin(); it != nodeListEnd; ++it )
+ {
+ if ( ECNode * ecnode = dynamic_cast<ECNode*>((Node*)*it) )
+ {
+ for ( unsigned i = 0; i < ecnode->numPins(); i++ )
+ m_pinList << ecnode->pin(i);
+ }
+ }
+ m_wireList.clear();
+ const ConnectorList::const_iterator connectorListEnd = m_connectorList.end();
+ for ( ConnectorList::const_iterator it = m_connectorList.begin(); it != connectorListEnd; ++it )
+ {
+ for ( unsigned i = 0; i < (*it)->numWires(); i++ )
+ m_wireList << (*it)->wire(i);
+ }
+ typedef QValueList<PinList> PinListList;
+ // Stage 1: Partition the circuit up into dependent areas (bar splitting
+ // at ground pins)
+ PinList unassignedPins = m_pinList;
+ PinListList pinListList;
+ while ( !unassignedPins.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ PinList pinList;
+ getPartition( *unassignedPins.begin(), & pinList, & unassignedPins );
+ pinListList.append(pinList);
+ }
+// kdDebug () << "pinListList.size()="<<pinListList.size()<<endl;
+ // Stage 2: Split up each partition into circuits by ground pins
+ const PinListList::iterator nllEnd = pinListList.end();
+ for ( PinListList::iterator it = pinListList.begin(); it != nllEnd; ++it )
+ splitIntoCircuits(&*it);
+ // Stage 3: Initialize the circuits
+ m_circuitList.remove(0l);
+ CircuitList::iterator circuitListEnd = m_circuitList.end();
+ for ( CircuitList::iterator it = m_circuitList.begin(); it != circuitListEnd; ++it )
+ (*it)->init();
+ m_switchList.clear();
+ m_componentList.clear();
+ const ItemList::const_iterator cilEnd = m_itemList.end();
+ for ( ItemList::const_iterator it = m_itemList.begin(); it != cilEnd; ++it )
+ {
+ Component * component = dynamic_cast<Component*>((Item*)(*it));
+ if ( !component )
+ continue;
+ m_componentList << component;
+ component->initElements(0);
+ m_switchList += component->switchList();
+ }
+ circuitListEnd = m_circuitList.end();
+ for ( CircuitList::iterator it = m_circuitList.begin(); it != circuitListEnd; ++it )
+ (*it)->createMatrixMap();
+ for ( ItemList::const_iterator it = m_itemList.begin(); it != cilEnd; ++it )
+ {
+ Component * component = dynamic_cast<Component*>((Item*)(*it));
+ if (component)
+ component->initElements(1);
+ }
+ circuitListEnd = m_circuitList.end();
+ for ( CircuitList::iterator it = m_circuitList.begin(); it != circuitListEnd; ++it )
+ {
+ (*it)->initCache();
+ Simulator::self()->attachCircuit(*it);
+ }
+void CircuitDocument::getPartition( Pin *pin, PinList *pinList, PinList *unassignedPins, bool onlyGroundDependent )
+ if (!pin)
+ return;
+ unassignedPins->remove(pin);
+ if ( pinList->contains(pin) )
+ return;
+ pinList->append(pin);
+ const PinList localConnectedPins = pin->localConnectedPins();
+ const PinList::const_iterator end = localConnectedPins.end();
+ for ( PinList::const_iterator it = localConnectedPins.begin(); it != end; ++it )
+ getPartition( *it, pinList, unassignedPins, onlyGroundDependent );
+ const PinList groundDependentPins = pin->groundDependentPins();
+ const PinList::const_iterator dEnd = groundDependentPins.end();
+ for ( PinList::const_iterator it = groundDependentPins.begin(); it != dEnd; ++it )
+ getPartition( *it, pinList, unassignedPins, onlyGroundDependent );
+ if (!onlyGroundDependent)
+ {
+ PinList circuitDependentPins = pin->circuitDependentPins();
+ const PinList::const_iterator dEnd = circuitDependentPins.end();
+ for ( PinList::const_iterator it = circuitDependentPins.begin(); it != dEnd; ++it )
+ getPartition( *it, pinList, unassignedPins, onlyGroundDependent );
+ }
+void CircuitDocument::splitIntoCircuits( PinList *pinList )
+ // First: identify ground
+ PinList unassignedPins = *pinList;
+ typedef QValueList<PinList> PinListList;
+ PinListList pinListList;
+ while ( !unassignedPins.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ PinList tempPinList;
+ getPartition( *unassignedPins.begin(), & tempPinList, & unassignedPins, true );
+ pinListList.append(tempPinList);
+ }
+ const PinListList::iterator nllEnd = pinListList.end();
+ for ( PinListList::iterator it = pinListList.begin(); it != nllEnd; ++it )
+ Circuit::identifyGround(*it);
+ bool allGround = false;
+ while ( !pinList->isEmpty() && !allGround )
+ {
+ PinList::iterator end = pinList->end();
+ PinList::iterator it = pinList->begin();
+ while ( it != end && (*it)->eqId() == -1 )
+ ++it;
+ if ( it == end )
+ allGround = true;
+ else
+ {
+ Circuitoid *circuitoid = new Circuitoid;
+ recursivePinAdd( *it, circuitoid, pinList );
+ if ( !tryAsLogicCircuit(circuitoid) )
+ m_circuitList += createCircuit(circuitoid);
+ delete circuitoid;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remaining pins are ground; tell them about it
+ // TODO This is a bit hacky....
+ const PinList::iterator end = pinList->end();
+ for ( PinList::iterator it = pinList->begin(); it != end; ++it )
+ {
+ (*it)->setVoltage(0.0);
+ ElementList elements = (*it)->elements();
+ const ElementList::iterator eEnd = elements.end();
+ for ( ElementList::iterator it = elements.begin(); it != eEnd; ++it )
+ {
+ if ( LogicIn * logicIn = dynamic_cast<LogicIn*>(*it) )
+ {
+ logicIn->setLastState(false);
+ logicIn->callCallback();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CircuitDocument::recursivePinAdd( Pin *pin, Circuitoid *circuitoid, PinList *unassignedPins )
+ if (!pin)
+ return;
+ if ( pin->eqId() != -1 )
+ unassignedPins->remove(pin);
+ if ( circuitoid->contains(pin) )
+ return;
+ circuitoid->addPin(pin);
+ if ( pin->eqId() == -1 )
+ return;
+ const PinList localConnectedPins = pin->localConnectedPins();
+ const PinList::const_iterator end = localConnectedPins.end();
+ for ( PinList::const_iterator it = localConnectedPins.begin(); it != end; ++it )
+ recursivePinAdd( *it, circuitoid, unassignedPins );
+ const WireList inputList = pin->inputWireList();
+ WireList::const_iterator conEnd = inputList.end();
+ for ( WireList::const_iterator it = inputList.begin(); it != conEnd; ++it )
+ circuitoid->addWire(*it);
+ const WireList outputList = pin->outputWireList();
+ conEnd = outputList.end();
+ for ( WireList::const_iterator it = outputList.begin(); it != conEnd; ++it )
+ circuitoid->addWire(*it);
+ const PinList groundDependentPins = pin->groundDependentPins();
+ const PinList::const_iterator gdEnd = groundDependentPins.end();
+ for ( PinList::const_iterator it = groundDependentPins.begin(); it != gdEnd; ++it )
+ recursivePinAdd( *it, circuitoid, unassignedPins );
+ const PinList circuitDependentPins = pin->circuitDependentPins();
+ const PinList::const_iterator cdEnd = circuitDependentPins.end();
+ for ( PinList::const_iterator it = circuitDependentPins.begin(); it != cdEnd; ++it )
+ recursivePinAdd( *it, circuitoid, unassignedPins );
+ const ElementList elements = pin->elements();
+ const ElementList::const_iterator eEnd = elements.end();
+ for ( ElementList::const_iterator it = elements.begin(); it != eEnd; ++it )
+ circuitoid->addElement(*it);
+bool CircuitDocument::tryAsLogicCircuit( Circuitoid *circuitoid )
+ if (!circuitoid)
+ return false;
+ if ( circuitoid->elementList.size() == 0 )
+ {
+ // This doesn't quite belong here...but whatever. Initialize all
+ // pins to voltage zero as they won't get set to zero otherwise
+ const PinList::const_iterator pinListEnd = circuitoid->pinList.constEnd();
+ for ( PinList::const_iterator it = circuitoid->pinList.constBegin(); it != pinListEnd; ++it )
+ (*it)->setVoltage(0.0);
+ // A logic circuit only requires there to be no non-logic components,
+ // and at most one LogicOut - so this qualifies
+ return true;
+ }
+ LogicInList logicInList;
+ LogicOut *out = 0l;
+ uint logicInCount = 0;
+ uint logicOutCount = 0;
+ ElementList::const_iterator end = circuitoid->elementList.end();
+ for ( ElementList::const_iterator it = circuitoid->elementList.begin(); it != end; ++it )
+ {
+ if ( (*it)->type() == Element::Element_LogicOut )
+ {
+ logicOutCount++;
+ out = static_cast<LogicOut*>(*it);
+ }
+ else if ( (*it)->type() == Element::Element_LogicIn )
+ {
+ logicInCount++;
+ logicInList += static_cast<LogicIn*>(*it);
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( logicOutCount > 1 )
+ return false;
+ else if ( logicOutCount == 1 )
+ Simulator::self()->createLogicChain( out, logicInList, circuitoid->pinList );
+ else
+ {
+ // We have ourselves stranded lets set them all to low
+ const PinList::const_iterator pinListEnd = circuitoid->pinList.constEnd();
+ for ( PinList::const_iterator it = circuitoid->pinList.constBegin(); it != pinListEnd; ++it )
+ (*it)->setVoltage(0.0);
+ for ( ElementList::const_iterator it = circuitoid->elementList.begin(); it != end; ++it )
+ {
+ LogicIn * logicIn = static_cast<LogicIn*>(*it);
+ logicIn->setNextLogic(0l);
+ logicIn->setElementSet(0l);
+ if ( logicIn->isHigh() )
+ {
+ logicIn->setLastState(false);
+ logicIn->callCallback();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+Circuit *CircuitDocument::createCircuit( Circuitoid *circuitoid )
+ if (!circuitoid) {
+ return 0l;
+ }
+ Circuit *circuit = new Circuit();
+ const PinList::const_iterator nEnd = circuitoid->pinList.end();
+ for ( PinList::const_iterator it = circuitoid->pinList.begin(); it != nEnd; ++it )
+ circuit->addPin(*it);
+ const ElementList::const_iterator eEnd = circuitoid->elementList.end();
+ for ( ElementList::const_iterator it = circuitoid->elementList.begin(); it != eEnd; ++it )
+ circuit->addElement(*it);
+ return circuit;
+void CircuitDocument::createSubcircuit()
+ ItemList itemList = m_selectList->items();
+ const ItemList::iterator itemListEnd = itemList.end();
+ for ( ItemList::iterator it = itemList.begin(); it != itemListEnd; ++it )
+ {
+ if ( !dynamic_cast<Component*>((Item*)*it) )
+ *it = 0l;
+ }
+ itemList.remove((Item*)0l);
+ if ( itemList.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ KMessageBox::sorry( activeView(), i18n("No components were found in the selection.") );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Number of external connections
+ const int extConCount = countExtCon(itemList);
+ if ( extConCount == 0 )
+ {
+ KMessageBox::sorry( activeView(), i18n("No External Connection components were found in the selection.") );
+ return;
+ }
+ bool ok;
+ const QString name = KInputDialog::getText( "Subcircuit", "Name", QString::null, &ok, activeView() );
+ if (!ok)
+ return;
+ SubcircuitData subcircuit;
+ subcircuit.addItems(itemList);
+ subcircuit.addNodes( getCommonNodes(itemList) );
+ subcircuit.addConnectors( getCommonConnectors(itemList) );
+ Subcircuits::addSubcircuit( name, subcircuit.toXML() );
+int CircuitDocument::countExtCon( const ItemList &itemList ) const
+ int count = 0;
+ const ItemList::const_iterator end = itemList.end();
+ for ( ItemList::const_iterator it = itemList.begin(); it != end; ++it )
+ {
+ Item * item = *it;
+ if ( item && item->type() == "ec/external_connection" )
+ count++;
+ }
+ return count;
+bool CircuitDocument::isValidItem( const QString &itemId )
+ return itemId.startsWith("ec/") || itemId.startsWith("dp/") || itemId.startsWith("sc/");
+bool CircuitDocument::isValidItem( Item *item )
+ return (dynamic_cast<Component*>(item) || dynamic_cast<DrawPart*>(item));
+void CircuitDocument::displayEquations()
+ kdDebug() << "######################################################" << endl;
+ const CircuitList::iterator end = m_circuitList.end();
+ int i = 1;
+ for ( CircuitList::iterator it = m_circuitList.begin(); it != end; ++it )
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "Equation set "<<i<<":\n";
+ (*it)->displayEquations();
+ i++;
+ }
+ kdDebug() << "######################################################" << endl;
+#include "circuitdocument.moc"