path: root/style/utils.cpp
diff options
authorSlávek Banko <>2016-03-21 20:35:05 +0100
committerSlávek Banko <>2016-03-21 20:35:05 +0100
commit066aaaeb73a8bb908b1c0d8c45f110b2f799f7ce (patch)
tree4cb26eb8ace976f7d0c8607dc2d3de2b5107670c /style/utils.cpp
Initial import of baghira 0.8
Diffstat (limited to 'style/utils.cpp')
1 files changed, 1418 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/style/utils.cpp b/style/utils.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd24986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/style/utils.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1418 @@
+#include "baghira.h"
+#include <qbitmap.h>
+#include <qimage.h>
+#include <qcolor.h>
+#include <qpalette.h>
+#include <qrect.h>
+#include <qpoint.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qpen.h>
+//#include <kwordwrap.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#ifndef CLAMP
+#define CLAMP(x,l,u) x < l ? l :\
+ x > u ? u :\
+ x
+#define ALPHA_COLOR(A,R,G,B) \
+ destR = ((A * destR) + (255 - A) * R) / 255; \
+ destG = ((A * destG) + (255 - A) * G) / 255; \
+ destB = ((A * destB) + (255 - A) * B) / 255; \
+ A = 255;
+#define ALPHA_COLOR2(A1,A2,R,G,B) \
+ destR = ((A1 * destR) + (255 - A1) * R) / 255; \
+ destG = ((A1 * destG) + (255 - A1) * G) / 255; \
+ destB = ((A1 * destB) + (255 - A1) * B) / 255; \
+ A1 = CLAMP(A1 + A2,0,255);
+#define DELTA_COLOR(D,R,G,B) \
+ delta = (255 - qRed(D))/2; \
+ destR = R - delta; \
+ destG = G - delta; \
+ destB = B - delta;
+ grey = (299 * R + 587 * G + 114 * B) / 1000; \
+ delta = 255 - grey; \
+ grey = (grey *(10 - 5)) / 10; \
+ iGrey = 255 - grey;\
+ destR = (iGrey * (srcR - delta) + grey * R) / 255; \
+ destG = (iGrey * (srcG - delta) + grey * G) / 255; \
+ destB = (iGrey * (srcB - delta) + grey * B) / 255;
+ int max = 255+(int)(0.65*(100-S)); \
+ destR = CLAMP((srcR + R - 128), 0, max); \
+ destG = CLAMP((srcG + G - 128), 0, max); \
+ destB = CLAMP((srcB + B - 128), 0, max); \
+ destR = (S*destR + (100-S)*R)/100; \
+ destG = (S*destG + (100-S)*G)/100; \
+ destB = (S*destB + (100-S)*B)/100;
+#define TINT_WHITE(S,R,G,B) \
+ int max = 255+(int)(0.65*(100-S)); \
+ destR = CLAMP((128 + R), 0, max); \
+ destG = CLAMP((128 + G), 0, max); \
+ destB = CLAMP((128 + B), 0, max); \
+ destR = (S*destR + (100-S)*R)/100; \
+ destG = (S*destG + (100-S)*G)/100; \
+ destB = (S*destB + (100-S)*B)/100;
+ destR = (S*(srcR + R - 128)/100 + R)/2; \
+ destG = (S*(srcG + G - 128)/100 + G)/2; \
+ destB = (S*(srcB + B - 128)/100 + B)/2;
+#define GM_COLOR(R,G,B)\
+ destR = CLAMP(destR + R - 128, 0, 255);\
+ destG = CLAMP(destG + G - 128, 0, 255);\
+ destB = CLAMP(destB + B - 128, 0, 255);
+#define COLOR_SPACE(R,G,B) \
+ if ( R < 0 ) R = 0; else if ( R > 255 ) R = 255; \
+ if ( G < 0 ) G = 0; else if ( G > 255 ) G = 255; \
+ if ( B < 0 ) B = 0; else if ( B > 255 ) B = 255;
+#define PRINTDEVICE(_p_) qWarning("device is %s", (_p_->device()->devType() == QInternal::Widget) ?\
+"Widget": (_p_->device()->devType() == QInternal::Pixmap) ?\
+"Pixmap": (_p_->device()->devType() == QInternal::Printer) ?\
+"Printer": (_p_->device()->devType() == QInternal::Picture) ?\
+"Picture": (_p_->device()->devType() == QInternal::UndefinedDevice) ?\
+"UndefinedDevice": "fuckdevice!" );
+int LiquidStyle::getBrightness(unsigned int rgb) const {
+ int red = qRed( rgb );
+ int green = qGreen( rgb );
+ int blue = qBlue( rgb );
+ int V = red;
+ if (green > V) V = green;
+ if (blue > V) V = blue;
+ return V;
+QPixmap* LiquidStyle::adjustHSV( QImage &img, const QColor &c, const QColor *bg ) const
+ QImage * tmp = adjustHSVImage( img, c, bg );
+ QPixmap *pix = new QPixmap;
+ pix->convertFromImage( *tmp );
+ delete tmp;
+ return ( pix );
+ButtonTile* LiquidStyle::createRoundFrameTile(QImage &img, const QColor &color, const QColor *bg, const QColor &baseColor ) const
+ QColor bgColor( bg ? *bg : qApp->palette().active().background() );
+ if ( img.depth() != 32 )
+ img = img.convertDepth( 32 );
+ QImage *dest = new QImage( img.width(), img.height(), 32, 0 );
+ dest->setAlphaBuffer( true );
+ unsigned int *data = ( unsigned int * ) img.bits();
+ unsigned int *destData = ( unsigned int* ) dest->bits();
+ int total = img.width() * img.height();
+ int current;
+ int delta;
+ int red, green, blue, grey, iGrey;
+ int destR, destG, destB, alpha;
+ int x,y;
+ int srcR =;
+ int srcG =;
+ int srcB =;
+ if (!optionHandler->IcyButtons())
+ {
+ srcR += 20;
+ srcG += 20;
+ srcB += 20;
+ COLOR_SPACE(srcR, srcG, srcB);
+ }
+ for ( current = 0 ; current < total ; ++current )
+ {
+ alpha = qAlpha( data[ current ] );
+ if (alpha)
+ {
+ if (optionHandler->IcyButtons())
+ {
+ red = qRed( data[ current ] );
+ green = qGreen( data[ current ] );
+ blue = qBlue( data[ current ] );
+ SATURATION_COLOR(red, green, blue);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // the coloring itself
+ DELTA_COLOR(data[ current ], srcR, srcG, srcB);
+ }
+ }
+#if 1
+ if ( alpha && alpha != 255 )
+ {
+ // only on translucent pixels - alphablending
+ y = (int)(current/img.width());
+ x = current - y*img.width();
+ if (red < 180 || x < 2 || y < 2 || y > img.height() - 2 || x > img.width() - 3)
+ {
+ ALPHA_COLOR(alpha,,,;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ALPHA_COLOR(alpha,,,;
+ }
+ }
+ // force back to valid colorspace !
+ COLOR_SPACE(destR, destG, destB);
+ destData[ current ] = qRgba( destR, destG, destB, alpha );
+ }
+ QPixmap destPix;
+ destPix = *dest;
+ ButtonTile *ret = separateTiles( &destPix, 11, 10, 6, 1, 0, false);
+ delete dest;
+ return ret;
+QImage* LiquidStyle::adjustHSVImage( QImage &img, const QColor &c, const QColor *bg ) const
+ QColor bgColor( bg ? *bg : qApp->palette().active().background() );
+ if ( img.depth() != 32 )
+ img = img.convertDepth( 32 );
+ QImage *dest = new QImage( img.width(), img.height(), 32, 0 );
+ dest->setAlphaBuffer( true );
+ unsigned int *data = ( unsigned int * ) img.bits();
+ unsigned int *destData = ( unsigned int* ) dest->bits();
+ int total = img.width() * img.height();
+ int current;
+ int delta;
+ int red, green, blue;
+ int destR, destG, destB, alpha;
+ int srcR =;
+ int srcG =;
+ int srcB =;
+ int hue, s, v;
+ c.getHsv( &hue, &s, &v );
+ int sq = CLAMP((int)((45.0/128.0)*s+55),0,100);
+ if (!optionHandler->IcyButtons())
+ {
+ srcR += 20;
+ srcG += 20;
+ srcB += 20;
+ COLOR_SPACE(srcR, srcG, srcB);
+ }
+ // float srcPercent, destPercent;
+ for ( current = 0 ; current < total ; ++current )
+ {
+ alpha = qAlpha( data[ current ] );
+ if (optionHandler->IcyButtons())
+ {
+ red = qRed( data[ current ] );
+ green = qGreen( data[ current ] );
+ blue = qBlue( data[ current ] );
+ SATURATION_COLOR2(sq, red, green, blue);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // the coloring itself
+ DELTA_COLOR(data[ current ], srcR, srcG, srcB);
+ }
+ // force back to valid colorspace !
+ COLOR_SPACE(destR, destG, destB);
+ destData[ current ] = qRgba( destR, destG, destB, alpha );
+ }
+ return ( dest );
+QImage* LiquidStyle::tintBrush( const QImage &img, const QColor &c ) const
+// if ( img.depth() != 32 )
+// img = img.convertDepth( 32 );
+ QImage *dest = new QImage( img.width(), img.height(), 32, 0 );
+ unsigned int *data = ( unsigned int * ) img.bits();
+ unsigned int *destData = ( unsigned int* ) dest->bits();
+ int total = img.width() * img.height();
+ int current;
+ int delta;
+ int red, green, blue, grey, iGrey;
+ int destR, destG, destB, alpha;
+ int srcR =;
+ int srcG =;
+ int srcB =;
+ // float srcPercent, destPercent;
+ for ( current = 0 ; current < total ; ++current )
+ {
+ alpha = qAlpha( data[ current ] );
+ blue = qBlue( data[ current ] );
+ red = qRed( data[ current ] );
+ green = qGreen( data[ current ] );
+ SATURATION_COLOR(red, green, blue);
+ // force back to valid colorspace !
+ COLOR_SPACE(destR, destG, destB);
+ destData[ current ] = qRgba( destR, destG, destB, alpha );
+ }
+ return ( dest );
+QColor LiquidStyle::brushedMetalColor(QColor &c) const
+ if (optionHandler->TintBrush())
+ {
+ int srcR =;
+ int srcG =;
+ int srcB =;
+ int destR, destG, destB, grey, iGrey, delta;
+ SATURATION_COLOR(180, 180, 180);
+ COLOR_SPACE(destR, destG, destB);
+ return QColor(destR, destG, destB);
+ }
+ else
+ return QColor (180,180,180);
+void LiquidStyle::clearImage( QImage &img ) const
+ int x, y;
+ int w = img.width();
+ int h = img.height();
+ unsigned int pixel = qRgba( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+ unsigned int *data;
+ for ( y = 0 ; y < h ; ++y )
+ for ( data = (unsigned int *) img.scanLine( y ), x = 0 ; x < w ; data[ x++ ] = pixel ) ;
+ // img.fill( pixel );
+void LiquidStyle::adjustHSV( QPixmap &pix, const QColor &c ) const
+ QImage img = pix.convertToImage();
+ QPixmap *result = adjustHSV( img, c);
+ pix = *result;
+ delete result;
+/* buttons are fractioned to 9 parts.
+w, h are width and height of the whole button.
+xOff (yOff) is the distance of the central fraction from left (upper) button side.
+centerW (centerH) is the width (height) of the central button fraction.
+shadowH is the height of the buttons shadow*/
+ButtonTile* LiquidStyle::createButtonTile( const QColor &c,
+ const QColor &bgColor,
+ QImage *buttonImage,
+ QImage *shadowImage,
+ QImage *glowImage,
+ QIntDict<ButtonTile>*buttonDict,
+ QIntDict<ButtonTile>*shadowDict,
+ QIntDict<ButtonTile>*glowDict,
+ int w, int h, int xOff, int yOff,
+ int centerW, int centerH,
+ int shadowH, int glowWH,
+ bool sunken) const
+ int x, y, delta;
+ int red, green, blue;
+ int destR, destG, destB, alpha;
+ bool rect = (buttonDict == &rectBtnDict);
+ int hue, s, v;
+ c.getHsv( &hue, &s, &v );
+ int sq = CLAMP((int)((45.0/128.0)*s+55),0,100);
+ int srcR =;
+ int srcG =;
+ int srcB =;
+ if (!optionHandler->IcyButtons())
+ {
+ srcR += 20;
+ srcG += 20;
+ srcB += 20;
+ COLOR_SPACE(srcR, srcG, srcB);
+ }
+ unsigned int *data, *destData;
+ ButtonTile *tile;
+ int shadowOverhead;
+ shadowH > glowWH ? shadowOverhead = shadowH - glowWH : shadowOverhead = 0;
+ QImage img( w + 2*glowWH, h + 2*glowWH + shadowOverhead, 32, 0 );
+ img.setAlphaBuffer( !isPlain() || optionHandler->drawGroupBoxShadow() ? true : false);
+ clearImage( img );
+ // For unpressed buttons things are a little more complex. First
+ // we color adjust the shadow with the background color then we
+ // adjust the button to the button color. Finally we overlay the
+ // button on the shadow, (in the same loop as color adjusting).
+ // Technically we probably could of gotten away
+ // with just adjusting both the shadow and the button to the button
+ // color since the shadow is quite dark, but this is more correct and
+ // would allow configurable shadow brightness. If the shadow was
+ // just the button color, if someone configured it to be a rather
+ // light brightness, and they had a dark background color it wouldn't
+ // look right if based off the button color.
+ //
+ // Luckily this is only done once when the button is created for any
+ // given color ;-)
+ // first do the shadow
+ if ((!sunken || optionHandler->buttonStyle() == Milk) && shadowImage)
+ for ( y = 0 ; y < h + shadowH ; ++y )
+ {
+ data = ( unsigned int * ) shadowImage->scanLine( y );
+ destData = ( unsigned int * ) img.scanLine( y + glowWH ); // glowWH is the yOffset -> distance of visable button to top of complete button
+ if (optionHandler->buttonStyle() == Jaguar) // has brighter shadows...
+ {
+ for ( x = 0 ; x < w ; ++x )
+ if ((alpha = qAlpha( data[ x ] )))
+ {
+ destData[ x + glowWH ] = qRgba( qRed(data[ x ]), qGreen(data[ x ]), qBlue(data[ x ]), alpha >> 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for ( x = 0 ; x < w ; ++x )
+ if ((alpha = qAlpha( data[ x ] )))
+ {
+ destData[ x + glowWH ] = data[x];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ... or the glow
+ else if (glowImage)
+ for ( y = 0 ; y < h + 2*glowWH ; ++y )
+ {
+ data = ( unsigned int * ) glowImage->scanLine( y );
+ destData = ( unsigned int * ) img.scanLine( y );
+ for ( x = 0 ; x < w + 2*glowWH ; ++x )
+ if ((alpha = qAlpha( data[ x ] )))
+ {
+ DELTA_COLOR(data[ x ], srcR, srcG, srcB);
+ COLOR_SPACE(destR, destG, destB);
+ destData[ x ] = qRgba( destR, destG, destB, alpha );
+ }
+ }
+ // then the button and overlay
+ for ( y = 0 ; y < h ; ++y )
+ {
+ data = ( unsigned int * ) buttonImage->scanLine( y );
+ destData = ( unsigned int * ) img.scanLine( y + glowWH );
+ for ( x = 0 ; x < w ; ++x )
+ if ((alpha = qAlpha( data[ x ] )))
+ {
+ if (!rect || (y > 1 && y < h-2 && x > 0 && x < w-1) )
+ {
+ if (optionHandler->IcyButtons())
+ {
+ red = qRed( data[ x ] );
+ green = qGreen( data[ x ] );
+ blue = qBlue( data[ x ] );
+ SATURATION_COLOR2(sq, red, green, blue);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DELTA_COLOR(data[ x ], srcR, srcG, srcB);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ red = qRed( data[ x ] );
+ green = qGreen( data[ x ] );
+ blue = qBlue( data[ x ] );
+ TINT_WHITE(55, red, green, blue);
+ }
+ if (alpha != 255)
+ {
+ if ( qAlpha( destData[ x + glowWH ] ) )
+ {
+ ALPHA_COLOR2(alpha, qAlpha( destData[ x + glowWH ] ), qRed( destData[ x + glowWH ]), qGreen( destData[ x + glowWH ]), qBlue( destData[ x + glowWH ]));
+ }
+ }
+ COLOR_SPACE(destR, destG, destB);
+ destData[ x + glowWH ] = qRgba( destR, destG, destB, alpha );
+ }
+ }
+ QPixmap *pix = new QPixmap;
+ pix->convertFromImage( img );
+ tile = separateTiles( pix, xOff+glowWH, yOff+glowWH, centerW, centerH, shadowH, sunken);
+ if ( sunken && glowDict)
+ glowDict->insert(c.rgb(),tile);
+ else if (!sunken && shadowDict)
+ shadowDict->insert( c.rgb(), tile );
+ else
+ buttonDict->insert( c.rgb(), tile );
+ delete pix;
+ return ( tile );
+QPixmap* LiquidStyle::createSliderEnd( const QColor &c, const QColor &bgColor, bool top) const
+ int x, y, delta;
+ int red, green, blue;
+ int destR, destG, destB, alpha;
+ int h, s, v;
+ c.getHsv( &h, &s, &v );
+ int sq = CLAMP((int)((45.0/128.0)*s+55),0,100);
+ int srcR =;
+ int srcG =;
+ int srcB =;
+ unsigned int *data, *destData;
+ QImage img( 13, 9, 32, 0 );
+ img.setAlphaBuffer( true ); // we need this always, as the slider groove is nevernever plain!
+ clearImage( img );
+ // just stole that from above...
+ // first do the shadow
+ for ( y = 0 ; y < 9 ; ++y ) {
+ top ? data = ( unsigned int * ) slider_top_shd->scanLine( y ) : data = ( unsigned int * ) slider_btm_shd->scanLine( y );
+ destData = ( unsigned int * ) img.scanLine( y );
+ for ( x = 0; x < 13; ++x )
+ if ((alpha = qAlpha( data[ x ] ))) {
+ DELTA_COLOR(data[ x ],,,;
+ COLOR_SPACE(destR, destG, destB);
+ destData[ x ] = qRgba( destR, destG, destB, alpha );
+ }
+ }
+ // then the button and overlay
+ srcR =;
+ srcG =;
+ srcB =;
+ if (!optionHandler->IcyButtons()){
+ srcR +=20;
+ srcG += 20;
+ srcB += 20;
+ COLOR_SPACE(srcR, srcG, srcB);
+ }
+ for ( y = 0 ; y < 7 ; ++y ) {
+ top ? data = ( unsigned int * ) slider_top->scanLine( y ) : data = ( unsigned int * ) slider_btm->scanLine( y );
+ destData = ( unsigned int * ) img.scanLine( top ? y + 2 : y );
+ for ( x = 0 ; x < 13 ; ++x )
+ if ((alpha = qAlpha( data[ x ] ))) {
+ if (optionHandler->IcyButtons()) {
+ red = qRed( data[ x ] );
+ green = qGreen( data[ x] );
+ blue = qBlue( data[ x] );
+ SATURATION_COLOR2(sq, red, green, blue);
+ }
+ else {
+ DELTA_COLOR(data[ x ], srcR, srcG, srcB);
+ }
+ if (alpha != 255) {
+ if ( qAlpha( destData[ x ] ) ) {
+ ALPHA_COLOR2(alpha, qAlpha( destData[ x ]), qRed( destData[ x ]), qGreen( destData[ x ]), qBlue( destData[ x ]));
+ }
+ }
+ COLOR_SPACE(destR, destG, destB);
+ destData[ x ] = qRgba( destR, destG, destB, alpha );
+ }
+ }
+ QPixmap *pix = new QPixmap;
+ pix->convertFromImage( img );
+ return ( pix );
+// 0 / xO / xO + w
+// -------------------------------------
+// | xO | w | width()-xO-w | : yO / 0
+// -------------------------------------
+// | xO | w | width()-xO-w | : h / yO
+// -------------------------------------
+// | xO | w | width()-xO-w | : height()-yO-h / yO+h
+// -------------------------------------
+// Overload of mosfet's original function, takes 6 more parameters to use the funktion on variable bitmaps (mosfet's function does only work for very special bitmaps)
+// by giving position and dimension of the central tile + the shadow height (panther doesn't seem to have a right shadow-offset)
+ButtonTile* LiquidStyle::separateTiles( QPixmap *pix,
+ int xO, int yO, int w, int h,
+ int, bool sunken) const
+ ButtonTile * tile = new ButtonTile();
+ QPixmap *tmp;
+ int w1 = xO;
+ int w2 = w;
+ int w3 = pix->width() - xO - w;
+ int h1 = yO;
+ int h2 = h;
+ int h3 = pix->height() - yO - h;
+ int xO1 = 0;
+ int xO2 = xO;
+ int xO3 = xO + w;
+ int yO1 = 0;
+ int yO2 = yO;
+ int yO3 = yO + h;
+ if ( !sunken ) {
+ // Top tiles
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w1, h1 );
+ // bitBlt(...,x,y,width,height)
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO1, yO1, w1, h1 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileTopLeft, tmp );
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w2, h1 );
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO2, yO1, w2, h1 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileTop, tmp );
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w3, h1 );
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO3, yO1, w3, h1 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileTopRight, tmp );
+ // Middle tiles
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w1, h2 );
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO1, yO2, w1, h2 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileLeft, tmp );
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w2, h2 );
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO2, yO2, w2, h2 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileMiddle, tmp );
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w3, h2 );
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO3, yO2, w3, h2 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileRight, tmp );
+ // Bottom tiles
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w1, h3 );
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO1, yO3, w1, h3 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileBtmLeft, tmp );
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w2, h3 );
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO2, yO3, w2, h3 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileBtm, tmp );
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w3, h3 );
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO3, yO3, w3, h3 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileBtmRight, tmp );
+ }
+ else {
+ // Top tiles
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w1, h3 );
+ // bitBlt(...,x,y,width,height)
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO1, yO1, w1, h3 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileTopLeft, tmp );
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w2, h3 );
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO2, yO1, w2, h3 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileTop, tmp );
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w3, h3 );
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO3, yO1, w3, h3 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileTopRight, tmp );
+ // Middle tiles
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w1, h2 );
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO1, yO2 + h3 - h1, w1, h2 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileLeft, tmp );
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w2, h2 );
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO2, yO2 + h3 - h1, w2, h2 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileMiddle, tmp );
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w3, h2 );
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO3, yO2 + h3 - h1, w3, h2 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileRight, tmp );
+ // Bottom tiles
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w1, h1 );
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO1, yO3 + h3 - h1, w1, h1 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileBtmLeft, tmp );
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w2, h1 );
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO2, yO3 + h3 - h1, w2, h1 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileBtm, tmp );
+ tmp = new QPixmap( w3, h1 );
+ copyBlt( tmp, 0, 0, pix, xO3, yO3 + h3 - h1, w3, h1 );
+ tile->setPixmap( TileBtmRight, tmp );
+ }
+ return ( tile );
+#define _LOFF_ tile->pixmap( TileLeft )->width()
+#define _ROFF_ tile->pixmap( TileRight )->width()
+#define _TOFF_ tile->pixmap( TileTop )->height()
+#define _BOFF_ tile->pixmap( TileBtm )->height()
+#define _MWIDTH_ tile->pixmap( TileMiddle )->width()
+#define _MHEIGHT_ tile->pixmap( TileMiddle )->height()
+#define _LRWIDTH_ (_LOFF_ + _ROFF_)
+#define _TBHEIGHT_ (_TOFF_ + _BOFF_)
+void LiquidStyle::drawRoundButton( QPainter *painter, const QColorGroup &cg, const QColor &c, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool pushedDown, bool hover, int bgX, int bgY ) const
+ QColor myC =(isOOO && (hover || pushedDown))?optionHandler->CustomButtonColor():c;
+ LiquidStyle *ptr = const_cast<LiquidStyle*>( this );
+ ButtonTile *tile = pushedDown ? btnDict.find( myC.rgb() ) : btnShadowedDict.find( myC.rgb() );
+ if ( !tile )
+ {
+ tile = createButtonTile( myC, qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Background), ptr->btnBorderImg, ptr->btnShadowImg, ptr->buttonGlow, &(ptr->btnDict), &(ptr->btnShadowedDict), &(ptr->buttonGlowDict), 37, 21, 10, 11, 17, 1, 2, 2, pushedDown);
+ }
+ if ( !tile )
+ {
+ qWarning( "Button tile is NULL!" );
+ return ;
+ }
+ QPainter *p;
+ QPen oldPen = painter->pen();
+ if (!isHTMLButton)
+ {
+ if ( !tmpBtnPix )
+ ptr->tmpBtnPix = new QPixmap( w, h );
+ else if ( w > tmpBtnPix->width() || h > tmpBtnPix->height() )
+ {
+ // make temp pixmap size == largest button
+ ptr->tmpBtnPix->resize(w,h);
+ }
+ p = new QPainter(tmpBtnPix);
+ if (!isPlain())
+ {
+ QPixmap *stipple;
+ if (paintWidget && paintWidget->parentWidget())
+ {
+ stipple = const_cast<QPixmap*>(paintWidget->parentWidget()->palette().brush(QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Background).pixmap());
+ if (!stipple || stipple->isNull())
+ p->fillRect(0,0,w,h, paintWidget->parentWidget()->palette().brush(QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Background) );
+ else
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( 0, 0, w, h, *stipple, bgX, bgY );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stipple = cg.brush( QColorGroup::Background ).pixmap();
+ stipple ? p->drawTiledPixmap( 0, 0, w, h, *stipple, bgX, bgY ) :
+ p->fillRect(0,0,w,h, cg.brush( QColorGroup::Background ));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ p->fillRect(0,0,w,h, cg.brush( QColorGroup::Background ));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p = painter;
+ }
+// QPainter p(tmpBtnPix);
+ // tiled fills
+ if ( w > _LRWIDTH_ )
+ {
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( _LOFF_, 0, w - _LRWIDTH_, _TOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileTop ) );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( _LOFF_, h - _BOFF_, w - _LRWIDTH_, _BOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileBtm ) );
+ }
+ if ( h > _TBHEIGHT_ )
+ {
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( 0, _TOFF_, _LOFF_, h - _TBHEIGHT_, *tile->pixmap( TileLeft ) );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( w - _ROFF_, _TOFF_, _ROFF_, h - _TBHEIGHT_, *tile->pixmap( TileRight ) );
+ }
+ if ( w > _LRWIDTH_ && h > _TBHEIGHT_ )
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( _LOFF_, _TOFF_, w - _LRWIDTH_, h - _TBHEIGHT_, *tile->pixmap( TileMiddle ) );
+ // corners
+ p->drawPixmap( 0, 0, *tile->pixmap( TileTopLeft ) );
+ p->drawPixmap( w - _ROFF_, 0, *tile->pixmap( TileTopRight ) );
+ p->drawPixmap( 0, h - _BOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileBtmLeft ) );
+ p->drawPixmap( w - _ROFF_, h - _BOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileBtmRight ) );
+ if (!isHTMLButton)
+ {
+ p->end();
+ delete p;
+ painter->drawPixmap( x, y, *tmpBtnPix, 0, 0, w, h );
+ }
+ else
+ p->setPen(oldPen);
+void LiquidStyle::drawRectangularButton( QPainter *painter,
+ const QColorGroup &cg, const QColor &c,
+ int x, int y, int w, int h,
+ bool sunken, bool hover, bool isCombo, int position, bool isHTML) const
+#define _HEIGHT_ ptr->rectbutton->height()
+#define _WIDTH_ ptr->rectbutton->width()
+ LiquidStyle *ptr = const_cast<LiquidStyle*>( this );
+ QColor tmpColor;
+ tmpColor = isCombo && !(hover || sunken) ? optionHandler->InactiveButtonColor() : c;
+ int xOffset, width;
+ int cw = 0;
+ ButtonTile *tile = rectBtnDict.find( tmpColor.rgb() );
+ if ( !tile )
+ tile = createButtonTile( tmpColor, cg.background(), ptr->rectbutton, ((QImage*)0L), ((QImage*)0L), &(ptr->rectBtnDict), (QIntDict<ButtonTile>*)0L, (QIntDict<ButtonTile>*)0L, 33, 25, 10, 5, 13, 15, 0, 0, sunken);
+ if ( !tile )
+ {
+ qWarning( "Button tile is NULL!" );
+ return ;
+ }
+ switch (position)
+ {
+ case left:
+ xOffset = _LOFF_;
+ width = w - _LOFF_;
+ cw = 24;
+ break;
+ case center:
+ xOffset = 0;
+ width = w;
+ cw = 24;
+ break;
+ case right:
+ xOffset = 0;
+ width = w - _ROFF_;
+ cw = 24-_ROFF_;
+ break;
+ case full:
+ xOffset = _LOFF_;
+ width = w - _LRWIDTH_;
+ cw = 24-_ROFF_;
+ break;
+ }
+ QPainter *p;
+ QPen oldPen = painter->pen();
+ if (!isHTML)
+ {
+ if ( !tmpBtnPix )
+ ptr->tmpBtnPix = new QPixmap( w, h );
+ else if ( w > tmpBtnPix->width() || h > tmpBtnPix->height() )
+ {
+ // make temp pixmap size == largest button
+ ptr->tmpBtnPix->resize(w,h);
+ }
+ p = new QPainter(tmpBtnPix);
+ if (position != center && paintWidget && paintWidget->parentWidget())
+ {
+ if (this->paintWidget->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap ())
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(QRect(0, 0, w, h), *this->paintWidget->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap(), ((QWidget *)this->paintWidget)->backgroundOffset());
+ else
+ p->fillRect( 0, 0, w, h, this->paintWidget->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundColor());
+ }
+ else
+ p->fillRect( 0, 0, w, h, cg.background() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p = painter;
+ }
+ int tileH = 0;
+ QPixmap tmpPix(_LOFF_, 1);
+ if (position == left || position == full)
+ {
+ p->drawPixmap( 0, 0, *tile->pixmap( TileTopLeft ) );
+ p->drawPixmap( 0, h - _BOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileBtmLeft ) );
+ }
+ if (!isCombo || hover || sunken)
+ {
+ if ( w > _LRWIDTH_ )
+ {
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( xOffset, 0, width, _TOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileTop ) );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( xOffset, h - _BOFF_, width, _BOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileBtm ) );
+ }
+ if ( h > _TBHEIGHT_ )
+ {
+ tileH = (int)((h-_HEIGHT_)/2);
+ if (position == left || position == full)
+ {
+ if (h > _HEIGHT_)
+ {
+ p->drawPixmap(0, _TOFF_+tileH, *tile->pixmap( TileLeft ));
+ copyBlt( &tmpPix, 0, 0, tile->pixmap(TileLeft), 0, 0, _LOFF_, 1 );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(0, _TOFF_, _LOFF_, tileH, tmpPix);
+ copyBlt( &tmpPix, 0, 0, tile->pixmap(TileLeft), 0, _MHEIGHT_-1, _LOFF_, 1 );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(0, _TOFF_+tileH+_MHEIGHT_, _LOFF_, h-_HEIGHT_-tileH, tmpPix);
+ }
+ else //tileH is negative in this case
+ p->drawPixmap( 0, _TOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileLeft ), 0, -tileH, _LOFF_, _MHEIGHT_+2*tileH+1);
+ }
+ if (position == right || position == full)
+ {
+ if (h > _HEIGHT_)
+ {
+ tmpPix.resize(_ROFF_, 1);
+ p->drawPixmap(w-_ROFF_, _TOFF_+tileH, *tile->pixmap( TileRight ));
+ copyBlt( &tmpPix, 0, 0, tile->pixmap(TileRight), 0, 0, _ROFF_, 1 );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(w-_ROFF_, _TOFF_, _ROFF_, tileH, tmpPix);
+ copyBlt( &tmpPix, 0, 0, tile->pixmap(TileRight), 0, _MHEIGHT_-1, _ROFF_, 1 );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(w-_ROFF_, _TOFF_+tileH+_MHEIGHT_, _ROFF_, h-_HEIGHT_-tileH, tmpPix);
+ }
+ else
+ p->drawPixmap( w-_ROFF_, _TOFF_, *tile->pixmap(TileRight), 0, -tileH, _ROFF_, _MHEIGHT_+2*tileH+1 /*tileH is negative in this case*/ );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( w > _LRWIDTH_ && h > _TBHEIGHT_ )
+ {
+ if (h > _HEIGHT_)
+ {
+ tmpPix.resize(_MWIDTH_, 1);
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(xOffset, _TOFF_+tileH, width, _MHEIGHT_, *tile->pixmap(TileMiddle));
+ copyBlt( &tmpPix, 0, 0, tile->pixmap(TileMiddle), 0, 0, _MWIDTH_, 1 );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(xOffset, _TOFF_, width, tileH, tmpPix);
+ copyBlt( &tmpPix, 0, 0, tile->pixmap(TileMiddle), 0, _MHEIGHT_-1, _MWIDTH_, 1 );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(xOffset, _TOFF_+tileH+_MHEIGHT_, width, h-_HEIGHT_-tileH, tmpPix);
+ }
+ else //tileH is negative in this case
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( xOffset, _TOFF_, width, h-_TBHEIGHT_, *tile->pixmap(TileMiddle), 0, -tileH);
+ }
+ if (position == right || position == full)
+ {
+ p->drawPixmap( w - _ROFF_, 0, *tile->pixmap( TileTopRight ) );
+ p->drawPixmap( w - _ROFF_, h - _BOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileBtmRight ) );
+ }
+ }
+ else // split combo...
+ {
+ if ( w > _LRWIDTH_ )
+ {
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( xOffset, 0, width-(24-_ROFF_), _TOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileTop ) );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( xOffset, h - _BOFF_, width-(24-_ROFF_), _BOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileBtm ) );
+ }
+ if ( h > _TBHEIGHT_)
+ {
+ tileH = (int)((h-_HEIGHT_)/2);
+ if (position == left || position == full)
+ {
+ if (h > _HEIGHT_)
+ {
+ tmpPix.resize(_LOFF_, 1);
+ p->drawPixmap(0, _TOFF_+tileH, *tile->pixmap( TileLeft ));
+ copyBlt( &tmpPix, 0, 0, tile->pixmap(TileLeft), 0, 0, _LOFF_, 1 );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(0, _TOFF_, _LOFF_, tileH, tmpPix);
+ copyBlt( &tmpPix, 0, 0, tile->pixmap(TileLeft), 0, _MHEIGHT_-1, _LOFF_, 1 );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(0, _TOFF_+tileH+_MHEIGHT_, _LOFF_, h-_HEIGHT_-tileH, tmpPix);
+ }
+ else //tileH is negative in this case
+ p->drawPixmap( 0, _TOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileLeft ), 0, -tileH, _LOFF_, _MHEIGHT_+2*tileH+1);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( w > _LRWIDTH_ && h > _TBHEIGHT_ )
+ {
+ if (h > _HEIGHT_)
+ {
+ tmpPix.resize(_MWIDTH_, 1);
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(xOffset, _TOFF_+tileH, width-(24-_ROFF_), _MHEIGHT_, *tile->pixmap(TileMiddle));
+ copyBlt( &tmpPix, 0, 0, tile->pixmap(TileMiddle), 0, 0, _MWIDTH_, 1 );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(xOffset, _TOFF_, width-(24-_ROFF_), tileH, tmpPix);
+ copyBlt( &tmpPix, 0, 0, tile->pixmap(TileMiddle), 0, _MHEIGHT_-1, _MWIDTH_, 1 );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(xOffset, _TOFF_+tileH+_MHEIGHT_, width-(24-_ROFF_), h-_HEIGHT_-tileH, tmpPix);
+ }
+ else //tileH is negative in this case
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( xOffset, _TOFF_, width-(24-_ROFF_), h-_TBHEIGHT_, *tile->pixmap(TileMiddle), 0, -tileH);
+ }
+ // second part of combos if needed
+ tile = rectBtnDict.find( c.rgb() );
+ if ( !tile )
+ tile = createButtonTile( c, cg.background(), ptr->rectbutton, ((QImage*)0L), ((QImage*)0L), &(ptr->rectBtnDict), (QIntDict<ButtonTile>*)0L, (QIntDict<ButtonTile>*)0L, 33, 25, 10, 5, 13, 15, 0, 0, sunken);
+ if ( !tile )
+ {
+ qWarning( "Button tile is NULL!" );
+ return ;
+ }
+ if ( w > _LRWIDTH_ )
+ {
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( w-24, 0, cw, _TOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileTop ) );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( w-24, h - _BOFF_, cw, _BOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileBtm ) );
+ }
+ tileH = (int)((h-_HEIGHT_)/2);
+ if (position == right || position == full)
+ {
+ if (h > _HEIGHT_)
+ {
+ tileH = (int)((h-_HEIGHT_)/2);
+ tmpPix.resize(_ROFF_, 1);
+ p->drawPixmap(w-_ROFF_, _TOFF_+tileH, *tile->pixmap( TileRight ));
+ copyBlt( &tmpPix, 0, 0, tile->pixmap(TileRight), 0, 0, _ROFF_, 1 );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(w-_ROFF_, _TOFF_, _ROFF_, tileH, tmpPix);
+ copyBlt( &tmpPix, 0, 0, tile->pixmap(TileRight), 0, _MHEIGHT_-1, _ROFF_, 1 );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(w-_ROFF_, _TOFF_+tileH+_MHEIGHT_, _ROFF_, h-_HEIGHT_-tileH, tmpPix);
+ }
+ else if ( h > _TBHEIGHT_)//tileH is negative in this case
+ {
+ tileH = (int)((h-_HEIGHT_)/2);
+ p->drawPixmap( w-_ROFF_, _TOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileRight ), 0, -tileH, _ROFF_, _MHEIGHT_+2*tileH+1);
+ }
+ p->drawPixmap( w - _ROFF_, 0, *tile->pixmap( TileTopRight ) );
+ p->drawPixmap( w - _ROFF_, h - _BOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileBtmRight ) );
+ }
+ if ( w > _LRWIDTH_ && h > _TBHEIGHT_ )
+ {
+ if (h > _HEIGHT_)
+ {
+ tmpPix.resize(_MWIDTH_, 1);
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(w-24, _TOFF_+tileH, cw, _MHEIGHT_, *tile->pixmap(TileMiddle));
+ copyBlt( &tmpPix, 0, 0, tile->pixmap(TileMiddle), 0, 0, _MWIDTH_, 1 );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(w-24, _TOFF_, cw, tileH, tmpPix);
+ copyBlt( &tmpPix, 0, 0, tile->pixmap(TileMiddle), 0, _MHEIGHT_-1, _MWIDTH_, 1 );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(w-24, _TOFF_+tileH+_MHEIGHT_, cw, h-_HEIGHT_-tileH, tmpPix);
+ }
+ else //tileH is negative in this case
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( w-24, _TOFF_, cw, h-_TBHEIGHT_, *tile->pixmap(TileMiddle), 0, -tileH);
+ }
+ }
+ if (position == center)
+ {
+ p->setPen(c.dark(130));
+ if (sunken || hover) p->drawLine(0,1,0,h-2);
+ p->drawLine(w-1,2,w-1,h-2);
+ }
+ else if (position == left)
+ {
+ p->setPen(c.dark(130));
+ p->drawLine(w-1,2,w-1,h-2);
+ }
+ else if (position == right && (sunken || hover))
+ {
+ p->setPen(c.dark(130));
+ p->drawLine(0,2,0,h-2);
+ }
+ if (isCombo)
+ {
+ p->setPen(c);
+ p->drawLine(w-24,2,w-24,h-2);
+ int ax = w - 15;
+ int ay = h/3 - 1;
+ p->setPen(cg.text());
+ p->setBrush( cg.text() );
+ p->drawPixmap(ax, ay-1, *sbUp, 1, 0, 5, 4);
+ p->drawPixmap(ax, ay+6, *sbDown, 1, 2, 5, 4);
+ }
+ if (!isHTML)
+ {
+ p->end();
+ delete p;
+ painter->drawPixmap( x, y, *tmpBtnPix, 0, 0, w, h );
+ }
+ else
+ p->setPen(oldPen);
+#undef _HEIGHT_
+#undef _WIDTH_
+void LiquidStyle::drawCombo( QPainter *painter,
+ const QColorGroup &cg,
+ const QColor &c,
+ int x, int y, int w, int h,
+ bool sunken, bool hover, bool isCombo,
+ int position, bool isHTML ) const
+ LiquidStyle *ptr = const_cast<LiquidStyle*>( this );
+ QColor myC =(isOOO && isCombo)?optionHandler->CustomButtonColor():c;
+ QColor tmpColor = isCombo && !(hover || sunken) ? optionHandler->InactiveButtonColor() : myC;
+ ButtonTile *tile = sunken ? comboDict.find( tmpColor.rgb() ) : comboShadowedDict.find( tmpColor.rgb() );
+ if ( !tile )
+ {
+ if (optionHandler->buttonStyle() == Milk && sunken)
+ tile = createButtonTile( tmpColor, cg.background(), ptr->btnBorderImg, ptr->comboShadow, ((QImage*)0L), &(ptr->comboDict), &(ptr->comboShadowedDict), (QIntDict<ButtonTile>*)0L, 44, 21, 7, 9, 30, 1, 2, 0, true);
+ else
+ tile = createButtonTile( tmpColor, cg.background(), ptr->combo, ptr->comboShadow, ((QImage*)0L), &(ptr->comboDict), &(ptr->comboShadowedDict), (QIntDict<ButtonTile>*)0L, 44, 21, 7, 9, 30, 1, 2, 0, sunken);
+ }
+ if ( !tile )
+ {
+ qWarning( "Button tile is NULL!" );
+ return ;
+ }
+ int xOffset, width, cw;
+ switch (position)
+ {
+ case full:
+ xOffset = _LOFF_;
+ width = w - _LRWIDTH_;
+ cw = 24 - _ROFF_;
+ break;
+ case left:
+ xOffset = _LOFF_;
+ width = w - _LOFF_;
+ cw = 24;
+ break;
+ case center:
+ xOffset = 0;
+ width = w;
+ cw = 24;
+ break;
+ case right:
+ xOffset = 0;
+ width = w - _ROFF_;
+ cw = 24 - _ROFF_;
+ break;
+ }
+ QPainter *p;
+ QPen oldPen = painter->pen();
+ if (!isHTML)
+ {
+ if ( !tmpBtnPix )
+ ptr->tmpBtnPix = new QPixmap( w, h );
+ else if ( w > tmpBtnPix->width() || h > tmpBtnPix->height() )
+ {
+ // make temp pixmap size == largest button
+ ptr->tmpBtnPix->resize(w,h);
+ }
+ p = new QPainter(tmpBtnPix);
+#if 0
+ QPixmap *stipple = cg.brush( QColorGroup::Background ).pixmap();
+ if ( !stipple ) // button may have custom colorgroup
+ stipple = qApp->palette().active().brush( QColorGroup::Background ).pixmap();
+ if ( stipple )
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( 0, 0, w, h, *stipple);
+ else
+ p->fillRect( 0, 0, w, h, cg.background() );
+ if (position != center && paintWidget && paintWidget->parentWidget())
+ {
+ if (this->paintWidget->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap ())
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(QRect(0, 0, w, h), *this->paintWidget->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundPixmap(), ((QWidget *)this->paintWidget)->backgroundOffset());
+ else
+ p->fillRect( 0, 0, w, h, this->paintWidget->parentWidget()->paletteBackgroundColor());
+ }
+ else
+ p->fillRect( 0, 0, w, h, cg.background() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p = painter;
+ }
+ if (position == left || position == full)
+ {
+ p->drawPixmap( 0, 0, *tile->pixmap( TileTopLeft ) );
+ p->drawPixmap( 0, h - _BOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileBtmLeft ) );
+ }
+ if (!isCombo || hover || sunken)
+ {
+ if ( w > _LRWIDTH_ )
+ {
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( xOffset, 0, width, _TOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileTop ) );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( xOffset, h - _BOFF_, width, _BOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileBtm ) );
+ }
+ if ( h > _TBHEIGHT_ )
+ {
+ if (position == left || position == full)
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( 0, _TOFF_, _LOFF_, h - _TBHEIGHT_, *tile->pixmap( TileLeft ) );
+ if (position == right || position == full)
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( w - _ROFF_, _TOFF_, _ROFF_, h - _TBHEIGHT_, *tile->pixmap( TileRight ) );
+ }
+ if ( w > _LRWIDTH_ && h > _TBHEIGHT_ )
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( xOffset, _TOFF_, width, h - _TBHEIGHT_, *tile->pixmap( TileMiddle ) );
+ if (position == right || position == full)
+ {
+ p->drawPixmap( w - _ROFF_, 0, *tile->pixmap( TileTopRight ) );
+ p->drawPixmap( w - _ROFF_, h - _BOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileBtmRight ) );
+ }
+ }
+ else // split combo...
+ {
+ if ( w > _LRWIDTH_ )
+ {
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( xOffset, 0, width-(24 - _ROFF_), _TOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileTop ) );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( xOffset, h - _BOFF_, width-(24 - _ROFF_), _BOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileBtm ) );
+ }
+ if ( h > _TBHEIGHT_ && (position == left || position == full))
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( 0, _TOFF_, _LOFF_, h - _TBHEIGHT_, *tile->pixmap( TileLeft ) );
+ if ( w > _LRWIDTH_ && h > _TBHEIGHT_ )
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( xOffset, _TOFF_, width-(24 - _ROFF_), h - _TBHEIGHT_, *tile->pixmap( TileMiddle ) );
+ // second part of combos if needed
+ tile = comboShadowedDict.find( myC.rgb() );
+ if ( !tile )
+ {
+ tile = createButtonTile( myC, cg.background(), ptr->combo, ptr->comboShadow, ((QImage*)0L), &(ptr->comboDict), &(ptr->comboShadowedDict), (QIntDict<ButtonTile>*)0L, 44, 21, 7, 9, 30, 1, 2, 0, sunken);
+ }
+ if ( !tile )
+ {
+ qWarning( "Button tile is NULL!" );
+ return ;
+ }
+ if ( w > _LRWIDTH_ )
+ {
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( w-24, 0, cw, _TOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileTop ) );
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( w-24, h - _BOFF_, cw, _BOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileBtm ) );
+ }
+ if ( h > _TBHEIGHT_ )
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( w - _ROFF_, _TOFF_, _ROFF_, h - _TBHEIGHT_, *tile->pixmap( TileRight ) );
+ if ( w > _LRWIDTH_ && h > _TBHEIGHT_ )
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( w-24, _TOFF_, cw, h - _TBHEIGHT_, *tile->pixmap( TileMiddle ) );
+ if (position == right || position == full)
+ {
+ p->drawPixmap( w - _ROFF_, 0, *tile->pixmap( TileTopRight ) );
+ p->drawPixmap( w - _ROFF_, h - _BOFF_, *tile->pixmap( TileBtmRight ) );
+ }
+ }
+ switch (position)
+ {
+ case left:
+ p->setPen(optionHandler->InactiveButtonColor().dark(130));
+ p->drawLine(w-1,3,w-1,h-6);
+ break;
+ case center:
+ p->setPen(optionHandler->InactiveButtonColor().dark(130));
+ if (sunken || hover) p->drawLine(0,3,0,h-6);
+ p->drawLine(w-1,3,w-1,h-6);
+ break;
+ case right:
+ if (sunken || hover)
+ {
+ p->setPen(optionHandler->InactiveButtonColor().dark(130));
+ p->drawLine(0,3,0,h-6);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (isCombo)
+ {
+ p->setPen(c);
+ p->drawLine(w-24,1,w-24,h-4);
+ int ax = w - 15;
+ int ay = h/3 - 1;
+ p->setPen(cg.text());
+ p->setBrush( cg.text() );
+ p->drawPixmap(ax, ay-1, *sbUp, 1, 0, 5, 4);
+ p->drawPixmap(ax, ay+6, *sbDown, 1, 2, 5, 4);
+ }
+ if (!isHTML)
+ {
+ p->end();
+ delete p;
+ painter->drawPixmap( x, y, *tmpBtnPix, 0, 0, w, h );
+ }
+ else
+ p->setPen(oldPen);
+void LiquidStyle::drawRoundFrame( QPainter *p, const QRect &r,
+ const QColorGroup &cg, bool focused, QPoint offset ) const
+ ButtonTile *tile = focused ? activeRoundFrame : inactiveRoundFrame;
+ if (!tile) tile = createRoundFrameTile(*roundFrame, focused ? cg.button() : optionHandler->InactiveButtonColor(), &cg.background(), cg.base() );
+ // first: fill background (tiled)
+ // outer
+ QPixmap *stipple = cg.brush( QColorGroup::Background ).pixmap();
+ if (stipple)
+ {
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( r.x(),r.y(), 7, 8, *stipple, offset.x(), offset.y());
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( r.right() - 7, r.y(), 8, 8, *stipple, offset.x()+r.width()-6, offset.y());
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( r.x(), r.bottom()-7, 8, 8, *stipple, offset.x(), offset.y() + r.height()-6);
+ p->drawTiledPixmap( r.right() - 7, r.bottom()-7, 8, 8, *stipple, offset.x() + r.width() - 6, offset.y() + r.height()-6);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p->fillRect(r.x(),r.y(), 7, 8, cg.background());
+ p->fillRect(r.right() - 7, r.y(), 8, 8, cg.background());
+ p->fillRect(r.x(), r.bottom()-7, 8, 8, cg.background());
+ p->fillRect(r.right() - 7, r.bottom()-7, 8, 8, cg.background());
+ }
+ // inner
+ p->fillRect(r.x()+3,r.y()+4,r.width()-6,r.height()-7,cg.base());
+ // now draw frame
+ p->drawPixmap(0,0, *tile->pixmap( TileTopLeft ));
+ p->drawPixmap(r.right()-10,0, *tile->pixmap( TileTopRight ));
+ p->drawPixmap(0,r.bottom()-10, *tile->pixmap( TileBtmLeft ));
+ p->drawPixmap(r.right()-10,r.bottom()-10, *tile->pixmap( TileBtmRight ));
+ if (r.width() > 22)
+ {
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(11,0,r.width()-22,10, *tile->pixmap( TileTop ));
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(11,r.bottom()-10,r.width()-22,11, *tile->pixmap( TileBtm ));
+ }
+ if (r.height() > 21)
+ {
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(0,10,11,r.height()-21, *tile->pixmap( TileLeft ));
+ p->drawTiledPixmap(r.right()-10,10,11,r.height()-21, *tile->pixmap( TileRight ));
+ }
+ if (focused)
+ {
+ p->setPen(cg.button());
+ p->drawLine(r.x()+8,r.bottom()-1,r.right()-8,r.bottom()-1);
+ }
+void LiquidStyle::drawEditFrame( QPainter *p, const QRect &r,
+ const QColorGroup &cg, bool isHTML, bool focused, bool inverse ) const
+ QColor fill( cg.background().dark( 105 ) );
+ QColor tmp(0,0,0);
+ QColor light1( 0, 0, 0 );
+ QColor light2( 0, 0, 0 );
+ QColor dark1( 0, 0, 0 );
+ QColor dark2( 0, 0, 0 );
+ QColor dark3( 0, 0, 0 );
+ if ( !focused )
+ {
+ if (optionHandler->style() == Brushed)
+ {
+ light1 = cg.background().light( 140 );
+ light2 = cg.background().light( 120 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ light1 = cg.background().dark( 115 );
+ light2 = cg.background().dark( 120 );
+ }
+ dark1 = cg.background().dark( 140 );
+ dark2 = cg.background().dark( 160 );
+ dark3 = cg.background().dark( 200 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int h,s,v;
+ cg.button().getHsv( &h, &s, &v );
+ tmp.setHsv(h, (int)(s/1.5) ,v);
+ light1 = tmp;
+ light2 = tmp.light( 120 );
+ dark1 = tmp.dark( 110 );
+ dark2 = tmp.dark( 120 );
+ dark3 = tmp.dark( 140 );
+ }
+ int x = r.x();
+ int y = inverse ? r.bottom() - 1: r.y();
+ int right = r.right();
+ int bottom = inverse ? r.y() + 1 : r.bottom();
+ if ( !isHTML )
+ {
+ p->setPen( fill );
+ p->drawPoint( x, y );
+ p->drawPoint( x, bottom );
+ p->drawPoint( right, y );
+ p->drawPoint( right, bottom );
+ // outer rect
+ // top
+ p->setPen( light1 );
+ p->drawPoint( x + 1, y );
+ p->drawPoint( right - 1, y );
+ p->drawPoint( x, y + 1 );
+ p->drawPoint( right, y + 1 );
+ // bottom
+ p->drawPoint( x, bottom - 1 );
+ p->drawPoint( right, bottom - 1 );
+ p->drawPoint( x + 1, bottom );
+ p->drawPoint( right - 1, bottom );
+ // top
+ focused ? p->setPen( light2 ) : p->setPen( dark1 );
+ p->drawLine( x + 2, y, right - 2, y );
+ // bottom, left and right
+ if (!focused) p->setPen( light2 );
+ p->drawLine( x, y + 2, x, bottom - 2 );
+ p->drawLine( right, y + 2, right, bottom - 2 );
+ if (!focused) p->setPen( light1 );
+ p->drawLine( x + 2, bottom, right - 2, bottom );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p->setPen( light2 );
+ p->drawLine( x, y, right, y );
+ p->drawLine( x, y, x, bottom );
+ p->setPen( dark1 );
+ p->drawLine( x, bottom, right, bottom );
+ p->drawLine( right, y, right, bottom );
+ }
+ // inner rect
+ p->setPen( dark1 );
+ p->drawPoint( x + 1, y + 1 );
+ p->drawPoint( x + 1, bottom - 1 );
+ p->drawPoint( right - 1, y + 1 );
+ p->drawPoint( right - 1, bottom - 1 );
+ p->drawLine( x + 2, bottom - 1, right - 2, bottom - 1 );
+ p->setPen( dark3 );
+ p->drawLine( x + 2, y + 1, right - 2, y + 1 );
+ p->setPen( dark2 );
+ p->drawLine( x + 1, y + 2, x + 1, bottom - 2 );
+ p->drawLine( right - 1, y + 2, right - 1, bottom - 2 );
+bool LiquidStyle::isHTMLWidget( const QWidget *widget ) const
+ const QObject * w = widget->parent();
+ if ( w )
+ {
+ if ( !w->inherits( "QClipperWidget" ) )
+ return ( false );
+ w = w->parent();
+ if ( w )
+ {
+ w = w->parent();
+ if ( w && w->inherits( "KHTMLView" ) )
+ return ( true );
+ }
+ }
+ return ( false );
+void LiquidStyle::drawHTMLCBBorder( const QPixmap &pix, const QColor &c ) const
+ QPainter p;
+ p.begin( &pix );
+ p.setPen( c.dark( 200 ) );
+ p.drawRect( 0, 0, 16, 16 );
+ p.end();