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126 files changed, 15965 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/klatin/AUTHORS b/klatin/AUTHORS new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eddaf195 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/AUTHORS @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +George Wright <george.wright@kdemail.net> diff --git a/klatin/COPYING b/klatin/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 00000000..37ba36f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.> + Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author> + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/klatin/ChangeLog b/klatin/ChangeLog new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e69de29b --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/ChangeLog diff --git a/klatin/INSTALL b/klatin/INSTALL new file mode 100644 index 00000000..02a4a074 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/INSTALL @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +Basic Installation +================== + + These are generic installation instructions. + + The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for +various system-dependent variables used during compilation. It uses +those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package. +It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent +definitions. Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that +you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, a file +`config.cache' that saves the results of its tests to speed up +reconfiguring, and a file `config.log' containing compiler output +(useful mainly for debugging `configure'). + + If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try +to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail +diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can +be considered for the next release. If at some point `config.cache' +contains results you don't want to keep, you may remove or edit it. + + The file `configure.in' is used to create `configure' by a program +called `autoconf'. You only need `configure.in' if you want to change +it or regenerate `configure' using a newer version of `autoconf'. + +The simplest way to compile this package is: + + 1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type + `./configure' to configure the package for your system. If you're + using `csh' on an old version of System V, you might need to type + `sh ./configure' instead to prevent `csh' from trying to execute + `configure' itself. + + Running `configure' takes a while. While running, it prints some + messages telling which features it is checking for. + + 2. Type `make' to compile the package. + + 3. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and + documentation. + + 4. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the + source code directory by typing `make clean'. + +Compilers and Options +===================== + + Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that +the `configure' script does not know about. You can give `configure' +initial values for variables by setting them in the environment. Using +a Bourne-compatible shell, you can do that on the command line like +this: + CC=c89 CFLAGS=-O2 LIBS=-lposix ./configure + +Or on systems that have the `env' program, you can do it like this: + env CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=-s ./configure + +Compiling For Multiple Architectures +==================================== + + You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the +same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their +own directory. To do this, you must use a version of `make' that +supports the `VPATH' variable, such as GNU `make'. `cd' to the +directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run +the `configure' script. `configure' automatically checks for the +source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'. + + If you have to use a `make' that does not supports the `VPATH' +variable, you have to compile the package for one architecture at a time +in the source code directory. After you have installed the package for +one architecture, use `make distclean' before reconfiguring for another +architecture. + +Installation Names +================== + + By default, `make install' will install the package's files in +`/usr/local/bin', `/usr/local/man', etc. You can specify an +installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving `configure' the +option `--prefix=PATH'. + + You can specify separate installation prefixes for +architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files. If you +give `configure' the option `--exec-prefix=PATH', the package will use +PATH as the prefix for installing programs and libraries. +Documentation and other data files will still use the regular prefix. + + If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed +with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the +option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'. + +Optional Features +================= + + Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to +`configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package. +They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE +is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System). The +`README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the +package recognizes. + + For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually +find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't, +you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and +`--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations. + +Specifying the System Type +========================== + + There may be some features `configure' can not figure out +automatically, but needs to determine by the type of host the package +will run on. Usually `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints +a message saying it can not guess the host type, give it the +`--host=TYPE' option. TYPE can either be a short name for the system +type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name with three fields: + CPU-COMPANY-SYSTEM + +See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field. If +`config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't +need to know the host type. + + If you are building compiler tools for cross-compiling, you can also +use the `--target=TYPE' option to select the type of system they will +produce code for and the `--build=TYPE' option to select the type of +system on which you are compiling the package. + +Sharing Defaults +================ + + If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share, +you can create a site shell script called `config.site' that gives +default values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'. +`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/config.site' if it exists, then +`PREFIX/etc/config.site' if it exists. Or, you can set the +`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script. +A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script. + +Operation Controls +================== + + `configure' recognizes the following options to control how it +operates. + +`--cache-file=FILE' + Use and save the results of the tests in FILE instead of + `./config.cache'. Set FILE to `/dev/null' to disable caching, for + debugging `configure'. + +`--help' + Print a summary of the options to `configure', and exit. + +`--quiet' +`--silent' +`-q' + Do not print messages saying which checks are being made. + +`--srcdir=DIR' + Look for the package's source code in directory DIR. Usually + `configure' can determine that directory automatically. + +`--version' + Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure' + script, and exit. + +`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options. + diff --git a/klatin/Makefile.am b/klatin/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7b9d8819 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +####### kdevelop will overwrite this part!!! (begin)########## + +# po and doc do not exist. autmake 1.5 does not accept not existing pathes +SUBDIRS = klatin + +EXTRA_DIST = AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL README TODO klatin.lsm + +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign + + +include ../admin/Doxyfile.am diff --git a/klatin/README b/klatin/README new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8b137891 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/README @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/klatin/TODO b/klatin/TODO new file mode 100644 index 00000000..564fcd38 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/TODO @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +Add subjunctive verb listings to the revision notes (verbs section) + +Add a way to allow the user to add Grammar and Verbs data diff --git a/klatin/klatin.lsm b/klatin/klatin.lsm new file mode 100644 index 00000000..52ec73ab --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin.lsm @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +Begin4 +Title: KLatin -- An educational program to help revise/learn Latin +Version: 1.0 +Entered-date: 2003-08-19 +Description: +Keywords: KDE3 Qt +Author: George Wright <gwright@users.sourceforge.net> +Maintained-by: George Wright <gwright@users.sourceforge.net> +Home-page: +Alternate-site: +Primary-site: http://edu.kde.org/klatin +Platform: Linux. Needs KDE 3.1 or higher +Copying-policy: GPL +End diff --git a/klatin/klatin/Makefile.am b/klatin/klatin/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..048d3c7f --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +## Makefile.am for klatin + +# this has all of the subdirectories that make will recurse into. if +# there are none, comment this out +SUBDIRS = . data icons + +# this is the program that gets installed. it's name is used for all +# of the other Makefile.am variables +bin_PROGRAMS = klatin + +# set the include path for X, qt and KDE +INCLUDES = $(all_includes) + +# the library search path. +klatin_LDFLAGS = $(KDE_RPATH) $(all_libraries) + +# the libraries to link against. +klatin_LDADD = $(LIB_KFILE) $(top_builddir)/libkdeedu/kdeeducore/libkdeeducore.la + +# which sources should be compiled for klatin +klatin_SOURCES = main.cpp klatin.cpp klatingrammar.cpp klatinverbs.cpp klatinvocab.cpp \ + klatinchoose.ui settings.kcfgc klatingrammarwidget.ui klatinvocabwidget.ui klatinverbswidget.ui \ + klatinresultsdialog.ui klatinsettings_vocabpage.ui + +# these are the headers for your project +noinst_HEADERS = klatin.h klatinverbs.h klatinvocab.h klatingrammar.h + +# let automoc handle all of the meta source files (moc) +METASOURCES = AUTO + +messages: rc.cpp + $(XGETTEXT) *.cpp -o $(podir)/klatin.pot + +xdg_apps_DATA = klatin.desktop +kde_kcfg_DATA = klatin.kcfg + +# this is where the XML-GUI resource file goes +rcdir = $(kde_datadir)/klatin +rc_DATA = klatinui.rc + diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/Makefile.am b/klatin/klatin/data/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..92cc07c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +SUBDIRS = . vocab grammar verbs
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/Makefile.am b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0b4f3bf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +grammardir = $(kde_datadir)/klatin/data/grammar +grammar_DATA = puella.klat servus.klat bellum.klat rex.klat opus.klat gradus.klat genu.klat res.klat
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/bellum.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/bellum.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8f600ffc --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/bellum.klat @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> +<e> +<o>bellum</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>bellum</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>bellum</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>belli</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>bello</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>bello</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>bella</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>bella</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>bella</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>bellorum</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>bellis</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>bellis</o> +</e> +</kvtml>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/genu.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/genu.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..adcf1553 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/genu.klat @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> +<e> +<o>genu</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>genu</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>genu</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>genus</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>genu</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>genu</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>genua</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>genua</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>genua</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>genuum</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>genibus</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>genibus</o> +</e> +</kvtml>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/gradus.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/gradus.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d0b598fe --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/gradus.klat @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> +<e> +<o>gradus</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>gradus</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>gradum</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>gradus</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>gradui</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>gradu</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>gradus</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>gradus</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>gradus</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>graduum</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>gradibus</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>gradibus</o> +</e> +</kvtml>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/opus.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/opus.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1af36a98 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/opus.klat @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> +<e> +<o>opus</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>opus</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>opus</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>operis</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>operi</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>opere</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>opera</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>opera</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>opera</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>operum</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>operibus</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>operibus</o> +</e> +</kvtml>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/puella.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/puella.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c379afe6 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/puella.klat @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> +<e> +<o>puella</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>puella</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>puellam</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>puellae</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>puellae</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>puella</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>puellae</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>puellae</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>puellas</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>puellarum</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>puellis</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>puellis</o> +</e> +</kvtml>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/res.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/res.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4f4f5a59 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/res.klat @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> +<e> +<o>res</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>res</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>rem</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>rei</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>rei</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>re</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>res</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>res</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>res</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>rerum</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>rebus</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>rebus</o> +</e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/rex.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/rex.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..41a81e05 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/rex.klat @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> +<e> +<o>rex</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>rex</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>regem</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>regis</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>regi</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>rege</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>reges</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>reges</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>reges</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>regum</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>regibus</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>regibus</o> +</e> +</kvtml>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/servus.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/servus.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1bb6a4b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/grammar/servus.klat @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> +<e> +<o>servus</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>serve</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>servum</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>servi</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>servo</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>servo</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>servi</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>servi</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>servos</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>servorum</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>servis</o> +</e> +<e> +<o>servis</o> +</e> +</kvtml>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/Makefile.am b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..75d2dc9c --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +verbsdir = $(kde_datadir)/klatin/data/verbs +verbs_DATA = amo-indicative-active.klat amo-indicative-passive.klat amo-subjunctive-active.klat amo-subjunctive-passive.klat \ +moneo-indicative-active.klat moneo-indicative-passive.klat moneo-subjunctive-active.klat moneo-subjunctive-passive.klat \ +rego-indicative-active.klat rego-indicative-passive.klat rego-subjunctive-active.klat rego-subjunctive-passive.klat \ +audio-indicative-active.klat audio-indicative-passive.klat audio-subjunctive-active.klat audio-subjunctive-passive.klat \ +sum-indicative-active.klat sum-subjunctive-active.klat diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/amo-indicative-active.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/amo-indicative-active.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bb7379f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/amo-indicative-active.klat @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>amo</o> + <t>amo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amas</o> + <t>amas</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amat</o> + <t>amat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amamus</o> + <t>amamus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amatis</o> + <t>amatis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amant</o> + <t>amant</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabo</o> + <t>amabo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabis</o> + <t>amabit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabit</o> + <t>amabit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabimus</o> + <t>amabimus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabitis</o> + <t>amabitis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabunt</o> + <t>amabunt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabam</o> + <t>amabam</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabas</o> + <t>amabas</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabat</o> + <t>amabat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabamus</o> + <t>amabamus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabatis</o> + <t>amabatis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabant</o> + <t>amabant</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amavi</o> + <t>amavi</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amavisti</o> + <t>amavisti</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amavit</o> + <t>amavit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amavimus</o> + <t>amavimus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amavistis</o> + <t>amavistis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaverunt</o> + <t>amaverunt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaveram</o> + <t>amaveram</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaveras</o> + <t>amaveras</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaverat</o> + <t>amaverat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaveramus</o> + <t>amaveramus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaveratis</o> + <t>amaveratis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaverant</o> + <t>amaverant</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amavero</o> + <t>amavero</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaveris</o> + <t>amaveris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaverit</o> + <t>amaverit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaverimus</o> + <t>amaverimus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaveritis</o> + <t>amaveritis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaverint</o> + <t>amaverint</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/amo-indicative-passive.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/amo-indicative-passive.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3789b3f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/amo-indicative-passive.klat @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>amor</o> + <t>amor</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaris</o> + <t>amaris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amatur</o> + <t>amatur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amamur</o> + <t>amamur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amamini</o> + <t>amamini</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amantur</o> + <t>amantur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabor</o> + <t>amabor</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaberis</o> + <t>amaberis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabitur</o> + <t>amabitur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabimur</o> + <t>amabimur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabimini</o> + <t>amabimini</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabuntur</o> + <t>amabuntur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabar</o> + <t>amabar</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabaris</o> + <t>amabaris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabatur</o> + <t>amabatur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabamur</o> + <t>amabamur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabamini</o> + <t>amabamini</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amabantur</o> + <t>amabantur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amatus sum</o> + <t>amatus sum</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amatus es</o> + <t>amatus es</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amatus est</o> + <t>amatus est</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amati sumus</o> + <t>amati sumus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amati estis</o> + <t>amati estis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amati sunt</o> + <t>amati sunt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amatus eram</o> + <t>amatus eram</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amatus eras</o> + <t>amatus eras</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amatus erat</o> + <t>amatus erat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amati eramus</o> + <t>amati eramus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amati eratis</o> + <t>amati eratis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amati erant</o> + <t>amati erant</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amatus ero</o> + <t>amatus ero</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amatus eris</o> + <t>amatus eris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amatus erit</o> + <t>amatus erit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amati erimus</o> + <t>amati erimus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amati eritis</o> + <t>amati eritis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amati erunt</o> + <t>amati erunt</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/amo-subjunctive-active.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/amo-subjunctive-active.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2710602c --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/amo-subjunctive-active.klat @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>amem</o> + <t>amem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ames</o> + <t>ames</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amet</o> + <t>amet</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amemus</o> + <t>amemus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ametis</o> + <t>ametis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ament</o> + <t>ament</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amarem</o> + <t>amarem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amares</o> + <t>amares</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaret</o> + <t>amaret</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaremus</o> + <t>amaremus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaretis</o> + <t>amaretis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amarent</o> + <t>amarent</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaverim</o> + <t>amaverim</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaveris</o> + <t>amaveris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaverit</o> + <t>amaverit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaverimus</o> + <t>amaverimus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaveritis</o> + <t>amaveritis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaverint</o> + <t>amaverint</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amavissem</o> + <t>amavissem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amavisses</o> + <t>amavisses</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amavisset</o> + <t>amavisset</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amavissemus</o> + <t>amavissemus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amavissetis</o> + <t>amavissetis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amavissent</o> + <t>amavissent</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/amo-subjunctive-passive.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/amo-subjunctive-passive.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..78940ebf --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/amo-subjunctive-passive.klat @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>amer</o> + <t>amer</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ameris</o> + <t>ameris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ametur</o> + <t>ametur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amemur</o> + <t>amemur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amemini</o> + <t>amemini</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amentur</o> + <t>amentur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amarer</o> + <t>amarer</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amareris</o> + <t>amareris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaretur</o> + <t>amaretur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaremur</o> + <t>amaremur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amaremini</o> + <t>amaremini</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amarentur</o> + <t>amarentur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amatus sim</o> + <t>amatus sim</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amatus sis</o> + <t>amatus sis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amatus sit</o> + <t>amatus sit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amati simus</o> + <t>amati simus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amati sitis</o> + <t>amati sitis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amati sint</o> + <t>amati sint</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amatus essem</o> + <t>amatus essem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amatus esses</o> + <t>amatus esses</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amatus esset</o> + <t>amatus esset</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amati essemus</o> + <t>amati essemus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amati essetis</o> + <t>amati essetis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amati essent</o> + <t>amati essent</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/audio-indicative-active.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/audio-indicative-active.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a140c01e --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/audio-indicative-active.klat @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>audio</o> + <t>audio</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audis</o> + <t>audis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audit</o> + <t>audit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audimus</o> + <t>audimus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>auditis</o> + <t>auditis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiunt</o> + <t>audiunt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiam</o> + <t>audiam</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audies</o> + <t>audies</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiet</o> + <t>audiet</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiemus</o> + <t>audiemus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audietis</o> + <t>audietis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audient</o> + <t>audient</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audibam</o> + <t>audibam</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audibas</o> + <t>audibas</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audibat</o> + <t>audibat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audibamus</o> + <t>audibamus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audibatis</o> + <t>audibatis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audibant</o> + <t>audibant</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audivi</o> + <t>audivi</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audivisti</o> + <t>audivisti</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audivit</o> + <t>audivit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audivimus</o> + <t>audivimus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audivistis</o> + <t>audivistis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiverunt</o> + <t>audiverunt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiveram</o> + <t>audiveram</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiveras</o> + <t>audiveras</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiverat</o> + <t>audiverat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiveramus</o> + <t>audiveramus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiveratis</o> + <t>audiveratis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiverant</o> + <t>audiverant</t> + </e> + 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<t>audias</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiat</o> + <t>audiat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiamus</o> + <t>audiamus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiatis</o> + <t>audiatis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiant</o> + <t>audiant</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audirem</o> + <t>audirem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audires</o> + <t>audires</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiret</o> + <t>audiret</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiremus</o> + <t>audiremus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiretis</o> + <t>audiretis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audirent</o> + <t>audirent</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiverim</o> + <t>audiverim</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiveris</o> + <t>audiveris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiverit</o> + <t>audiverit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiverimus</o> + <t>audiverimus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiveritis</o> + <t>audiveritis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audiverint</o> + <t>audiverint</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audivissem</o> + <t>audivissem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audivisses</o> + <t>audivisses</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audivisset</o> + <t>audivisset</t> + </e> + <e> + 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b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/moneo-subjunctive-passive.klat @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>monear</o> + <t>monear</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>monearis</o> + <t>monearis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moneatur</o> + <t>moneatur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moneamur</o> + <t>moneamur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moneamini</o> + <t>moneamini</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moneantur</o> + <t>moneantur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>monerer</o> + <t>monerer</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>monereris</o> + <t>monereris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moneretur</o> + <t>moneretur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moneremur</o> + <t>moneremur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moneremini</o> + <t>moneremini</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>monerentur</o> + <t>monerentur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>monitus sum</o> + <t>monitus sum</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>monitus sis</o> + <t>monitus sis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>monitus sit</o> + <t>monitus sit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moniti simus</o> + <t>moniti simus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moniti sitis</o> + <t>moniti sitis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moniti sint</o> + <t>moniti sint</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>monitus essem</o> + <t>monitus essem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>monitus esses</o> + <t>monitus esses</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>monitus esset</o> + <t>monitus esset</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moniti essemus</o> + <t>moniti essemus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moniti essetis</o> + <t>moniti essetis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moniti essent</o> + <t>moniti essent</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/rego-indicative-active.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/rego-indicative-active.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..75c78dd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/rego-indicative-active.klat @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>rego</o> + <t>rego</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regis</o> + <t>regis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regit</o> + <t>regit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regimus</o> + <t>regimus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regitis</o> + <t>regitis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regunt</o> + <t>regunt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regam</o> + <t>regam</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>reges</o> + <t>reges</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>reget</o> + <t>reget</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regemus</o> + <t>regemus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regetis</o> + <t>regetis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regent</o> + <t>regent</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regebam</o> + <t>regebam</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regebas</o> + <t>regebas</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regebat</o> + <t>regebat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regebamus</o> + <t>regebamus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regebatis</o> + <t>regebatis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regebant</o> + <t>regebant</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexi</o> + <t>rexi</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexisti</o> + <t>rexisti</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexit</o> + <t>rexit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>reximus</o> + <t>reximus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexistis</o> + <t>rexistis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexerunt</o> + <t>rexerunt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexeram</o> + <t>rexeram</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexeras</o> + <t>rexeras</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexerat</o> + <t>rexerat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexeramus</o> + <t>rexeramus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexeratis</o> + <t>rexeratis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexerant</o> + <t>rexerant</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexero</o> + <t>rexero</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexeris</o> + <t>rexeris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexerit</o> + <t>rexerit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexerimus</o> + <t>rexerimus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexeritis</o> + <t>rexeritis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexerint</o> + <t>rexerint</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/rego-indicative-passive.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/rego-indicative-passive.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1ea54b6d --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/rego-indicative-passive.klat @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>regor</o> + <t>regor</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regeris</o> + <t>regeris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regitur</o> + <t>regitur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regimur</o> + <t>regimur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regimini</o> + <t>regimini</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>reguntur</o> + <t>reguntur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regar</o> + <t>regar</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regeris</o> + <t>regeris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regetur</o> + <t>regetur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regemur</o> + <t>regemur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regemini</o> + <t>regemini</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regentur</o> + <t>regentur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regebar</o> + <t>regebar</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regebaris</o> + <t>regebaris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regebatur</o> + <t>regebatur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regebamur</o> + <t>regebamur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regebamini</o> + <t>regebamini</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regebantur</o> + <t>regebantur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rectus sum</o> + <t>rectus sum</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rectus es</o> + <t>rectus es</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rectus est</o> + <t>rectus est</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>recti sumus</o> + <t>recti sumus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>recti estis</o> + <t>recti estis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>recti sunt</o> + <t>recti sunt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rectus eram</o> + <t>rectus eram</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rectus eras</o> + <t>rectus eras</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rectus erat</o> + <t>rectus erat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>recti eramus</o> + <t>recti eramus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>recti eratis</o> + <t>recti eratis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>recti erant</o> + <t>recti erant</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rectus ero</o> + <t>rectus ero</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rectus eris</o> + <t>rectus eris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rectus erit</o> + <t>rectus erit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>recti erimus</o> + <t>recti erimus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>recti eritis</o> + <t>recti eritis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>recti erunt</o> + <t>recti erunt</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/rego-subjunctive-active.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/rego-subjunctive-active.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3a97d2d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/rego-subjunctive-active.klat @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>regam</o> + <t>regam</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regas</o> + <t>regas</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regat</o> + <t>regat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regamus</o> + <t>regamus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regatis</o> + <t>regatis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regant</o> + <t>regant</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regerem</o> + <t>regerem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regeres</o> + <t>regeres</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regeret</o> + <t>regeret</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regeremus</o> + <t>regeremus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regeretis</o> + <t>regeretis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regerent</o> + <t>regerent</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexerim</o> + <t>rexerim</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexeris</o> + <t>rexeris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexerit</o> + <t>rexerit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexerimus</o> + <t>rexerimus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexeritis</o> + <t>rexeritis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexerint</o> + <t>rexerint</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexissem</o> + <t>rexissem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexisses</o> + <t>rexisses</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexisset</o> + <t>rexisset</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexissemus</o> + <t>rexissemus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexissetis</o> + <t>rexissetis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rexissent</o> + <t>rexissent</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/rego-subjunctive-passive.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/rego-subjunctive-passive.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1758e9b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/rego-subjunctive-passive.klat @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>regar</o> + <t>regar</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regaris</o> + <t>regaris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regatur</o> + <t>regatur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regamur</o> + <t>regamur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regamini</o> + <t>regamini</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regantur</o> + <t>regantur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regerer</o> + <t>regerer</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regereris</o> + <t>regereris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regeretur</o> + <t>regeretur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regeremur</o> + <t>regeremur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regeremini</o> + <t>regeremini</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regerentur</o> + <t>regerentur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rectus sim</o> + <t>rectus sim</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rectus sis</o> + <t>rectus sis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rectus sit</o> + <t>rectus sit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>recti simus</o> + <t>recti simus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>recti sitis</o> + <t>recti sitis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>recti sint</o> + <t>recti sint</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rectus essem</o> + <t>rectus essem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rectus esses</o> + <t>rectus esses</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rectus esset</o> + <t>rectus esset</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>recti essemus</o> + <t>recti essemus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>recti essetis</o> + <t>recti essetis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>recti essent</o> + <t>recti essent</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/sum-indicative-active.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/sum-indicative-active.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b77fcc88 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/sum-indicative-active.klat @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>sum</o> + <t>sum</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>es</o> + <t>es</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>est</o> + <t>est</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sumus</o> + <t>sumus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>estis</o> + <t>estis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sunt</o> + <t>sunt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ero</o> + <t>ero</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>eris</o> + <t>eris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>erit</o> + <t>erit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>erimus</o> + <t>erimus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>eritis</o> + <t>eritis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>erunt</o> + <t>erunt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>eram</o> + <t>eram</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>eras</o> + <t>eras</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>erat</o> + <t>erat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>eramus</o> + <t>eramus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>eratis</o> + <t>eratis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>erant</o> + <t>erant</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fui</o> + <t>fui</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuisti</o> + <t>fuisti</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuit</o> + <t>fuit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuimus</o> + <t>fuimus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuistis</o> + <t>fuistis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuerunt</o> + <t>fuerunt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fueram</o> + <t>fueram</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fueras</o> + <t>fueras</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuerat</o> + <t>fuerat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fueramus</o> + <t>fueramus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fueratis</o> + <t>fueratis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuerant</o> + <t>fuerant</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuero</o> + <t>fuero</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fueris</o> + <t>fueris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuerit</o> + <t>fuerit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuerimus</o> + <t>fuerimus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fueritis</o> + <t>fueritis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuerint</o> + <t>fuerint</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/sum-subjunctive-active.klat b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/sum-subjunctive-active.klat new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c552986a --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/verbs/sum-subjunctive-active.klat @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>sim</o> + <t>sim</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sis</o> + <t>sis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sit</o> + <t>sit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>simus</o> + <t>simus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sitis</o> + <t>sitis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sint</o> + <t>sint</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>essem</o> + <t>essem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>esses</o> + <t>esses</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>esset</o> + <t>esset</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>essemus</o> + <t>essemus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>essetis</o> + <t>essetis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>essent</o> + <t>essent</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuerim</o> + <t>fuerim</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fueris</o> + <t>fueris</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuerit</o> + <t>fuerit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuerimus</o> + <t>fuerimus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fueritis</o> + <t>fueritis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuerint</o> + <t>fuerint</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuissem</o> + <t>fuissem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuisses</o> + <t>fuisses</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuisset</o> + <t>fuisset</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuissemus</o> + <t>fuissemus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuissetis</o> + <t>fuissetis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fuissent</o> + <t>fuissent</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/Makefile.am b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..54cb7de5 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +SUBDIRS = $(AUTODIRS) diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/A.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/A.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..01b5c074 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/A.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml + generator="kwordquiz 0.7" + cols="2" + lines="47" + title="A.kvtml"> + + <e> + <o width="250" l="1">a, ab + abl</o> + <t width="250" l="2">von, seit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>absum (irreg)</o> + <t>abwesend, fort, weg, fehlen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ac, atque</o> + <t>und</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>accido (3)</o> + <t>hinfallen, sich ereignen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>accipio (3)</o> + <t>annehmen, entgegennehmen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>accuso (1)</o> + <t>anklagen, beschuldigen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ad + acc</o> + <t>zu, an, nahe bei</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adeo</o> + <t>so sehr</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adhuc</o> + <t>bis jetzt, immer noch</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adiuvo (1)</o> + <t>helfen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adsum (irreg)</o> + <t>hier sein, anwesend sein</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>advenio (4)</o> + <t>ankommen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adversus</o> + <t>entgegen, ungünstig</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aedificium</o> + <t>Gebäude</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aedifico (1)</o> + <t>bauen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ago (1)</o> + <t>in Bewegung setzen, handeln</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gratias ago (1)</o> + <t>Dank, bedanken</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>agricola (1)</o> + <t>Bauer</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aliquis</o> + <t>jemand, etwas</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>alius</o> + <t>ein anderer</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>alii...alii</o> + <t>die anderen, andere</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>alter</o> + <t>der andere, der zweite</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>altus</o> + <t>hoch, tief</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ambulo (1)</o> + <t>wandern</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amitto (3)</o> + <t>weggehen lassen, entkommen lassen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amo (1)</o> + <t>lieben, gern haben</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amor (3)</o> + <t>Liebe</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ancilla (1)</o> + <t>Dienerin, Magd</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>animus (2)</o> + <t>Geist, Seele, Sinn</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>annus (2)</o> + <t>Jahr</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ante + acc</o> + <t>vorher, vor</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>antea</o> + <t>vorher</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aperio (4)</o> + <t>öffnen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>appareo (2)</o> + <t>erscheinen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>appropinquo (1)</o> + <t>nahekommen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>apud + acc</o> + <t>bei, in Nähe von</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aqua (1)</o> + <t>Wasser</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ara (1)</o> + <t>Altar</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>arcesso (3)</o> + <t>kommen lassen, herbeiführen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ars (3)</o> + <t>Handwerk, Kunst</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ascendo (3)</o> + <t>besteigen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audax</o> + <t>kühn, frech, verwegen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audeo (2)</o> + <t>Lust haben, wagen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audio (4)</o> + <t>hören können, erfahren</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aufero (3)</o> + <t>wegtragen, wegnehmen, stehlen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>autem</o> + <t>aber, jedoch</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>auxilium (2)</o> + <t>Hilfe</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/BC.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/BC.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6aaac787 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/BC.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml + generator="kwordquiz 0.7" + cols="2" + lines="55" + title="BC.kvtml"> + + <e> + <o width="250" l="1">bellum (2)</o> + <t width="250" l="2">Krieg</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>bellum gerere</o> + <t>Krieg führen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>bene</o> + <t>gut, wohl, günstig</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>bibo (3)</o> + <t>trinken</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>bonus, a, um</o> + <t>gut</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>brevis</o> + <t>kurz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>caelum (2)</o> + <t>Himmel, Wetter</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>canis (3)</o> + <t>Hund</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>canto (1)</o> + <t>singen, spielen (Musical)</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>capio (3)</o> + <t>erfassen, aussuchen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>captivus (2)</o> + <t>gefangen, Gefangener</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>caput (3)</o> + <t>Kopf</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>carmen (3)</o> + <t>Lied, Gedicht</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>carus</o> + <t>lieb, teuer</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>castra (2)</o> + <t>Lager</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>celer</o> + <t>schnell, rasch</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>celo (1)</o> + <t>verstecken</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cena (1)</o> + <t>Mahlzeit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>centum</o> + <t>hundert</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ceteri</o> + <t>die übrigen, die anderen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cibus (2)</o> + <t>Nahrung</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>circum</o> + <t>um herum</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>civis (3)</o> + <t>Bürger</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>clamo (1)</o> + <t>schreien</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>clamor (3)</o> + <t>Ruf, Schrei, Lärm</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>coepi (past tenses only)</o> + <t>beginnen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cogito (1)</o> + <t>denken</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cognosco (3)</o> + <t>erkennen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cogo (3)</o> + <t>versammeln, erzwingen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>comes (3)</o> + <t>Begleiter, Kamerad</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>conficio (3)</o> + <t>zustandebringen, fertig werden</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>conor (1)</o> + <t>versuchen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>consentio (4)</o> + <t>übereinstimmen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>consilium (2)</o> + <t>Plan, Entschluß, Beratung</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>conspicio (3)</o> + <t>anblicken</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>consisto (3)</o> + <t>anhalten, stehen bleiben</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>constituo (3)</o> + <t>entschließen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>consumo (3)</o> + <t>verbrauchen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>contendo (3)</o> + <t>vergleichen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>contra</o> + <t>gegen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>convenio (4)</o> + <t>zusammenkommen,sich einigen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>corpus (3)</o> + <t>Körper</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cotidie</o> + <t>täglich</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cras</o> + <t>morgen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>crudelis</o> + <t>grausam</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cum</o> + <t>wenn</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>credo (3)</o> + <t>glauben, vertrauen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cum + abl</o> + <t>mit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cupio (3)</o> + <t>begehren, wünschen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cur?</o> + <t>warum</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cura (1)</o> + <t>Vorsorge, Sorge</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>curo (1)</o> + <t>sorgen, besorgen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>curro (3)</o> + <t>laufen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>custodio (4)</o> + <t>bewachen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>custos (3)</o> + <t>Wächter</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/D.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/D.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..afb08499 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/D.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml + generator="kwordquiz 0.7" + cols="2" + lines="31" + title="D.kvtml"> + + <e> + <o width="250" l="1">de + abl</o> + <t width="250" l="2">unten, über, an</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dea (1)</o> + <t>Göttin</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>debeo (2)</o> + <t>schulden, müssen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>decem</o> + <t>zehn</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>decido (3)</o> + <t>herabfallen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>defendo (3)</o> + <t>abwehren</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>deinde</o> + <t>dann</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>deleo (2)</o> + <t>zerstören</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>descendo (3)</o> + <t>absteigen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>despero (1)</o> + <t>verzweifeln</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>deus (2)</o> + <t>Gott</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dico (3)</o> + <t>sagen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dies (5)</o> + <t>Tag</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>difficilis</o> + <t>schwierig</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dirus</o> + <t>unglückverkündend</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>diligenter</o> + <t>sorgfältig</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>discedo (3)</o> + <t>auseinandergehen, verlassen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>diu</o> + <t>lange</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dives</o> + <t>reich</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>do (1)</o> + <t>geben</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>doceo (2)</o> + <t>lehren</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>doctus</o> + <t>gelehrt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>domina (1)</o> + <t>Herrin</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dominus (2)</o> + <t>Herr</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>domus (4)</o> + <t>Haus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>donum (2)</o> + <t>Gabe, Geschenk</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dormio (4)</o> + <t>schlafen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>duco (3)</o> + <t>führen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dum</o> + <t>während, solange bis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>duo</o> + <t>zwei</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dux (3)</o> + <t>Führer</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/EF.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/EF.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2b9b259f --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/EF.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml + generator="kwordquiz 0.7" + cols="2" + lines="41" + title="EF.kvtml"> + + <e> + <o width="250" l="1">e, ex + abl</o> + <t width="250" l="2">an, aus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ecce!</o> + <t>siehe da</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>efficio (3)</o> + <t>hervorbringen, durchsetzen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>effugio (3)</o> + <t>entfliehen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ego</o> + <t>ich</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>egredior (3)</o> + <t>herausgehen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>emo (3)</o> + <t>kaufen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>enim</o> + <t>denn</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>eo (irreg)</o> + <t>gehen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>epistula (1)</o> + <t>Brief</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>eques (2)</o> + <t>Reiter, Ritter</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>equus (2)</o> + <t>Pferd</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>et</o> + <t>und</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>et... et</o> + <t>sowohl ... als auch</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>etiam</o> + <t>auch, sogar</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>expecto (1)</o> + <t>erwarten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fabula (1)</o> + <t>Erzählung, Schauspiel</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>facilis</o> + <t>leicht</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>facio (3)</o> + <t>machen, tun</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>faveo (2)</o> + <t>begünstigen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>femina (1)</o> + <t>Frau</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fero (irreg)</o> + <t>tragen, erfordern</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ferox</o> + <t>mutig, wild</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ferrum (2)</o> + <t>Eisen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fessus</o> + <t>müde</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>festino (1)</o> + <t>eilen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fidelis</o> + <t>treu</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fides (5)</o> + <t>Zuversicht</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>filia (1)</o> + <t>Tochter</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>filius (2)</o> + <t>Sohn</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>flos (3)</o> + <t>Blume</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>flumen (3)</o> + <t>Fluß</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>forte</o> + <t>energisch</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fortis</o> + <t>stark</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>forum (2)</o> + <t>Forum, Markplatz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>frango (3)</o> + <t>brechen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>frater (3)</o> + <t>Bruder</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>frumentum (2)</o> + <t>Getreide</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>frustra</o> + <t>vergeblich</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fugio (3)</o> + <t>fliehen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fundo (3)</o> + <t>gießen</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/GHI1.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/GHI1.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c172567b --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/GHI1.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml + generator="kwordquiz 0.7" + cols="2" + lines="41" + title="GHI1.kvtml"> + + <e> + <o width="250" l="1">gaudeo (2)</o> + <t width="250" l="2">sich freuen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gaudium (2)</o> + <t>Freude</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gero (3)</o> + <t>tragen, ausführen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gladius (2)</o> + <t>Schwert</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gratias ago</o> + <t>danken, Dank sagen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gravis</o> + <t>schwer, ernst</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>habeo (2)</o> + <t>haben</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>habito (1)</o> + <t>bewohnen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>heri</o> + <t>gestern</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hic</o> + <t>hier</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hic, haec, hoc</o> + <t>dies</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hodie</o> + <t>heute</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>homo (3)</o> + <t>Mann, Mensch</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>honor (3)</o> + <t>Ehre</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hora (1)</o> + <t>Stunde</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hortor (1)</o> + <t>ermuntern</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hortus (2)</o> + <t>Garten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hospes (3)</o> + <t>Gast, Fremder</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hostis (3)</o> + <t>Feind</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>humus (2)</o> + <t>Boden</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iaceo (2)</o> + <t>liegen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iacio (3)</o> + <t>werfen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>de-/e-/in-icio</o> + <t>abwerfen/ausstoßen/hineinwerfen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iam</o> + <t>bereits, schon</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ianua (1)</o> + <t>Tür</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ibi</o> + <t>da, dort</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>idem</o> + <t>derselbe, dieselbe, dasselbe</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>igitur</o> + <t>also, daher</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ignarus</o> + <t>unkundig, unwissend</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ille</o> + <t>jener, jene, jenes</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>imperator (3)</o> + <t>Kaiser</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>imperium (2)</o> + <t>Reich, Befehl, Gebot</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>impero (1)</o> + <t>befehlen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>impetus (4)</o> + <t>Angriff</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>in + abl</o> + <t>in, auf</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>in + acc</o> + <t>hinein, hinauf</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>incendo (3)</o> + <t>anzünden</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>infelix</o> + <t>unglücklich</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ingenium (2)</o> + <t>Begabung</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ingens</o> + <t>riesig</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ingredior (3)</o> + <t>einherschreiten</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/I2L.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/I2L.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f84d94f --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/I2L.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml + generator="kwordquiz 0.7" + cols="2" + lines="45" + title="I2L.kvtml"> + + <e> + <o width="250" l="1">inquit (irreg)</o> + <t width="250" l="2">sagen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>inspicio (3)</o> + <t>besichtigen, einsehen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>insula (1)</o> + <t>Insel</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>intellego (3)</o> + <t>verstehen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>inter + acc</o> + <t>unter, zwischen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>interea</o> + <t>inzwischen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>interficio (3)</o> + <t>töten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>intro (1)</o> + <t>eintreten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>invenio (3)</o> + <t>finden, erfinden</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>invito (1)</o> + <t>einladen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>invitus</o> + <t>unwillig</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ipse</o> + <t>selbst</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ira (1)</o> + <t>Zorn</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iratus</o> + <t>zornig</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>is, ea, id</o> + <t>dies, das, er, sie, es</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ita</o> + <t>so</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ita vero</o> + <t>ja</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>itaque</o> + <t>und so, deshalb</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iter (3)</o> + <t>Reise</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iterum</o> + <t>noch einmal</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iubeo (2)</o> + <t>verordnen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iudex (3)</o> + <t>richten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iuvenis (3)</o> + <t>junger Mann, Jüngling</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>labor (3)</o> + <t>Arbeit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>laboro (1)</o> + <t>arbeiten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lacrima (1)</o> + <t>Tränen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lacrimo (1)</o> + <t>weinen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>laetus</o> + <t>fröhlich</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>latus</o> + <t>weit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>laudo (1)</o> + <t>loben</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>legatus (2)</o> + <t>Gesandter</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>legio (3)</o> + <t>Legion</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lego (3)</o> + <t>lesen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lente</o> + <t>slowly</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>leo (3)</o> + <t>Löwe</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>libenter</o> + <t>gern</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>liber</o> + <t>Buch</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>liberi (2)</o> + <t>Kinder</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>libero (1)</o> + <t>befreien</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>libertus (2)</o> + <t>der Freigelassene</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>locus (2)</o> + <t>Platz, Ort</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>longus</o> + <t>lang</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>loquor (3)</o> + <t>sprechen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>luna (1)</o> + <t>Mond</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lux (3)</o> + <t>Licht</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/M.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/M.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ede7e1b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/M.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml + generator="kwordquiz 0.7" + cols="2" + lines="30" + title="M.kvtml"> + + <e> + <o width="250" l="1">magnopere</o> + <t width="250" l="2">sehr</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>magnus</o> + <t>groß</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>malo (irreg)</o> + <t>lieber wollen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>malus</o> + <t>böse, schlecht</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>maneo (2)</o> + <t>bleiben</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>manus (4)</o> + <t>Hand, Schar</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mare (3)</o> + <t>Meer</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>maritus (2)</o> + <t>Ehemann</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mater (3)</o> + <t>Mutter</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>maximus</o> + <t>der größte</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>medius</o> + <t>Mitte</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mercator (3)</o> + <t>Kaufmann</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>meus</o> + <t>mein</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>miles (3)</o> + <t>Sodat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mille (irreg)</o> + <t>tausend</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>minimus</o> + <t>sehr klein, kleinster</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>minime</o> + <t>am wenigsten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mirabilis</o> + <t>wunderlich</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>miser</o> + <t>elend, unglücklich</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mitto (3)</o> + <t>senden</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>modus (2)</o> + <t>Maßstab, Art</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moneo (2)</o> + <t>warnen, erinnern</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mons (3)</o> + <t>Berg</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>morior (3)</o> + <t>sterben</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mors (3)</o> + <t>Tod</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moveo (2)</o> + <t>bewegen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mox</o> + <t>bald</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>multo</o> + <t>viel</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>multus</o> + <t>viel, zahlreich</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>murus (2)</o> + <t>Mauer</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/Makefile.am b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..454b81b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +de_vocabdir = $(kde_datadir)/klatin/data/vocabs/de +de_vocab_DATA = A.kvtml BC.kvtml D.kvtml EF.kvtml GHI1.kvtml I2L.kvtml M.kvtml N.kvtml \ + OP1.kvtml P2.kvtml QR.kvtml S.kvtml TU.kvtml V.kvtml diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/N.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/N.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..33ba97ab --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/N.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml + generator="kwordquiz 0.7" + cols="2" + lines="37" + title="N.kvtml"> + + <e> + <o width="250" l="1">nuntio (1)</o> + <t width="250" l="2">verkündigen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nascor (3)</o> + <t>geboren</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>numero (1)</o> + <t>zählen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nam</o> + <t>denn</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>-ne</o> + <t>fragend</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>neco (1)</o> + <t>töten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>notus</o> + <t>bekannt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nuntius (2)</o> + <t>Bote, Botschaft</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nomen (3)</o> + <t>Name</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nec... nec</o> + <t>weder... noch</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>numquam</o> + <t>nie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>novus</o> + <t>neu</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nox (3)</o> + <t>Nacht</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>novem</o> + <t>neun</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nemo (irreg)</o> + <t>keiner, niemand</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nobilis</o> + <t>vornehm, adelig</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>non </o> + <t>nicht</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nullus</o> + <t>keiner, niemand</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ne quidem</o> + <t>nicht einmal</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nescio (4)</o> + <t>nicht wissen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nolo (irreg)</o> + <t>nicht wollen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nihil (irreg)</o> + <t>nichts</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nunc</o> + <t>jetzt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nusquam</o> + <t>nirgends</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>numerus (2)</o> + <t>Zahl, Nummer</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>noster</o> + <t>unser</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>navigo (1)</o> + <t>schiffen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nauta (1)</o> + <t>Seemann</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>navis (3)</o> + <t>Schiff</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nonnulli</o> + <t>einige, manche</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>num...?</o> + <t>nun doch</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nonne?</o> + <t>nicht wahr</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>narro (1)</o> + <t>erzählen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ne</o> + <t>nicht, damit nicht</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nisi</o> + <t>wenn nicht</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nos</o> + <t>wir, uns</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>num</o> + <t>nun doch</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/OP1.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/OP1.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..70d023f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/OP1.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml + generator="kwordquiz 0.7" + cols="2" + lines="34" + title="OP1.kvtml"> + + <e> + <o width="250" l="1">occido (3)</o> + <t width="369" l="2">töten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>octo</o> + <t>acht</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>oculus (2)</o> + <t>Auge</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>odi (defect)</o> + <t>hassen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>offero (irref)</o> + <t>anbieten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>olim</o> + <t>einst, ehemals</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>omnis</o> + <t>alles, jeder</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>opprimo (3)</o> + <t>niederdrücken</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>oppugno (1)</o> + <t>angreifen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>optimus</o> + <t>sehr gut, der beste</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>opus (3)</o> + <t>Werk</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>oro (1)</o> + <t>beten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ostendo (3)</o> + <t>zeigen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>paene</o> + <t>fast, beinahe</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pareo (2)</o> + <t>gehorchen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>paro (1)</o> + <t>vorbereiten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pars (3)</o> + <t>Teil</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>parvus</o> + <t>klein</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pater (3)</o> + <t>Vater</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>patior (3)</o> + <t>ertragen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pauci</o> + <t>wenige</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pauper</o> + <t>arm</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pax (3)</o> + <t>Frieden</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pecunia (1)</o> + <t>Geld</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>per + acc</o> + <t>aus, durch</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>periculum (2)</o> + <t>Gefahr</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>periculosus </o> + <t>gefährlich</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>persuadeo (2)</o> + <t>überzeugen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>perterritus</o> + <t>erschrecken</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pervenio (4)</o> + <t>ankommen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pes (3)</o> + <t>Fuss, Schritt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pessimus</o> + <t>am schlechtesten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>peto (3)</o> + <t>aufsuchen, beanspruchen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>placet (2, impersonal)</o> + <t>gefallen</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/P2.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/P2.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b6468ae7 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/P2.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml + generator="kwordquiz 0.7" + cols="2" + lines="36" + title="P2.kvtml"> + + <e> + <o width="250" l="1">plenus</o> + <t width="250" l="2">voll</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>plurimus</o> + <t>das meiste, sehr viel</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>plus</o> + <t>mehr</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>poena (1)</o> + <t>Strafe</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>poenas do</o> + <t>bestrafen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pono (3)</o> + <t>zurücklegen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pons (3)</o> + <t>Brücke</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>populus (2) </o> + <t>Volk</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>porta (1)</o> + <t>Tor</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>porto (1)</o> + <t>tragen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>portus (4)</o> + <t>Hafen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>possum (irreg)</o> + <t>können</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>post + acc</o> + <t>hinter, nach</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>postea</o> + <t>nachher</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>postquam</o> + <t>nachdem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>postridie</o> + <t>am folgenden Tag</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>postulo (1)</o> + <t>fordern</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>praebeo (2)</o> + <t>darreichen, gewähren</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>praemium (2)</o> + <t>Lohn, Belohnung</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pretium (2)</o> + <t>Preis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>primus</o> + <t>erste, erster, erstes</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>princeps (3)</o> + <t>Fürst</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>priusquam</o> + <t>bevor</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pro + abl</o> + <t>für</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>procedo (3)</o> + <t>vorwärtsschreiten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>procul</o> + <t>fern</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>proficiscor (3)</o> + <t>aufbrechen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>progredior (3)</o> + <t>vorschreiten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>promitto (3)</o> + <t>versprechen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>prope + acc</o> + <t>nahe</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>proximus</o> + <t>nächster</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>puella (1)</o> + <t>Mädchen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>puer (2)</o> + <t>Junge</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pugno (1)</o> + <t>kämpfen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pulcher</o> + <t>hübsch, schön</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>punio (4)</o> + <t>strafen</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/QR.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/QR.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4e40e318 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/QR.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml + generator="kwordquiz 0.7" + cols="2" + lines="35" + title="QR.kvtml"> + + <e> + <o width="250" l="1">quaero (3)</o> + <t width="250" l="2">suchen, forschen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>qualis</o> + <t>wie beschaffen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quam</o> + <t>wie, als</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quamquam</o> + <t>obwohl</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quantus?</o> + <t>wie groß</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quattuor</o> + <t>vier</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>-que</o> + <t>und</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>qui</o> + <t>welcher, wie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quidam</o> + <t>ein gewisser</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quinque</o> + <t>fünf</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quis?</o> + <t>wer, jemand</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quo?</o> + <t>wohin</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quod</o> + <t>weil</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quo modo?</o> + <t>wie, auf welche Weise</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quoque</o> + <t>auch</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quot?</o> + <t>wie viele</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rapio (3)</o> + <t>rauben, wegschleppen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>re-</o> + <t>-zurück</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>reddo (3)</o> + <t>zurückgeben</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>redeo (irreg)</o> + <t>zurückgehen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>refero (irreg)</o> + <t>zurücktragen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>reficio (3)</o> + <t>wiederherstellen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regina (1)</o> + <t>Königin</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regnum (2)</o> + <t>Königreich</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regredior (3)</o> + <t>zurückgehen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>relinquo (3)</o> + <t>aufgeben, zurücklassen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>res (5)</o> + <t>Sache, Angelegenheit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>resisto (3)</o> + <t>stehen bleiben widerstehen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>respondeo (2)</o> + <t>antworten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rex (3)</o> + <t>König</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rideo (2)</o> + <t>lachen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rogo (1)</o> + <t>holen, fragen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>Roma (1)</o> + <t>Rom</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>Romanus</o> + <t>Römer</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rursus</o> + <t>rückwärts</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/S.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/S.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3359d9f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/S.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml + generator="kwordquiz 0.7" + cols="2" + lines="54" + title="S.kvtml"> + + <e> + <o width="250" l="1">sacer</o> + <t width="250" l="2">heilig</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sacerdos (3)</o> + <t>Priester</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>saepe</o> + <t>oft</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>saevus</o> + <t>tobend, wild</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>salus (3)</o> + <t>Sicherheit, Wohlbefinden</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>saluto (1)</o> + <t>grüßen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>salve!</o> + <t>Sei gegrüßt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sanguis (3)</o> + <t>Blut</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sapiens</o> + <t>weise</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>satis</o> + <t>genug</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>saxum (2)</o> + <t>Felsen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>scio (4)</o> + <t>wissen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>scribo (3)</o> + <t>schreiben</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>se</o> + <t>sich</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sed</o> + <t>aber</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sedeo (2)</o> + <t>sitzen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>semper</o> + <t>immer</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>senator (3)</o> + <t>Senator</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>senex (3)</o> + <t>Greis</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sentio (4)</o> + <t>fühlen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>septem</o> + <t>sieben</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sequor (3)</o> + <t>folgen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sermo (3)</o> + <t>Gespräch</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>servo (1)</o> + <t>retten, beobachten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>servus (2)</o> + <t>Sklave</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>severus</o> + <t>streng</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sex</o> + <t>sechs</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>si</o> + <t>wenn</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sic</o> + <t>so, auf diese Weise</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sicut</o> + <t>sowie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>signum (2)</o> + <t>Zeichen, Merkmal</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>silva (1)</o> + <t>Wald</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>simulac</o> + <t>sobald als</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sine + abl</o> + <t>ohne</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sol (3)</o> + <t>Sonne</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>soleo (2)</o> + <t>gewohnt sein</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>solus</o> + <t>allein, einsam</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sonitus (4)</o> + <t>Klang</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>soror (3)</o> + <t>Schwester</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>specto (1)</o> + <t>schauen, betrachten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>spero (1)</o> + <t>hoffen, erwarten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>spes (5)</o> + <t>Hoffnung</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>statim</o> + <t>sofort, gleich</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sto (1)</o> + <t>stehen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>stultus</o> + <t>dumm, töricht</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>suavis</o> + <t>angenehm</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sub + acc/abl</o> + <t>unter, darunter</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>subito</o> + <t>plötzlich</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sum (irreg)</o> + <t>sein</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>summus</o> + <t>höchster, größter</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>superbus</o> + <t>stolz, hochmütig</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>supero (1)</o> + <t>überwinden, übertreffen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>surgo (3)</o> + <t>aufstehen, errichten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>suus</o> + <t>sein, ihr</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/TU.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/TU.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2d32cf4b --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/TU.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml + generator="kwordquiz 0.7" + cols="2" + lines="39" + title="TU.kvtml"> + + <e> + <o width="250" l="1">taberna (1)</o> + <t width="250" l="2">Geschäft, Wirtshaus</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>taceo (2)</o> + <t>schweigen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>talis</o> + <t>solcher</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tam</o> + <t>so</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tamen</o> + <t>jedoch</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tandem</o> + <t>endlich</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tantus</o> + <t>so groß</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>templum (2)</o> + <t>Tempel</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tempestas (3)</o> + <t>Sturm</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tempus (3)</o> + <t>Zeit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>teneo (2)</o> + <t>halten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>terra (1)</o> + <t>Boden, Land</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>terreo (2)</o> + <t>erschrecken</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>timeo (2)</o> + <t>fürchten, sich ängstigen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tollo (3)</o> + <t>aufheben, hochheben</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tot</o> + <t>so viele</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>totus</o> + <t>ganz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>trado (3)</o> + <t>übergeben</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>traho (3)</o> + <t>ziehen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>trans + acc</o> + <t>hinüber</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tres </o> + <t>drei</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tristis</o> + <t>traurig</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tu</o> + <t>du</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tum</o> + <t>dann</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>turba (1)</o> + <t>Menge</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tutus</o> + <t>sicher</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tuus</o> + <t>dein</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ubi</o> + <t>wo?, als, da</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ultimus</o> + <t>äußerste, letzte</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>umquam</o> + <t>jemals</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>unda (1)</o> + <t>Welle</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>unde</o> + <t>woher</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>unus</o> + <t>eins</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>urbs (3)</o> + <t>Stadt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ut + indic</o> + <t>wie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ut + subj</o> + <t>dass, so dass</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>utilis</o> + <t>brauchbar</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>utrum... an</o> + <t>ob ... oder</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>uxor (3)</o> + <t>Ehefrau</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/V.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/V.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..334b1b1d --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/de/V.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml + generator="kwordquiz 0.7" + cols="2" + lines="29" + title="V.kvtml"> + + <e> + <o width="250" l="1">valde</o> + <t width="250" l="2">sehr</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vale</o> + <t>Lebewohl</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vehementer</o> + <t>heftig</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>veho (3)</o> + <t>tragen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vendo (3)</o> + <t>verkaufen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>venio (4)</o> + <t>kommen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ventus (2)</o> + <t>Wind</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>verbum (2)</o> + <t>Wort</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>verto (3)</o> + <t>wenden</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>verus</o> + <t>echt, wahr</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vester</o> + <t>euer</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vestimenta (2)</o> + <t>Kleidung</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>via (1)</o> + <t>Straße, Weg</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>video (2)</o> + <t>sehen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>villa (1)</o> + <t>Haus, Bauernhof</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vinco (3)</o> + <t>siegen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vinum (2)</o> + <t>Wein</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vir (2)</o> + <t>Mann</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vita (1)</o> + <t>Leben</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vivo (3)</o> + <t>leben</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vivus</o> + <t>lebend</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vix</o> + <t>kaum</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>voco (1)</o> + <t>rufen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>volo (irreg)</o> + <t>wollen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vos</o> + <t>Ihr (plural)</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vox (3)</o> + <t>Stimme, Ruf</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vulnero (1)</o> + <t>verwunden, verletzen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vulnus (3)</o> + <t>Wunde</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vultus (4)</o> + <t>Miene, Gesicht</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/A.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/A.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7c0c8e98 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/A.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>a, ab + abl</o> + <t>from, by</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>absum (irreg)</o> + <t>be out, be absent, be away</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ac, atque</o> + <t>and</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>accido (3)</o> + <t>happen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>accipio (3)</o> + <t>accept, take in, receive</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>accuso (1)</o> + <t>accuse</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ad + acc</o> + <t>to, towards, at</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adeo</o> + <t>so much, so greatly</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adhuc</o> + <t>up till now, still</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adiuvo (1)</o> + <t>help</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adsum (irreg)</o> + <t>be here, be present</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>advenio (4)</o> + <t>arrive</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adversus</o> + <t>hostile, unfavourable</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aedificium</o> + <t>building</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aedifico (1)</o> + <t>build</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ago (1)</o> + <t>do, act</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gratias ago (1)</o> + <t>thank, give thanks</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>agricola (1)</o> + <t>farmer</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aliquis</o> + <t>someone, something</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>alius</o> + <t>other, another, else</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>alii...alii</o> + <t>some...others</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>alter</o> + <t>the other, the second of two, another</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>altus</o> + <t>high, deep</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ambulo (1)</o> + <t>walk</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amitto (3)</o> + <t>lose</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amo (1)</o> + <t>love, like</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amor (3)</o> + <t>love</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ancilla (1)</o> + <t>slave girl, maid</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>animus (2)</o> + <t>spirit, soul, mind</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>annus (2)</o> + <t>year</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ante + acc</o> + <t>before, in front of</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>antea</o> + <t>before</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aperio (4)</o> + <t>open</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>appareo (2)</o> + <t>appear</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>appropinquo (1)</o> + <t>approach, come near to</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>apud + acc</o> + <t>among, with, at the house of</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aqua (1)</o> + <t>water</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ara (1)</o> + <t>altar</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>arcesso (3)</o> + <t>summon, send for</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ars (3)</o> + <t>art, skill</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ascendo (3)</o> + <t>climb</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audax</o> + <t>bold, daring</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audeo (2)</o> + <t>dare</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audio (4)</o> + <t>hear, listen to</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aufero (3)</o> + <t>take away, carry off, steal</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>autem</o> + <t>but, however</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>auxilium (2)</o> + <t>help</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/BC.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/BC.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5daf4b83 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/BC.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>bellum (2)</o> + <t>war</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>bellum gerere</o> + <t>wage war, campaign</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>bene</o> + <t>well</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>bibo (3)</o> + <t>drink</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>bonus, a, um</o> + <t>good</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>brevis</o> + <t>short, brief</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>caelum (2)</o> + <t>sky, heaven</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>canis (3)</o> + <t>dog</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>canto (1)</o> + <t>sing, play (musical)</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>capio (3)</o> + <t>take, catch, capture</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>captivus (2)</o> + <t>captive, prisoner</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>caput (3)</o> + <t>head</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>carmen (3)</o> + <t>song, poem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>carus</o> + <t>dear</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>castra (2)</o> + <t>camp</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>celer</o> + <t>quick, fast</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>celo (1)</o> + <t>hide</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cena (1)</o> + <t>dinner</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>centum</o> + <t>a hundred</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ceteri</o> + <t>the rest, the others</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cibus (2)</o> + <t>food</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>circum</o> + <t>around</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>civis (3)</o> + <t>citizen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>clamo (1)</o> + <t>shout</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>clamor (3)</o> + <t>shout, shouting, noise</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>coepi (past tenses only)</o> + <t>begin</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cogito (1)</o> + <t>think</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cognosco (3)</o> + <t>get to know, find out</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cogo (3)</o> + <t>force, compel</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>comes (3)</o> + <t>comrade, companion</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>conficio (3)</o> + <t>finish; wear out, exhaust</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>conor (1)</o> + <t>try</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>consentio (4)</o> + <t>agree</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>consilium (2)</o> + <t>plan, idea, advice</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>conspicio (3)</o> + <t>catch sight of, notice</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>consisto (3)</o> + <t>halt, stop, stand still</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>constituo (3)</o> + <t>decide</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>consumo (3)</o> + <t>eat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>contendo (3)</o> + <t>hurry</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>contra</o> + <t>against</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>convenio (4)</o> + <t>come together, gather, meet</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>corpus (3)</o> + <t>body</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cotidie</o> + <t>every day</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cras</o> + <t>tomorrow</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>crudelis</o> + <t>cruel</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cum</o> + <t>when</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>credo (3)</o> + <t>believe, trust, have faith in</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cum + abl</o> + <t>with</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cupio (3)</o> + <t>want, desire</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cur?</o> + <t>why?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cura (1)</o> + <t>care, worry</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>curo (1)</o> + <t>look after, care for, supervise</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>curro (3)</o> + <t>run</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>custodio (4)</o> + <t>guard</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>custos (3)</o> + <t>guard</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/D.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/D.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f0d12dc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/D.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>de + abl</o> + <t>from, down from; about</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dea (1)</o> + <t>goddess</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>debeo (2)</o> + <t>owe, ought, should, must</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>decem</o> + <t>ten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>decido (3)</o> + <t>fall down</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>defendo (3)</o> + <t>defend</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>deinde</o> + <t>then</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>deleo (2)</o> + <t>destroy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>descendo (3)</o> + <t>go down, come down</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>despero (1)</o> + <t>despair</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>deus (2)</o> + <t>god</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dico (3)</o> + <t>say</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dies (5)</o> + <t>day</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>difficilis</o> + <t>difficult</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dirus</o> + <t>dreadful</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>diligenter</o> + <t>carefully</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>discedo (3)</o> + <t>depart, leave</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>diu</o> + <t>for a long time</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dives</o> + <t>rich</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>do (1)</o> + <t>give</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>doceo (2)</o> + <t>teach</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>doctus</o> + <t>learned, educated, skilful, clever</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>domina (1)</o> + <t>mistress</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dominus (2)</o> + <t>master</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>domus (4)</o> + <t>home</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>donum (2)</o> + <t>gift, present</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dormio (4)</o> + <t>sleep</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>duco (3)</o> + <t>lead, take</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dum</o> + <t>while, until</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>duo</o> + <t>two</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dux (3)</o> + <t>leader</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/EF.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/EF.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6875c9d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/EF.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>e, ex + abl</o> + <t>from, out of</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ecce!</o> + <t>see! look!</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>efficio (3)</o> + <t>carry out, accomplish</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>effugio (3)</o> + <t>escape</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ego</o> + <t>I, me</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>egredior (3)</o> + <t>go out</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>emo (3)</o> + <t>buy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>enim</o> + <t>for</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>eo (irreg)</o> + <t>go</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>epistula (1)</o> + <t>letter</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>eques (2)</o> + <t>horseman, equestrian</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>equus (2)</o> + <t>horse</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>et</o> + <t>and</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>et... et</o> + <t>both... and</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>etiam</o> + <t>also, even</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>expecto (1)</o> + <t>wait for</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fabula (1)</o> + <t>story, play</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>facilis</o> + <t>easy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>facio (3)</o> + <t>make, do</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>faveo (2)</o> + <t>favour, support</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>femina (1)</o> + <t>woman</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fero (irreg)</o> + <t>bring, carry</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ferox</o> + <t>fierce, ferocious</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ferrum (2)</o> + <t>iron, sword</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fessus</o> + <t>tired</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>festino (1)</o> + <t>hurry</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fidelis</o> + <t>faithful, loyal</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fides (5)</o> + <t>loyalty, trustworthiness</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>filia (1)</o> + <t>daughter</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>filius (2)</o> + <t>son</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>flos (3)</o> + <t>flower</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>flumen (3)</o> + <t>river</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>forte</o> + <t>by chance</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fortis</o> + <t>brave</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>forum (2)</o> + <t>forum, market place</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>frango (3)</o> + <t>break</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>frater (3)</o> + <t>brother</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>frumentum (2)</o> + <t>grain</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>frustra</o> + <t>in vain</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fugio (3)</o> + <t>run away, flee</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fundo (3)</o> + <t>pour</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/GHI1.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/GHI1.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..00aa7e13 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/GHI1.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>gaudeo (2)</o> + <t>be pleased, rejoice</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gaudium (2)</o> + <t>joy, pleasure</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gero (3)</o> + <t>wear (clothes), wage (war)</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gladius (2)</o> + <t>sword</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gratias ago</o> + <t>thank, give thanks</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gravis</o> + <t>heavy, serious</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>habeo (2)</o> + <t>have</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>habito (1)</o> + <t>live</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>heri</o> + <t>yesterday</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hic</o> + <t>here</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hic, haec, hoc</o> + <t>this</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hodie</o> + <t>today</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>homo (3)</o> + <t>man, human being</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>honor (3)</o> + <t>honour, official position</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hora (1)</o> + <t>hour</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hortor (1)</o> + <t>encourage, urge</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hortus (2)</o> + <t>garden</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hospes (3)</o> + <t>guest, host</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hostis (3)</o> + <t>enemy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>humus (2)</o> + <t>ground</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iaceo (2)</o> + <t>lie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iacio (3)</o> + <t>throw</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>de-/e-/in-icio</o> + <t>throw down/out/in</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iam</o> + <t>now, already</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ianua (1)</o> + <t>door</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ibi</o> + <t>there</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>idem</o> + <t>the same</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>igitur</o> + <t>therefore, and so</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ignarus</o> + <t>not knowing, unaware</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ille</o> + <t>that, he, she, it</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>imperator (3)</o> + <t>emperor</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>imperium (2)</o> + <t>empire, power, command</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>impero (1)</o> + <t>order, command</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>impetus (4)</o> + <t>attack</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>in + abl</o> + <t>in, on</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>in + acc</o> + <t>into, onto</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>incendo (3)</o> + <t>burn, set on fire</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>infelix</o> + <t>unlucky, unhappy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ingenium (2)</o> + <t>character</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ingens</o> + <t>huge</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ingredior (3)</o> + <t>enter</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/I2L.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/I2L.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..367475ba --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/I2L.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>inquit (irreg)</o> + <t>say, said</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>inspicio (3)</o> + <t>look at, inspect, examine</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>insula (1)</o> + <t>island, block of flats</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>intellego (3)</o> + <t>understand</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>inter + acc</o> + <t>among, between</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>interea</o> + <t>meanwhile</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>interficio (3)</o> + <t>kill</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>intro (1)</o> + <t>enter</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>invenio (3)</o> + <t>find</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>invito (1)</o> + <t>invite</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>invitus</o> + <t>unwilling, reluctant</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ipse</o> + <t>himself, herself, itself</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ira (1)</o> + <t>anger</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iratus</o> + <t>angry</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>is, ea, id</o> + <t>this, that, he, she, it</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ita</o> + <t>in this way</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ita vero</o> + <t>yes</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>itaque</o> + <t>and so, therefore</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iter (3)</o> + <t>journey</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iterum</o> + <t>again</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iubeo (2)</o> + <t>order</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iudex (3)</o> + <t>judge</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iuvenis (3)</o> + <t>young man</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>labor (3)</o> + <t>work</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>laboro (1)</o> + <t>to work</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lacrima (1)</o> + <t>tear</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lacrimo (1)</o> + <t>weep, cry</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>laetus</o> + <t>happy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>latus</o> + <t>wide</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>laudo (1)</o> + <t>praise</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>legatus (2)</o> + <t>commander</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>legio (3)</o> + <t>legion</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lego (3)</o> + <t>read, choose</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lente</o> + <t>slowly</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>leo (3)</o> + <t>lion</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>libenter</o> + <t>willingly, gladly</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>liber</o> + <t>book</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>liberi (2)</o> + <t>children</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>libero (1)</o> + <t>free, set free</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>libertus (2)</o> + <t>freedman, ex-slave</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>locus (2)</o> + <t>place</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>longus</o> + <t>long</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>loquor (3)</o> + <t>speak</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>luna (1)</o> + <t>moon</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lux (3)</o> + <t>light, daylight</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/M.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/M.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1380e063 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/M.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>magnopere</o> + <t>greatly</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>magnus</o> + <t>big, large, great</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>malo (irreg)</o> + <t>prefer</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>malus</o> + <t>evil, bad</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>maneo (2)</o> + <t>remain stay</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>manus (4)</o> + <t>hand, group of people</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mare (3)</o> + <t>sea</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>maritus (2)</o> + <t>husband</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mater (3)</o> + <t>mother</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>maximus</o> + <t>very big/great, biggest, greatest</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>medius</o> + <t>middle</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mercator (3)</o> + <t>merchant</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>meus</o> + <t>my</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>miles (3)</o> + <t>soldier</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mille (irreg)</o> + <t>thousand</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>minimus</o> + <t>very little, smallest</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>minime</o> + <t>very little, least, no</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mirabilis</o> + <t>strange, extraordinary, wonderful</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>miser</o> + <t>miserable, wretched, sad</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mitto (3)</o> + <t>send</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>modus (2)</o> + <t>manner, way, kind</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moneo (2)</o> + <t>warn, advise</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mons (3)</o> + <t>mountain</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>morior (3)</o> + <t>die</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mors (3)</o> + <t>death</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moveo (2)</o> + <t>move</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mox</o> + <t>soon</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>multo</o> + <t>much</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>multus</o> + <t>much, many</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>murus (2)</o> + <t>wall</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/Makefile.am b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..46f763f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +en_vocabdir = $(kde_datadir)/klatin/data/vocabs/en +en_vocab_DATA = A.kvtml BC.kvtml D.kvtml EF.kvtml GHI1.kvtml I2L.kvtml M.kvtml N.kvtml \ + OP1.kvtml P2.kvtml QR.kvtml S.kvtml TU.kvtml V.kvtml diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/N.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/N.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2f971a4b --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/N.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>nuntio (1)</o> + <t>accounce</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nascor (3)</o> + <t>be born</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>numero (1)</o> + <t>count</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nam</o> + <t>for</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>-ne</o> + <t>introduces question</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>neco (1)</o> + <t>kill</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>notus</o> + <t>known, well-known, famous</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nuntius (2)</o> + <t>messenger, message, news</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nomen (3)</o> + <t>name</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nec... nec</o> + <t>neither... nor</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>numquam</o> + <t>never</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>novus</o> + <t>new</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nox (3)</o> + <t>night</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>novem</o> + <t>nine</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nemo (irreg)</o> + <t>no one, nobody</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nobilis</o> + <t>noble, of noble birth</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>non </o> + <t>not</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nullus</o> + <t>not any, no</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ne quidem</o> + <t>not even</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nescio (4)</o> + <t>not know</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nolo (irreg)</o> + <t>not want</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nihil (irreg)</o> + <t>nothing</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nunc</o> + <t>now</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nusquam</o> + <t>nowhere</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>numerus (2)</o> + <t>number</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>noster</o> + <t>our</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>navigo (1)</o> + <t>sail</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nauta (1)</o> + <t>sailor</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>navis (3)</o> + <t>ship</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nonnulli</o> + <t>some, several</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>num...?</o> + <t>surely not?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nonne?</o> + <t>surely?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>narro (1)</o> + <t>tell, relate</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ne</o> + <t>that... not, so that... not</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nisi</o> + <t>unless, except</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nos</o> + <t>we, us</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>num</o> + <t>whether</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/OP1.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/OP1.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..287b461c --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/OP1.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>occido (3)</o> + <t>kill</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>octo</o> + <t>eight</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>oculus (2)</o> + <t>eye</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>odi (defect)</o> + <t>I hate</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>offero (irref)</o> + <t>offer</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>olim</o> + <t>once, some time ago</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>omnis</o> + <t>all, every</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>opprimo (3)</o> + <t>crush</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>oppugno (1)</o> + <t>attack</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>optimus</o> + <t>very good, excellent, best</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>opus (3)</o> + <t>work, construction</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>oro (1)</o> + <t>beg</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ostendo (3)</o> + <t>show</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>paene</o> + <t>almost, nearly</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pareo (2)</o> + <t>obey</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>paro (1)</o> + <t>prepare</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pars (3)</o> + <t>part</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>parvus</o> + <t>small</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pater (3)</o> + <t>father</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>patior (3)</o> + <t>suffer, eundure</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pauci</o> + <t>few, a few</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pauper</o> + <t>poor</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pax (3)</o> + <t>peace</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pecunia (1)</o> + <t>money</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>per + acc</o> + <t>through, along</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>periculum (2)</o> + <t>danger</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>periculosus </o> + <t>dangerous</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>persuadeo (2)</o> + <t>persuade</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>perterritus</o> + <t>terrified</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pervenio (4)</o> + <t>reach, arrive at</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pes (3)</o> + <t>foot, paw</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pessimus</o> + <t>very bad, worst</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>peto (3)</o> + <t>make for, seek, beg/ask for, attack</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>placet (2, impersonal)</o> + <t>it pleases, suits</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/P2.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/P2.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..39ed0c5a --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/P2.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>plenus</o> + <t>full</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>plurimus</o> + <t>most, very much, very many</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>plus</o> + <t>more</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>poena (1)</o> + <t>punishment</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>poenas do</o> + <t>pay the penalty, be punished</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pono (3)</o> + <t>put, place, put up</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pons (3)</o> + <t>bridge</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>populus (2) </o> + <t>people, nation</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>porta (1)</o> + <t>gate</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>porto (1)</o> + <t>carry</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>portus (4)</o> + <t>harbour, port</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>possum (irreg)</o> + <t>can, be able</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>post + acc</o> + <t>after, behind</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>postea</o> + <t>afterwards</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>postquam</o> + <t>after, when</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>postridie</o> + <t>on the next day</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>postulo (1)</o> + <t>demand</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>praebeo (2)</o> + <t>provide</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>praemium (2)</o> + <t>prize, reward, profit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pretium (2)</o> + <t>price</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>primus</o> + <t>first</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>princeps (3)</o> + <t>chief, chieftain, emperor</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>priusquam</o> + <t>before, until</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pro + abl</o> + <t>in front of, for, in return for</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>procedo (3)</o> + <t>advance, proceed</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>procul</o> + <t>far off</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>proficiscor (3)</o> + <t>set out</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>progredior (3)</o> + <t>advance</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>promitto (3)</o> + <t>promise</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>prope + acc</o> + <t>near</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>proximus</o> + <t>nearest, next to</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>puella (1)</o> + <t>girl</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>puer (2)</o> + <t>boy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pugno (1)</o> + <t>fight</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pulcher</o> + <t>beautiful, handsome</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>punio (4)</o> + <t>punish</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/QR.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/QR.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bb164992 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/QR.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>quaero (3)</o> + <t>search for, look for, ask</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>qualis</o> + <t>what sort of</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quam</o> + <t>how; than</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quamquam</o> + <t>although</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quantus?</o> + <t>how big?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quattuor</o> + <t>four</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>-que</o> + <t>and</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>qui</o> + <t>who, which</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quidam</o> + <t>one, a certain, some</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quinque</o> + <t>five</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quis?</o> + <t>who? what?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quo?</o> + <t>where to?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quod</o> + <t>because</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quo modo?</o> + <t>how? in what way?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quoque</o> + <t>also, too</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quot?</o> + <t>how many?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rapio (3)</o> + <t>seize, grab</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>re-</o> + <t>-back</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>reddo (3)</o> + <t>give back, restore</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>redeo (irreg)</o> + <t>go back, come back, return</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>refero (irreg)</o> + <t>bring/carry back; report, tell</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>reficio (3)</o> + <t>repair</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regina (1)</o> + <t>queen</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regnum (2)</o> + <t>kingdom</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regredior (3)</o> + <t>go back, return</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>relinquo (3)</o> + <t>leave, leave behind</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>res (5)</o> + <t>thing, business</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>resisto (3)</o> + <t>resist</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>respondeo (2)</o> + <t>reply</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rex (3)</o> + <t>king</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rideo (2)</o> + <t>laugh, smile</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rogo (1)</o> + <t>ask, ask for</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>Roma (1)</o> + <t>Rome</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>Romanus</o> + <t>Roman</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rursus</o> + <t>again</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/S.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/S.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ea548f8e --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/S.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>sacer</o> + <t>sacred</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sacerdos (3)</o> + <t>priest</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>saepe</o> + <t>often</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>saevus</o> + <t>savage, cruel</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>salus (3)</o> + <t>safety, health</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>saluto (1)</o> + <t>greet</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>salve!</o> + <t>hello!</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sanguis (3)</o> + <t>blood</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sapiens</o> + <t>wise</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>satis</o> + <t>enough</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>saxum (2)</o> + <t>rock</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>scio (4)</o> + <t>know</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>scribo (3)</o> + <t>write</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>se</o> + <t>himself, herself, itself</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sed</o> + <t>but</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sedeo (2)</o> + <t>sit</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>semper</o> + <t>always</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>senator (3)</o> + <t>senator</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>senex (3)</o> + <t>old man</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sentio (4)</o> + <t>feel, notice</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>septem</o> + <t>seven</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sequor (3)</o> + <t>follow</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sermo (3)</o> + <t>conversation</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>servo (1)</o> + <t>save, look after</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>servus (2)</o> + <t>slave</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>severus</o> + <t>severe, strict</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sex</o> + <t>six</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>si</o> + <t>if</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sic</o> + <t>thus, in this way</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sicut</o> + <t>like, just as</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>signum (2)</o> + <t>sign, signal, seal</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>silva (1)</o> + <t>wood</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>simulac</o> + <t>as soon as</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sine + abl</o> + <t>without</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sol (3)</o> + <t>sun</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>soleo (2)</o> + <t>be accustomed</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>solus</o> + <t>alone, lonely, only</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sonitus (4)</o> + <t>noise</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>soror (3)</o> + <t>sister</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>specto (1)</o> + <t>look at, watch</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>spero (1)</o> + <t>hope, expect</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>spes (5)</o> + <t>hope</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>statim</o> + <t>at once, immediately</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sto (1)</o> + <t>stand</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>stultus</o> + <t>stupid, foolish</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>suavis</o> + <t>sweet</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sub + acc/abl</o> + <t>under, beneath</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>subito</o> + <t>suddenly</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sum (irreg)</o> + <t>be</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>summus</o> + <t>highest, greatest, top (of)</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>superbus</o> + <t>proud, arrogant</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>supero (1)</o> + <t>overcome, overpower</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>surgo (3)</o> + <t>get up, stand up, rise</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>suus</o> + <t>his, her, its, their (own)</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/TU.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/TU.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..299e3cbc --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/TU.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>taberna (1)</o> + <t>shop, inn</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>taceo (2)</o> + <t>be silent, be quiet</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>talis</o> + <t>such</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tam</o> + <t>so</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tamen</o> + <t>however</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tandem</o> + <t>at last, finally</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tantus</o> + <t>so great, such a great</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>templum (2)</o> + <t>temple</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tempestas (3)</o> + <t>storm</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tempus (3)</o> + <t>time</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>teneo (2)</o> + <t>hold</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>terra (1)</o> + <t>ground, land</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>terreo (2)</o> + <t>frighten</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>timeo (2)</o> + <t>fear, be afraid</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tollo (3)</o> + <t>raise, lift up, hold up</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tot</o> + <t>so many</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>totus</o> + <t>whole</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>trado (3)</o> + <t>hand over</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>traho (3)</o> + <t>drag</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>trans + acc</o> + <t>across</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tres </o> + <t>three</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tristis</o> + <t>sad</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tu</o> + <t>you (singular)</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tum</o> + <t>then</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>turba (1)</o> + <t>crowd</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tutus</o> + <t>safe</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tuus</o> + <t>your (singular), yours</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ubi</o> + <t>where? where, when</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iltimus</o> + <t>furthest, last</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>umquam</o> + <t>ever</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>unda (1)</o> + <t>wave</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>unde</o> + <t>from where</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>unus</o> + <t>one</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>urbs (3)</o> + <t>city</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ut + indic</o> + <t>as</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ut + subj</o> + <t>that, so that, in order that</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>utilis</o> + <t>useful</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>utrum... an</o> + <t>whether... or</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>uxor (3)</o> + <t>wife</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/V.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/V.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..29fd7b09 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/en/V.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>valde</o> + <t>very much, very</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vale</o> + <t>goodbye, farewell</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vehementer</o> + <t>violently, loudly</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>veho (3)</o> + <t>carry</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vendo (3)</o> + <t>sell</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>venio (4)</o> + <t>come</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ventus (2)</o> + <t>wind</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>verbum (2)</o> + <t>word</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>verto (3)</o> + <t>turn</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>verus</o> + <t>true, real</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vester</o> + <t>you (plural), yours</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vestimenta (2)</o> + <t>clothes</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>via (1)</o> + <t>street, road, way</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>video (2)</o> + <t>see</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>villa (1)</o> + <t>house, country villa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vinco (3)</o> + <t>conquer</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vinum (2)</o> + <t>wine</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vir (2)</o> + <t>man</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vita (1)</o> + <t>life</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vivo (3)</o> + <t>live, be alive</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vivus</o> + <t>alive, living</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vix</o> + <t>hardly, scarcely, with difficulty</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>voco (1)</o> + <t>call</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>volo (irreg)</o> + <t>want</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vos</o> + <t>you (plural)</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vox (3)</o> + <t>voice, shout</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vulnero (1)</o> + <t>wound, injure</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vulnus (3)</o> + <t>wound</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vultus (4)</o> + <t>expression, face</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/A.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/A.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3ccf4856 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/A.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>a, ab + abl</o> + <t>z </t> + </e> + <e> + <o>absum (irreg)</o> + <t>być nieobecnym</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ac, atque</o> + <t>i</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>accido (3)</o> + <t>zdarzać się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>accipio (3)</o> + <t>akceptować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>accuso (1)</o> + <t>oskarżać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ad + acc</o> + <t>do, w kierunku</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adeo</o> + <t>tak wiele, tak wielki</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adhuc</o> + <t>do tej pory, wciąż</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adiuvo (1)</o> + <t>pomagać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adsum (irreg)</o> + <t>być tu, być obecnym</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>advenio (4)</o> + <t>przybywać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adversus</o> + <t>wrogi, nieprzyjazny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aedificium</o> + <t>budynek</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aedifico (1)</o> + <t>budować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ago (1)</o> + <t>robić, działać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gratias ago (1)</o> + <t>dziękować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>agricola (1)</o> + <t>rolnik</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aliquis</o> + <t>ktoś, coś</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>alius</o> + <t>inny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>alii...alii</o> + <t>niektórzy...inni</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>alter</o> + <t>ten drugi, alternatywny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>altus</o> + <t>wysoki, głęboki</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ambulo (1)</o> + <t>spacerować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amitto (3)</o> + <t>przegrywać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amo (1)</o> + <t>kochać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amor (3)</o> + <t>miłość</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ancilla (1)</o> + <t>niewolnica</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>animus (2)</o> + <t>duch, umysł, dusza</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>annus (2)</o> + <t>rok</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ante + acc</o> + <t>przed (czas), przed czymś</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>antea</o> + <t>przed</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aperio (4)</o> + <t>otwierać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>appareo (2)</o> + <t>pojawiać się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>appropinquo (1)</o> + <t>nadchodzić, zbliżać się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>apud + acc</o> + <t>pomiędzy, z, w domu ...</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aqua (1)</o> + <t>woda</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ara (1)</o> + <t>ołtarz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>arcesso (3)</o> + <t>wezwać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ars (3)</o> + <t>sztuka, umiejętność</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ascendo (3)</o> + <t>wspinać się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audax</o> + <t>śmiały</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audeo (2)</o> + <t>ośmielać się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audio (4)</o> + <t>słyszeć, słuchać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aufero (3)</o> + <t>odbierać, kraść</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>autem</o> + <t>ale, aczkolwiek</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>auxilium (2)</o> + <t>pomoc</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/BC.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/BC.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..adddfcdf --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/BC.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>bellum (2)</o> + <t>wojna</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>bellum gerere</o> + <t>prowadzić wojnę</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>bene</o> + <t>dobrze</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>bibo (3)</o> + <t>pić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>bonus, a, um</o> + <t>dobry</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>brevis</o> + <t>krótki</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>caelum (2)</o> + <t>niebo, niebiosa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>canis (3)</o> + <t>pies</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>canto (1)</o> + <t>śpiewać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>capio (3)</o> + <t>chwytać, brać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>captivus (2)</o> + <t>schwytany, więzień</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>caput (3)</o> + <t>głowa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>carmen (3)</o> + <t>pieśń, poemat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>carus</o> + <t>drogi</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>castra (2)</o> + <t>obóz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>celer</o> + <t>szybki</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>celo (1)</o> + <t>ukryć się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cena (1)</o> + <t>wieczerza</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>centum</o> + <t>sto</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ceteri</o> + <t>reszta, pozostali</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cibus (2)</o> + <t>jedzenie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>circum</o> + <t>wokoło</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>civis (3)</o> + <t>obywatel</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>clamo (1)</o> + <t>krzyczeć, wołać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>clamor (3)</o> + <t>krzyk, hałas</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>coepi (past tenses only)</o> + <t>zaczynać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cogito (1)</o> + <t>myśleć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cognosco (3)</o> + <t>poznawać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cogo (3)</o> + <t>zmuszać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>comes (3)</o> + <t>towarzysz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>conficio (3)</o> + <t>skończyć, zmęczyć się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>conor (1)</o> + <t>próbować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>consentio (4)</o> + <t>zgadzać się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>consilium (2)</o> + <t>plan, pomysł, rada</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>conspicio (3)</o> + <t>zauważyć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>consisto (3)</o> + <t>zatrzymywać, stać bez ruchu</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>constituo (3)</o> + <t>decydować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>consumo (3)</o> + <t>jeść</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>contendo (3)</o> + <t>śpieszyć się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>contra</o> + <t>przeciw</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>convenio (4)</o> + <t>iść razem, spotykać się, zbierać się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>corpus (3)</o> + <t>ciało</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cotidie</o> + <t>każdego dnia</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cras</o> + <t>jutro</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>crudelis</o> + <t>okrutny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cum</o> + <t>kiedy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>credo (3)</o> + <t>wierzyć, mieć nadzieję w</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cum + abl</o> + <t>z</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cupio (3)</o> + <t>chcieć, pragnąć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cur?</o> + <t>dlaczego?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cura (1)</o> + <t>dbać, martwić się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>curo (1)</o> + <t>opiekować się, nadzorować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>curro (3)</o> + <t>biec</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>custodio (4)</o> + <t>bronić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>custos (3)</o> + <t>bronić</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/D.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/D.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ca491f41 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/D.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>de + abl</o> + <t>od, z</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dea (1)</o> + <t>bogini</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>debeo (2)</o> + <t>mieć powinność, musieć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>decem</o> + <t>dziesięć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>decido (3)</o> + <t>fall down</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>defendo (3)</o> + <t>bronić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>deinde</o> + <t>wtedy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>deleo (2)</o> + <t>niszczyć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>descendo (3)</o> + <t>iść w dół, zstępować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>despero (1)</o> + <t>rozpaczać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>deus (2)</o> + <t>bóg</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dico (3)</o> + <t>mówić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dies (5)</o> + <t>dzień</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>difficilis</o> + <t>trudny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dirus</o> + <t>straszny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>diligenter</o> + <t>ostrożny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>discedo (3)</o> + <t>opuszczać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>diu</o> + <t>na długi czas</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dives</o> + <t>bogaty</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>do (1)</o> + <t>dawać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>doceo (2)</o> + <t>uczyć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>doctus</o> + <t>nauczony, wykształcony, mądry</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>domina (1)</o> + <t>pani</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dominus (2)</o> + <t>pan</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>domus (4)</o> + <t>dom</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>donum (2)</o> + <t>prezent, dar</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dormio (4)</o> + <t>spać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>duco (3)</o> + <t>prowadzić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dum</o> + <t>podczas</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>duo</o> + <t>dwa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dux (3)</o> + <t>przywódca</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/EF.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/EF.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..952766c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/EF.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>e, ex + abl</o> + <t>z</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ecce!</o> + <t>oto, patrz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>efficio (3)</o> + <t>osiągnąć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>effugio (3)</o> + <t>uciekać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ego</o> + <t>ja</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>egredior (3)</o> + <t>wychodzić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>emo (3)</o> + <t>kupować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>enim</o> + <t>dla</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>eo (irreg)</o> + <t>iść</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>epistula (1)</o> + <t>list</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>eques (2)</o> + <t>jeździec</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>equus (2)</o> + <t>koń</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>et</o> + <t>i</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>et... et</o> + <t>oba... oraz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>etiam</o> + <t>także, nawet</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>expecto (1)</o> + <t>oczekiwać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fabula (1)</o> + <t>historia, fabuła</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>facilis</o> + <t>łatwy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>facio (3)</o> + <t>czynić, robić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>faveo (2)</o> + <t>wspierać, popierać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>femina (1)</o> + <t>kobieta</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fero (irreg)</o> + <t>przynosić, nieść</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ferox</o> + <t>gwałtowny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ferrum (2)</o> + <t>iron, sword</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fessus</o> + <t>zmęczony</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>festino (1)</o> + <t>śpieszyć się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fidelis</o> + <t>wierny, lojalny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fides (5)</o> + <t>lojalność, wierność</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>filia (1)</o> + <t>córka</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>filius (2)</o> + <t>syn</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>flos (3)</o> + <t>kwiat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>flumen (3)</o> + <t>rzeka</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>forte</o> + <t>szczęśliwie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fortis</o> + <t>dzielny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>forum (2)</o> + <t>plac, targ</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>frango (3)</o> + <t>łamać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>frater (3)</o> + <t>brat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>frumentum (2)</o> + <t>ziarno</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>frustra</o> + <t>na próżno</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fugio (3)</o> + <t>uciekać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fundo (3)</o> + <t>wylewać</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/GHI1.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/GHI1.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4637bcc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/GHI1.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>gaudeo (2)</o> + <t>radować się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gaudium (2)</o> + <t>radość, przyjemność</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gero (3)</o> + <t>nosić (ubrania), prowadzić (wojnę)</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gladius (2)</o> + <t>miecz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gratias ago</o> + <t>dziękować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gravis</o> + <t>ciężki, poważny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>habeo (2)</o> + <t>mieć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>habito (1)</o> + <t>żyć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>heri</o> + <t>wczoraj</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hic</o> + <t>tutaj</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hic, haec, hoc</o> + <t>to</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hodie</o> + <t>dziś</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>homo (3)</o> + <t>człowiek</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>honor (3)</o> + <t>zaszczyt, urząd</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hora (1)</o> + <t>godzina</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hortor (1)</o> + <t>zachęcać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hortus (2)</o> + <t>ogród</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hospes (3)</o> + <t>gość, gospodarz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hostis (3)</o> + <t>wróg</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>humus (2)</o> + <t>ziemia</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iaceo (2)</o> + <t>kłamać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iacio (3)</o> + <t>rzucać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>de-/e-/in-icio</o> + <t>zrzucać, wyrzucać, wrzucać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iam</o> + <t>teraz, już</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ianua (1)</o> + <t>drzwi</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ibi</o> + <t>tam</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>idem</o> + <t>ten sam</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>igitur</o> + <t>dlatego</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ignarus</o> + <t>nie wiedzący, nieświadomy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ille</o> + <t>ten, on, ona, to</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>imperator (3)</o> + <t>cesarz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>imperium (2)</o> + <t>imperium, potęga, dowodzenie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>impero (1)</o> + <t>rozkazywać, dowodzić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>impetus (4)</o> + <t>atak</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>in + abl</o> + <t>w, na</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>in + acc</o> + <t>w, na (zmiana stanu)</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>incendo (3)</o> + <t>palić, podpalać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>infelix</o> + <t>nieszczęśliwy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ingenium (2)</o> + <t>charakter</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ingens</o> + <t>duży</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ingredior (3)</o> + <t>wchodzić</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/I2L.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/I2L.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..712cba87 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/I2L.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>inquit (irreg)</o> + <t>mówić, powiedzieć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>inspicio (3)</o> + <t>spojrzeć na, sprawdzać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>insula (1)</o> + <t>wyspa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>intellego (3)</o> + <t>rozumieć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>inter + acc</o> + <t>pomiędzy, między</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>interea</o> + <t>podczas</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>interficio (3)</o> + <t>zabić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>intro (1)</o> + <t>wejść</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>invenio (3)</o> + <t>znaleźć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>invito (1)</o> + <t>zapraszać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>invitus</o> + <t>niechętny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ipse</o> + <t>on sam, ona sama, to samo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ira (1)</o> + <t>gniew</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iratus</o> + <t>gniewny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>is, ea, id</o> + <t>ten, to, on, ona, to</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ita</o> + <t>tym sposobem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ita vero</o> + <t>zaprawdę, tak</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>itaque</o> + <t>i tak, dlatego</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iter (3)</o> + <t>podróż</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iterum</o> + <t>znowu</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iubeo (2)</o> + <t>rozkazywać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iudex (3)</o> + <t>sądzić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iuvenis (3)</o> + <t>młodzieniec</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>labor (3)</o> + <t>praca</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>laboro (1)</o> + <t>pracować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lacrima (1)</o> + <t>łza</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lacrimo (1)</o> + <t>płakać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>laetus</o> + <t>szczęśliwy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>latus</o> + <t>szeroki</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>laudo (1)</o> + <t>chwalić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>legatus (2)</o> + <t>dowódca</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>legio (3)</o> + <t>legion</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lego (3)</o> + <t>czytać, wybierać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lente</o> + <t>powoli</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>leo (3)</o> + <t>lew</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>libenter</o> + <t>chętnie, z radością</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>liber</o> + <t>książka</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>liberi (2)</o> + <t>dzieci</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>libero (1)</o> + <t>uwalniać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>libertus (2)</o> + <t>wyzwoleniec, były niewolnik</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>locus (2)</o> + <t>miejsce</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>longus</o> + <t>długi</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>loquor (3)</o> + <t>mówić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>luna (1)</o> + <t>księżyc</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lux (3)</o> + <t>światło</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/M.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/M.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..907484b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/M.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>magnopere</o> + <t>wspaniale</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>magnus</o> + <t>wielki, duży</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>malo (irreg)</o> + <t>woleć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>malus</o> + <t>zły</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>maneo (2)</o> + <t>pozostawać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>manus (4)</o> + <t>ręka, grupa ludzi</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mare (3)</o> + <t>morze</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>maritus (2)</o> + <t>mąż</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mater (3)</o> + <t>matka</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>maximus</o> + <t>największy, bardzo dużo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>medius</o> + <t>średni</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mercator (3)</o> + <t>kupiec</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>meus</o> + <t>mój</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>miles (3)</o> + <t>żołnierz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mille (irreg)</o> + <t>tysiąc</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>minimus</o> + <t>najmniejszy, bardzo mało</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>minime</o> + <t>bardzo mało, najmniej</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mirabilis</o> + <t>dziwny, cudowny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>miser</o> + <t>żałosny, smutny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mitto (3)</o> + <t>wysyłać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>modus (2)</o> + <t>sposób</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moneo (2)</o> + <t>ostrzegać, doradzać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mons (3)</o> + <t>góra</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>morior (3)</o> + <t>umierać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mors (3)</o> + <t>śmierć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moveo (2)</o> + <t>ruszać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mox</o> + <t>wkrótce</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>multo</o> + <t>dużo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>multus</o> + <t>liczny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>murus (2)</o> + <t>mur</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/Makefile.am b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fe184430 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +pl_vocabdir = $(kde_datadir)/klatin/data/vocabs/pl +pl_vocab_DATA = A.kvtml BC.kvtml D.kvtml EF.kvtml GHI1.kvtml I2L.kvtml M.kvtml N.kvtml \ + OP1.kvtml P2.kvtml QR.kvtml S.kvtml TU.kvtml V.kvtml diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/N.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/N.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..af7afc55 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/N.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>nuntio (1)</o> + <t>ogłaszać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nascor (3)</o> + <t>rodzić się, pochodzić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>numero (1)</o> + <t>liczyć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nam</o> + <t>dla</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>-ne</o> + <t>wprowadza pytanie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>neco (1)</o> + <t>zabić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>notus</o> + <t>znany, sławny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nuntius (2)</o> + <t>posłaniec, wiadomość</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nomen (3)</o> + <t>imię</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nec... nec</o> + <t>ani... ani</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>numquam</o> + <t>nigdy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>novus</o> + <t>nowy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nox (3)</o> + <t>noc</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>novem</o> + <t>dziewięć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nemo (irreg)</o> + <t>nikt</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nobilis</o> + <t>szlachetny, dobrze urodzony</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>non </o> + <t>nie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nullus</o> + <t>nic, żaden</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ne quidem</o> + <t>nawet nie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nescio (4)</o> + <t>nie wiedzieć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nolo (irreg)</o> + <t>nie chcieć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nihil (irreg)</o> + <t>nic</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nunc</o> + <t>teraz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nusquam</o> + <t>nigdzie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>numerus (2)</o> + <t>liczba</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>noster</o> + <t>nasz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>navigo (1)</o> + <t>żeglować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nauta (1)</o> + <t>żeglarz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>navis (3)</o> + <t>statek</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nonnulli</o> + <t>kilka, trochę</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>num...?</o> + <t>na pewno nie?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nonne?</o> + <t>na pewno?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>narro (1)</o> + <t>opowiadać, relacjonować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ne</o> + <t>to... nie, tak więc... nie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nisi</o> + <t>jeśli nie, z wyjątkiem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nos</o> + <t>my, nas</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>num</o> + <t>jeśli</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/OP1.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/OP1.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f82a7557 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/OP1.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>occido (3)</o> + <t>zabić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>octo</o> + <t>osiem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>oculus (2)</o> + <t>oko</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>odi (defect)</o> + <t>nienawidzę</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>offero (irref)</o> + <t>oferować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>olim</o> + <t>raz, jakiś czas temu</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>omnis</o> + <t>wszystko, zawsze</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>opprimo (3)</o> + <t>zmiażdżyć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>oppugno (1)</o> + <t>atakować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>optimus</o> + <t>bardzo dobry, znakomity, najlepszy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>opus (3)</o> + <t>pracować, dzieło</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>oro (1)</o> + <t>błagać, żebrać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ostendo (3)</o> + <t>pokazywać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>paene</o> + <t>prawie, blisko</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pareo (2)</o> + <t>być posłusznym</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>paro (1)</o> + <t>przygotowywać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pars (3)</o> + <t>część</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>parvus</o> + <t>mały</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pater (3)</o> + <t>ojciec</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>patior (3)</o> + <t>cierpieć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pauci</o> + <t>odrobina, mało</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pauper</o> + <t>biedny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pax (3)</o> + <t>pokój</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pecunia (1)</o> + <t>pieniądze</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>per + acc</o> + <t>przez</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>periculum (2)</o> + <t>niebezpieczeństwo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>periculosus </o> + <t>niebezpieczny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>persuadeo (2)</o> + <t>perswadować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>perterritus</o> + <t>przerażony</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pervenio (4)</o> + <t>osiągać, przybywać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pes (3)</o> + <t>stopa, pazur</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pessimus</o> + <t>bardzo źle, najgorzej</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>peto (3)</o> + <t>szukać, błagać, prosić, atakować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>placet (2, impersonal)</o> + <t>zadowalać, pasować</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/P2.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/P2.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..72ccf9ab --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/P2.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>plenus</o> + <t>pełny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>plurimus</o> + <t>większość, bardzo dużo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>plus</o> + <t>więcej</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>poena (1)</o> + <t>kara</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>poenas do</o> + <t>płacić karę, zostać ukaranym</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pono (3)</o> + <t>położyć, umieścić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pons (3)</o> + <t>most</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>populus (2) </o> + <t>lud, ludzie, naród</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>porta (1)</o> + <t>brama</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>porto (1)</o> + <t>nieść</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>portus (4)</o> + <t>port</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>possum (irreg)</o> + <t>móc, być w stanie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>post + acc</o> + <t>za, poza</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>postea</o> + <t>potem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>postquam</o> + <t>potym, kiedy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>postridie</o> + <t>następnego dnia, jutro</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>postulo (1)</o> + <t>żądanie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>praebeo (2)</o> + <t>zapewniać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>praemium (2)</o> + <t>nagroda, zysk</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pretium (2)</o> + <t>cena</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>primus</o> + <t>pierwszy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>princeps (3)</o> + <t>dowódca, przywódca, cesarz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>priusquam</o> + <t>przed, dopóki</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pro + abl</o> + <t>przed czymś, dla, w zamian</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>procedo (3)</o> + <t>postępować, iść do przodu</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>procul</o> + <t>daleko</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>proficiscor (3)</o> + <t>wyruszyć, podróżować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>progredior (3)</o> + <t>posuwać się do przodu</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>promitto (3)</o> + <t>obiecywać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>prope + acc</o> + <t>blisko</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>proximus</o> + <t>najbliższy, następny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>puella (1)</o> + <t>dziewczyna</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>puer (2)</o> + <t>chłopiec</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pugno (1)</o> + <t>walczyć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pulcher</o> + <t>piękny, przystojny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>punio (4)</o> + <t>karać</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/QR.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/QR.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f43207b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/QR.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>quaero (3)</o> + <t>szukać, pytać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>qualis</o> + <t>co za jeden</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quam</o> + <t>jak; niż</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quamquam</o> + <t>chociać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quantus?</o> + <t>jak duży?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quattuor</o> + <t>cztery</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>-que</o> + <t>i</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>qui</o> + <t>kto, który</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quidam</o> + <t>jeden, pewien, jakiś</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quinque</o> + <t>pięć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quis?</o> + <t>kto? co?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quo?</o> + <t>gdzie?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quod</o> + <t>ponieważ</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quo modo?</o> + <t>jak? w jaki sposób?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quoque</o> + <t>także</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quot?</o> + <t>jak dużo?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rapio (3)</o> + <t>schwytać, złapać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>re-</o> + <t>-znowu</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>reddo (3)</o> + <t>zwrócić, przywrócić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>redeo (irreg)</o> + <t>wracać, wrócić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>refero (irreg)</o> + <t>przynieść z powrotem; zdawać relację, opowiadać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>reficio (3)</o> + <t>reperować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regina (1)</o> + <t>królowa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regnum (2)</o> + <t>królestwo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regredior (3)</o> + <t>wracać, cofać się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>relinquo (3)</o> + <t>opuszczać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>res (5)</o> + <t>rzecz, interes</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>resisto (3)</o> + <t>opierać się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>respondeo (2)</o> + <t>odpowiadać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rex (3)</o> + <t>król</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rideo (2)</o> + <t>śmiać się, uśmiechać się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rogo (1)</o> + <t>pytać, dowiadywać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>Roma (1)</o> + <t>Rzym</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>Romanus</o> + <t>Rzymianin</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rursus</o> + <t>znowu</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/S.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/S.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2b0f38f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/S.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>sacer</o> + <t>święty</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sacerdos (3)</o> + <t>kapłan</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>saepe</o> + <t>często</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>saevus</o> + <t>dziki, okrutny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>salus (3)</o> + <t>bezpieczny, zdrowy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>saluto (1)</o> + <t>witać, pozdrawiać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>salve!</o> + <t>witam!</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sanguis (3)</o> + <t>krew</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sapiens</o> + <t>mądry</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>satis</o> + <t>wystarczająco, dość</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>saxum (2)</o> + <t>skała</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>scio (4)</o> + <t>wiedzieć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>scribo (3)</o> + <t>pisać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>se</o> + <t>on sam, ona sama, to</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sed</o> + <t>lecz, ale</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sedeo (2)</o> + <t>siedzieć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>semper</o> + <t>zawsze</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>senator (3)</o> + <t>senator</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>senex (3)</o> + <t>starzec</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sentio (4)</o> + <t>czuć, zauważać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>septem</o> + <t>siedem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sequor (3)</o> + <t>podążać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sermo (3)</o> + <t>rozmowa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>servo (1)</o> + <t>pilnować, obserwować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>servus (2)</o> + <t>niewolnik</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>severus</o> + <t>ciężki, rygorystyczny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sex</o> + <t>sześć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>si</o> + <t>jeśli</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sic</o> + <t>tak, w ten sposób</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sicut</o> + <t>tak jak</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>signum (2)</o> + <t>znak, pieczęć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>silva (1)</o> + <t>las, drzewo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>simulac</o> + <t>tak szybko jak</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sine + abl</o> + <t>bez</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sol (3)</o> + <t>słońce</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>soleo (2)</o> + <t>być przyzwyczajonym</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>solus</o> + <t>sam, samotny, tylko</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sonitus (4)</o> + <t>hałas</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>soror (3)</o> + <t>siostra</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>specto (1)</o> + <t>spojrzeć na, obserwować</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>spero (1)</o> + <t>mieć nadzieję, oczekiwać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>spes (5)</o> + <t>nadzieja</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>statim</o> + <t>natychmiast</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sto (1)</o> + <t>stać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>stultus</o> + <t>głupi, głupio</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>suavis</o> + <t>słodki</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sub + acc/abl</o> + <t>pod, pod spodem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>subito</o> + <t>nagle</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sum (irreg)</o> + <t>być</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>summus</o> + <t>najwyższy, największy, szczyt (czegoś)</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>superbus</o> + <t>dumny, arogancki</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>supero (1)</o> + <t>zwyciężać, przewyższać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>surgo (3)</o> + <t>podnieść się, wstać, unieść się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>suus</o> + <t>jego, jej, tego, ich (własny)</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/TU.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/TU.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..64524d94 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/TU.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>taberna (1)</o> + <t>sklep, karczma</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>taceo (2)</o> + <t>być cicho</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>talis</o> + <t>taki</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tam</o> + <t>tak bardzo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tamen</o> + <t>jednak</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tandem</o> + <t>w końcu</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tantus</o> + <t>tak wielki</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>templum (2)</o> + <t>świątynia</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tempestas (3)</o> + <t>burza, sztorm</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tempus (3)</o> + <t>czas</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>teneo (2)</o> + <t>trzymać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>terra (1)</o> + <t>ziemia, kraj</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>terreo (2)</o> + <t>straszyć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>timeo (2)</o> + <t>bać się</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tollo (3)</o> + <t>podnieść</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tot</o> + <t>tak wiele</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>totus</o> + <t>cały</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>trado (3)</o> + <t>przekazać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>traho (3)</o> + <t>ciągnąć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>trans + acc</o> + <t>w poprzek</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tres </o> + <t>drzewo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tristis</o> + <t>smutny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tu</o> + <t>ty, twój</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tum</o> + <t>potem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>turba (1)</o> + <t>tłum</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tutus</o> + <t>bezpieczny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tuus</o> + <t>twój (singular), wasz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ubi</o> + <t>gdzie? gdzie, kiedy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iltimus</o> + <t>najdalszy, ostatni</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>umquam</o> + <t>zawsze</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>unda (1)</o> + <t>fala</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>unde</o> + <t>skąd</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>unus</o> + <t>jeden</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>urbs (3)</o> + <t>miasto</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ut + indic</o> + <t>jak, jak bardzo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ut + subj</o> + <t>jak tylko</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>utilis</o> + <t>użyteczny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>utrum... an</o> + <t>czy... czy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>uxor (3)</o> + <t>żona</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/V.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/V.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6ace2e9a --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/pl/V.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>valde</o> + <t>bardzo, mocno, gwałtownie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vale</o> + <t>do widzenia, pożegnanie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vehementer</o> + <t>gwałtowny, głośny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>veho (3)</o> + <t>nieść</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vendo (3)</o> + <t>sprzedawać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>venio (4)</o> + <t>przychodzić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ventus (2)</o> + <t>wiatr</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>verbum (2)</o> + <t>słowo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>verto (3)</o> + <t>obracać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>verus</o> + <t>prawdziwy, rzeczywisty</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vester</o> + <t>wy, wasz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vestimenta (2)</o> + <t>ubrania</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>via (1)</o> + <t>ulica, droga</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>video (2)</o> + <t>widzieć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>villa (1)</o> + <t>dom, willa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vinco (3)</o> + <t>zdobywać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vinum (2)</o> + <t>wino</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vir (2)</o> + <t>mąż</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vita (1)</o> + <t>życie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vivo (3)</o> + <t>żyć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vivus</o> + <t>żywy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vix</o> + <t>trudno, prawie nie, z trudnością</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>voco (1)</o> + <t>wołać</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>volo (irreg)</o> + <t>chcieć</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vos</o> + <t>wy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vox (3)</o> + <t>głos, krzyk</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vulnero (1)</o> + <t>ranić, krzywdzić</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vulnus (3)</o> + <t>rana</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vultus (4)</o> + <t>mina, twarz</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/A.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/A.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f8cbd879 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/A.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>a, ab + abl</o> + <t>od</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>absum (irreg)</o> + <t>byť mimo, byť neprítomný, byť preč</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ac, atque</o> + <t>a, i</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>accido (3)</o> + <t>diať sa, stávať sa, prihodiť sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>accipio (3)</o> + <t>prijímať, brať, dostávať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>accuso (1)</o> + <t>obžalovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ad + acc</o> + <t>k, u, do</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adeo</o> + <t>do tej miery, tak ďaleko, tak veľa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adhuc</o> + <t>doposiaľ, ešte</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adiuvo (1)</o> + <t>pomôcť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adsum (irreg)</o> + <t>byť tu, byť prítomný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>advenio (4)</o> + <t>približovať sa, prichádzať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>adversus</o> + <t>nepriateľský, nevýhodný, nepriaznivý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aedificium</o> + <t>budova, zakladanie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aedifico (1)</o> + <t>budovať, zakladať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ago (1)</o> + <t>robiť, činiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gratias ago (1)</o> + <t>vďaka, ďakovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>agricola (1)</o> + <t>roľník, poľnohospodár</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aliquis</o> + <t>niekto, niečo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>alius</o> + <t>iný, iní, druhý, ostatný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>alii...alii</o> + <t>niektorý...iný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>alter</o> + <t>druhý, iný, jeden z dvoch, opačný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>altus</o> + <t>hlboký, vysoký, hrdý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ambulo (1)</o> + <t>obchádzať, prechádzať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amitto (3)</o> + <t>stratiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amo (1)</o> + <t>milovať, mať rád</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>amor (3)</o> + <t>láska</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ancilla (1)</o> + <t>slúžka</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>animus (2)</o> + <t>duch, myseľ, odvaha</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>annus (2)</o> + <t>rok</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ante + acc</o> + <t>pred, skôr</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>antea</o> + <t>pred tým, skôr</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aperio (4)</o> + <t>otvorený</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>appareo (2)</o> + <t>objaviť sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>appropinquo (1)</o> + <t>blížiť sa, prichádzať bližšie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>apud + acc</o> + <t>blízko, pri, u</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aqua (1)</o> + <t>voda</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ara (1)</o> + <t>oltár</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>arcesso (3)</o> + <t>povolávať, zvolávať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ars (3)</o> + <t>umenie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ascendo (3)</o> + <t>vystupovať, stúpať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audax</o> + <t>odvážny, statočný, drzý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audeo (2)</o> + <t>odvážiť sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>audio (4)</o> + <t>počuť, počúvať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>aufero (3)</o> + <t>odniesť, odnášať, ukradnúť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>autem</o> + <t>ale, avšak</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>auxilium (2)</o> + <t>podpora, pomoc</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/BC.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/BC.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fc4da165 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/BC.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>bellum (2)</o> + <t>vojna, bitka; pekné, spanilé</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>bellum gerere</o> + <t>viesť vojnu, vojnové ťaženie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>bene</o> + <t>dobre</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>bibo (3)</o> + <t>piť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>bonus, a, um</o> + <t>dobrý, správny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>brevis</o> + <t>krátky, stručný, malý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>caelum (2)</o> + <t>nebo, oblaky</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>canis (3)</o> + <t>pes, psí</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>canto (1)</o> + <t>spievať, hrať (hud.)</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>capio (3)</o> + <t>brať, uchopiť, chápať, zmocniť sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>captivus (2)</o> + <t>chytený, zajatec</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>caput (3)</o> + <t>hlava, hlavné mesto</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>carmen (3)</o> + <t>pieseň, báseň</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>carus</o> + <t>drahý, milý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>castra (2)</o> + <t>kasáreň</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>celer</o> + <t>rýchly, mrštný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>celo (1)</o> + <t>ukrývať, utajiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cena (1)</o> + <t>obed, hlavné jedlo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>centum</o> + <t>sto</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ceteri</o> + <t>ostatné, zvyšok</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cibus (2)</o> + <t>jedlo, pokrm</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>circum</o> + <t>okolo, vôkol</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>civis (3)</o> + <t>občan</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>clamo (1)</o> + <t>kričať, volať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>clamor (3)</o> + <t>krik, pokrik, hluk</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>coepi (past tenses only)</o> + <t>začal som</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cogito (1)</o> + <t>myslieť, uvažovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cognosco (3)</o> + <t>poznávať, skúmať, skúšať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cogo (3)</o> + <t>nútiť, donucovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>comes (3)</o> + <t>sprievodca, spoločník</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>conficio (3)</o> + <t>urobiť, dokončiť; vyčerpať, unaviť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>conor (1)</o> + <t>pokúšať sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>consentio (4)</o> + <t>súhlasiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>consilium (2)</o> + <t>úmysel, zámer, rada</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>conspicio (3)</o> + <t>postrehnúť, uvidieť, všimnúť si</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>consisto (3)</o> + <t>zastaviť, ostať nehybný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>constituo (3)</o> + <t>ustanoviť, zakladať, tvoriť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>consumo (3)</o> + <t>spotrebovať, vynakladať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>contendo (3)</o> + <t>napínať, bojovať, porovnávať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>contra</o> + <t>naopak, proti</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>convenio (4)</o> + <t>schádzať sa, prichádzať, priliehať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>corpus (3)</o> + <t>telo, ložisko</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cotidie</o> + <t>každodenne</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cras</o> + <t>zajtra</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>crudelis</o> + <t>surový, krutý, nemilosrdný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cum</o> + <t>keď</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>credo (3)</o> + <t>veriť, zdôverovať sa, byť dôverčivý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cum + abl</o> + <t>s</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cupio (3)</o> + <t>chcenie, žiadosť, túžba</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cur?</o> + <t>prečo?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>cura (1)</o> + <t>starostlivosť, liečenie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>curo (1)</o> + <t>starať sa, kontrolovať, dbať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>curro (3)</o> + <t>bežať, hnať sa, behať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>custodio (4)</o> + <t>strážiť, chrániť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>custos (3)</o> + <t>strážca, dozorca</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/D.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/D.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43cc45f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/D.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>de + abl</o> + <t>od, z; o</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dea (1)</o> + <t>bohyňa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>debeo (2)</o> + <t>dlžiť, mať niečo ako povinnosť, musieť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>decem</o> + <t>desať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>decido (3)</o> + <t>spadnúť, klesnúť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>defendo (3)</o> + <t>odháňať, odpudzovať, brániť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>deinde</o> + <t>od tej doby, potom, odtiaľ ďalej</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>deleo (2)</o> + <t>ničiť, hubiť, vyhladiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>descendo (3)</o> + <t>zostupovať, zísť, zostúpiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>despero (1)</o> + <t>nemať nádej, strácať nádej</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>deus (2)</o> + <t>boh</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dico (3)</o> + <t>hovoriť, vravieť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dies (5)</o> + <t>deň, doba, čas</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>difficilis</o> + <t>ťažký, neľahký, obtiažny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dirus</o> + <t>krutý, strašný, príšerný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>diligenter</o> + <t>svedomito, poriadne</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>discedo (3)</o> + <t>rozchádzať sa, odchádzať, ustúpiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>diu</o> + <t>dlho, cez deň</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dives</o> + <t>bohatý, úrodný, výnosný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>do (1)</o> + <t>dať, dávať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>doceo (2)</o> + <t>učiť, vyučovať, vysvetlovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>doctus</o> + <t>učený, vzdelaný, schopný, šikovný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>domina (1)</o> + <t>pani, majiteľka, gazdiná</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dominus (2)</o> + <t>majiteľ, gazda, vládca</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>domus (4)</o> + <t>dom, byt, rod</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>donum (2)</o> + <t>dar, obeť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dormio (4)</o> + <t>spať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>duco (3)</o> + <t>viesť, ťahať, odvádzať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dum</o> + <t>kým, pokiaľ, tu</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>duo</o> + <t>dva, dve</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>dux (3)</o> + <t>knieža, vojvodca</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/EF.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/EF.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3fd250b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/EF.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>e, ex + abl</o> + <t>z, z vnútra</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ecce!</o> + <t>hľa! aha!</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>efficio (3)</o> + <t>urobiť, zvládnuť, splniť, vykonať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>effugio (3)</o> + <t>utiecť, uniknúť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ego</o> + <t>ja</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>egredior (3)</o> + <t>vyjsť, vykročiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>emo (3)</o> + <t>brať, kupovať, vykúpiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>enim</o> + <t>totiž, lebo, určite</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>eo (irreg)</o> + <t>ísť, bežať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>epistula (1)</o> + <t>list</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>eques (2)</o> + <t>jazdec</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>equus (2)</o> + <t>kôň, osol</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>et</o> + <t>a</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>et... et</o> + <t>aj... aj</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>etiam</o> + <t>tiež, dokonca aj</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>expecto (1)</o> + <t>čakať na</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fabula (1)</o> + <t>príbeh, bájka, rozprávka</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>facilis</o> + <t>ľahký, jednoduchý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>facio (3)</o> + <t>vyrobiť, urobiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>faveo (2)</o> + <t>vyhovieť, vyhovovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>femina (1)</o> + <t>žena, samica</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fero (irreg)</o> + <t>niesť, držať, znášať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ferox</o> + <t>bujný, prudký, divoký</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ferrum (2)</o> + <t>železo, meč</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fessus</o> + <t>unavený, slabý, vysilený</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>festino (1)</o> + <t>náhliť sa, ponáhľať sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fidelis</o> + <t>verný, lojálny, spoľahlivý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fides (5)</o> + <t>dôvera, vernosť, lojalita</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>filia (1)</o> + <t>priateľstvo, priazeň, dcéra</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>filius (2)</o> + <t>syn</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>flos (3)</o> + <t>kvet, kvetina</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>flumen (3)</o> + <t>tok, rieka, prúd</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>forte</o> + <t>náhodou, zrovna</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fortis</o> + <t>silný, pevný, udatný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>forum (2)</o> + <t>námestie, nádvorie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>frango (3)</o> + <t>lámať, zlomiť, polámať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>frater (3)</o> + <t>brat</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>frumentum (2)</o> + <t>obilie, obilný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>frustra</o> + <t>sklamane, bezvýsledne, márne</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fugio (3)</o> + <t>utekať, ubiehať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>fundo (3)</o> + <t>liať, vylievať</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/GHI1.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/GHI1.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3a37603c --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/GHI1.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>gaudeo (2)</o> + <t>byť rád, tešiť sa, radovať sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gaudium (2)</o> + <t>radosť, potešenie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gero (3)</o> + <t>nosiť (šaty), viesť (vojnu)</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gladius (2)</o> + <t>meč</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gratias ago</o> + <t>ďakovať, prejavovať vďaku</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>gravis</o> + <t>ťažký, vážny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>habeo (2)</o> + <t>držať, udržovať, chovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>habito (1)</o> + <t>bývať, byť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>heri</o> + <t>včera</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hic</o> + <t>tu, sem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hic, haec, hoc</o> + <t>túto, tieto, toto, tento</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hodie</o> + <t>dnes, v dnešnej dobe</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>homo (3)</o> + <t>človek, ľudská bytosť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>honor (3)</o> + <t>úcta, česť, poklona</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hora (1)</o> + <t>hodina, doba</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hortor (1)</o> + <t>povzbudzovať, súriť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hortus (2)</o> + <t>záhrada</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hospes (3)</o> + <t>hosť, hostiteľ</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>hostis (3)</o> + <t>cudzinec, nepriateľ v boji</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>humus (2)</o> + <t>zem, hlina</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iaceo (2)</o> + <t>ležať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iacio (3)</o> + <t>hádzať, vrhať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>de-/e-/in-icio</o> + <t>hádzať dole/z/do</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iam</o> + <t>už, teraz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ianua (1)</o> + <t>dvere, vchod</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ibi</o> + <t>tam, na tom mieste</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>idem</o> + <t>ten istý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>igitur</o> + <t>teda, a preto</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ignarus</o> + <t>neznalý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ille</o> + <t>onen, ona</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>imperator (3)</o> + <t>vládca, cisár</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>imperium (2)</o> + <t>vláda, zvrchovaná moc, rozkaz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>impero (1)</o> + <t>panovať, ovládať, rozkazovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>impetus (4)</o> + <t>útok, nával, nápor</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>in + abl</o> + <t>na, v</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>in + acc</o> + <t>do, dovnútra</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>incendo (3)</o> + <t>páliť, zapáliť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>infelix</o> + <t>nešťastný, neplodný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ingenium (2)</o> + <t>prirodzenosť, duševná povaha</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ingens</o> + <t>nesmierny, obrovský</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ingredior (3)</o> + <t>vkročiť, vstúpiť</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/I2L.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/I2L.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..12ed2a61 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/I2L.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>inquit (irreg)</o> + <t>povedal</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>inspicio (3)</o> + <t>hľadieť dovnútra, skúmať, nazerať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>insula (1)</o> + <t>ostrov, ostrovček</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>intellego (3)</o> + <t>rozumieť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>inter + acc</o> + <t>medzi</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>interea</o> + <t>zatiaľ čo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>interficio (3)</o> + <t>zabiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>intro (1)</o> + <t>vstúpiť, vojsť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>invenio (3)</o> + <t>nachádzať, objaviť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>invito (1)</o> + <t>pozývať, zvať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>invitus</o> + <t>nerád</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ipse</o> + <t>sám</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ira (1)</o> + <t>hnev, zlosť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iratus</o> + <t>nahnevaný, zlostný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>is, ea, id</o> + <t>ten, tá, to, on, ona, ono</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ita</o> + <t>tak, takým spôsobom</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ita vero</o> + <t>áno</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>itaque</o> + <t>a tak, teda, preto</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iter (3)</o> + <t>cesta, pochod</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iterum</o> + <t>ešte raz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iubeo (2)</o> + <t>prikazovať, kázať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iudex (3)</o> + <t>sudca</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>iuvenis (3)</o> + <t>mladík, mladý muž</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>labor (3)</o> + <t>práca, námaha, úsilie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>laboro (1)</o> + <t>pracovať, namáhať sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lacrima (1)</o> + <t>slza, plač</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lacrimo (1)</o> + <t>roniť slzy, plakať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>laetus</o> + <t>veselý, šťastný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>latus</o> + <t>rozsiahly, priestorný, ďaleký</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>laudo (1)</o> + <t>chváliť, schvalovať, vychvaľovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>legatus (2)</o> + <t>vyslanec, pobočník</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>legio (3)</o> + <t>légia, výber</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lego (3)</o> + <t>voliť, zbierať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lente</o> + <t>pomaly, váhavo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>leo (3)</o> + <t>lev</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>libenter</o> + <t>voľne, ochotne, nenásilne</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>liber</o> + <t>kniha, závitok</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>liberi (2)</o> + <t>deti</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>libero (1)</o> + <t>oslobodzovať, uvoľňovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>libertus (2)</o> + <t>prepustený z otroctva</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>locus (2)</o> + <t>miesto, nálezisko, kraj</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>longus</o> + <t>dlhý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>loquor (3)</o> + <t>hovoriť, vravieť, povedať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>luna (1)</o> + <t>mesiac, luna</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>lux (3)</o> + <t>svetlo, denné svetlo</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/M.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/M.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ea61fd1d --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/M.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>magnopere</o> + <t>veľmi, moc</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>magnus</o> + <t>veľký, silný, dôležitý, vážny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>malo (irreg)</o> + <t>uprednostňovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>malus</o> + <t>zlý, škodlivý, biedny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>maneo (2)</o> + <t>zostávať, trvať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>manus (4)</o> + <t>ruka, hŕstka</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mare (3)</o> + <t>more</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>maritus (2)</o> + <t>manžel, ženích</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mater (3)</o> + <t>matka, žena</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>maximus</o> + <t>veľmi veľký, najväčší, obrovský</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>medius</o> + <t>stredný, priemerný, prostredný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mercator (3)</o> + <t>kupec, obchodník</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>meus</o> + <t>môj</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>miles (3)</o> + <t>vojak, rytier</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mille (irreg)</o> + <t>tisíc</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>minimus</o> + <t>najmenší, veľmi malý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>minime</o> + <t>najmenej, veľmi málo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mirabilis</o> + <t>zvláštny, podivuhodný, pozoruhodný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>miser</o> + <t>biedny, úbohý, smutný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mitto (3)</o> + <t>posielať, poslať, venovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>modus (2)</o> + <t>spôsob, pravidlo, druh</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moneo (2)</o> + <t>upozorňovať, kárať, upomínať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mons (3)</o> + <t>hora, vrch</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>morior (3)</o> + <t>umierať, zomrieť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mors (3)</o> + <t>smrť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>moveo (2)</o> + <t>hýbať, hnúť, pohybovať sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>mox</o> + <t>skoro</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>multo</o> + <t>veľa, mnoho</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>multus</o> + <t>mnohý, početný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>murus (2)</o> + <t>stena, hradba</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/N.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/N.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d13c83fd --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/N.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>nuntio (1)</o> + <t>oznámiť, ohlásiť, zvestovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nascor (3)</o> + <t>narodiť sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>numero (1)</o> + <t>počítať, vypočítať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nam</o> + <t>pretože, totiž</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>-ne</o> + <t>uvádza otázku</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>neco (1)</o> + <t>usmrtiť, zabiť, zničiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>notus</o> + <t>známy, preslávený</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nuntius (2)</o> + <t>posol, správa, novinka</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nomen (3)</o> + <t>meno, rod</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nec... nec</o> + <t>ani... ani</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>numquam</o> + <t>nikdy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>novus</o> + <t>nový, neslýchaný, iný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nox (3)</o> + <t>noc, spánok</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>novem</o> + <t>deväť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nemo (irreg)</o> + <t>nikto, žiadny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nobilis</o> + <t>urodzený, sľachetný, sľachtic</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>non </o> + <t>nie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nullus</o> + <t>žiadny, bezvýznamný, nikto</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ne quidem</o> + <t>vôbec nie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nescio (4)</o> + <t>neviem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nolo (irreg)</o> + <t>nechcieť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nihil (irreg)</o> + <t>nič</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nunc</o> + <t>teraz</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nusquam</o> + <t>nikde, nikam</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>numerus (2)</o> + <t>časť, množstvo, počet</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>noster</o> + <t>náš</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>navigo (1)</o> + <t>plaviť sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nauta (1)</o> + <t>námorník, obchodník, kupec</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>navis (3)</o> + <t>loď, plavidlo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nonnulli</o> + <t>niektorí</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>num...?</o> + <t>určite nie?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nonne?</o> + <t>bezpečne? určite?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>narro (1)</o> + <t>hovoriť, podávať správu</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ne</o> + <t>že... nie, takže... nie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nisi</o> + <t>ak nie, ibaže</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>nos</o> + <t>my, nás</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>num</o> + <t>či</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/OP1.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/OP1.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a9b37353 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/OP1.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>occido (3)</o> + <t>zabiť, usmrtiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>octo</o> + <t>osem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>oculus (2)</o> + <t>oko</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>odi (defect)</o> + <t>nenávidím, mám odpor</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>offero (irref)</o> + <t>ponúkať, núkať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>olim</o> + <t>kedysi, raz, skôr</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>omnis</o> + <t>všetko, každý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>opprimo (3)</o> + <t>pritláčať, prepadnúť, napadnúť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>oppugno (1)</o> + <t>napadnúť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>optimus</o> + <t>najlepší, excelentný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>opus (3)</o> + <t>dielo, práca, výtvor</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>oro (1)</o> + <t>prosiť, prosebne žiadať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ostendo (3)</o> + <t>ukázať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>paene</o> + <t>skoro, takmer, temer</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pareo (2)</o> + <t>poslúchať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>paro (1)</o> + <t>pripravovať, strojiť, chystať sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pars (3)</o> + <t>diel, časť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>parvus</o> + <t>malý, nepatrný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pater (3)</o> + <t>otec, hlava rodiny, pán</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>patior (3)</o> + <t>snášať, trpieť, zakúšať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pauci</o> + <t>máloktorí, len niekoľkí</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pauper</o> + <t>chudák, nemajetný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pax (3)</o> + <t>pokoj, mier, kľud</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pecunia (1)</o> + <t>peniaze, majetok</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>per + acc</o> + <t>skrz, cez, popri</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>periculum (2)</o> + <t>nebezpečie, pokus, skúška</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>periculosus </o> + <t>nebezpečný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>persuadeo (2)</o> + <t>naviesť, presvedčiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>perterritus</o> + <t>zhrozený</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pervenio (4)</o> + <t>dostať sa, dôjsť niekam</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pes (3)</o> + <t>úpätie, noha, kopyto</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pessimus</o> + <t>najhorší, veľmi zlý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>peto (3)</o> + <t>siahať, hľadať, žiadať o, prosiť, útočiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>placet (2, impersonal)</o> + <t>teší, sadne, vyhovuje</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/P2.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/P2.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b2cf3aa --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/P2.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>plenus</o> + <t>plný, dostatočný, tehotná</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>plurimus</o> + <t>najpočetnejší</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>plus</o> + <t>viac, ešte viacej, najviac, veľmi veľa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>poena (1)</o> + <t>trest</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>poenas do</o> + <t>byť trestaným</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pono (3)</o> + <t>ukladať, vzdávať sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pons (3)</o> + <t>most, lávka</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>populus (2) </o> + <t>ľudia, národ, obecenstvo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>porta (1)</o> + <t>brána, dvere, vchod</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>porto (1)</o> + <t>niesť, voziť, dopravovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>portus (4)</o> + <t>prístav, útočisko</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>possum (irreg)</o> + <t>môcť, byť schopný, mať moc, dokázať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>post + acc</o> + <t>po, vzadu, za</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>postea</o> + <t>potom, neskôr</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>postquam</o> + <t>keď, akonáhle</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>postridie</o> + <t>druhý deň, druhého dňa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>postulo (1)</o> + <t>žiadať, požadovať, navrhovať, vymáhať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>praebeo (2)</o> + <t>dávať, poskytovať, pôsobiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>praemium (2)</o> + <t>výhoda, výsada, korisť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pretium (2)</o> + <t>cena, výkupné, odmena, zisk</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>primus</o> + <t>prvý, predný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>princeps (3)</o> + <t>vodca, veliteľ, knieža</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>priusquam</o> + <t>pred, až do</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pro + abl</o> + <t>pred, za, neďaleko</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>procedo (3)</o> + <t>predstupujem, postupujem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>procul</o> + <t>ďaleko, v diali</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>proficiscor (3)</o> + <t>vydať sa na cestu, vyjsť, vytiahnuť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>progredior (3)</o> + <t>kráčať vpred, postupovať, vyťahovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>promitto (3)</o> + <t>sľubujem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>prope + acc</o> + <t>blízko</t> + </e> + <e> <o>proximus</o> + <t>najbližší</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>puella (1)</o> + <t>dievča, pani</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>puer (2)</o> + <t>dieťa, chlapec</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pugno (1)</o> + <t>bojovať, zápasiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>pulcher</o> + <t>krásny, pekný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>punio (4)</o> + <t>trestať, mstiť</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/QR.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/QR.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7db08854 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/QR.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>quaero (3)</o> + <t>hľadať, vyhľadávať, chcieť, želať si</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>qualis</o> + <t>aký</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quam</o> + <t>ako; ktorú</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quamquam</o> + <t>aj keď, a predsa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quantus?</o> + <t>aký veľký?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quattuor</o> + <t>štyri, štyridsať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>-que</o> + <t>a</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>qui</o> + <t>kto, aký, ktorý, ako</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quidam</o> + <t>ktosi, čosi, niekto</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quinque</o> + <t>päť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quis?</o> + <t>kto? čo?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quo?</o> + <t>kam?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quod</o> + <t>a preto, aby</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quo modo?</o> + <t>ako? akým spôsobom?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quoque</o> + <t>tiež, aj, i</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>quot?</o> + <t>koľko?</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rapio (3)</o> + <t>uchvátiť, zmocniť sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>re-</o> + <t>-späť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>reddo (3)</o> + <t>vracať, obnovovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>redeo (irreg)</o> + <t>vracať sa, ísť späť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>refero (irreg)</o> + <t>nosiť naspäť; hlásiť, hovoriť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>reficio (3)</o> + <t>opraviť, znovu stavať, znovu robiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regina (1)</o> + <t>kráľovná, princezná</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regnum (2)</o> + <t>najvyššia moc, kráľovstvo, majetok</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>regredior (3)</o> + <t>kráčať späť, vracať sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>relinquo (3)</o> + <t>zanechávam, opúšťam</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>res (5)</o> + <t>vec, skutočnosť, podnik</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>resisto (3)</o> + <t>odolávať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>respondeo (2)</o> + <t>odvetiť, súhlasiť, zodpovedať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rex (3)</o> + <t>pán, vládca, kráľ</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rideo (2)</o> + <t>smiať sa, usmievať sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rogo (1)</o> + <t>pýtať sa, žiadať, prosiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>Roma (1)</o> + <t>Rím</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>Romanus</o> + <t>rímsky</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>rursus</o> + <t>naspäť, znovu</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/S.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/S.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..edba5bcd --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/S.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>sacer</o> + <t>svätý, posvätný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sacerdos (3)</o> + <t>kňaz, duchovný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>saepe</o> + <t>často, mnohokrát</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>saevus</o> + <t>zúrivý, divoký, besný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>salus (3)</o> + <t>bezpečnost, zdravie, život, spása</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>saluto (1)</o> + <t>zdraviť, pozdravovať, nazývať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>salve!</o> + <t>buď vítaný!</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sanguis (3)</o> + <t>krv</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sapiens</o> + <t>múdry, rozumný, mudrc</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>satis</o> + <t>dosť, dostatočne</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>saxum (2)</o> + <t>kameň, skala</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>scio (4)</o> + <t>vedieť, rozumieť, rozhodovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>scribo (3)</o> + <t>písať, ryť, spísať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>se</o> + <t>seba, sa, sebe, si, sebou</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sed</o> + <t>ale, avšak</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sedeo (2)</o> + <t>sedieť, zasadať, trvať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>semper</o> + <t>vždy, stále, ustavične</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>senator (3)</o> + <t>senátor</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>senex (3)</o> + <t>starec, starý človek, kmeť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sentio (4)</o> + <t>vnímať, zaznamenať, cítiť, znamenať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>septem</o> + <t>sedem</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sequor (3)</o> + <t>nasledovať, ísť za, držať sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sermo (3)</o> + <t>rozhovor, konverzácia, reč</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>servo (1)</o> + <t>strážiť, dávať pozor, ochraňovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>servus (2)</o> + <t>otrok, služobník, podrobený</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>severus</o> + <t>prísny, svedomitý, ukrutný, tvrdý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sex</o> + <t>šesť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>si</o> + <t>ak, keby</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sic</o> + <t>takto, takým spôsobom</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sicut</o> + <t>ako, práve tak</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>signum (2)</o> + <t>znamenie, signál, pečať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>silva (1)</o> + <t>drevo, strom, les</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>simulac</o> + <t>akonáhle, hneď ako</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sine + abl</o> + <t>bez</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sol (3)</o> + <t>slnko</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>soleo (2)</o> + <t>často robiť, byť zvyknutý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>solus</o> + <t>jediný, opustený, sám</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sonitus (4)</o> + <t>hučanie, hluk</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>soror (3)</o> + <t>sestra</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>specto (1)</o> + <t>dívať sa, pozorovať, mieriť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>spero (1)</o> + <t>očakávať, dúfať, mať nádej</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>spes (5)</o> + <t>nádej, obava, starosť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>statim</o> + <t>ihneď, okamžite, pevne</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sto (1)</o> + <t>stáť, vydržať, zastaviť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>stultus</o> + <t>hlúpy, bláznivý, blázon</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>suavis</o> + <t>chutný, ľúbezný, milý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sub + acc/abl</o> + <t>pod, za</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>subito</o> + <t>náhle, bez prípravy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>sum (irreg)</o> + <t>byť, vyskytovať sa, týkať sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>summus</o> + <t>najvyšší, vrchný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>superbus</o> + <t>hrdý, spupný, arogantný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>supero (1)</o> + <t>vynikať, predčiť, prečnievať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>surgo (3)</o> + <t>zdvihnúť sa, týčiť sa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>suus</o> + <t>svoj, vlastný, osobný</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/TU.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/TU.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a9d9c264 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/TU.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>taberna (1)</o> + <t>obchod, krčma, chatrč</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>taceo (2)</o> + <t>mlčať, zamlčať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>talis</o> + <t>taký, aký</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tam</o> + <t>do tej miery, tak</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tamen</o> + <t>ale predsa, však, aspoň</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tandem</o> + <t>konečne, konečne predsa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tantus</o> + <t>tak veľký, len toľko, mocný, slávny</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>templum (2)</o> + <t>svätyňa, sieň</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tempestas (3)</o> + <t>búrka</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tempus (3)</o> + <t>čas, doba</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>teneo (2)</o> + <t>držať, mať v moci</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>terra (1)</o> + <t>zem, svet, zemský okrsok</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>terreo (2)</o> + <t>triasť, strašiť, zastrašovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>timeo (2)</o> + <t>báť sa, obávať sa, mať strach</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tollo (3)</o> + <t>zdvíhať, niesť, držať, ničiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tot</o> + <t>toľko</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>totus</o> + <t>celý, všetok</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>trado (3)</o> + <t>podať, vydať, prenechať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>traho (3)</o> + <t>ťahať, vliecť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>trans + acc</o> + <t>cez, za, pre-</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tres </o> + <t>tri</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tristis</o> + <t>smutný, žalostný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tu</o> + <t>ty</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tum</o> + <t>potom, vtedy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>turba (1)</o> + <t>ruch, nával, zmätok</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tutus</o> + <t>chránený, bezpečný, opatrný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>tuus</o> + <t>tvoj, tvoj majetok, tvoja vec</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ubi</o> + <t>kde, kedy</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ultimus</o> + <t>najvzdialenejší, posledný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>umquam</o> + <t>niekedy, vôbec</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>unda (1)</o> + <t>voda, rieka, vodstvo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>unde</o> + <t>odkiaľ, z čoho</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>unus</o> + <t>jeden, jediný, spoločný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>urbs (3)</o> + <t>mesto</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ut + indic</o> + <t>ako</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ut + subj</o> + <t>aby, tak aby, akonáhle</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>utilis</o> + <t>prospešný, užitočný</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>utrum... an</o> + <t>buď... alebo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>uxor (3)</o> + <t>žena, manželka</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/V.kvtml b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/V.kvtml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3009a82a --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/V.kvtml @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +<?xml version="1.0"?> +<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> +<kvtml> + <e> + <o>valde</o> + <t>veľmi, tuho, silno</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vale</o> + <t>dovidenia, zbohom</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vehementer</o> + <t>prudko, náhle, rázne, hlasno</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>veho (3)</o> + <t>viesť, voziť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vendo (3)</o> + <t>predávať, doporučovať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>venio (4)</o> + <t>prichádzať, prísť, vznikať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>ventus (2)</o> + <t>vietor</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>verbum (2)</o> + <t>slovo, sloveso, výrok</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>verto (3)</o> + <t>točiť, obracať, zničiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>verus</o> + <t>skutočný, pravý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vester</o> + <t>váš</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vestimenta (2)</o> + <t>šat, odev</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>via (1)</o> + <t>cesta, cestička, spôsob</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>video (2)</o> + <t>vidieť, navštíviť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>villa (1)</o> + <t>statok, dvor, osada</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vinco (3)</o> + <t>víťaziť, vyhrávať, vynikať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vinum (2)</o> + <t>víno</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vir (2)</o> + <t>muž, manžel, vojak, človek</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vita (1)</o> + <t>život</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vivo (3)</o> + <t>žiť, byť živým</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vivus</o> + <t>živý, žijúci, čerstvý</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vix</o> + <t>sotva, tažko, s problémami, ani nie</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>voco (1)</o> + <t>volať, privolať, hnať</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>volo (irreg)</o> + <t>chcieť, mať chuť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vos</o> + <t>vy, vás</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vox (3)</o> + <t>hlas, krik, slovo</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vulnero (1)</o> + <t>raniť, ublížiť</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vulnus (3)</o> + <t>rana, poranenie, úraz, útrapa</t> + </e> + <e> + <o>vultus (4)</o> + <t>tvár, výraz, podoba</t> + </e> +</kvtml> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/icons/Makefile.am b/klatin/klatin/icons/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a4b97f06 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/icons/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +KDE_ICON=AUTO diff --git a/klatin/klatin/icons/hi128-app-klatin.png b/klatin/klatin/icons/hi128-app-klatin.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..ff4771dd --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/icons/hi128-app-klatin.png diff --git a/klatin/klatin/icons/hi16-app-klatin.png b/klatin/klatin/icons/hi16-app-klatin.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..5cfc2e1e --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/icons/hi16-app-klatin.png diff --git a/klatin/klatin/icons/hi22-app-klatin.png b/klatin/klatin/icons/hi22-app-klatin.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..4bfa629e --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/icons/hi22-app-klatin.png diff --git a/klatin/klatin/icons/hi32-app-klatin.png b/klatin/klatin/icons/hi32-app-klatin.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..71eb1b59 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/icons/hi32-app-klatin.png diff --git a/klatin/klatin/icons/hi48-app-klatin.png b/klatin/klatin/icons/hi48-app-klatin.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..af019976 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/icons/hi48-app-klatin.png diff --git a/klatin/klatin/icons/hi64-app-klatin.png b/klatin/klatin/icons/hi64-app-klatin.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..aca23ceb --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/icons/hi64-app-klatin.png diff --git a/klatin/klatin/icons/hisc-app-klatin.svgz b/klatin/klatin/icons/hisc-app-klatin.svgz Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000..d6198363 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/icons/hisc-app-klatin.svgz diff --git a/klatin/klatin/keduvocdata.h b/klatin/klatin/keduvocdata.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eede664a --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/keduvocdata.h @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* This file is part of the KDE Edu Library + Copyright (C) 2002 Scott Wheeler <wheeler@kde.org> + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License + along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to + the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, + Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. +*/ + +#ifndef KEDUVOCDATA_H +#define KEDUVOCDATA_H + +#include <qdom.h> + +class KEduVocDataItem +{ +public: + KEduVocDataItem(); + KEduVocDataItem(QDomElement &entry); + virtual ~KEduVocDataItem(); + + QString originalText() const; + QString translatedText() const; + +protected: + QString getText(const QString &tagName) const; + +private: + QDomElement domElement; +}; + +typedef QValueList<KEduVocDataItem> KEduVocDataItemList; + +class KEduVocData +{ +public: + static KEduVocDataItemList parse(const QString &fileName); +}; + +#endif // KEDUVOCDATA_H diff --git a/klatin/klatin/klatin.cpp b/klatin/klatin/klatin.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..118c89a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/klatin.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +/*************************************************************************** + begin : Thu Jul 17 + copyright : (C) 2001-2004 by George Wright + email : gwright@kde.org + ***************************************************************************/ + +/*************************************************************************** + * * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * + * (at your option) any later version. * + * * + ***************************************************************************/ + +#include <qradiobutton.h> + +#include <kapplication.h> +#include <kconfigdialog.h> +#include <kfiledialog.h> +#include <kiconloader.h> +#include <klocale.h> +#include <kpushbutton.h> +#include <kstandarddirs.h> +#include <kstatusbar.h> +#include <kurlrequester.h> + +#include <unistd.h> +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <sys/types.h> + +#include "klatin.h" +#include "settings.h" + +KLatin::KLatin(QWidget* parent, const char *name) + : KMainWindow(parent, name) +{ + m_section = 0; + + // Setup the actions for the menubar + setupActions(); + + // Used for resetting the GUI after leaving + // a section, but used here to initialise + // the GUI for the first time. + resetGUI(); +} + +KLatin::~KLatin() +{ +} + +void KLatin::setupActions() +{ + // Setup various menu actions + KStdAction::preferences(this, SLOT(loadSettings()), actionCollection()); + m_loadVocab = new KAction(i18n("Load &Vocabulary"), 0, this, SLOT(loadVocab()), actionCollection(), "go_vocab"); + m_loadGrammar = new KAction(i18n("Load &Grammar"), 0, this, SLOT(loadGrammar()), actionCollection(), "go_grammar"); + m_loadVerbs = new KAction(i18n("Load V&erbs"), 0, this, SLOT(loadVerbs()), actionCollection(), "go_verbs"); + m_loadRevision = new KAction(i18n("Load &Revision"), 0, this, SLOT(loadRevision()), actionCollection(), "go_revision"); + KStdAction::quit(kapp, SLOT(quit()), actionCollection()); +} + +void KLatin::startClicked() +{ + if (klatinchoose->VocabOption->isOn()) + loadVocab(); + if (klatinchoose->GrammarOption->isOn()) + loadGrammar(); + if (klatinchoose->VerbsOption->isOn()) + loadVerbs(); + if (klatinchoose->RevisionOption->isOn()) + loadRevision(); +} + +// Start of section loading code + +void KLatin::loadVocab() +{ + klatinchoose->close(); + + klatinvocabsection = new KLatinVocab(this); + klatinvocabsection->show(); + + slotWriteMsg(i18n("Ready")); + + // Set this widget as the central widget + setCentralWidget(klatinvocabsection); + + updateSection(FALSE); + + // When the child emits the signal exitted(), + // then reset the GUI to go back to the menu + connect(klatinvocabsection, SIGNAL(exited()), this, SLOT(resetGUI())); + + // Set the section variable + m_section = 1; +} + +void KLatin::loadGrammar() +{ + klatinchoose->close(); + + klatingrammarsection = new KLatinGrammar(this); + klatingrammarsection->show(); + + slotWriteMsg(i18n("Grammar")); + + // Disable all the menu entries under Section/ + updateSection(FALSE); + + // Set this widget as the central widget + setCentralWidget(klatingrammarsection); + + // When the child emits the signal exited(), + // then reset the GUI to go back to the menu + connect(klatingrammarsection, SIGNAL(exited()), this, SLOT(resetGUI())); + connect(klatingrammarsection, SIGNAL(statusMsg(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotWriteMsg(const QString&))); + // Set the section variable + m_section = 2; +} + +void KLatin::slotWriteMsg(const QString& message) +{ + statusBar()->message(message); +} + +void KLatin::loadVerbs() +{ + klatinchoose->close(); + + klatinverbssection = new KLatinVerbs(this); + klatinverbssection->show(); + + slotWriteMsg(i18n("Verbs")); + + // Disable all the menu entries under Section/ + updateSection(FALSE); + + // Set this widget as the central widget + setCentralWidget(klatinverbssection); + + // When the child emits the signal exited(), + // then reset the GUI to go back to the menu + connect(klatinverbssection, SIGNAL(exited()), this, SLOT(resetGUI())); + connect(klatinverbssection, SIGNAL(statusMsg(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotWriteMsg(const QString&))); + + // Set the section variable + m_section = 3; +} + +void KLatin::loadRevision() +{ + kapp->invokeHelp("klatin-index", "klatin"); +} + +void KLatin::loadSettings() +{ + if (KConfigDialog::showDialog("settings")) + return; + + KConfigDialog *dialog = new KConfigDialog(this, "settings", Settings::self()); + + vocabPage = new VocabPage(0); + vocabPage->kcfg_DefaultFile->setMode(KFile::File | KFile::LocalOnly); + vocabPage->kcfg_DefaultFile->setFilter("*.kvtml"); + vocabPage->kcfg_DefaultFile->setCaption(i18n("Load Vocabulary File")); + dialog->addPage(vocabPage, i18n("Vocabulary"), "kdict"); + connect(dialog, SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, SLOT(settingsChanged())); + dialog->show(); +} + +void KLatin::settingsChanged() +{ + // Only the vocab section so far needs config refreshed for it + if (m_section == 1) { + klatinvocabsection->changeVocab(Settings::defaultFile()); + } +} + +void KLatin::resetGUI() +{ + // Load the central widget to show the user the + // various options that are available to choose + // and setCentralWidget it. + klatinchoose = new KLatinChoose(this); + klatinchoose->QuitButton->setIconSet(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("exit", KIcon::Small)); + klatinchoose->show(); + setCentralWidget(klatinchoose); + + // Connect the "Start" button to slot StartPressed() + connect(klatinchoose->StartButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startClicked())); + // Make the quit button quit the application :) + connect(klatinchoose->QuitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), kapp, SLOT(quit())); + + // Enable all the menu entries under Section/ + updateSection(TRUE); + + // Use XML GUI to construct the menubar + setupGUI(); + + // Reset the section variable + m_section = 0; + + slotWriteMsg(i18n("Ready")); +} + +void KLatin::updateSection(bool m_bool) +{ + // Disable all the menu entries under Section/ + m_loadVocab->setEnabled(m_bool); + m_loadGrammar->setEnabled(m_bool); + m_loadVerbs->setEnabled(m_bool); + m_loadRevision->setEnabled(m_bool); +} + +#include "klatin.moc" diff --git a/klatin/klatin/klatin.desktop b/klatin/klatin/klatin.desktop new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d2938fb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/klatin.desktop @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Type=Application +Exec=klatin -caption "%c" %i %m +Icon=klatin +DocPath=klatin/index.html +Comment=A program to help revise Latin +Comment[af]='n Program om Latyn te help hersien +Comment[be]=Праграма, якая дапамагае вывучыць латынь +Comment[bg]=Самоучител по латински +Comment[bn]=ল্যাটিন ভাষা চর্চায় সহায়তা করার একটি প্রোগ্রাম +Comment[bs]=Program za pomoć pri revidiranju Latinskog +Comment[ca]=Un programa per ajudar a revisar el llatí +Comment[cs]=Program na procvičování latiny +Comment[csb]=Programa do pòwtórzaniô łacëznë +Comment[cy]=Rhaglen i helpu adolygu Lladin +Comment[da]=Et program til at hjælpe med at revidere Latin +Comment[de]=Ein Programm, das beim Erlernen der lateinischen Sprache hilft +Comment[el]=Μία εφαρμογή για να ξαναθυμηθείτε τα Λατινικά +Comment[eo]=Programo por plistudi latinan +Comment[es]=Un programa de ayuda para la corrección del latín +Comment[et]=Ladina keele õpiprogramm +Comment[eu]=Latina errepasatzeko tresna bat +Comment[fa]=برنامهای برای کمک به بازبینی لاتین +Comment[fi]=Ohjelma latinan harjoitteluun +Comment[fr]=Un programme pour aider à réviser le latin +Comment[gl]=Programa que axuda a repasar latín +Comment[he]=תכנה לעזרה בהגיית לטינית +Comment[hi]=एक प्रोग्राम जो आपको लेटिन को सुधारने में मदद करता है +Comment[hr]=Program koji pomaže u korekcijama latinskog jezika +Comment[hu]=Oktatóprogram a latin nyelv gyakorlásához +Comment[is]=Forrit til að fara yfir Latínu +Comment[it]=Un programma per ripassare il Latino +Comment[ja]=ラテン語を学習するプログラム +Comment[ka]=ლათინურის შესასწავლი პროგრამა +Comment[km]=កម្មវិធីសម្រាប់ជួយកែប្រែភាសាឡាតាំង +Comment[lt]=Programa lotynų kalbos studijavimui +Comment[mk]=Програма која ќе ви помогне да го повторите латинскиот јазик +Comment[nb]=Et øvelsesprogram i latin +Comment[nds]=En Programm för't Öven vun Latiensch +Comment[ne]=ल्याटिन पुनरावलोकन गर्न मद्दत गर्ने कार्यक्रम +Comment[nl]=Een programme om uw Latijn op te halen +Comment[nn]=Eit øvingsprogram i latin +Comment[pl]=Program do powtarzania łaciny +Comment[pt]=Programa para rever Latim +Comment[pt_BR]=Um programa para ajudar a revisar o Latim +Comment[ru]=Программа обучения латыни +Comment[sk]=Program pre latinčinu +Comment[sl]=Program za pregled latinščine +Comment[sr]=Програм за помоћ у обнови латинског +Comment[sr@Latn]=Program za pomoć u obnovi latinskog +Comment[sv]=Ett program för att hjälpa till med latinrepetition +Comment[ta]=லத்தீனை மறு ஆய்வு செய்ய உதவும் ஒரு நிரல் +Comment[tg]=Банома барои хондани забони Лотинӣ +Comment[tr]=Latince'yi gözden geçirmenize yardım eden bir uygulama +Comment[uk]=Програма для повторення латині +Comment[vi]=Một chương trình giúp ôn tập tiếng Latin +Comment[zh_CN]=帮助复习拉丁语的程序 +Comment[zh_TW]=練習拉丁文的程式 +Terminal=false +Name=KLatin +Name[af]=K-Latyn +Name[bn]=কে-ল্যাটিন +Name[hi]=के-लेटिन +Name[is]=KLatína +Name[ne]=केडीई ल्याटिन +Name[pl]=Łacina +Name[sv]=Klatin +Name[ta]=கேலத்தின் +Name[tg]=KЛотинӣ +Name[ven]=Tshilatini tsha K +GenericName=Latin Reviser +GenericName[af]=Latyn Hersiener +GenericName[be]=Праверка ведаў латыні +GenericName[bg]=Самоучител по латински +GenericName[bn]=ল্যাটিন চর্চা +GenericName[bs]=Revidiranje Latinskog +GenericName[ca]=Revisor de llatí +GenericName[cs]=Procvičování latiny +GenericName[csb]=Programa do pòwtórzaniô łacëznë +GenericName[cy]=Adolygydd Lladin +GenericName[da]=Latin-reviderer +GenericName[de]=Latein-Übungen +GenericName[el]=Εφαρμογή φρεσκαρίσματος των Λατινικών +GenericName[eo]=Latina plistudado +GenericName[es]=Revisor de latín +GenericName[et]=Ladina keele õpiprogramm +GenericName[eu]=Latin errepasatzailea +GenericName[fa]=بازبینی لاتین +GenericName[fi]=Latinan harjoitukset +GenericName[fr]=Outil de révision du latin +GenericName[ga]=Leasaitheoir Laidine +GenericName[gl]=Utilidade de repaso de latín +GenericName[he]=הגייה לטינית +GenericName[hi]=लेटिन सुधारक +GenericName[hr]=Korekcije latinskog +GenericName[hu]=Latinoktató +GenericName[is]=Latínupúki +GenericName[it]=Studio del Latino +GenericName[ja]=ラテン語の学習 +GenericName[ka]=ლათინურის შემოწმება +GenericName[km]=កម្មវិធីកែប្រែភាសាឡាតាំង +GenericName[lt]=Pagalbinė lotynų kalbos priemonė +GenericName[ms]=Ulangkaji Latin +GenericName[nb]=Øvingsprogram i latin +GenericName[nds]=Latiensch öven +GenericName[ne]=ल्याटिन पुनरावलोकनकर्ता +GenericName[nl]=Latijn +GenericName[nn]=Øvingsprogram i latin +GenericName[pl]=Program do powtarzania łaciny +GenericName[pt]=Revisão de Latim +GenericName[pt_BR]=Revisor de latim +GenericName[ru]=Обучение латыни +GenericName[sk]=Výuka latinčiny +GenericName[sl]=Pregled latinščine +GenericName[sr]=Обнављач латинског +GenericName[sr@Latn]=Obnavljač latinskog +GenericName[sv]=Latinrepetition +GenericName[ta]=லத்தீன் மறு ஆய்வி +GenericName[tg]=Намоишгари Лотинӣ +GenericName[tr]=Latince Gözden Geçiricisi +GenericName[uk]=Повторення латині +GenericName[vi]=Ôn tập Latin +GenericName[zh_CN]=拉丁语复习工具 +GenericName[zh_TW]=拉丁語復習 +Categories=Qt;KDE;Education;Languages; diff --git a/klatin/klatin/klatin.h b/klatin/klatin/klatin.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8adb2cbe --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/klatin.h @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +/*************************************************************************** + begin : Thu Jul 17 + copyright : (C) 2001-2004 by George Wright + email : gwright@kde.org + ***************************************************************************/ + +/*************************************************************************** + * * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * + * (at your option) any later version. * + * * + ***************************************************************************/ + + +#ifndef KLATIN_H +#define KLATIN_H + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include <config.h> +#endif + +#include <kactionclasses.h> +#include <klineedit.h> +#include <kmainwindow.h> + +#include "klatinchoose.h" +#include "klatingrammar.h" +#include "klatinverbs.h" +#include "klatinvocab.h" + +#include "klatinsettings_vocabpage.h" + +/** @short Main application class */ +class KLatin : public KMainWindow +{ + Q_OBJECT +public: + KLatin(QWidget* parent=0, const char *name=0); + ~KLatin(); + + void setupActions(); + +public slots: + /// Load vocabulary revision section + void loadVocab(); + /// Load grammar revision section + void loadGrammar(); + /// Load verb revision section + void loadVerbs(); + /// Load revision notes in Konqueror + void loadRevision(); + /// Parse settings from config file + void loadSettings(); + + /// Slot for the start button + void startClicked(); + /// Reloads the section choose screen + void resetGUI(); + +private slots: + /// Slot for when settings are changed in the KConfig XT dialog + void settingsChanged(); + + void slotWriteMsg(const QString&); + +private: + + KAction *m_loadVocab; + KAction *m_loadGrammar; + KAction *m_loadVerbs; + KAction *m_loadRevision; + + KLatinChoose *klatinchoose; + KLatinGrammar *klatingrammarsection; + KLatinVocab *klatinvocabsection; + KLatinVerbs *klatinverbssection; + + VocabPage *vocabPage; + + /// Current section loaded + int m_section; + +private: + /** + * Enable/Disable the items in the Section menu + *@param bool if bool is true then the menu items are enabled + */ + void updateSection(bool); +}; + +#endif // KLATIN_H diff --git a/klatin/klatin/klatin.kcfg b/klatin/klatin/klatin.kcfg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..407f47a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/klatin.kcfg @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<kcfg xmlns="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0" + xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" + xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0 + http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd" > + <kcfgfile name="klatinrc"/> + <group name="Language"> + <entry name="UserLanguage" type="String"> + <label>The language selected by the user</label> + <code> + KConfigBase *globalConf = KGlobal::config(); + globalConf->setGroup("Locale"); + QString m_language = globalConf->readEntry("Language", "en"); + //keep only the first 2 characters + m_language = m_language.left(2); + QString filename = locate("data", "klatin/data/vocabs/"); + filename += m_language; + QDir check(filename); + + if (check.exists() == FALSE) { + m_language = "en"; + } + kdDebug()<< m_language <<endl; + </code> + <default code="true">m_language</default> + </entry> + </group> + <group name="Vocabulary"> + <entry name="NumOfQuestions" type="Int"> + <label>how many questions are asked in one session.</label> + <default>10</default> + </entry> + <entry name="UnlimitedQuestions" type="Int"> + <label>whether KLatin should ask unlimited questions.</label> + <default>0</default> + </entry> + <entry name="DefaultFile" type="String"> + <label>the default vocabulary file.</label> + <code> + QString fileDir = locate("data", "klatin/data/vocabs/"); + fileDir += m_language; + QDir vocabDirectory(fileDir, "*.kvtml"); + kdDebug()<< m_language <<endl; + + QString defaultFile = (fileDir + "/" + vocabDirectory[0]); + kdDebug()<< defaultFile <<endl; + </code> + <default code="true">defaultFile</default> + </entry> + <entry name="LatinToLang" type="Bool"> + <label>whether the questions should be Latin to the user's language.</label> + <default>true</default> + </entry> + <entry name="LangToLatin" type="Bool"> + <label>whether the questions should be the user's language to Latin.</label> + <default>false</default> + </entry> + </group> +</kcfg>
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/klatin/klatin/klatinchoose.ui b/klatin/klatin/klatinchoose.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..98115187 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/klatinchoose.ui @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ +<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.3" stdsetdef="1"> +<class>KLatinChoose</class> +<widget class="QWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>KLatinChoose</cstring> + </property> + <property name="geometry"> + <rect> + <x>0</x> + <y>0</y> + <width>490</width> + <height>230</height> + </rect> + </property> + <property name="sizePolicy"> + <sizepolicy> + <hsizetype>5</hsizetype> + <vsizetype>5</vsizetype> + <horstretch>0</horstretch> + <verstretch>0</verstretch> + </sizepolicy> + </property> + <vbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout81</cstring> + </property> + <vbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>WelcomeLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="font"> + <font> + <pointsize>16</pointsize> + <bold>1</bold> + </font> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Welcome to KLatin +Please Choose Section of Revision</string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignCenter</set> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout80</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QButtonGroup"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Options</cstring> + </property> + <property name="sizePolicy"> + <sizepolicy> + <hsizetype>5</hsizetype> + <vsizetype>5</vsizetype> + <horstretch>0</horstretch> + <verstretch>0</verstretch> + </sizepolicy> + </property> + <property name="title"> + <string>Revision Sections</string> + </property> + <vbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <spacer> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>spacer1</cstring> + </property> + <property name="orientation"> + <enum>Vertical</enum> + </property> + <property name="sizeType"> + <enum>Expanding</enum> + </property> + <property name="sizeHint"> + <size> + <width>20</width> + <height>21</height> + </size> + </property> + </spacer> + <widget class="QRadioButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>VocabOption</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>&Vocabulary</string> + </property> + <property name="checked"> + <bool>true</bool> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Test on Vocabulary</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Multiple choice vocabulary test</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QRadioButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>GrammarOption</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>&Grammar</string> + </property> + <property name="checked"> + <bool>false</bool> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Test on noun grammar</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Test on common nouns and endings</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QRadioButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>VerbsOption</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Ver&bs</string> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Test on verb forms</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Test on common verbs and endings</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QRadioButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>RevisionOption</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>&Revision notes</string> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Load revision notes</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>The KLatin revision notes with +verb and noun tables</string> + </property> + </widget> + <spacer> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>spacer2</cstring> + </property> + <property name="orientation"> + <enum>Vertical</enum> + </property> + <property name="sizeType"> + <enum>Expanding</enum> + </property> + <property name="sizeHint"> + <size> + <width>20</width> + <height>31</height> + </size> + </property> + </spacer> + </vbox> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout79</cstring> + </property> + <vbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <spacer> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>spacer3</cstring> + </property> + <property name="orientation"> + <enum>Vertical</enum> + </property> + <property name="sizeType"> + <enum>Expanding</enum> + </property> + <property name="sizeHint"> + <size> + <width>20</width> + <height>34</height> + </size> + </property> + </spacer> + <widget class="KPushButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>StartButton</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>S&tart</string> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Start chosen area of revision</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Start the section you have chosen</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="KPushButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>QuitButton</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>&Quit</string> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Quits</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Quit KLatin</string> + </property> + </widget> + <spacer> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>spacer4</cstring> + </property> + <property name="orientation"> + <enum>Vertical</enum> + </property> + <property name="sizeType"> + <enum>Expanding</enum> + </property> + <property name="sizeHint"> + <size> + <width>20</width> + <height>33</height> + </size> + </property> + </spacer> + </vbox> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + </vbox> + </widget> + </vbox> +</widget> +<customwidgets> +</customwidgets> +<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/> +<includehints> + <includehint>kpushbutton.h</includehint> + <includehint>kpushbutton.h</includehint> +</includehints> +</UI> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/klatingrammar.cpp b/klatin/klatin/klatingrammar.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f320fd5b --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/klatingrammar.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +/*************************************************************************** + begin : Thu Jul 17 + copyright : (C) 2001-2004 by George Wright + email : gwright@kde.org + ***************************************************************************/ + +/*************************************************************************** + * * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * + * (at your option) any later version. * + * * + ***************************************************************************/ + +#include <qfile.h> +#include <qlabel.h> + +#include <kapplication.h> +#include <kcombobox.h> +#include <kiconloader.h> +#include <klineedit.h> +#include <klocale.h> +#include <kmessagebox.h> +#include <kpushbutton.h> +#include <kstandarddirs.h> + +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <time.h> + +#include "klatingrammar.h" + +KLatinGrammar::KLatinGrammar(QWidget* parent, const char *name) + : KLatinGrammarWidget(parent, name) +{ + // Set defaults + m_total = 0; + m_totalCorrect = 0; + m_numWrong = 0; + + OKButton->setIconSet(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("button_ok", KIcon::Small)); + BackButton->setIconSet(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("back", KIcon::Small)); + + // Set connections + connect(BackButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(goBack())); + connect(OKButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(checkAnswer())); + connect(AnswerBox, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(checkAnswer())); + connect(ChooseSection, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(loadDatabase())); + + // Insert the various declensions + ChooseSection->insertItem(i18n("All Declensions")); + ChooseSection->insertItem(i18n("1st Feminine")); + ChooseSection->insertItem(i18n("2nd Masculine")); + ChooseSection->insertItem(i18n("2nd Neuter")); + ChooseSection->insertItem(i18n("3rd Masc/Fem")); + ChooseSection->insertItem(i18n("3rd Neuter")); + ChooseSection->insertItem(i18n("4th Masc/Fem")); + ChooseSection->insertItem(i18n("4th Neuter")); + ChooseSection->insertItem(i18n("5th Feminine")); + + // Load the database of nouns + loadDatabase(); + + AnswerBox->setFocus(); +} + +KLatinGrammar::~KLatinGrammar() +{ +} + +void KLatinGrammar::loadDatabase() +{ + int curitem = ChooseSection->currentItem(); + if ( curitem != 0 ) { + curitem--; + } + else + { + // Seed the random number generator + srandom(time(NULL)); + + curitem = (random() % 8); + } + + // Various files that are used for each declension + QString file = "klatin/data/grammar/"; + switch (curitem) { + case 0: + file += "puella.klat"; + break; + case 1: + file += "servus.klat"; + break; + case 2: + file += "bellum.klat"; + break; + case 3: + file += "rex.klat"; + break; + case 4: + file += "opus.klat"; + break; + case 5: + file += "gradus.klat"; + break; + case 6: + file += "genu.klat"; + break; + case 7: + file += "res.klat"; + break; + default: // fake case... + file += "foo.klat"; + } + + // Check whether the file actually exists + // If not - warn user. + if (QFile::exists(locate("data", file)) == FALSE) { + KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Could not load grammar-definition file, check KLatin installation."), i18n("Error with KLatin")); + QuestionLabel->setText(i18n("Error.")); + return; + } + + KEduVocDataItemList grammar = KEduVocData::parse(locate("data", file)); + + // Load XML file into memory + int numberOfWords = 0; + for(KEduVocDataItemList::Iterator dataIt = grammar.begin(); dataIt != grammar.end(); ++dataIt) { + m_noun[numberOfWords] = grammar[numberOfWords].originalText(); + numberOfWords++; + } + + nextQuestion(); +} + +void KLatinGrammar::goBack() +{ + emit exited(); + close(); +} + +void KLatinGrammar::nextQuestion() +{ + emit statusMsg(i18n("Grammar")); + + // Seed the random number generator + srandom(time(NULL)); + + m_grammarNumber = (random() % 12) + 1; + + QString questionString; + + // Question string... + switch (m_grammarNumber) { + case 1: + questionString = i18n("What is the nominative singular of %1?").arg(m_noun[0]); + break; + case 2: + questionString = i18n("What is the vocative singular of %1?").arg(m_noun[0]); + break; + case 3: + questionString = i18n("What is the accusative singular of %1?").arg(m_noun[0]); + break; + case 4: + questionString = i18n("What is the genitive singular of %1?").arg(m_noun[0]); + break; + case 5: + questionString = i18n("What is the dative singular of %1?").arg(m_noun[0]); + break; + case 6: + questionString = i18n("What is the ablative singular of %1?").arg(m_noun[0]); + break; + case 7: + questionString = i18n("What is the nominative plural of %1?").arg(m_noun[0]); + break; + case 8: + questionString = i18n("What is the vocative plural of %1?").arg(m_noun[0]); + break; + case 9: + questionString = i18n("What is the accusative plural of %1?").arg(m_noun[0]); + break; + case 10: + questionString = i18n("What is the genitive plural of %1?").arg(m_noun[0]); + break; + case 11: + questionString = i18n("What is the dative plural of %1?").arg(m_noun[0]); + break; + case 12: + questionString = i18n("What is the ablative plural of %1?").arg(m_noun[0]); + break; + } + + // Set question on screen + QuestionLabel->setText(questionString); +} + +void KLatinGrammar::checkAnswer() +{ + if (m_noun[m_grammarNumber - 1] != AnswerBox->text().lower()) { + m_numWrong++; + + // Allow a tolerance of 1 retry + if (m_numWrong == 2) { + m_numWrong = 0; + KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("The correct answer was %1.").arg(m_noun[m_grammarNumber - 1]), i18n("Wrong")); + if (ChooseSection->currentItem()==0) + loadDatabase(); + else + nextQuestion(); + } else { + if (AnswerBox->text().isEmpty()) { + emit statusMsg(i18n("Please enter an answer")); + } + } + } else { + m_totalCorrect++; + + // Reset the number of questions that were wrong + m_numWrong = 0; + + if (ChooseSection->currentItem()==0) + loadDatabase(); + else + nextQuestion(); + } + m_total++; + + AnswerBox->setText(NULL); + + updateScores(); +} + +void KLatinGrammar::updateScores() +{ + // Update the score labels + Score1Label->setNum(m_totalCorrect); + Score2Label->setNum(m_total); + + // Set percentage + PercentageLabel->setText(QString::number(int(double(m_totalCorrect) / m_total * 100))+QString("%")); +} + +#include "klatingrammar.moc" diff --git a/klatin/klatin/klatingrammar.h b/klatin/klatin/klatingrammar.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5c00d6b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/klatingrammar.h @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +/*************************************************************************** + begin : Thu Jul 17 2003 + copyright : (C) 2001-2004 by George Wright + email : gwright@kde.org + ***************************************************************************/ + +/*************************************************************************** + * * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * + * (at your option) any later version. * + * * + ***************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef KLATINGRAMMAR_H +#define KLATINGRAMMAR_H + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include <config.h> +#endif + +#include "keduvocdata.h" +#include "klatingrammarwidget.h" + +/** @short Main class for testing grammar*/ +class KLatinGrammar : public KLatinGrammarWidget +{ + Q_OBJECT +public: + KLatinGrammar(QWidget* parent=0, const char *name=0); + ~KLatinGrammar(); + + /// Load next question + void nextQuestion(); + /// Update score of test so far + void updateScores(); +public slots: + /// Load grammar definitions database + void loadDatabase(); + /// Destroys the widget + void goBack(); + /// Check whether the answer is correct + void checkAnswer(); +signals: + /// Signal that is emitted when the widget is closed + void exited(); + void statusMsg(const QString&); +private: + /// Array that holds the 12 cases of a noun + QString m_noun[12]; + /// The case of the noun being tested + int m_grammarNumber; + /// Total number of questions attempted that are wrong + int m_numWrong; + + /// Total number of questions attempted that are correct + int m_totalCorrect; + /// Total number of questions attempted + int m_total; +}; + +#endif // KLATINGRAMMAR_H diff --git a/klatin/klatin/klatingrammarwidget.ui b/klatin/klatin/klatingrammarwidget.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2e8046fb --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/klatingrammarwidget.ui @@ -0,0 +1,382 @@ +<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.2" stdsetdef="1"> +<class>KLatinGrammarWidget</class> +<widget class="QWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>KLatinGrammarWidget</cstring> + </property> + <property name="geometry"> + <rect> + <x>0</x> + <y>0</y> + <width>439</width> + <height>320</height> + </rect> + </property> + <property name="minimumSize"> + <size> + <width>0</width> + <height>0</height> + </size> + </property> + <property name="caption"> + <string>KLatin</string> + </property> + <vbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>TitleGrammar</cstring> + </property> + <property name="minimumSize"> + <size> + <width>0</width> + <height>0</height> + </size> + </property> + <property name="font"> + <font> + <pointsize>22</pointsize> + </font> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Grammar Section</string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout39</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="KComboBox"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>ChooseSection</cstring> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Choice of nouns for testing</string> + </property> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout40</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>QuestionLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="sizePolicy"> + <sizepolicy> + <hsizetype>3</hsizetype> + <vsizetype>3</vsizetype> + <horstretch>0</horstretch> + <verstretch>0</verstretch> + </sizepolicy> + </property> + <property name="minimumSize"> + <size> + <width>0</width> + <height>0</height> + </size> + </property> + <property name="font"> + <font> + <pointsize>17</pointsize> + </font> + </property> + <property name="frameShape"> + <enum>Box</enum> + </property> + <property name="frameShadow"> + <enum>Raised</enum> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Question Word +Line 2 +Line 3 +Line 4</string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>WordBreak|AlignCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>The question will appear here</string> + </property> + <property name="wordwrap" stdset="0"> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QFrame"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Frame10</cstring> + </property> + <property name="sizePolicy"> + <sizepolicy> + <hsizetype>5</hsizetype> + <vsizetype>4</vsizetype> + <horstretch>0</horstretch> + <verstretch>0</verstretch> + </sizepolicy> + </property> + <property name="minimumSize"> + <size> + <width>0</width> + <height>0</height> + </size> + </property> + <property name="maximumSize"> + <size> + <width>32767</width> + <height>32767</height> + </size> + </property> + <property name="frameShape"> + <enum>StyledPanel</enum> + </property> + <property name="frameShadow"> + <enum>Raised</enum> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <property name="margin"> + <number>11</number> + </property> + <property name="spacing"> + <number>6</number> + </property> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Layout41_2</cstring> + </property> + <vbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <property name="margin"> + <number>0</number> + </property> + <property name="spacing"> + <number>6</number> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>ScoreLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="font"> + <font> + <pointsize>19</pointsize> + </font> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Score</string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Layout40_2</cstring> + </property> + <vbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <property name="margin"> + <number>0</number> + </property> + <property name="spacing"> + <number>6</number> + </property> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Layout39</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <property name="margin"> + <number>0</number> + </property> + <property name="spacing"> + <number>6</number> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Score1Label</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>0</string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignVCenter|AlignRight</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>SeparatorLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>/</string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Score2Label</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>0</string> + </property> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>PercentageLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Your test percentage so far</string> + </property> + </widget> + </vbox> + </widget> + </vbox> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout37</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>AnswerLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Answer:</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="KLineEdit"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>AnswerBox</cstring> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Your answer goes here</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Enter your answer here</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="KPushButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>OKButton</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>&OK</string> + </property> + <property name="autoDefault"> + <bool>false</bool> + </property> + <property name="default"> + <bool>false</bool> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Check answer</string> + </property> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout21</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <spacer> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Spacer20</cstring> + </property> + <property name="orientation"> + <enum>Horizontal</enum> + </property> + <property name="sizeType"> + <enum>Expanding</enum> + </property> + <property name="sizeHint"> + <size> + <width>294</width> + <height>20</height> + </size> + </property> + </spacer> + <widget class="KPushButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>BackButton</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>&Back</string> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Go back to the selection screen</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Return to selection screen</string> + </property> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + </vbox> +</widget> +<customwidgets> +</customwidgets> +<tabstops> + <tabstop>AnswerBox</tabstop> + <tabstop>OKButton</tabstop> + <tabstop>BackButton</tabstop> + <tabstop>ChooseSection</tabstop> +</tabstops> +<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/> +<includehints> + <includehint>klineedit.h</includehint> +</includehints> +</UI> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/klatinresultsdialog.ui b/klatin/klatin/klatinresultsdialog.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f81f0bc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/klatinresultsdialog.ui @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.3" stdsetdef="1"> +<class>KLatinResultsDialog</class> +<widget class="QDialog"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>KLatinResultsDialog</cstring> + </property> + <property name="geometry"> + <rect> + <x>0</x> + <y>0</y> + <width>408</width> + <height>309</height> + </rect> + </property> + <property name="caption"> + <string>Results</string> + </property> + <vbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>ResultsLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="font"> + <font> + <pointsize>16</pointsize> + </font> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string><b>Your Results</b></string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>WordBreak|AlignCenter</set> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QListView"> + <column> + <property name="text"> + <string>Question</string> + </property> + <property name="clickable"> + <bool>false</bool> + </property> + <property name="resizable"> + <bool>true</bool> + </property> + </column> + <column> + <property name="text"> + <string>Your Answer</string> + </property> + <property name="clickable"> + <bool>false</bool> + </property> + <property name="resizable"> + <bool>true</bool> + </property> + </column> + <column> + <property name="text"> + <string>Correct Answer</string> + </property> + <property name="clickable"> + <bool>false</bool> + </property> + <property name="resizable"> + <bool>true</bool> + </property> + </column> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>ResultsView</cstring> + </property> + <property name="sizePolicy"> + <sizepolicy> + <hsizetype>7</hsizetype> + <vsizetype>3</vsizetype> + <horstretch>0</horstretch> + <verstretch>0</verstretch> + </sizepolicy> + </property> + <property name="showSortIndicator"> + <bool>false</bool> + </property> + <property name="resizeMode"> + <enum>AllColumns</enum> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Table of results</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout83</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>PercentageLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Percentage:</string> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Percentage of correct answers</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>This shows the percentage of the questions you answered correctly out of those attempted.</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>PercentageValue</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string></string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Percentage of correct answers</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>This shows the percentage of the questions you answered correctly out of those attempted.</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>AttemptedLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Number attempted:</string> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Number of questions attempted</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>This shows the number of questions you answered.</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>AttemptedValue</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string></string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Number of questions attempted</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>This shows the number of questions you answered.</string> + </property> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout70</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <spacer> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>spacer23</cstring> + </property> + <property name="orientation"> + <enum>Horizontal</enum> + </property> + <property name="sizeType"> + <enum>Expanding</enum> + </property> + <property name="sizeHint"> + <size> + <width>291</width> + <height>20</height> + </size> + </property> + </spacer> + <widget class="KPushButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>CloseButton</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>&Close</string> + </property> + <property name="default"> + <bool>true</bool> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Close this dialog</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Close this dialog and return to KLatin's main window.</string> + </property> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + </vbox> +</widget> +<connections> + <connection> + <sender>CloseButton</sender> + <signal>clicked()</signal> + <receiver>KLatinResultsDialog</receiver> + <slot>close()</slot> + </connection> +</connections> +<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/> +<includehints> + <includehint>kpushbutton.h</includehint> +</includehints> +</UI> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/klatinsettings_vocabpage.ui b/klatin/klatin/klatinsettings_vocabpage.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7db9e38a --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/klatinsettings_vocabpage.ui @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.3" stdsetdef="1"> +<class>VocabPage</class> +<widget class="QWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>VocabPage</cstring> + </property> + <property name="geometry"> + <rect> + <x>0</x> + <y>0</y> + <width>182</width> + <height>203</height> + </rect> + </property> + <property name="caption"> + <string>Configure Vocabulary</string> + </property> + <grid> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QButtonGroup" row="1" column="0"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>ButtonGroup</cstring> + </property> + <property name="title"> + <string>Testing Style</string> + </property> + <vbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout24</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout10</cstring> + </property> + <vbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QRadioButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>kcfg_LatinToLang</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>To Latin</string> + </property> + <property name="checked"> + <bool>true</bool> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Question in your language and answers in Latin</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Choose to be tested from your language to Latin, which means the word will be displayed in your language and you will have to choose from 4 Latin translations.</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QRadioButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>kcfg_LangToLatin</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>From Latin</string> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Question in Latin and answers in your language</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Choose to be tested from Latin to your language, which means the word will be displayed in Latin and you will have to choose from 4 translations in your language.</string> + </property> + </widget> + </vbox> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + </vbox> + </widget> + <widget class="QGroupBox" row="0" column="0"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>MiscGroup</cstring> + </property> + <property name="title"> + <string>Miscellaneous</string> + </property> + <grid> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget" row="0" column="0"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout6</cstring> + </property> + <vbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="KURLRequester"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>kcfg_DefaultFile</cstring> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>The file you are tested on in vocabulary</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>You can change the file you are tested on for the vocabulary section</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout6</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>QuestionsLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Number of questions:</string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>WordBreak|AlignVCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Set the number of questions you want to be tested on</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Here you can set the number of questions you want to be tested on. When this number is reached, a result dialog appears.</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="KIntSpinBox"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>kcfg_NumOfQuestions</cstring> + </property> + <property name="sizePolicy"> + <sizepolicy> + <hsizetype>0</hsizetype> + <vsizetype>0</vsizetype> + <horstretch>0</horstretch> + <verstretch>0</verstretch> + </sizepolicy> + </property> + <property name="maxValue"> + <number>50</number> + </property> + <property name="value"> + <number>10</number> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Number of questions to be asked before ending</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Numbers of questions to ask at a time</string> + </property> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + </vbox> + </widget> + </grid> + </widget> + </grid> +</widget> +<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/> +<includehints> + <includehint>kurlrequester.h</includehint> + <includehint>klineedit.h</includehint> + <includehint>kpushbutton.h</includehint> + <includehint>knuminput.h</includehint> +</includehints> +</UI> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/klatinui.rc b/klatin/klatin/klatinui.rc new file mode 100644 index 00000000..76ce8a94 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/klatinui.rc @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +<!DOCTYPE kpartgui SYSTEM "kpartgui.dtd"> +<kpartgui name="klatin" version="3"> +<MenuBar> + + <Menu name="section" noMerge="1"><text>S&ection</text> + <Action name="go_vocab" /> + <Action name="go_grammar" /> + <Action name="go_verbs" /> + <Action name="go_revision" /> + </Menu> +</MenuBar> +</kpartgui> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/klatinverbs.cpp b/klatin/klatin/klatinverbs.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8b6f956c --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/klatinverbs.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +/*************************************************************************** + begin : Fri Aug 15 + copyright : (C) 2001-2004 by George Wright + email : gwright@kde.org + ***************************************************************************/ + +/*************************************************************************** + * * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * + * (at your option) any later version. * + * * + ***************************************************************************/ + +#include <qfile.h> +#include <qlabel.h> + +#include <kapplication.h> +#include <kcombobox.h> +#include <kiconloader.h> +#include <klineedit.h> +#include <klocale.h> +#include <kmessagebox.h> +#include <kpushbutton.h> +#include <kstandarddirs.h> + +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <time.h> + +#include "klatinverbs.h" + +KLatinVerbs::KLatinVerbs(QWidget* parent, const char *name) + : KLatinVerbsWidget(parent, name) +{ + OKButton->setIconSet(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("button_ok", KIcon::Small)); + BackButton->setIconSet(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("back", KIcon::Small)); + ChangeButton->setIconSet(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("apply", KIcon::Small)); + + ChooseConjugation->insertItem(i18n("1st")); + ChooseConjugation->insertItem(i18n("2nd")); + ChooseConjugation->insertItem(i18n("3rd")); + ChooseConjugation->insertItem(i18n("4th")); + ChooseConjugation->insertItem("sum"); // Does not need translating as it's in Latin + + ChooseMood->insertItem(i18n("Indicative")); + ChooseMood->insertItem(i18n("Subjunctive")); + + ChooseVoice->insertItem(i18n("Active")); + ChooseVoice->insertItem(i18n("Passive")); + + m_total = 0; + m_totalCorrect = 0; + m_numWrong = 0; + + // Initializing the data structures + // These are words in Latin and do not need i18n + verbparts.declension.push_back("amo"); + verbparts.declension.push_back("moneo"); + verbparts.declension.push_back("rego"); + verbparts.declension.push_back("audio"); + verbparts.declension.push_back("sum"); + + verbparts.mood.push_back(I18N_NOOP("indicative")); + verbparts.mood.push_back(I18N_NOOP("subjunctive")); + + verbparts.voice.push_back(I18N_NOOP("active")); + verbparts.voice.push_back(I18N_NOOP("passive")); + + question.person.push_back(I18N_NOOP("first")); + question.person.push_back(I18N_NOOP("second")); + question.person.push_back(I18N_NOOP("third")); + + question.number.push_back(I18N_NOOP("singular")); + question.number.push_back(I18N_NOOP("plural")); + + question.tense.push_back(I18N_NOOP("present")); + question.tense.push_back(I18N_NOOP("future")); + question.tense.push_back(I18N_NOOP("imperfect")); + question.tense.push_back(I18N_NOOP("perfect")); + question.tense.push_back(I18N_NOOP("pluperfect")); + question.tense.push_back(I18N_NOOP("future perfect")); + + connect(ChooseConjugation, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(conjugationActivated(int))); + connect(BackButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(goBack())); + connect(ChangeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(loadDatabase())); + connect(AnswerBox, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(checkAnswer())); + connect(OKButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(checkAnswer())); + + loadDatabase(); + + AnswerBox->setFocus(); +} + +KLatinVerbs::~KLatinVerbs() +{ +} + +void KLatinVerbs::loadDatabase() +{ + QString databaseFile = verbparts.declension[ChooseConjugation->currentItem()]; + m_currentVerb = databaseFile; + databaseFile += "-" + QString(verbparts.mood[ChooseMood->currentItem()]); + databaseFile += "-" + QString(verbparts.voice[ChooseVoice->currentItem()]) + ".klat"; + + QString fileName = "klatin/data/verbs/" + databaseFile; + + if (QFile::exists(locate("data", fileName)) == FALSE) { + KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Could not load verb-definition file, check KLatin installation."), i18n("Error with KLatin")); + goBack(); + } + + int numberOfWords = 0; + + KEduVocDataItemList verbs = KEduVocData::parse(locate("data", fileName)); + + for(KEduVocDataItemList::Iterator dataIt = verbs.begin(); dataIt != verbs.end(); ++dataIt) { + m_verb[numberOfWords] = verbs[numberOfWords].originalText(); + numberOfWords++; + } + + nextQuestion(); +} + +void KLatinVerbs::nextQuestion() +{ + emit statusMsg(i18n("Verbs")); + + // Seed the random number generator + srandom(time(NULL)); + + if (ChooseMood->currentText() == i18n("Indicative")) + m_verbNumber = (random() % 35) + 1; + if (ChooseMood->currentText() == i18n("Subjunctive")) + m_verbNumber = (random() % 23) + 1; + + QString QuestionString; + + int person = 0, number = 0, tense = 0; + + switch (m_verbNumber % 6) { + case 1: + person = 0; + number = 0; + break; + case 2: + person = 1; + number = 0; + break; + case 3: + person = 2; + number = 0; + break; + case 4: + person = 0; + number = 1; + break; + case 5: + person = 1; + number = 1; + break; + case 0: + person = 2; + number = 1; + break; + } + + switch ((int) (m_verbNumber - 1) / 6) { + case 0: + tense = 0; + break; + case 1: + if (ChooseMood->currentText() == i18n("Indicative")) + tense = 1; + else + tense = 2; + break; + case 2: + if (ChooseMood->currentText() == i18n("Indicative")) + tense = 2; + else + tense = 3; + break; + case 3: + if (ChooseMood->currentText() == i18n("Indicative")) + tense = 3; + else + tense = 4; + break; + case 4: + tense = 4; + break; + case 5: + tense = 5; + break; + } + + QuestionString = i18n("Note: ARGUMENT %1 is an ordinal number (1st, 2nd, 3rd). " + "ARGUMENT %2 indicates whether the person is singular or plural. " + "ARGUMENT %3 is the tense of the verb (Present, Imperfect, Perfect). " + "ARGUMENT %4 is the mood of the verb (Indicative, Subjunctive). " + "ARGUMENT %5 is the voice of the verb (Active, Passive). " + "ARGUMENT %6 is the verb name (amo, moneo etc). This is in Latin and should not be translated. " + "The output string in English is something like: What is the first person singular present indicative active of amo?", + "What is the %1 person %2 %3 %4 %5 of %6?").arg(i18n(question.person[person])) + .arg(i18n(question.number[number])) + .arg(i18n(question.tense[tense])) + .arg(i18n(verbparts.mood[ChooseMood->currentItem()])) + .arg(i18n(verbparts.voice[ChooseVoice->currentItem()])) + .arg(m_currentVerb); + + QuestionLabel->setText(QuestionString); +} + +void KLatinVerbs::checkAnswer() +{ + if (AnswerBox->text().isEmpty()) { + emit statusMsg(i18n("Please enter an answer")); + return; + } + + if (m_verb[m_verbNumber - 1] != AnswerBox->text().lower()) { + // Iterate... + m_numWrong++; + + // Retry tolerance... + if (m_numWrong == 2) { + m_numWrong = 0; + KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("The correct answer was %1.").arg(m_verb[m_verbNumber - 1]), i18n("Wrong")); + nextQuestion(); + } + } else { + // Iterate... + m_totalCorrect++; + + m_numWrong = 0; + + nextQuestion(); + } + + m_total++; + AnswerBox->setText(NULL); + + updateScores(); +} + +void KLatinVerbs::conjugationActivated(int itemNumber) +{ + if (itemNumber == 4) + ChooseVoice->removeItem(1); + else + if (ChooseVoice->count() == 1) + ChooseVoice->insertItem(i18n("Passive")); +} + +void KLatinVerbs::updateScores() +{ + // Update the score labels + Score1Label->setNum(m_totalCorrect); + Score2Label->setNum(m_total); + + // Set percentage + PercentageLabel->setText(QString::number(int(double(m_totalCorrect) / m_total * 100))+QString("%")); +} + +void KLatinVerbs::goBack() +{ + emit exited(); + close(); +} + +#include "klatinverbs.moc" diff --git a/klatin/klatin/klatinverbs.h b/klatin/klatin/klatinverbs.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b389102e --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/klatinverbs.h @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +/*************************************************************************** + begin : Fri Aug 15 2003 + copyright : (C) 2001-2004 by George Wright + email : gwright@kde.org + ***************************************************************************/ + +/*************************************************************************** + * * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * + * (at your option) any later version. * + * * + ***************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef KLATINVERBS_H +#define KLATINVERBS_H + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include <config.h> +#endif + +#include <vector> + +#include "keduvocdata.h" +#include "klatinverbswidget.h" + +struct fileparts { + std::vector<QString> declension; + std::vector<const char*> mood; + std::vector<const char*> voice; +}; + +struct questionparts { + std::vector<const char*> person; + std::vector<const char*> number; + std::vector<const char*> tense; +}; + +/** @short Main class for testing verb forms */ +class KLatinVerbs : public KLatinVerbsWidget +{ + Q_OBJECT +public: + KLatinVerbs(QWidget* parent=0, const char *name=0); + ~KLatinVerbs(); + + /// Load next question + void nextQuestion(); + /// Update current scores + void updateScores(); +public slots: + /// Destroy the widget + void goBack(); + /// Called when the combobox is clicked + /** @param itemNumber is the index of the item selected */ + void conjugationActivated(int itemNumber); + /// Load the verb definitions database + void loadDatabase(); + /// Check the user's input + void checkAnswer(); +signals: + /// Signal that is emitted when the widget wishes to terminate + void exited(); + void statusMsg(const QString&); +private: + /// These are structs containing information required to generate a question + struct fileparts verbparts; + struct questionparts question; + /// String array for the various verbs + QString m_verb[36]; + QString m_currentVerb; + /// Number to reference the verb form given + int m_verbNumber; + /// Total number of wrong answers given + int m_numWrong; + /// Total number of answers given + int m_total; + /// Total number of correct answers given + int m_totalCorrect; +}; + +#endif // KLATINVERBS_H diff --git a/klatin/klatin/klatinverbswidget.ui b/klatin/klatin/klatinverbswidget.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a00b72f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/klatinverbswidget.ui @@ -0,0 +1,426 @@ +<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.2" stdsetdef="1"> +<class>KLatinVerbsWidget</class> +<widget class="QWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>KLatinVerbsWidget</cstring> + </property> + <property name="geometry"> + <rect> + <x>0</x> + <y>0</y> + <width>442</width> + <height>320</height> + </rect> + </property> + <property name="caption"> + <string>KLatin</string> + </property> + <vbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>TitleVerbs</cstring> + </property> + <property name="sizePolicy"> + <sizepolicy> + <hsizetype>5</hsizetype> + <vsizetype>4</vsizetype> + <horstretch>0</horstretch> + <verstretch>1</verstretch> + </sizepolicy> + </property> + <property name="font"> + <font> + <pointsize>22</pointsize> + </font> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Verbs Section</string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout29</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="KComboBox"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>ChooseConjugation</cstring> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Choice of verb conjugation</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Conjugation of verb to be +tested on</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="KComboBox"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>ChooseVoice</cstring> + </property> + <property name="minimumSize"> + <size> + <width>120</width> + <height>0</height> + </size> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Choice of verb voice</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Voice of verb to be +tested on</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="KComboBox"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>ChooseMood</cstring> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Choice of verb mood</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Mood of verb to be +tested on</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="KPushButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>ChangeButton</cstring> + </property> + <property name="maximumSize"> + <size> + <width>25</width> + <height>32767</height> + </size> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string></string> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Apply</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Change test to new type</string> + </property> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout11</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>QuestionLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="sizePolicy"> + <sizepolicy> + <hsizetype>3</hsizetype> + <vsizetype>3</vsizetype> + <horstretch>0</horstretch> + <verstretch>0</verstretch> + </sizepolicy> + </property> + <property name="font"> + <font> + <pointsize>17</pointsize> + </font> + </property> + <property name="frameShape"> + <enum>Box</enum> + </property> + <property name="frameShadow"> + <enum>Raised</enum> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Question Word +Line 2 +Line 3 +Line 4</string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>WordBreak|AlignCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>The question will appear here</string> + </property> + <property name="wordwrap" stdset="0"> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QFrame"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Frame10</cstring> + </property> + <property name="sizePolicy"> + <sizepolicy> + <hsizetype>5</hsizetype> + <vsizetype>4</vsizetype> + <horstretch>0</horstretch> + <verstretch>0</verstretch> + </sizepolicy> + </property> + <property name="minimumSize"> + <size> + <width>0</width> + <height>0</height> + </size> + </property> + <property name="maximumSize"> + <size> + <width>32767</width> + <height>32767</height> + </size> + </property> + <property name="frameShape"> + <enum>StyledPanel</enum> + </property> + <property name="frameShadow"> + <enum>Raised</enum> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <property name="margin"> + <number>11</number> + </property> + <property name="spacing"> + <number>6</number> + </property> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Layout41_2</cstring> + </property> + <vbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <property name="margin"> + <number>0</number> + </property> + <property name="spacing"> + <number>6</number> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>ScoreLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="font"> + <font> + <pointsize>19</pointsize> + </font> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Score</string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Layout40_2</cstring> + </property> + <vbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <property name="margin"> + <number>0</number> + </property> + <property name="spacing"> + <number>6</number> + </property> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Layout39</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <property name="margin"> + <number>0</number> + </property> + <property name="spacing"> + <number>6</number> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Score1Label</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>0</string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignVCenter|AlignRight</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>SeparatorLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>/</string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Score2Label</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>0</string> + </property> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>PercentageLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Your test percentage so far</string> + </property> + </widget> + </vbox> + </widget> + </vbox> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout9</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>AnswerLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Answer:</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="KLineEdit"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>AnswerBox</cstring> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Enter your answer here</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="KPushButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>OKButton</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>&OK</string> + </property> + <property name="autoDefault"> + <bool>true</bool> + </property> + <property name="default"> + <bool>true</bool> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Check your answer</string> + </property> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout29</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <spacer> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Spacer20</cstring> + </property> + <property name="orientation"> + <enum>Horizontal</enum> + </property> + <property name="sizeType"> + <enum>Expanding</enum> + </property> + <property name="sizeHint"> + <size> + <width>297</width> + <height>20</height> + </size> + </property> + </spacer> + <widget class="KPushButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>BackButton</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>&Back</string> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Go back to the selection screen</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Return to selection screen</string> + </property> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + </vbox> +</widget> +<customwidgets> +</customwidgets> +<tabstops> + <tabstop>AnswerBox</tabstop> + <tabstop>OKButton</tabstop> + <tabstop>BackButton</tabstop> + <tabstop>ChooseConjugation</tabstop> + <tabstop>ChooseVoice</tabstop> + <tabstop>ChooseMood</tabstop> + <tabstop>ChangeButton</tabstop> +</tabstops> +<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/> +<includehints> + <includehint>klineedit.h</includehint> +</includehints> +</UI> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/klatinvocab.cpp b/klatin/klatin/klatinvocab.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..27c2481c --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/klatinvocab.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,398 @@ +/*************************************************************************** + begin : Thu Jul 17 + copyright : (C) 2001-2004 by George Wright + email : gwright@kde.org + ***************************************************************************/ + +/*************************************************************************** + * * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * + * (at your option) any later version. * + * * + ***************************************************************************/ + +#include <qdir.h> +#include <qlabel.h> +#include <qlistview.h> + +#include <kapplication.h> +#include <kcombobox.h> +#include <kiconloader.h> +#include <klocale.h> +#include <kmessagebox.h> +#include <kpushbutton.h> +#include <kstandarddirs.h> +#include <kstdguiitem.h> + +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <time.h> + +#include "klatinvocab.h" +#include "settings.h" + +KLatinVocab::KLatinVocab(QWidget* parent, const char *name) + : KLatinVocabWidget(parent, name) +{ + BackButton->setIconSet(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("back", KIcon::Small)); + + m_vocabFile = QString::null; + + // Goes back to the last dialog + connect(BackButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(goBack())); + + // Set default settings + m_numberOfQuestions = Settings::numOfQuestions(); + m_total = 0; + m_totalCorrect = 0; + m_questionNumber = 0; + m_dialogShown = true; + + // Parse the kvtml vocab file + parseVocab(); + + // Connect the multiple choice buttons to the various slots + connect(Answer1, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(checkAnswerOne())); + connect(Answer2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(checkAnswerTwo())); + connect(Answer3, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(checkAnswerThree())); + connect(Answer4, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(checkAnswerFour())); +} + +KLatinVocab::~KLatinVocab() +{ +} + +void KLatinVocab::parseVocab(QString customFile) +{ + m_vocabFile = customFile; + + m_texts.clear(); + + QString fileName; + + // Load all the config variables + if (Settings::numOfQuestions() != 0) { + m_numberOfQuestions = Settings::numOfQuestions(); + } + + // Load default file as defined in settings + fileName = Settings::defaultFile(); + + kdDebug() << fileName << endl; + + if (!customFile.isNull()) + fileName = customFile; + + // Check whether file exists or not + // If not then regenerate working default + if (QFile::exists(fileName) == FALSE) { + KConfigBase *globalConf = KGlobal::config(); + globalConf->setGroup("Locale"); + + QString language = globalConf->readEntry("Language", "en"); + language = language.left(2); + + QString fileNameLang = locate("data", "klatin/data/vocabs/"); + fileNameLang += language; + + QDir checkLang(fileNameLang); + + if (checkLang.exists() == FALSE) { + language = "en"; + } + + QDir vocabDirectory(fileNameLang, "*.kvtml"); + + QString defaultFile = (fileNameLang + "/" + vocabDirectory[0]); + + if (QFile::exists(defaultFile) == FALSE) { + KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Could not load vocabulary file; there is a problem with your KLatin installation."), i18n("Error with KLatin")); + kapp->quit(); + } else { + fileName = defaultFile; + Settings::setDefaultFile(defaultFile); + } + } + + // Load XML file into memory + KEduVocDataItemList vocabulary = KEduVocData::parse(fileName); + + int it = 0; + + // Start parsing file and allocating words to the QValueList<QStringPair> + for(KEduVocDataItemList::Iterator dataIt = vocabulary.begin(); dataIt != vocabulary.end(); ++dataIt) { + if (Settings::langToLatin()) { + m_texts.append(qMakePair(vocabulary[it].originalText(), vocabulary[it].translatedText())); + } else { + m_texts.append(qMakePair(vocabulary[it].translatedText(), vocabulary[it].originalText())); + } + it++; + } + + // Number of words in the list + m_numberOfWords = it - 1; + + // Create a random sequence to follow in the test + createRandomSequence(); + + // Ask a question + newQuestion(); +} + +void KLatinVocab::createRandomSequence() +{ + // Seed the random number generator + srandom(time(NULL)); + + // This works by assigning an array with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc + // and then shuffling them into m_sequence. + // This sequence is then followed for testing purposes + + // TODO Change implementation to use KRandomSequence + + int i; + int randomSequence[256]; + m_numberOfQuestions++; + + for (i = 0; i < m_numberOfWords; i++) { + randomSequence[i] = i; + } + + // Courtesy of Neil Stevens + for (i = 0; i < m_numberOfQuestions * 2; i++) { + const int x = i % m_numberOfWords; + const int y = x + (rand() % (m_numberOfWords - x)); + const int swap = randomSequence[x]; + randomSequence[x] = randomSequence[y]; + randomSequence[y] = swap; + } + + if (m_numberOfQuestions <= m_numberOfWords) { + for (i = 0; i < m_numberOfQuestions; i++) { + m_sequence[i] = randomSequence[i]; + } + } + + if (m_numberOfQuestions > m_numberOfWords) { + int j = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < m_numberOfQuestions; i++) { + if (j < m_numberOfWords) { + m_sequence[i] = randomSequence[j]; + j++; + } + if (j >= m_numberOfWords) { + j = 0; + } + } + } +} + +void KLatinVocab::newQuestion() +{ + int randNum = 0; + + // If we have already asked the number of questions required + // then show the results dialogue + if (m_questionNumber == (m_numberOfQuestions - 1)) { + resultsDialog(); + return; + } + + // Seed the random number generator + srandom(time(NULL)); + + // Grab number from random sequence + randNum = m_sequence[m_questionNumber]; + + QuestionLabel->setText(m_texts[randNum].first); + m_previousQuestion += QuestionLabel->text(); + + // Initialise a couple of temporary variables + int i = 0, j = 0, tempRand[4]; + bool override = FALSE; + + // Assign m_choiceWords with the 4 words + // to go into the multiple choice. Make sure + // none of them are the same. + while (i < 4) { + tempRand[i] = (random() % (m_numberOfWords - 1)) + 1; + if (i > 0) { + j = 0; + while (j < i) { + if (tempRand[j] == tempRand[i]) { + tempRand[i] = (random() % (m_numberOfWords - 1)) + 1; + } else + j++; + } + } + i++; + } + + // Assign the four words to m_choiceWords. + if (m_choiceWords.count() == 0) { + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) + m_choiceWords += m_texts[tempRand[i]].second; + m_choiceWords += m_texts[randNum].second; + } else { + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) + m_choiceWords[i] = m_texts[tempRand[i]].second; + m_choiceWords[4] = m_texts[randNum].second; + } + + // Make sure the actual answer isn't already in m_choiceWords + // If it is, set override to be TRUE + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { + if (m_choiceWords[4] == m_choiceWords[i]) { + m_lastAnswerNumber = i; + override = TRUE; + } + } + + bool exitLoop = FALSE; + + // Override a random variable with the correct + // answer + if (!override) { + int answerNumber = (random() % 3); + while (!exitLoop) { + if (answerNumber != m_lastAnswerNumber) { + m_choiceWords[answerNumber] = m_texts[randNum].second; + m_lastAnswerNumber = answerNumber; + exitLoop = TRUE; + } else { + answerNumber = (random() % 3); + } + } + } + + // Add the correct answer to the list (for use + // when the results dialogue is called) + m_correctAnswer += m_choiceWords[4]; + + // The four values that will go into the four + // Option boxes. + Answer1->setText(m_choiceWords[0]); + Answer2->setText(m_choiceWords[1]); + Answer3->setText(m_choiceWords[2]); + Answer4->setText(m_choiceWords[3]); + + // We have now asked another question so iterate this int. + m_questionNumber++; +} + +// Slots + +void KLatinVocab::goBack() +{ + // If the dialogue isn't already shown then show it + if (!m_dialogShown) + resultsDialog(); + + emit exited(); + close(); +} + +// Slots for each of the multiple choice buttons + +void KLatinVocab::checkAnswer(int button) +{ + m_dialogShown = false; + + if (m_choiceWords[button] == m_choiceWords[4]) { + // Update the total answered correctly + m_totalCorrect++; + } + // Update the total questions faced + m_total++; + + m_previousAnswer += m_choiceWords[button]; + updateScores(); + // Setup a new question + newQuestion(); +} + +// TODO Use one slot and check the sender() instead +void KLatinVocab::checkAnswerOne() +{ + checkAnswer(0); +} + +void KLatinVocab::checkAnswerTwo() +{ + checkAnswer(1); +} + +void KLatinVocab::checkAnswerThree() +{ + checkAnswer(2); +} + +void KLatinVocab::checkAnswerFour() +{ + checkAnswer(3); +} + +void KLatinVocab::updateScores() +{ + // Update the score labels + Score1Label->setNum(m_totalCorrect); + Score2Label->setNum(m_total); + + // Set percentage + PercentageLabel->setText(QString::number(int(double(m_totalCorrect) / m_total * 100))+QString("%")); +} + +void KLatinVocab::resultsDialog() +{ + // Show the results dialog + + results = new KLatinResultsDialog(this, 0, TRUE); + results->CloseButton->setGuiItem(KStdGuiItem::close()); + + int temp = Score2Label->text().toInt(); + + // Set the lists + for (int i = 0 ; i < temp; i++) { + if (m_previousAnswer[i] != 0) + new QListViewItem(results->ResultsView, m_previousQuestion[i], m_previousAnswer[i], m_correctAnswer[i]); + } + + // Set the scores + results->PercentageValue->setText(PercentageLabel->text()); + results->AttemptedValue->setText(Score2Label->text()); + + results->show(); + results->resize(QSize(420, 280)); + + // Set some variables. + m_dialogShown = true; + + changeVocab(Settings::defaultFile()); +} + +void KLatinVocab::changeVocab(const QString &filename) +{ + // Reset to defaults + m_total = 0; + m_totalCorrect = 0; + m_questionNumber = 0; + m_numberOfQuestions = Settings::numOfQuestions(); + + // Reset the StringLists as we are now on a new testing session + m_correctAnswer.clear(); + m_previousAnswer.clear(); + m_previousQuestion.clear(); + + // Reset score labels + Score1Label->setNum(m_totalCorrect); + Score2Label->setNum(m_total); + PercentageLabel->setText(0); + + // Load the vocabulary file again (and thus create a new random sequence) + parseVocab(filename); +} + + +#include "klatinvocab.moc" diff --git a/klatin/klatin/klatinvocab.h b/klatin/klatin/klatinvocab.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c33081df --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/klatinvocab.h @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +/*************************************************************************** + begin : Thu Jul 17 + copyright : (C) 2001-2004 by George Wright + email : gwright@kde.org + ***************************************************************************/ + +/*************************************************************************** + * * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * + * (at your option) any later version. * + * * + ***************************************************************************/ + + +#ifndef KLATINVOCAB_H +#define KLATINVOCAB_H + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include <config.h> +#endif + +#include <qdir.h> +#include <qpair.h> + +#include "keduvocdata.h" +#include "klatinresultsdialog.h" +#include "klatinvocabwidget.h" + +class KLatinVocab : public KLatinVocabWidget +{ + Q_OBJECT +public: + KLatinVocab(QWidget* parent=0, const char *name=0); + ~KLatinVocab(); + + /// Load vocabulary from file @p customFile + void parseVocab(QString customFile = QString::null); + /// Generate a new question + void newQuestion(); + /// Update the scores of the test so far + void updateScores(); + /// Show the results dialog + void resultsDialog(); + /// Shuffle the words into a random sequence + void createRandomSequence(); + /// Check the answer given (forwarded to from checkAnswer*) + void checkAnswer(int button); +private slots: + /// Destory the widget + void goBack(); + /// Check if answer is correct if button 1 is pressed + void checkAnswerOne(); + /// Check if answer is correct if button 2 is pressed + void checkAnswerTwo(); + /// Check if answer is correct if button 3 is pressed + void checkAnswerThree(); + /// Check if answer is correct if button 4 is pressed + void checkAnswerFour(); +public slots: + /// Load a different vocabulary file in the standard install + void changeVocab(const QString &filename); +signals: + /// Emitted when goBack() is called + void exited(); +private: + /// The list in which the native language and Latin words are assigned + typedef QPair<QString, QString> QStringPair; + QValueList<QStringPair> m_texts; + + QString m_fileDir; + /// The filename of the vocabulary file being tested on + QString m_vocabFile; + /// A list of the 4 words used for assigning to the 4 multiple choice buttons + QStringList m_choiceWords; + /// The previous question's answer + QStringList m_correctAnswer; + /// The user's answer to the previous question + QStringList m_previousAnswer; + /// The previous question asked + QStringList m_previousQuestion; + + QDir m_vocabDirectory; + + /// The question number in this session + int m_questionNumber; + /// The number of questions to ask (defined in Settings) + int m_numberOfQuestions; + /// The number of words in the vocabulary list + int m_numberOfWords; + + /// The button on which the last correct answer was assigned + int m_lastAnswerNumber; + + /// Determines whether the results dialog is currently shown or not + bool m_dialogShown; + /// Total number of questions answered correctly + int m_totalCorrect; + /// Total number of questions answered + int m_total; + + /// Array to assign random sequence of words to + int m_sequence[256]; + + KLatinResultsDialog *results; + +}; + +#endif // KLATINVOCAB_H diff --git a/klatin/klatin/klatinvocabwidget.ui b/klatin/klatin/klatinvocabwidget.ui new file mode 100644 index 00000000..db6ad834 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/klatinvocabwidget.ui @@ -0,0 +1,392 @@ +<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.3" stdsetdef="1"> +<class>KLatinVocabWidget</class> +<widget class="QWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>KLatinVocabWidget</cstring> + </property> + <property name="geometry"> + <rect> + <x>0</x> + <y>0</y> + <width>582</width> + <height>376</height> + </rect> + </property> + <property name="caption"> + <string>KLatin</string> + </property> + <vbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>TitleLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="minimumSize"> + <size> + <width>500</width> + <height>0</height> + </size> + </property> + <property name="font"> + <font> + <pointsize>22</pointsize> + </font> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Vocabulary Section</string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout52</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>QuestionLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="sizePolicy"> + <sizepolicy> + <hsizetype>3</hsizetype> + <vsizetype>3</vsizetype> + <horstretch>0</horstretch> + <verstretch>0</verstretch> + </sizepolicy> + </property> + <property name="font"> + <font> + <pointsize>17</pointsize> + </font> + </property> + <property name="frameShape"> + <enum>Box</enum> + </property> + <property name="frameShadow"> + <enum>Raised</enum> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Question Word</string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>The question word will appear here</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QFrame"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Frame10</cstring> + </property> + <property name="sizePolicy"> + <sizepolicy> + <hsizetype>5</hsizetype> + <vsizetype>4</vsizetype> + <horstretch>0</horstretch> + <verstretch>0</verstretch> + </sizepolicy> + </property> + <property name="maximumSize"> + <size> + <width>32767</width> + <height>32767</height> + </size> + </property> + <property name="frameShape"> + <enum>StyledPanel</enum> + </property> + <property name="frameShadow"> + <enum>Raised</enum> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Your current score</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Your score appears on this display. Number of correct answers/total number of answers.</string> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <property name="margin"> + <number>11</number> + </property> + <property name="spacing"> + <number>6</number> + </property> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Layout41</cstring> + </property> + <vbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <property name="margin"> + <number>0</number> + </property> + <property name="spacing"> + <number>6</number> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>ScoreLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="font"> + <font> + <pointsize>19</pointsize> + </font> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Score</string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Layout40</cstring> + </property> + <vbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <property name="margin"> + <number>0</number> + </property> + <property name="spacing"> + <number>6</number> + </property> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Layout39</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <property name="margin"> + <number>0</number> + </property> + <property name="spacing"> + <number>6</number> + </property> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Score1Label</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>0</string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignVCenter|AlignRight</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Separator</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>/</string> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Score2Label</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>0</string> + </property> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + <widget class="QLabel"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>PercentageLabel</cstring> + </property> + <property name="alignment"> + <set>AlignCenter</set> + </property> + <property name="hAlign" stdset="0"> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Your test percentage so far</string> + </property> + </widget> + </vbox> + </widget> + </vbox> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout53</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="KPushButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Answer1</cstring> + </property> + <property name="minimumSize"> + <size> + <width>150</width> + <height>40</height> + </size> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Answer 1</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Click this if you think it is the right answer.</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="KPushButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Answer2</cstring> + </property> + <property name="minimumSize"> + <size> + <width>150</width> + <height>40</height> + </size> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Answer 2</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Click this if you think it is the right answer.</string> + </property> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout64</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <widget class="KPushButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Answer3</cstring> + </property> + <property name="minimumSize"> + <size> + <width>150</width> + <height>40</height> + </size> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Answer 3</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Click this if you think it is the right answer.</string> + </property> + </widget> + <widget class="KPushButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Answer4</cstring> + </property> + <property name="minimumSize"> + <size> + <width>150</width> + <height>40</height> + </size> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>Answer 4</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Click this if you think it is the right answer.</string> + </property> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + <widget class="QLayoutWidget"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>layout18</cstring> + </property> + <hbox> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>unnamed</cstring> + </property> + <spacer> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>Spacer405</cstring> + </property> + <property name="orientation"> + <enum>Horizontal</enum> + </property> + <property name="sizeType"> + <enum>Expanding</enum> + </property> + <property name="sizeHint"> + <size> + <width>326</width> + <height>20</height> + </size> + </property> + </spacer> + <widget class="KPushButton"> + <property name="name"> + <cstring>BackButton</cstring> + </property> + <property name="text"> + <string>&Back</string> + </property> + <property name="toolTip" stdset="0"> + <string>Go back to the selection screen</string> + </property> + <property name="whatsThis" stdset="0"> + <string>Return to the selection screen</string> + </property> + </widget> + </hbox> + </widget> + </vbox> +</widget> +<tabstops> + <tabstop>Answer1</tabstop> + <tabstop>Answer2</tabstop> + <tabstop>Answer3</tabstop> + <tabstop>Answer4</tabstop> + <tabstop>BackButton</tabstop> +</tabstops> +<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/> +<includehints> + <includehint>kpushbutton.h</includehint> + <includehint>kpushbutton.h</includehint> + <includehint>kpushbutton.h</includehint> + <includehint>kpushbutton.h</includehint> + <includehint>kpushbutton.h</includehint> +</includehints> +</UI> diff --git a/klatin/klatin/main.cpp b/klatin/klatin/main.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8de40ff0 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/main.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +/*************************************************************************** + begin : Tue Dec 18 17:47:22 GMT 2001 + copyright : (C) 2001-2004 by George Wright + email : gwright@kde.org + ***************************************************************************/ + +/*************************************************************************** + * * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * + * (at your option) any later version. * + * * + ***************************************************************************/ + +#include <kapplication.h> +#include <kcmdlineargs.h> +#include <kaboutdata.h> + +#include "klatin.h" + +static const char description[] = + I18N_NOOP("KLatin - a program to help revise Latin"); +// INSERT A DESCRIPTION FOR YOUR APPLICATION HERE + + +static KCmdLineOptions options[] = +{ + KCmdLineLastOption +}; + +int main(int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + + KAboutData aboutData( "klatin", I18N_NOOP("KLatin"), + "0.9", description, KAboutData::License_GPL, + "(C) 2001-2004, George Wright", 0, "http://edu.kde.org/klatin", "submit@bugs.kde.org"); + + aboutData.addAuthor("George Wright",I18N_NOOP("Author and Maintainer"), "gwright@kde.org"); + aboutData.addCredit("Anne-Marie Mahfouf",I18N_NOOP("Bug fixes, documentation"), "annma@kde.org"); + aboutData.addCredit("Neil Stevens",I18N_NOOP("Vocabulary shuffling code"), "neil@hakubi.us"); + + aboutData.addCredit("Danny Allen",I18N_NOOP("SVG icon"), "danny@dannyallen.co.uk"); + aboutData.addCredit("Pino Toscano",I18N_NOOP("Bug fixes and code improvement, Italian Vocabulary Data Translation"), "toscano.pino@tiscali.it"); + aboutData.addCredit("Mikolaj Machowski",I18N_NOOP("Polish Vocabulary Data Translation"), "mikmach@wp.pl"); + + KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutData ); + KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options ); // Add our own options. + + KApplication a; + + KLatin *klatin = new KLatin(); + + if (a.isRestored()) { + RESTORE(KLatin); + } else { + a.setMainWidget(klatin); + klatin->show(); + } + + return a.exec(); +} diff --git a/klatin/klatin/settings.kcfgc b/klatin/klatin/settings.kcfgc new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f9475d28 --- /dev/null +++ b/klatin/klatin/settings.kcfgc @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +File=klatin.kcfg +ClassName=Settings +IncludeFiles=kstandarddirs.h,qdir.h,klocale.h,kdebug.h +Singleton=true +Mutators=true
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