path: root/kate/kjswrapper
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kate/kjswrapper')
14 files changed, 1763 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kate/kjswrapper/ b/kate/kjswrapper/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51258f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/kjswrapper/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+SUBDIRS= . samples
+INCLUDES = $(all_includes)
+# Install this plugin in the KDE modules directory
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+# This is all standard. Remove the LIB_KHTML reference if you are not
+# using the KHTML Part
+katekjswrapperplugin_la_SOURCES = plugin_katekjswrapper.cpp bindings.cpp
+katekjswrapperplugin_la_LIBADD = -lkateinterfaces -lkjsembed -lkjs
+katekjswrapperplugin_la_LDFLAGS = -module $(KDE_PLUGIN) $(all_libraries)
+messages: rc.cpp
+ $(XGETTEXT) *.cpp -o $(podir)/katekjswrapper.pot
diff --git a/kate/kjswrapper/bindings.cpp b/kate/kjswrapper/bindings.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcb8d38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/kjswrapper/bindings.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+#include "bindings.h"
+#include "bindings.moc"
+#include "plugin_katekjswrapper.h"
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kate/documentmanager.h>
+#include <kate/document.h>
+#include <kjsembed/kjsembedpart.h>
+#include <kjsembed/jsfactory.h>
+#include <kjsembed/jsobjectproxy_imp.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kjs/value.h>
+#include <kdockwidget.h>
+#include <kate/application.h>
+#include <kate/documentmanager.h>
+#include <kjsembed/jsconsolewidget.h>
+using namespace Kate::JS;
+Bindings::Bindings(QObject *parent): KJSEmbed::Bindings::JSBindingPlugin(parent,"KateAppBindings",QStringList()) {
+Bindings::~Bindings() {
+KJS::Object Bindings::createBinding(KJSEmbed::KJSEmbedPart *jspart, KJS::ExecState *exec, const KJS::List &args) const {
+ kdDebug() << "Loading a custom object" << endl;
+ DocumentManager *obj = new DocumentManager();
+ JSOpaqueProxy *prx = new JSOpaqueProxy( (void *) obj, "Kate::JS::DocumentManager" );
+ KJS::Object proxyObj(prx);
+ DocumentManagerImp::addBindings( exec, proxyObj );
+ return proxyObj;
+ return KJS::Object();
+void Bindings::addBindings(KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &target) const {
+ kdDebug()<<"Kate::JS::Bindings:: ADDING CUSTOM BINDINGS"<<endl;
+ KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *proxy = KJSEmbed::JSProxy::toObjectProxy( target.imp() );
+ if ( !proxy )
+ return;
+ Kate::DocumentManager *dm=dynamic_cast<Kate::DocumentManager*>(proxy->object());
+ if (dm) {
+ DocumentManager::addBindings(exec,proxy,target);
+ } else {
+ Kate::Application *app=dynamic_cast<Kate::Application*>(proxy->object());
+ if (app) {
+ Application::addBindings(exec,proxy,target);
+ } else {
+ Kate::MainWindow *win=dynamic_cast<Kate::MainWindow*>(proxy->object());
+ if (win) {
+ MainWindow::addBindings(exec,proxy,target);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ General::addBindings(exec,proxy,target);
+void DocumentManager::addBindings(KJS::ExecState *exec, KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *proxy,KJS::Object &object){
+ RefCountedObjectDict *dict=new RefCountedObjectDict(100);
+ object.put(exec, "document", KJS::Object(new DocumentManager( exec, Document, proxy,dict )));
+ object.put(exec, "activeDocument", KJS::Object(new DocumentManager( exec, ActiveDocument, proxy,dict )));
+ object.put(exec, "documentForID", KJS::Object(new DocumentManager( exec, DocumentWithID, proxy,dict )));
+ object.put(exec, "documentForURL", KJS::Object(new DocumentManager( exec, FindDocument, proxy,dict )));
+ object.put(exec, "openURL", KJS::Object(new DocumentManager( exec, OpenURL, proxy,dict )));
+ object.put(exec, "isOpen", KJS::Object(new DocumentManager( exec, IsOpen, proxy,dict )));
+ object.put(exec, "documentCount", KJS::Object(new DocumentManager( exec, Documents, proxy,dict )));
+ object.put(exec, "closeDocument", KJS::Object(new DocumentManager( exec, CloseDocument, proxy,dict )));
+ object.put(exec, "closeAllDocument", KJS::Object(new DocumentManager( exec, CloseAllDocuments, proxy,dict )));
+DocumentManager::DocumentManager( KJS::ExecState *exec, int id, KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *parent, RefCountedObjectDict *dict ):KJSEmbed::JSProxyImp(exec) {
+ m_dict=dict;
+ m_dict->incRef();
+ m_id=id;
+ m_proxy=parent;
+DocumentManager::~DocumentManager() {
+ m_dict->decRef();
+KJS::Value DocumentManager::call( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &self, const KJS::List &args ) {
+ QObject *o=m_proxy->object();
+ Kate::DocumentManager *dm=dynamic_cast<Kate::DocumentManager*>(o);
+ if (!dm) {
+ kdWarning()<<"Object died"<<endl;
+ QString msg = i18n("Call of DocumentManager member on destroyed object");
+ KJS::Object err = KJS::Error::create( exec, KJS::GeneralError, msg.utf8() );
+ exec->setException( err );
+ return KJS::Undefined();
+ }
+ QString mdesc;
+ switch (m_id) {
+ case Document: {
+ mdesc="document(int)";
+ if (args.size()!=1) break;
+ uint index=args[0].toUInt32(exec);
+ if (exec->hadException()) break;
+ QObject *doc=dynamic_cast<QObject*>(dm->document(index));
+ if (!doc) return KJS::Null();
+ return m_dict->jsObject(exec,doc,m_proxy); }
+ break;
+ case ActiveDocument: {
+ mdesc="activeDocument()";
+ if (args.size()!=0) break;
+ QObject *doc=dynamic_cast<QObject*>(dm->activeDocument());
+ if (!doc) return KJS::Null();
+ return m_dict->jsObject(exec,doc,m_proxy); }
+ break;
+ case DocumentWithID: {
+ mdesc="documentForID(int)";
+ if (args.size()!=1) break;
+ uint id=args[0].toUInt32(exec);
+ if (exec->hadException()) break;
+ QObject *doc=dynamic_cast<QObject*>(dm->documentWithID(id));
+ if (!doc) return KJS::Null();
+ return m_dict->jsObject(exec,doc,m_proxy); }
+ break;
+ case FindDocument: {
+ mdesc="documentForURL(KURL)";
+ if (args.size()!=1) break;
+ KURL url = QString( args[0].toString(exec).qstring() );
+ if (exec->hadException()) break;
+ return KJS::Number(dm->findDocument(url)); }
+ break;
+ case IsOpen: {
+ mdesc="isOpen(KURL)";
+ if (args.size()!=0) break;
+ KURL url = QString( args[0].toString(exec).qstring() );
+ if (exec->hadException()) break;
+ return KJS::Boolean(dm->isOpen(url));}
+ break;
+ case OpenURL: {
+ mdesc="openURL(KURL[,String encoding])";
+ uint docID;
+ if (args.size()==1) {
+ KURL url = QString( args[0].toString(exec).qstring() );
+ if (exec->hadException()) break;
+ (void)dm->openURL(url,QString::null,&docID);
+ return KJS::Number(docID);
+ } else if (args.size()==2) {
+ KURL url = QString( args[0].toString(exec).qstring() );
+ if (exec->hadException()) break;
+ QString encoding=QString( args[1].toString(exec).qstring() );
+ (void)dm->openURL(url,encoding,&docID);
+ return KJS::Number(docID);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case Documents: {
+ mdesc="documentCount()";
+ if (args.size()!=0) break;
+ return KJS::Number(dm->documents()); }
+ break;
+ case CloseDocument: {
+ mdesc="closeDocument(Kate::Document)";
+ if (args.size()!=1) break;
+ KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *proxy = KJSEmbed::JSProxy::toObjectProxy( args[0].imp() );
+ if (!proxy) break;
+ QObject *tmp=proxy->object();
+ Kate::Document *tmpdoc=dynamic_cast<Kate::Document*>(tmp);
+ if (!tmpdoc) break;
+ return KJS::Boolean(dm->closeDocument(tmpdoc)); }
+ break;
+ case CloseAllDocuments: {
+ mdesc="closeAllDocuments()";
+ if (args.size()!=0) break;
+ return KJS::Boolean(dm->closeAllDocuments()); }
+ break;
+ default:
+ kdDebug()<<"calling illegal method of DocumentManager"<<endl;
+ return KJS::Null();
+ }
+ QString msg = i18n("Method %1 called with wrong signature").arg(mdesc);
+ KJS::Object err = KJS::Error::create( exec, KJS::GeneralError, msg.utf8() );
+ exec->setException( err );
+ return KJS::Undefined();
+Kate::JS::Management::Management(KJS::ExecState *exec, int id, PluginKateKJSWrapper *kateplug):KJSEmbed::JSProxyImp(exec) {
+ m_id=id;
+ m_wrapper=kateplug;
+KJS::Value Kate::JS::Management::call( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &self, const KJS::List &args ) {
+ if (m_id==AddConfigPage) {
+ if (args.size()!=1) {
+ QString msg = i18n("One parameter expected");
+ KJS::Object err = KJS::Error::create( exec, KJS::GeneralError, msg.utf8() );
+ exec->setException( err );
+ return KJS::Undefined();
+ }
+ KJS::Value v=args[0];
+// m_wrapper->m_configPageFactories.append(v);
+#warning implement me
+ } else if (m_id==SetConfigPages) {
+ if (args.size()>1) {
+ QString msg=i18n("One or no parameter expected");
+ KJS::Object err = KJS::Error::create( exec, KJS::GeneralError, msg.utf8() );
+ exec->setException( err );
+ return KJS::Undefined();
+ }
+ m_wrapper->m_configPageFactories=(args.size()>0)?args[0]:KJS::Value();
+ } else if (m_id==SetWindowConfiguration) {
+ if (args.size()>3) {
+ QString msg = i18n("A maximum of three parameters expected");
+ KJS::Object err = KJS::Error::create( exec, KJS::GeneralError, msg.utf8() );
+ exec->setException( err );
+ return KJS::Undefined();
+ }
+ kdDebug()<<"***********************************************************************************"<<endl<<
+ "Kate::JS::Management::call: Object type for m_toolViewConstructors (1):"<<args[0].type()<<endl;
+ m_wrapper->m_toolViewConstructors=(args.size()>0)?args[0]:KJS::Value();
+ kdDebug()<<"Kate::JS::Management::call: Object type for m_toolViewConstructors (2):"<<m_wrapper->m_toolViewConstructors.type()<<endl;
+ m_wrapper->m_newWindowHandler=(args.size()>1)?args[1]:KJS::Value();
+ m_wrapper->m_removeWindowHandler=(args.size()>2)?args[2]:KJS::Value();
+ } else if (m_id==KJSConsole) {
+ m_wrapper->m_part->view()->show();
+ } else
+ kdDebug()<<"Remove not implemented yet"<<endl;
+ return KJS::Boolean(true);
+void Kate::JS::Application::addBindings(KJS::ExecState *exec, KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *proxy,KJS::Object &object){
+ PluginKateKJSWrapper *wrap=static_cast<PluginKateKJSWrapper*>(proxy->part()->parent());
+ KJS::Object ToolView(new Application( exec, ToolView, proxy ,wrap));
+ ToolView.put(exec,KJS::Identifier("Left"),KJS::Number(KDockWidget::DockLeft) ,KJS::ReadOnly | KJS::DontDelete);
+ ToolView.put(exec,KJS::Identifier("Top"),KJS::Number(KDockWidget::DockTop) ,KJS::ReadOnly | KJS::DontDelete);
+ ToolView.put(exec,KJS::Identifier("Right"),KJS::Number(KDockWidget::DockRight) ,KJS::ReadOnly | KJS::DontDelete);
+ ToolView.put(exec,KJS::Identifier("Bottom"),KJS::Number(KDockWidget::DockBottom), KJS::ReadOnly | KJS::DontDelete);
+ General::addBindings(exec,proxy,ToolView);
+ object.put(exec, "ToolView",ToolView);
+ object.put(exec, KJS::Identifier("DocumentManager"),proxy->part()->bind(::Kate::documentManager()),KJS::ReadOnly | KJS::DontDelete);
+ object.put(exec, "windowCount", KJS::Object(new Application( exec, WindowCount, proxy,wrap)));
+ object.put(exec, "activeWindow", KJS::Object(new Application( exec, ActiveWindow, proxy,wrap)));
+ object.put(exec, "window", KJS::Object(new Application( exec, Window, proxy,wrap )));
+// object.put(exec, "ProjectManager",proxy->part()->bind(::Kate::projectManager());
+/* obbject.put(exec, KJS::Identifier("WindowManager"),proxy->part
+ KJS::Object*/
+ Kate::PluginManager *pluginManager ();
+ Kate::InitPluginManager *initPluginManager ();
+ Kate::MainWindow *activeMainWindow ();*/
+ // uint mainWindows ();
+ // Kate::MainWindow *mainWindow (uint n = 0);
+Kate::JS::Application::Application( KJS::ExecState *exec, int id, KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *parent,PluginKateKJSWrapper *plugin):KJSEmbed::JSProxyImp(exec) {
+ kdDebug()<<"Kate::JS::Application::Application"<<endl;
+ m_id=id;
+ m_proxy=parent;
+ m_plugin=plugin;
+Kate::JS::Application::~Application() {
+KJS::Value Kate::JS::Application::call( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &self, const KJS::List &args ) {
+ QObject *o=m_proxy->object();
+ Kate::Application *ka=dynamic_cast<Kate::Application*>(o);
+ if (!ka) {
+ kdWarning()<<"Object died"<<endl;
+ QString msg = i18n("Call of KATE member on destroyed object");
+ KJS::Object err = KJS::Error::create( exec, KJS::GeneralError, msg.utf8() );
+ exec->setException( err );
+ return KJS::Undefined();
+ }
+ QString mdesc;
+ switch (m_id) {
+ case WindowCount: {
+ mdesc="windowCount()";
+ if (args.size()!=0) break;
+ return KJS::Number(ka->mainWindows()); }
+ break;
+ case Window: {
+ mdesc="window(int)";
+ if (args.size()!=1) break;
+ uint index=args[0].toUInt32(exec);
+ if (exec->hadException()) break;
+ Kate::MainWindow *mw=ka->mainWindow(index);
+ if (!mw) return KJS::Null();
+ return m_plugin->getViewObject(mw)->winObj;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ActiveWindow: {
+ mdesc="activeWindow()";
+ if (args.size()!=0) break;
+ Kate::MainWindow *mw=ka->activeMainWindow();
+ if (!mw) return KJS::Null();
+ return m_plugin->getViewObject(mw)->winObj;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ QString msg = i18n("Method %1 called with wrong signature").arg(mdesc);
+ KJS::Object err = KJS::Error::create( exec, KJS::GeneralError, msg.utf8() );
+ exec->setException( err );
+ return KJS::Undefined();
+void Kate::JS::General::addBindings(KJS::ExecState *exec, KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *proxy,KJS::Object &object){
+#warning "try to find a way to make the function implementations static, right now this doesn't work because of the need to retrieve the interpreter"
+ KJS::Object methods= KJS::Object(new General( exec,proxy->interpreter(),MethodMethods));
+ KJS::Object fields= KJS::Object(new General( exec,proxy->interpreter(),MethodFields));
+ object.put(exec, "methods", methods);
+ object.put(exec, "fields", fields);
+Kate::JS::General::General( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Interpreter *interpreter, int id):KJSEmbed::JSProxyImp(exec) {
+ m_id=id;
+ m_interpreter=interpreter;
+KJS::Value Kate::JS::General::call( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &self, const KJS::List &args ) {
+ switch (m_id) {
+ case MethodMethods:
+ return methodz(exec,self,args);
+ case MethodFields:
+ return fieldz(exec,self,args);
+ default:
+ return KJS::Null();
+ }
+KJS::Value Kate::JS::General::methodz(KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &obj, const KJS::List &)
+ KJS::List items;
+ KJS::ReferenceList list=obj.propList(exec, /*bool recursive*/ false);
+ for (KJS::ReferenceListIterator it=list.begin();it!=list.end();it++) {
+ if (it->getValue(exec).toObject(exec).implementsCall()) items.append(KJS::String(it->getPropertyName(exec).qstring()));
+ }
+ return KJS::Object(m_interpreter->builtinArray().construct(exec,items) );
+KJS::Value Kate::JS::General::fieldz(KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &obj, const KJS::List &)
+ KJS::List items;
+ KJS::ReferenceList list=obj.propList(exec, /*bool recursive*/ false);
+ for (KJS::ReferenceListIterator it=list.begin();it!=list.end();it++) {
+ if (!(it->getValue(exec).toObject(exec).implementsCall())) items.append(KJS::String(it->getPropertyName(exec).qstring()));
+ }
+ return KJS::Object(m_interpreter->builtinArray().construct(exec,items) );
+Kate::JS::RefCountedObjectDict::RefCountedObjectDict(int size): QObject(), QPtrDict<ObjectEntry>(size) {
+ m_usageCount=0;
+ setAutoDelete(true);
+void Kate::JS::RefCountedObjectDict::incRef() {
+ m_usageCount++;
+void Kate::JS::RefCountedObjectDict::decRef() {
+ kdDebug()<<"Kate::JS:RefCountedObjectDict::decCount()"<<endl;
+ m_usageCount--;
+ if (m_usageCount<1) deleteLater();
+KJS::Object Kate::JS::RefCountedObjectDict::jsObject(KJS::ExecState *exec, QObject *obj, KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *proxy) {
+ ObjectEntry *oe=find(obj);
+ if (oe==0) {
+ oe=new ObjectEntry;
+ oe->obj=proxy->part()->factory()->createProxy(exec,obj,proxy);
+ connect(obj,SIGNAL(destroyed()),this,SLOT(removeSender()));
+ insert(obj,oe);
+ return oe->obj;
+ } else return oe->obj;
+void Kate::JS::RefCountedObjectDict::removeSender() {
+ kdDebug()<<"Trying to remove object from dict"<<sender()<<endl;
+ remove((void*)sender());
+void Kate::JS::MainWindow::addBindings(KJS::ExecState *exec, KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *proxy,KJS::Object &object){
+ kdDebug()<<"Kate::JS::MainWindow::addBindings - 1"<<endl;
+ if (!proxy)
+ return;
+ kdDebug()<<"Kate::JS::MainWindow::addBindings - 2"<<endl;
+ Kate::MainWindow *mw=dynamic_cast<Kate::MainWindow*>(proxy->object());
+ if (!mw) return;
+ kdDebug()<<"Kate::JS::MainWindow::addBindings - 3"<<endl;
+ PluginKateKJSWrapper *wrap=static_cast<PluginKateKJSWrapper*>(proxy->part()->parent());
+ if (!wrap) return;
+ kdDebug()<<"Kate::JS::MainWindow::addBindings - 4"<<endl;
+ object.put(exec, "actionCollection", KJS::Object(new MainWindow( exec, ActionCollection, proxy,wrap)));
+Kate::JS::MainWindow::MainWindow( KJS::ExecState *exec, int id, KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *parent,PluginKateKJSWrapper *plugin):KJSEmbed::JSProxyImp(exec) {
+ kdDebug()<<"Kate::JS::MainWindow::MainWindow"<<endl;
+ m_id=id;
+ m_proxy=parent;
+ m_plugin=plugin;
+Kate::JS::MainWindow::~MainWindow() {
+KJS::Value Kate::JS::MainWindow::call( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &self, const KJS::List &args ) {
+ QObject *o=m_proxy->object();
+ Kate::MainWindow *mw=dynamic_cast<Kate::MainWindow*>(o);
+ if (!mw) {
+ kdWarning()<<"Object died"<<endl;
+ QString msg = i18n("Call of MainWindow member on destroyed object");
+ KJS::Object err = KJS::Error::create( exec, KJS::GeneralError, msg.utf8() );
+ exec->setException( err );
+ return KJS::Undefined();
+ }
+ QString mdesc;
+ switch (m_id) {
+ case ActionCollection: {
+ mdesc="actionCollection()";
+ if (args.size()!=0) break;
+ return m_plugin->getViewObject(mw)->actionCollectionObj;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ return KJS::Undefined();
+ }
+ QString msg = i18n("Method %1 called with wrong signature").arg(mdesc);
+ KJS::Object err = KJS::Error::create( exec, KJS::GeneralError, msg.utf8() );
+ exec->setException( err );
+ return KJS::Undefined();
diff --git a/kate/kjswrapper/bindings.h b/kate/kjswrapper/bindings.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e98ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/kjswrapper/bindings.h
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+#include <kjsembed/jsbindingplugin.h>
+#include <kjsembed/jsproxy_imp.h>
+#include <kjsembed/jsobjectproxy.h>
+#include <kjsembed/jsfactory.h>
+#include <qptrdict.h>
+class PluginKateKJSWrapper;
+namespace Kate {
+ namespace JS {
+ struct ObjectEntry {
+ KJS::Object obj;
+ };
+ class RefCountedObjectDict: public QObject, public QPtrDict<ObjectEntry> {
+ public:
+ RefCountedObjectDict(int size);
+ void incRef();
+ void decRef();
+ KJS::Object jsObject(KJS::ExecState *exec, QObject *obj, KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *proxy);
+ public slots:
+ void removeSender();
+ private:
+ int m_usageCount;
+ };
+ class Bindings: public KJSEmbed::Bindings::JSBindingPlugin {
+ public:
+ Bindings(QObject *parent);
+ virtual ~Bindings();
+ KJS::Object createBinding(KJSEmbed::KJSEmbedPart *jspart, KJS::ExecState *exec, const KJS::List &args) const;
+ void addBindings(KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &target) const;
+ };
+ class DocumentManager: public KJSEmbed::JSProxyImp {
+ public:
+ enum MethodID {
+ Document,
+ ActiveDocument,
+ DocumentWithID,
+ FindDocument,
+ IsOpen,
+ OpenURL,
+ Documents,
+ CloseDocument,
+ CloseAllDocuments
+ };
+ virtual bool implementsCall() const { return true; }
+ virtual KJS::Value call( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &self, const KJS::List &args );
+ static void addBindings(KJS::ExecState *exec, KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *proxy,KJS::Object &target);
+ private:
+ DocumentManager( KJS::ExecState *exec, int id, KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *parent, RefCountedObjectDict *dict );
+ virtual ~DocumentManager();
+ private:
+ RefCountedObjectDict *m_dict;
+ int m_id;
+ KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *m_proxy;
+ };
+ class Management: public KJSEmbed::JSProxyImp {
+ public:
+ enum MethodID {
+ AddConfigPage,
+ SetConfigPages,
+ RemoveConfigPage,
+ SetWindowConfiguration,
+ KJSConsole
+ };
+ Management( KJS::ExecState *exec, int id, class PluginKateKJSWrapper *kateplug);
+ virtual bool implementsCall() const { return true; }
+ virtual KJS::Value call( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &self, const KJS::List &args );
+ private:
+ int m_id;
+ class PluginKateKJSWrapper *m_wrapper;
+ };
+ class Application: public KJSEmbed::JSProxyImp {
+ public:
+ enum MethodID {
+ ToolView,
+ WindowCount,
+ Window,
+ ActiveWindow,
+ };
+ virtual bool implementsCall() const { return true; }
+ virtual KJS::Value call( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &self, const KJS::List &args );
+ static void addBindings(KJS::ExecState *exec, KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *proxy,KJS::Object &target);
+ private:
+ Application( KJS::ExecState *exec, int id, KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *parent, PluginKateKJSWrapper *plugin );
+ ~Application();
+ private:
+ int m_id;
+ KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *m_proxy;
+ PluginKateKJSWrapper *m_plugin;
+ };
+ class General: public KJSEmbed::JSProxyImp {
+ public:
+ enum MethodID {
+ MethodMethods,
+ MethodFields
+ };
+ virtual bool implementsCall() const { return true; }
+ virtual KJS::Value call( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &self, const KJS::List &args );
+ virtual KJS::Value fieldz( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &self, const KJS::List &args );
+ virtual KJS::Value methodz( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &self, const KJS::List &args );
+ static void addBindings(KJS::ExecState *exec,KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *proxy,KJS::Object &target);
+ private:
+ General( KJS::ExecState *exec,KJS::Interpreter *interpreter,int id);
+ private:
+ int m_id;
+ KJS::Interpreter *m_interpreter;
+ };
+ class MainWindow: public KJSEmbed::JSProxyImp {
+ public:
+ enum MethodID {
+ ActionCollection
+ };
+ virtual bool implementsCall() const { return true; }
+ virtual KJS::Value call( KJS::ExecState *exec, KJS::Object &self, const KJS::List &args );
+ static void addBindings(KJS::ExecState *exec, KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *proxy,KJS::Object &target);
+ private:
+ MainWindow( KJS::ExecState *exec, int id, KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *parent, PluginKateKJSWrapper *plugin );
+ ~MainWindow();
+ private:
+ int m_id;
+ KJSEmbed::JSObjectProxy *m_proxy;
+ PluginKateKJSWrapper *m_plugin;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/kate/kjswrapper/plugin_katekjswrapper.cpp b/kate/kjswrapper/plugin_katekjswrapper.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3e54b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/kjswrapper/plugin_katekjswrapper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2004 Joseph Wenninger <>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+//BEGIN includes
+#include "plugin_katekjswrapper.h"
+#include "plugin_katekjswrapper.moc"
+#include "bindings.h"
+#include <kjsembed/kjsembedpart.h>
+#include <kjsembed/jssecuritypolicy.h>
+#include <kjsembed/jsfactory.h>
+#include <kjsembed/jsconsolewidget.h>
+#include <kjs/interpreter.h>
+#include <kjs/value.h>
+#include <kjs/object.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kate/mainwindow.h>
+#include <kate/toolviewmanager.h>
+#include <kdockwidget.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+//END includes
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( katekjswrapperplugin, KGenericFactory<PluginKateKJSWrapper>( "katekjswrapper" ) )
+PluginKateKJSWrapperView::~PluginKateKJSWrapperView() {
+void PluginKateKJSWrapperView::removeFromWindow() {
+ kdDebug()<<"PluginKateKJSWrapperView::removeFromWindow"<<endl;
+ for (QValueList<QGuardedPtr<KMDI::ToolViewAccessor> >::iterator it=toolviews.begin();it!=toolviews.end();it=toolviews.begin()) {
+ kdDebug()<<"removeFromWindow: removing a toolview"<<endl;
+ KMDI::ToolViewAccessor* tva=(*it);
+ toolviews.remove(it);
+ win->toolViewManager()->removeToolView (tva);
+ }
+ win->guiFactory()->removeClient (this);
+ }
+PluginKateKJSWrapper::PluginKateKJSWrapper( QObject* parent, const char* name, const QStringList& list)
+ : Kate::Plugin ( (Kate::Application *)parent, name ) {
+ m_views.setAutoDelete(true);
+ m_scriptname=list[0];
+ m_kateAppBindings=new Kate::JS::Bindings(this);
+ KJSEmbed::JSSecurityPolicy::setDefaultPolicy( KJSEmbed::JSSecurityPolicy::CapabilityAll );
+ m_part = new KJSEmbed::KJSEmbedPart(this);
+ KJS::Interpreter *js = m_part->interpreter();
+ KJSEmbed::JSFactory *factory=m_part->factory();
+/* factories for kate app classes */
+ factory->addQObjectPlugin("Kate::Application",m_kateAppBindings);
+ factory->addQObjectPlugin("Kate::DocumentManager",m_kateAppBindings);
+ factory->addQObjectPlugin("Kate::MainWindow",m_kateAppBindings);
+ factory->addQObjectPlugin("Kate::PluginManager",m_kateAppBindings);
+ factory->addQObjectPlugin("Kate::InitPluginManager",m_kateAppBindings);
+ factory->addQObjectPlugin("Kate::ProjectManager",m_kateAppBindings);
+ factory->addQObjectPlugin("Kate::Project",m_kateAppBindings);
+ factory->addQObjectPlugin("Kate::ViewManager",m_kateAppBindings);
+ factory->addQObjectPlugin("Kate::View",m_kateAppBindings);
+/* toplevel objects*/
+ KJS::Object appobj=m_part->addObject(Kate::application(),"KATE");
+ js->globalObject().put( js->globalExec(), "addConfigPage", KJS::Object(new Kate::JS::Management(js->globalExec(),Kate::JS::Management::AddConfigPage,this )));
+ js->globalObject().put( js->globalExec(), "setConfigPages", KJS::Object(new Kate::JS::Management(js->globalExec(),Kate::JS::Management::SetConfigPages,this )));
+ js->globalObject().put( js->globalExec(), "removeConfigPage", KJS::Object(new Kate::JS::Management(js->globalExec(),Kate::JS::Management::RemoveConfigPage,this )));
+ js->globalObject().put( js->globalExec(), "setWindowConfiguration", KJS::Object(new Kate::JS::Management(js->globalExec(),Kate::JS::Management::SetWindowConfiguration,this )));
+ js->globalObject().put( js->globalExec(), "KJSConsole", KJS::Object(new Kate::JS::Management(js->globalExec(),Kate::JS::Management::KJSConsole,this )));
+/* KJSEmbed::JSConsoleWidget *w=m_part->view();
+ w->show();
+ //w->show();*/
+ kdDebug()<<"m_scriptname="<<m_scriptname<<endl;
+ m_part->runFile(locate("appdata",QString("plugins/%1/%2.js").arg(m_scriptname).arg(m_scriptname)));
+ delete m_part;
+ m_part=0;
+uint PluginKateKJSWrapper::configPages () const {
+ KJS::Interpreter *js = m_part->interpreter();
+ KJS::ExecState *exec=js->globalExec();
+ if (! (m_configPageFactories.isNull() || (m_configPageFactories.type()==KJS::NullType))) {
+ KJS::Object constrs=m_configPageFactories.toObject(exec);
+ if (!exec->hadException()) {
+ if (QString(constrs.classInfo()->className)=="Array") {
+ kdDebug()<<"config page constructor array detected"<<endl;
+ uint size=constrs.get(exec,KJS::Identifier("length")).toInteger(exec);
+ if (exec->hadException()) {
+ exec->clearException();
+ kdDebug()<<"Error while retrieving array length"<<endl;
+ }
+ else return size;
+ } else return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ exec->clearException();
+ return 0;
+static KJS::Object getObj(KJS::Interpreter *js, KJS::Value mightBeArray, int id) {
+ KJS::ExecState *exec=js->globalExec();
+ KJS::Object constrs=mightBeArray.toObject(exec);
+ KJS::Value constr;
+ if (!exec->hadException()) {
+ if (QString(constrs.classInfo()->className)=="Array") {
+ kdDebug()<<"config page constructor array detected"<<endl;
+ constr=constrs.get(exec,id);
+ } else constr=mightBeArray;
+ }
+ return constr.toObject(js->globalExec());
+QString PluginKateKJSWrapper::configPageName(uint id) const {
+ if (id>=configPages()) return "";
+ KJS::Interpreter *js = m_part->interpreter();
+ KJS::Object constr=getObj(js,m_configPageFactories,id);
+ KJS::Value o=constr.get(js->globalExec(),KJS::Identifier("name"));
+ QString retVal( o.toString(js->globalExec()).qstring() );
+ kdDebug()<<"=============================================================================================="<<endl;
+ kdDebug()<<"PluginKateKJSWrapper::configPageName: "<<retVal<<endl;
+ kdDebug()<<"=============================================================================================="<<endl;
+ js->globalExec()->clearException();
+ return retVal;
+QString PluginKateKJSWrapper::configPageFullName(uint id) const {
+ if (id>=configPages()) return "";
+ KJS::Interpreter *js = m_part->interpreter();
+ KJS::Object constr=getObj(js,m_configPageFactories,id);
+ KJS::Value o=constr.get(js->globalExec(),KJS::Identifier("fullName"));
+ QString retVal( o.toString(js->globalExec()).qstring() );
+ kdDebug()<<"=============================================================================================="<<endl;
+ kdDebug()<<"PluginKateKJSWrapper::configPageFullName: "<<retVal<<endl;
+ kdDebug()<<"=============================================================================================="<<endl;
+ js->globalExec()->clearException();
+ return retVal;
+QPixmap PluginKateKJSWrapper::configPagePixmap (uint /*number = 0*/,
+ int /*size = KIcon::SizeSmall*/) const {
+ return 0;
+Kate::PluginConfigPage* PluginKateKJSWrapper::configPage (uint id,
+ QWidget *w, const char */*name*/) {
+ kdDebug()<<"PluginKateKJSWrapper::configPage"<<endl;
+ if (id>=configPages()) return 0;
+ KJS::Interpreter *js = m_part->interpreter();
+ KJS::Object constr=getObj(js,m_configPageFactories,id);
+ if (js->globalExec()->hadException()) {
+ kdDebug()<<"PluginKateKJSWrapper::configPage: exit 1"<<endl;
+ js->globalExec()->clearException();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!constr.implementsConstruct()) {
+ kdWarning()<<"config page factory has to be an object constructor"<<endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ KateKJSWrapperConfigPage *p=new KateKJSWrapperConfigPage(constr,this,w);
+ return (Kate::PluginConfigPage*)p;
+ KateKJSWrapperConfigPage* p = new KateKJSWrapperConfigPage(this, w);
+ //init
+ connect( p, SIGNAL(configPageApplyRequest(KateKJSWrapperConfigPage*)),
+ this, SLOT(applyConfig(KateKJSWrapperConfigPage*)) );
+ return (Kate::PluginConfigPage*);*/
+static KMDI::ToolViewAccessor *createToolView(KJSEmbed::JSFactory *factory,KJS::Interpreter *js, Kate::MainWindow *winN,KJS::Object win,KJS::Object viewConstructor) {
+ KJS::List params;
+ KJS::ExecState *exec = js->globalExec();
+ params.append(win);
+ exec->clearException();
+ int dockPos;
+ if (!viewConstructor.implementsConstruct()) return 0;
+ KJS::Value dockPosV=viewConstructor.get(exec,KJS::Identifier("startPosition"));
+ if (exec->hadException()) {
+ dockPos=KDockWidget::DockLeft;
+ exec->clearException();
+ } else {
+ dockPos=dockPosV.toInteger(exec);
+ if (exec->hadException()) {
+ dockPos=KDockWidget::DockLeft;
+ exec->clearException();
+ }
+ }
+ QString viewName;
+ KJS::Value viewNameV=viewConstructor.get(exec,KJS::Identifier("name"));
+ if (exec->hadException()) {
+ viewName="kjs_unknown";
+ exec->clearException();
+ } else {
+ viewName=QString( viewNameV.toString(exec).qstring() );
+ if (exec->hadException()) {
+ viewName="kjs_unknown";
+ exec->clearException();
+ }
+ }
+ Kate::JS::ToolView *tv=new Kate::JS::ToolView(viewConstructor,exec,factory,params,viewName.utf8());
+ //params.append(factory->createProxy(exec,tv));
+ //KJS::Object otv=viewConstructor.construct(exec,params);
+ if (exec->hadException()) {
+ kdDebug()<<"Error while calling constructor"<<endl;
+ delete tv;
+ kdDebug()<<exec->exception().toString(exec).qstring()<<endl;
+ exec->clearException();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ KMDI::ToolViewAccessor *tva=winN->toolViewManager()->addToolView((KDockWidget::DockPosition)dockPos,tv,
+ tv->icon()?(*(tv->icon())):QPixmap(),tv->caption());
+ kdDebug()<<"****************************************************************************************"<<endl;
+ kdDebug()<<"PluginKateKJSWrapper: Toolview has been added"<<endl;
+ kdDebug()<<"****************************************************************************************"<<endl;
+ return tva;
+PluginKateKJSWrapperView *PluginKateKJSWrapper::getViewObject(Kate::MainWindow *win) {
+ PluginKateKJSWrapperView * view=m_views[win];
+ if (!view) {
+ view=new PluginKateKJSWrapperView();
+ view->win=win;
+ connect(win,SIGNAL(destroyed()),this,SLOT(slotWindowDestroyed()));
+ m_views.insert(win,view);
+ KJS::Interpreter *js = m_part->interpreter();
+ KJS::ExecState *exec = js->globalExec();
+ view->actionCollectionObj=m_part->factory()->createProxy(exec,view->actionCollection());
+ view->winObj=m_part->factory()->createProxy(exec,win);
+ } else kdDebug()<<"returning cached View/Window Object"<<endl;
+ return view;
+void PluginKateKJSWrapper::addView(Kate::MainWindow *win)
+ PluginKateKJSWrapperView * view=getViewObject(win); // this is needed to ensure correct caching the javascript object
+ KJS::Interpreter *js = m_part->interpreter();
+ KJS::ExecState *exec = js->globalExec();
+ exec->clearException();
+ kdDebug()<<"****************************************************************************************"<<endl;
+ kdDebug()<<"PluginKateKJSWrapper::addView"<<endl;
+ kdDebug()<<"****************************************************************************************"<<endl;
+ kdDebug()<<"checking for newWindowHandler"<<endl;
+ if (!m_newWindowHandler.isNull()) {
+ KJS::List param;
+ param.append(view->winObj);
+ KJS::Object newWinFunc=m_newWindowHandler.toObject(exec);
+ if (exec->hadException()) {
+ exec->clearException();
+ } else {
+ if (newWinFunc.implementsCall()) {
+ if (exec->hadException()) {
+ kdDebug()<<"Error while calling newWindowHandler"<<endl;
+ exec->clearException();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (exec->hadException()) kdDebug()<<"void PluginKateKJSWrapper::addView(Kate::MainWindow *win): exec had an exception - 1"<<endl;
+ kdDebug()<<"checking for toolview constructors"<<endl;
+ if (! (m_toolViewConstructors.isNull() || (m_toolViewConstructors.type()==KJS::NullType))) {
+ KJS::Object constrs=m_toolViewConstructors.toObject(exec);
+ if (!exec->hadException()) {
+ if (QString(constrs.classInfo()->className)=="Array") {
+ kdDebug()<<"Toolview constructor array detected"<<endl;
+ int size=constrs.get(exec,KJS::Identifier("length")).toInteger(exec);
+ if (exec->hadException()) {
+ exec->clearException();
+ kdDebug()<<"Error while retrieving array length"<<endl;
+ }
+ else {
+ for (int i=0;i<size;i++) {
+ KJS::Object constrO=constrs.get(exec,i).toObject(exec);
+ if (exec->hadException()) {
+ exec->clearException();
+ } else {
+ KMDI::ToolViewAccessor *w=createToolView(m_part->factory(),js,win,view->winObj,constrO);
+ if (w) {
+ view->toolviews.append(QGuardedPtr<KMDI::ToolViewAccessor>(w));
+ }
+ exec->clearException();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ kdDebug()<<"Single toolview constructor detected"<<endl;
+ if (!constrs.implementsConstruct()) {
+ kdWarning()<<"wrong object type"<<endl;
+ } else {
+ KMDI::ToolViewAccessor *w=createToolView(m_part->factory(),js,win,view->winObj,constrs);
+ if (w) {
+ view->toolviews.append(QGuardedPtr<KMDI::ToolViewAccessor>(w));
+ }
+ exec->clearException();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else kdDebug()<<"void PluginKateKJSWrapper::addView(Kate::MainWindow *win): no toolview constructors"<<endl;
+ if (exec->hadException()) kdDebug()<<"void PluginKateKJSWrapper::addView(Kate::MainWindow *win): exec had an exception - 2"<<endl;
+ view->setInstance (new KInstance("kate"));
+ view->setXMLFile(QString("plugins/%1/%2.rc").arg(m_scriptname).arg(m_scriptname));
+ win->guiFactory()->addClient (view);
+void PluginKateKJSWrapper::slotWindowDestroyed() {
+ m_views.remove((void*)sender());
+void PluginKateKJSWrapper::removeView(Kate::MainWindow *win)
+//here toolviews must not be destroyed. Only cleanup functions called the view should be removed in the slot connected to the windows destroy signal only
+ m_views[win]->removeFromWindow();
+void PluginKateKJSWrapper::applyConfig( KateKJSWrapperConfigPage *p )
+#if 0
+ config->writeEntry( "Command History Length", p->sb_cmdhistlen->value() );
+ // truncate the cmd hist if nessecary?
+ config->writeEntry( "Start In", p->rg_startin->id(p->rg_startin->selected()) );
+ config->sync();
+KateKJSWrapperConfigPage::KateKJSWrapperConfigPage(KJS::Object pageConstructor,PluginKateKJSWrapper* parent,
+ QWidget *parentWidget)
+ : Kate::PluginConfigPage( parentWidget ),m_plugin(parent)
+ QVBoxLayout *l=new QVBoxLayout(this);
+ l->setAutoAdd(true);
+ l->activate();
+ KJS::Interpreter *js = parent->m_part->interpreter();
+ KJS::ExecState *exec = js->globalExec();
+ exec->clearException();
+ KJS::List param;
+ param.append(parent->m_part->factory()->createProxy(exec,this,0));
+ m_pageObject=pageConstructor.construct(exec,param);
+static void callJS(KJSEmbed::KJSEmbedPart *p,KJS::Object o,const QString& funcName){
+ KJS::Interpreter *js = p->interpreter();
+ KJS::ExecState *exec = js->globalExec();
+ KJS::List param;
+ exec->clearException();
+ KJS::Value funcV=o.get(exec,KJS::Identifier(funcName));
+ if (exec->hadException()) {
+#warning clear exception ?
+ return;
+ }
+ KJS::Object func=funcV.toObject(exec);
+ if (exec->hadException()) {
+#warning clear exception ?
+ return;
+ }
+ if (func.implementsCall()) {
+ if (js->globalExec()->hadException()) {
+#warning clear exception ?
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void KateKJSWrapperConfigPage::apply()
+ callJS(m_plugin->m_part,m_pageObject,"apply");
+void KateKJSWrapperConfigPage::reset()
+ callJS(m_plugin->m_part,m_pageObject,"reset");
+void KateKJSWrapperConfigPage::defaults()
+ callJS(m_plugin->m_part,m_pageObject,"defaults");
+Kate::JS::ToolView::ToolView(KJS::Object constr, KJS::ExecState *exec, KJSEmbed::JSFactory *factory, KJS::List parameters, const char *name):QVBox(0,name) {
+ parameters.append(factory->createProxy(exec,this));
+ handler=constr.construct(exec,parameters);
+Kate::JS::ToolView::~ToolView() {
diff --git a/kate/kjswrapper/plugin_katekjswrapper.h b/kate/kjswrapper/plugin_katekjswrapper.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f04043e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/kjswrapper/plugin_katekjswrapper.h
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2004 Joseph Wenninger <>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <kate/application.h>
+#include <kate/documentmanager.h>
+#include <kate/document.h>
+#include <kate/pluginconfiginterface.h>
+#include <kate/pluginconfiginterfaceextension.h>
+#include <kate/mainwindow.h>
+#include <kate/plugin.h>
+#include <kate/view.h>
+#include <kate/viewmanager.h>
+#include <kcombobox.h>
+#include <kdialogbase.h>
+#include <klibloader.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kurlrequester.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+#include <kjs/value.h>
+#include <kjs/object.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#include <qptrdict.h>
+#include <kxmlguiclient.h>
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+#include <qguardedptr.h>
+namespace Kate {
+ class PluginConfigPage;
+ namespace JS {
+ class Bindings;
+ class Management;
+ class RefCountedObjectDict;
+ class Application;
+ class MainWindow;
+ }
+namespace KJSEmbed {
+ class KJSEmbedPart;
+ class JSFactory;
+class KateKJSWrapperConfigPage;
+class PluginKateKJSWrapperView;
+namespace KMDI {
+ class ToolViewAccessor;
+class PluginKateKJSWrapper : public Kate::Plugin,
+ Kate::PluginViewInterface,
+ Kate::PluginConfigInterfaceExtension
+ public:
+ PluginKateKJSWrapper( QObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, const QStringList& = QStringList() );
+ virtual ~PluginKateKJSWrapper();
+ void addView (Kate::MainWindow *win);
+ void removeView (Kate::MainWindow *win);
+ Kate::View *kv;
+ QPtrDict<class PluginKateKJSWrapperView> m_views;
+ uint configPages () const;
+ Kate::PluginConfigPage *configPage (uint , QWidget *w, const char *name=0);
+ QString configPageName(uint) const;
+ QString configPageFullName(uint) const;
+ QPixmap configPagePixmap (uint /*number = 0*/,
+ int /*size = KIcon::SizeSmall*/) const;
+ PluginKateKJSWrapperView *getViewObject(Kate::MainWindow *win);
+ public slots:
+ //void slotInsertCommand();
+ //void slotAbort();
+ void applyConfig( KateKJSWrapperConfigPage* );
+ void slotWindowDestroyed();
+ private:
+ friend class Kate::JS::Management;
+ friend class KateKJSWrapperConfigPage;
+ KJSEmbed::KJSEmbedPart *m_part;
+ Kate::JS::Bindings *m_kateAppBindings;
+ //QValueList<KJS::Value> m_configPageFactories;
+ KJS::Value m_configPageFactories;
+ KJS::Value m_toolViewConstructors;
+ KJS::Value m_newWindowHandler;
+ KJS::Value m_removeWindowHandler;
+ QString m_scriptname;
+ };
+/** Config page for the plugin. */
+class KateKJSWrapperConfigPage : public Kate::PluginConfigPage
+ friend class PluginKateKJSWrapper;
+ public:
+ KateKJSWrapperConfigPage(KJS::Object pageConstructor,PluginKateKJSWrapper* parent = 0L, QWidget *parentWidget = 0L);
+ ~KateKJSWrapperConfigPage() {};
+ /** Reimplemented from Kate::PluginConfigPage
+ * just emits configPageApplyRequest( this ).
+ */
+ void apply();
+ void reset ();
+ void defaults ();
+ signals:
+ /** Ask the plugin to set initial values */
+ void configPageApplyRequest( KateKJSWrapperConfigPage* );
+ /** Ask the plugin to apply changes */
+ void configPageInitRequest( KateKJSWrapperConfigPage* );
+ private:
+ KJS::Object m_pageObject;
+ PluginKateKJSWrapper *m_plugin;
+ };
+class PluginKateKJSWrapperView : public KXMLGUIClient
+ public:
+ virtual ~PluginKateKJSWrapperView();
+ private:
+ friend class PluginKateKJSWrapper;
+ friend class Kate::JS::Application;
+ friend class Kate::JS::MainWindow;
+ void removeFromWindow();
+ Kate::MainWindow *win;
+ KJS::Object winObj;
+ KJS::Object actionCollectionObj;
+ QValueList<QGuardedPtr<KMDI::ToolViewAccessor> > toolviews;
+namespace Kate {
+ namespace JS {
+ class ToolView: public QVBox {
+ public:
+ ToolView(KJS::Object constr, KJS::ExecState *exec, KJSEmbed::JSFactory *factory, KJS::List parameters, const char * name);
+ virtual ~ToolView();
+ private:
+ KJS::Object handler;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/kate/kjswrapper/samples/ b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee9a457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Install the .rc file in the Part's directory (in this case, the part
+# is KHTMLPart)
+pluginsconsolewindow_DATA=katekjsconsolewindow.js katekjsconsolewindow.rc
+pluginsselect_DATA=katekjsselect.js katekjsselect.rc
+#plugins2dir = $(kde_datadir)/kate/plugins/katekjstest2
+#plugins2_DATA = katekjstest2.js
+kde_services_DATA = katekjstest1.desktop katekjsconsolewindow.desktop katekjsselect.desktop
+#kde_services_DATA = katekjstest2.desktop
+messages: rc.cpp
+ $(XGETTEXT) *.cpp -o $(podir)/kateinsertcommand.pot
diff --git a/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsconsolewindow.desktop b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsconsolewindow.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a882953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsconsolewindow.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Kate Javascript Console Window
+Name[bg]=Прозорец за изхода на Javascript
+Name[ca]=Finestra de consola de Javascript per a Kate
+Name[cs]=Okno javscriptové konzole Kate
+Name[da]=Kate Javascript konsolvindue
+Name[de]=Konsolenfenster für JavaScript in Kate
+Name[el]=Παράθυρο κονσόλας Javascript του Kate
+Name[eo]=Javaskripta konzolfenestro por Kodredaktilo
+Name[es]=Ventana de la consola de Javascript de Kate
+Name[et]=Kate Javascripti konsooliaken
+Name[eu]=Kate Javascript konsola leihoa
+Name[fa]=پنجرۀ پیشانۀ جاوااسکریپت Kate
+Name[fi]=Kate Javascript konsoli-ikkuna
+Name[fr]=Console Javascript pour Kate
+Name[fy]=Kate Javascript console-finster
+Name[ga]=Fuinneog Chonsóil Javascript Kate
+Name[gl]=Fiestra de Consola de JavaScript para Kate
+Name[he]= חלון תסריטי הג'אווה של Kate
+Name[hi]=केएटीई जावास्क्रिप्ट कंसोल विंडो
+Name[hr]=Kate terminalski prozor za Javascript
+Name[hu]=Kate Javascript-es parancsértelmező ablak
+Name[is]=Kate Javascript skjáhermir
+Name[it]=Finestra console JavaScript di Kate
+Name[ja]=Kate Javascript コンソールウィンドウ
+Name[ka]=Kate Javascript კონსოლის ფანჯარა
+Name[kk]=Kate Javascript консоль терезесі
+Name[km]=បង្អួច​កុងសូល​របស់ Kate Javascript
+Name[mk]=прозорец со Javascript-конзола за Кате
+Name[nb]=Javascript konsollvindu for Kate
+Name[nds]=Javascript-Konsoolfinster för Kate
+Name[ne]=केट जाभास्क्रिप्ट कन्सोल सञ्झ्याल
+Name[nl]=Kate Javascript console-venster
+Name[nn]=Javascript-konsollvindauge til Kate
+Name[pa]=ਕੇਟ ਜਾਵਾਸਕਰਿਪ ਕੰਨਸੋਲ ਝਰੋਖਾ
+Name[pl]=Okno konsoli Javascript dla Kate
+Name[pt]=Janela de Consola de JavaScript do Kate
+Name[pt_BR]=Janela de Console Javascript do Kate
+Name[ru]=Окно консоли Javascript Kate
+Name[sk]=Konzolové okno Kate Javascript
+Name[sl]=Konzolno okno javascripta v Kate
+Name[sr]=Конзолни прозор JavaSript-а за Kate
+Name[sr@Latn]=Konzolni prozor JavaSript-a za Kate
+Name[sv]=Kate Javaskript terminalfönster
+Name[tg]=Тирезаи нозиргоҳи Kate Javascript
+Name[tr]=Kate Javascript Konsol Penceresi
+Name[uk]=Вікно консолі Javascript для Kate
+Name[vi]=Cửa sổ bàn giao tiếp Javascript Kate
+Name[zh_CN]=Kate Javascript 控制台窗口
+Name[zh_TW]=Kate Javascript 主控台視窗
diff --git a/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsconsolewindow.js b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsconsolewindow.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e253ce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsconsolewindow.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+function newWindowCallBack(mainwindow) {
+ var ac=mainwindow.actionCollection();
+ action = new KAction( ac, 'kjsconsole_show_action' );
+ action.text = 'Javascript Console Window';
+ action.icon = 'konsole';
+ mainwindow.showConsole = function()
+ {
+ KJSConsole();
+ }
+ action.connect( action, 'activated()', mainwindow, 'showConsole' );
diff --git a/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsconsolewindow.rc b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsconsolewindow.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ac34fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsconsolewindow.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!DOCTYPE kpartgui>
+<kpartplugin name="katekjsconsolewindow" library="libkatekjsconsolewindowplugin" version="1">
+ <Menu name="tools"><Text>&amp;Tools</Text>
+ <Action name="kjsconsole_show_action"/>
+ </Menu>
diff --git a/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsselect.desktop b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsselect.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4d1273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsselect.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Select Smallest Enclosing Block
+Name[ca]=Selecció del bloc tancat més petit
+Name[cs]=Zvolte nejmenší blok
+Name[da]=Vælg den mindste omsluttende blok
+Name[de]=Kleinsten einschließenden Block auswählen
+Name[el]=Επιλογή του μικρότερου περικλυόμενου κομματιού
+Name[eo]=Elektu pli mallongan entenantan blokon
+Name[es]=Selecciona un bloque cerrado más pequeño
+Name[et]=Vali väikseim sulgev blokk
+Name[eu]=Hautatu blokerik txikiena
+Name[fa]=گزینش کوچک‌ترین بلوک محصور
+Name[fi]=Valitse pienin ympäröity lohko
+Name[fr]=Sélection du plus petit bloc enfermé
+Name[fy]=Lytste ynslutende blok selektearje
+Name[gl]=Seleccionar o Menor Bloco Envolvente
+Name[he]=בחר את בלוק הסגירה הכי קטן
+Name[hr]=Odabir najmanjeg zatvorenog bloka
+Name[hu]=A legkisebb bezáró blokk kijelölése
+Name[is]=Velja minnstu umluktu blokkina
+Name[it]=Seleziona il più piccolo blocco
+Name[ka]=უმცირესი დახურვის ბლოკის ამორჩევა
+Name[kk]=Ең шағын блокты таңдау
+Name[lt]=Žymėti mažiausią bloką
+Name[mk]=Најмал опкружувачки блок
+Name[ms]=Pilih Blok Penutupan Terkecil
+Name[nb]=Velg minste omsluttende blokk
+Name[nds]=Den lüttsten insluten Block utsöken
+Name[ne]=सामेल गरिने सबैभन्दा सानो खण्ड चयन गर्नुहोस्
+Name[nl]=Kleinste insluitende blok selecteren
+Name[nn]=Vel minste omsluttande blokk
+Name[pl]=Wybierz najmniejszy blok zawierający
+Name[pt]=Seleccionar o Menor Bloco Envolvente
+Name[pt_BR]=Sleecione o Menor Bloco Aninhado
+Name[ru]=Выбор наименьшего блока
+Name[sk]=Zvolí najmenší ohraničujúci blok
+Name[sl]=Izberite najmanjši obdajajoč blok
+Name[sr]=Изаберите најмањи обухватајући блок
+Name[sr@Latn]=Izaberite najmanji obuhvatajući blok
+Name[sv]=Markera minsta omgivande block
+Name[ta]=மிகச்சிறிய இணைப்பை தேர்ந்தெடு
+Name[tr]=Çevreleyen en küçük bloğu seç
+Name[uk]=Виберіть найменший блок включення
+Name[vi]=Chọn khối chứa nhỏ nhất
diff --git a/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsselect.js b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsselect.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6a33fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsselect.js
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+function newWindowCallBack(mainwindow) {
+ var ac=mainwindow.actionCollection();
+ action = new KAction( ac, 'kjsselect_select_action' );
+ action.text = 'Select enclosing block';
+ //action.icon = 'konsole';
+ mainwindow.selectIt = function()
+ {
+ endChars=Array();
+ endChars['\"']="\"";
+ endChars['(']=")";
+ endChars['[']="]";
+ endChars['\'']="'";
+ endChars['{']="}";
+ endChar="";
+ av=this.viewManager().activeView();
+ d=KATE.DocumentManager.activeDocument();
+ lineCnt=d.numLines();
+ x=av.cursorColumn();
+ y=av.cursorLine();
+ line=d.textLine(y);
+ sy=y;
+ sx=x-1;
+ while (true) {
+ if (sx<0) {
+ sy=sy-1;
+ if (sy<0) {
+ d.selectAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ line=d.textLine(sy);
+ while (line.length==0) {
+ sy=sy-1;
+ if (sy<0) {
+ d.selectAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ line=d.textLine(sy);
+ }
+ sx=line.length-1;
+ }
+ if (
+ (line[sx]=="\"") ||
+ (line[sx]=="'") ||
+ (line[sx]=="(") ||
+ (line[sx]=="[") ||
+ (line[sx]=="{")
+ ) {
+ endChar=endChars[line[sx]];
+ break;
+ }else sx--;
+ }
+ alert("Searching end");
+ ex=x;
+ ey=y;
+ line=d.textLine(y);
+ while (true) {
+ if (ex>=(line.length-1)) {
+ ey=ey+1;
+ if (ey>=lineCnt) {
+ d.selectAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ line=d.textLine(ey);
+ while (line.length==0) {
+ ey=ey+1;
+ if (ey>=lineCnt) {
+ d.selectAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ line=d.textLine(ey);
+ }
+ ex=0;
+ }
+ if (line[ex]==endChar)
+ break; else ex++;
+ }
+ d.setSelection(sy,sx,ey,ex);
+ }
+ action.connect( action, 'activated()', mainwindow, 'selectIt' );
diff --git a/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsselect.rc b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsselect.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b210a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjsselect.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!DOCTYPE kpartgui>
+<kpartplugin name="katekjsselect" library="libkatekjsselect" version="1">
+ <Menu name="tools"><Text>&amp;Tools</Text>
+ <Action name="kjsselect_select_action"/>
+ </Menu>
diff --git a/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjstest1.desktop b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjstest1.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5731b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjstest1.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Kate KJS Test 1
+Name[bs]=Kate KJS test 1
+Name[ca]=Test 1 per KJS a Kate
+Name[cs]=Kate KJS test 1
+Name[el]=Kate KJS δοκιμή 1
+Name[eo]=KJS testo 1 de Kodredaktilo
+Name[et]=Kate KJS test 1
+Name[eu]=Kate KJS-ren 1 froga
+Name[fa]=آزمون ۱ Kate KJS
+Name[fi]=Kate KJS testi 1
+Name[fr]=Test 1 KJS pour Kate
+Name[ga]=Tástáil 1 Kate KJS
+Name[gl]=Proba 1 para Kate KJS
+Name[he]=ניסוי KJS של Kate מספר 1
+Name[hi]=के-एटीई केजेएस जाँच 1
+Name[is]=Kate KJS prufa 1
+Name[ja]=Kate KJS テスト 1
+Name[km]=សាកល្បង Kate KJS
+Name[ms]=Kate KJS Ujian 1
+Name[nds]=Kate-KJSTest 1
+Name[ne]=केट केजेएस परीक्षण १
+Name[nn]=Kate KJS-test 1
+Name[pa]=ਕੇਟ KJS Test 1
+Name[pl]=KJS Test 1 dla Kate
+Name[pt]=Teste 1 Kate do KJS
+Name[pt_BR]=Teste Kate KJS 1
+Name[sl]=Kate KJS preizkus 1
+Name[sr]=Kate KJS, тест 1
+Name[sr@Latn]=Kate KJS, test 1
+Name[ta]=கேட் KJS சோதனை 1
+Name[tr]=Kate KJS Deneme1
+Name[uk]=Kate KJS Тест 1
+Name[vi]=Thử thách KJS Kate 1
+Name[zh_CN]=Kate KJS 测试 1
+Comment=Test for the KJS Wrapper
+Comment[bg]=Проба на обвивката на KJS
+Comment[ca]=Test pel Wrapper de KJS
+Comment[cs]=Test KJS wrapperu
+Comment[da]=Test for KJS Wrapper
+Comment[de]=Test für den KJS-Wrapper
+Comment[el]=Δοκιμή για το KJS Wrapper
+Comment[eo]=Testo por la KJS envolvaĵo
+Comment[es]=Test para el ajuste KJS
+Comment[et]=KJS Wrapperi test
+Comment[eu]=KJS Wrapper-erako testua
+Comment[fa]=آزمون برای سطربندی KJS
+Comment[fi]=KJS Wrapperin testi
+Comment[fr]=Test pour l'interface avec KJS
+Comment[fy]=Test foar de KJS Wrapper
+Comment[ga]=Tástáil an Rapar KJS
+Comment[gl]=Proba para o Wrapper de KJS
+Comment[he]=ניסיון עבור המעטפת KJS
+Comment[hi]=केजेएस व्रेपर के लिए जाँच
+Comment[hr]=Provjera za KJS omotač
+Comment[hu]=Tesztprogram a KJS felülethez
+Comment[is]=Prufa fyrir KJS eininguna
+Comment[it]=Test per il wrapper KJS
+Comment[ja]=KJS ラッパーのテスト
+Comment[ka]=KJS Wrapper-ის შემოწმება
+Comment[kk]=KJS Wrapper сынағы
+Comment[km]=សាកល្បង​សម្រាប់​​កម្មវិធី​រុំ​ KJS
+Comment[lt]=Bandymas KJS įdėklui
+Comment[mk]=Тест за обвивката KJS
+Comment[ms]=Ujian untuk Pembungkus KJS
+Comment[nb]=Test for KJS-omslaget
+Comment[nds]=Test för den KJS-Wrapper
+Comment[ne]=केजेएस आवरणका लागि परीक्षण
+Comment[nl]=Test voor de KJS Wrapper
+Comment[nn]=Test for KJS-omslaget
+Comment[pl]=Test obsługi KJS
+Comment[pt]=Teste para o 'Wrapper' de KJS
+Comment[pt_BR]=Teste para o Wrapper do KJS
+Comment[ru]=Тест KJS Wrapper
+Comment[sk]=Test pre obálku KJS
+Comment[sl]=Preizkus za KJS Wrapper
+Comment[sr]=Тест за KJS омотач
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Test za KJS omotač
+Comment[sv]=Test för KJS-omslutande program
+Comment[ta]=KJS சுற்றுத்தாளுக்கான சோதனை
+Comment[tr]=KJS Wrapper Testi
+Comment[uk]=Тест для KJS Wrapper
+Comment[vi]=Thử thách cho bộ bao bọc KJS
+Comment[zh_CN]=KJS Wrapper 的测试
+Comment[zh_TW]=KJS 包裝測試
diff --git a/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjstest1.js b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjstest1.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e4e041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/kjswrapper/samples/katekjstest1.js
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+ First configuration page
+function Page1 (parentWidget) {
+ this.defaults=function() {
+ alert("Defaults has been called");
+ }
+ this.apply=function() {
+ alert("Apply has been called");
+ }
+ this.reset=function() {
+ alert("Reset defaults has been called");
+ }
+ box=new QVBox(parentWidget);
+ this.button1=new QPushButton(box);
+ this.button1.text="P1 Button 1";
+ this.button2=new QPushButton(box);
+ this.button2.text="P1 Button 2";
+ Second configuration page
+function Page2 (parentWidget) {
+ box=new QVBox(parentWidget);
+ this.button1=new QPushButton(box);
+ this.button1.text="P2 Button 1";
+ this.button2=new QPushButton(box);
+ this.button2.text="P2Button 2";
+ Third configuration page
+function Page3 (parentWidget) {
+ box=new QVBox(parentWidget);
+ this.button1=new QPushButton(box);
+ this.button1.text="P3 Button 1";
+ this.button2=new QPushButton(box);
+ this.button2.text="P3 Button 2";
+ First toolview
+function MyToolView1 (mainwindow,parentwidget) {
+ parentwidget.caption="This is my first JS Toolview";
+ parentwidget.icon=StdIcons.BarIcon("yes");
+ = new KListView( parentwidget );
+ StdIcons.BarIcon("no"), 'Something', "Nothing", "Thing" );
+ StdIcons.BarIcon("no"), 'Something', "Nothing", "Thing" );
+ StdIcons.BarIcon("no"), 'Something', "Nothing", "Thing" );
+ StdIcons.BarIcon("no"), 'Something', "Nothing", "Thing" );
+ this.changed=function() {
+ alert("Item changed");
+ KATE.DocumentManager.activeDocument().insertText(0,0,"TEST");
+ }
+ this.cleanup=function() {
+ alert("Cleanup MyToolView1");
+ }
+ Second toolview
+function MyToolView2 (mainwindow,parentwidget) {
+ parentwidget.caption="This is my second JS Toolview";
+ parentwidget.icon=StdIcons.BarIcon("no");
+ QListBox(parentwidget);
+ this.mainwindow=mainwindow;
+ this.cleanup=function() {
+ alert("Cleanup MyToolView2");
+ }
+ NewWindow callback
+function newWindowCallBack(mainwindow) {
+ alert("New Window has been created");
+ anotherToolView = function (mainwindow,parentwidget) {
+ parentwidget.caption="This is my third JS Toolview";
+ parentwidget.icon=StdIcons.BarIcon("kate");
+ QListBox(parentwidget);
+ this.mainwindow=mainwindow;
+ this.cleanup=function() {
+ alert("Cleanup MyToolView3");
+ }
+ }
+ anotherToolView.startPosition=KATE.ToolView.Left;
+ mainwindow.createToolView(anotherToolView);*/
+ WindowRemoved callback
+function windowRemovedCallBack(mainwindow) {
+ alert("Window has been removed");
+ Initialization
+cpc=new Array();
+tvc=new Array();