path: root/kcontrol/kthememanager
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <>2013-05-09 14:17:33 -0500
committerTimothy Pearson <>2013-05-09 14:17:33 -0500
commit77cbd6e9576edc206b1610ea9495e502a3639068 (patch)
treef1b52c360ea4af6903632bc0169230352ffa0012 /kcontrol/kthememanager
parentf08ddb4652c6658ce3ad294509e101da468c1af6 (diff)
Fix theme manager overwriting undefined theme settings with garbage
This resolves Bug 1174 Fix tderandrtray displaying profile list when only the default profile is available
Diffstat (limited to 'kcontrol/kthememanager')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/kcontrol/kthememanager/ktheme.cpp b/kcontrol/kthememanager/ktheme.cpp
index d5a593727..0dcee8105 100644
--- a/kcontrol/kthememanager/ktheme.cpp
+++ b/kcontrol/kthememanager/ktheme.cpp
@@ -410,20 +410,19 @@ void KTheme::apply()
desktopConf.writeEntry( "DeskNum", desktopElem.attribute( "number", "0" ).toUInt() );
desktopConf.setGroup( TQString( "Desktop%1" ).arg( i ) );
- desktopConf.writeEntry( "BackgroundMode", getProperty( desktopElem, "mode", "id" ) );
- desktopConf.writeEntry( "Color1", TQColor( getProperty( desktopElem, "color1", "rgb" ) ) );
- desktopConf.writeEntry( "Color2", TQColor( getProperty( desktopElem, "color2", "rgb" ) ) );
- desktopConf.writeEntry( "BlendMode", getProperty( desktopElem, "blending", "mode" ) );
- desktopConf.writeEntry( "BlendBalance", getProperty( desktopElem, "blending", "balance" ) );
- desktopConf.writeEntry( "ReverseBlending",
- static_cast<bool>( getProperty( desktopElem, "blending", "reverse" ).toUInt() ) );
- desktopConf.writeEntry( "Pattern", getProperty( desktopElem, "pattern", "name" ) );
- desktopConf.writeEntry( "Wallpaper",
- unprocessFilePath( "desktop", getProperty( desktopElem, "wallpaper", "url" ) ) );
- desktopConf.writeEntry( "WallpaperMode", getProperty( desktopElem, "wallpaper", "mode" ) );
- if ( common )
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "mode", "id" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "BackgroundMode", getProperty( desktopElem, "mode", "id" ) );
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "color1", "rgb" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "Color1", TQColor( getProperty( desktopElem, "color1", "rgb" ) ) );
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "color2", "rgb" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "Color2", TQColor( getProperty( desktopElem, "color2", "rgb" ) ) );
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "blending", "mode" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "BlendMode", getProperty( desktopElem, "blending", "mode" ) );
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "blending", "balance" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "BlendBalance", getProperty( desktopElem, "blending", "balance" ) );
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "blending", "reverse" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "ReverseBlending", static_cast<bool>( getProperty( desktopElem, "blending", "reverse" ).toUInt() ) );
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "pattern", "name" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "Pattern", getProperty( desktopElem, "pattern", "name" ) );
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "wallpaper", "url" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "Wallpaper", unprocessFilePath( "desktop", getProperty( desktopElem, "wallpaper", "url" ) ) );
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "wallpaper", "mode" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "WallpaperMode", getProperty( desktopElem, "wallpaper", "mode" ) );
+ if ( common ) {
break; // stop here
+ }
@@ -439,8 +438,9 @@ void KTheme::apply()
desktopConf.sync(); // TODO sync and signal only if <desktop> elem present
// reconfigure kdesktop. kdesktop will notify all clients
DCOPClient *client = kapp->dcopClient();
- if ( !client->isAttached() )
+ if ( !client->isAttached() ) {
+ }
client->send("kdesktop", "KBackgroundIface", "configure()", TQString(""));
// FIXME Xinerama
@@ -457,29 +457,36 @@ void KTheme::apply()
TQDomElement iconSubElem = iconList.item( i ).toElement();
TQString object = iconSubElem.attribute( "object" );
- if ( object == "desktop" )
+ if ( object == "desktop" ) {
iconConf->setGroup( "DesktopIcons" );
- else if ( object == "mainToolbar" )
+ }
+ else if ( object == "mainToolbar" ) {
iconConf->setGroup( "MainToolbarIcons" );
- else if ( object == "panel" )
+ }
+ else if ( object == "panel" ) {
iconConf->setGroup( "PanelIcons" );
- else if ( object == "small" )
+ }
+ else if ( object == "small" ) {
iconConf->setGroup( "SmallIcons" );
- else if ( object == "toolbar" )
+ }
+ else if ( object == "toolbar" ) {
iconConf->setGroup( "ToolbarIcons" );
+ }
TQString iconName = iconSubElem.tagName();
- if ( iconName.contains( "Color" ) )
- {
+ if ( iconName.contains( "Color" ) ) {
TQColor iconColor = TQColor( iconSubElem.attribute( "rgb" ) );
iconConf->writeEntry( iconName, iconColor, true, true );
- else if ( iconName.contains( "Value" ) || iconName == "Size" )
+ else if ( iconName.contains( "Value" ) || iconName == "Size" ) {
iconConf->writeEntry( iconName, iconSubElem.attribute( "value" ).toUInt(), true, true );
- else if ( iconName.contains( "Effect" ) )
+ }
+ else if ( iconName.contains( "Effect" ) ) {
iconConf->writeEntry( iconName, iconSubElem.attribute( "name" ), true, true );
- else
+ }
+ else {
iconConf->writeEntry( iconName, static_cast<bool>( iconSubElem.attribute( "value" ).toUInt() ), true, true );
+ }
@@ -576,21 +583,22 @@ void KTheme::apply()
TDEConfig twinConf( "twinrc" );
twinConf.setGroup( "Style" );
TQString type = wmElem.attribute( "type" );
- if ( type == "builtin" )
+ if ( type == "builtin" ) {
twinConf.writeEntry( "PluginLib", wmElem.attribute( "name" ) );
+ }
//else // TODO support custom themes
TQDomNodeList buttons = wmElem.elementsByTagName ("buttons");
if ( buttons.count() > 0 )
twinConf.writeEntry( "CustomButtonPositions", true );
- twinConf.writeEntry( "ButtonsOnLeft", getProperty( wmElem, "buttons", "left" ) );
- twinConf.writeEntry( "ButtonsOnRight", getProperty( wmElem, "buttons", "right" ) );
+ if (getProperty( wmElem, "buttons", "left" ) != TQString::null) twinConf.writeEntry( "ButtonsOnLeft", getProperty( wmElem, "buttons", "left" ) );
+ if (getProperty( wmElem, "buttons", "right" ) != TQString::null) twinConf.writeEntry( "ButtonsOnRight", getProperty( wmElem, "buttons", "right" ) );
twinConf.writeEntry( "CustomButtonPositions", false );
- twinConf.writeEntry( "BorderSize", getProperty( wmElem, "border", "size" ) );
+ if (getProperty( wmElem, "border", "size" ) != TQString::null) twinConf.writeEntry( "BorderSize", getProperty( wmElem, "border", "size" ) );
client->send( "twin", "", "reconfigure()", TQString("") );
@@ -603,8 +611,8 @@ void KTheme::apply()
TDEConfig konqConf( "konquerorrc" );
konqConf.setGroup( "Settings" );
- konqConf.writeEntry( "BgImage", unprocessFilePath( "konqueror", getProperty( konqElem, "wallpaper", "url" ) ) );
- konqConf.writeEntry( "BgColor", TQColor( getProperty( konqElem, "bgcolor", "rgb" ) ) );
+ if (getProperty( konqElem, "wallpaper", "url" ) != TQString::null) konqConf.writeEntry( "BgImage", unprocessFilePath( "konqueror", getProperty( konqElem, "wallpaper", "url" ) ) );
+ if (getProperty( konqElem, "bgcolor", "rgb" ) != TQString::null) konqConf.writeEntry( "BgColor", TQColor( getProperty( konqElem, "bgcolor", "rgb" ) ) );
client->send("konqueror*", "KonquerorIface", "reparseConfiguration()", TQString("")); // FIXME seems not to work :(
@@ -621,18 +629,13 @@ void KTheme::apply()
if ( !kickerBgUrl.isEmpty() )
kickerConf.writeEntry( "UseBackgroundTheme", true );
- kickerConf.writeEntry( "BackgroundTheme", unprocessFilePath( "panel", kickerBgUrl ) );
- kickerConf.writeEntry( "ColorizeBackground",
- static_cast<bool>( getProperty( panelElem, "background", "colorize" ).toUInt() ) );
+ if (getProperty( panelElem, "panel", kickerBgUrl ) != TQString::null) kickerConf.writeEntry( "BackgroundTheme", unprocessFilePath( "panel", kickerBgUrl ) );
+ if (getProperty( panelElem, "background", "colorize" ) != TQString::null) kickerConf.writeEntry( "ColorizeBackground", static_cast<bool>( getProperty( panelElem, "background", "colorize" ).toUInt() ) );
- kickerConf.writeEntry( "Transparent",
- static_cast<bool>( getProperty( panelElem, "transparent", "value" ).toUInt() ) );
- kickerConf.writeEntry( "Position", static_cast<int> (getProperty( panelElem, "position", "value" ).toUInt() ));
- kickerConf.writeEntry( "ShowLeftHideButton", static_cast<bool>( getProperty( panelElem, "showlefthidebutton", "value").toInt()));
- kickerConf.writeEntry( "ShowRightHideButton", static_cast<bool>( getProperty( panelElem, "showrighthidebutton", "value").toInt()));
+ if (getProperty( panelElem, "transparent", "value" ) != TQString::null) kickerConf.writeEntry( "Transparent", static_cast<bool>( getProperty( panelElem, "transparent", "value" ).toUInt() ) );
+ if (getProperty( panelElem, "position", "value" ) != TQString::null) kickerConf.writeEntry( "Position", static_cast<int> (getProperty( panelElem, "position", "value" ).toUInt() ));
+ if (getProperty( panelElem, "showlefthidebutton", "value" ) != TQString::null) kickerConf.writeEntry( "ShowLeftHideButton", static_cast<bool>( getProperty( panelElem, "showlefthidebutton", "value").toInt()));
+ if (getProperty( panelElem, "showrighthidebutton", "value" ) != TQString::null) kickerConf.writeEntry( "ShowRightHideButton", static_cast<bool>( getProperty( panelElem, "showrighthidebutton", "value").toInt()));
client->send("kicker", "Panel", "configure()", TQString(""));