path: root/kpovmodeler/pmpattern.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kpovmodeler/pmpattern.h')
1 files changed, 449 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kpovmodeler/pmpattern.h b/kpovmodeler/pmpattern.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69001a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kpovmodeler/pmpattern.h
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+ description
+ --------------------
+ copyright : (C) 2001-2002 by Luis Carvalho
+ email :
+* *
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+* (at your option) any later version. *
+* *
+#ifndef PMPATTERN_H
+#define PMPATTERN_H
+#include <config.h>
+#include "pmobject.h"
+#include "pmvector.h"
+#include "pmcolor.h"
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+#include <qvaluestack.h>
+ * Class for povray patterns.
+ */
+class PMPattern : public PMObject
+ typedef PMObject Base;
+ /**
+ * The type of the pattern
+ */
+ enum PMPatternType { PatternAgate, PatternAverage, PatternBoxed,
+ PatternBozo, PatternBumps, PatternCells,
+ PatternCrackle, PatternCylindrical, PatternDensity,
+ PatternDents, PatternGradient, PatternGranite,
+ PatternJulia, PatternLeopard, PatternMandel,
+ PatternMarble, PatternOnion, PatternPlanar,
+ PatternQuilted, PatternRadial, PatternRipples,
+ PatternSlope, PatternSpherical, PatternSpiral1,
+ PatternSpiral2, PatternSpotted, PatternWaves,
+ PatternWood, PatternWrinkles };
+ /**
+ * The noise generators
+ */
+ enum PMNoiseType { GlobalSetting, Original, RangeCorrected, Perlin };
+ /**
+ * Creates a PMPattern
+ */
+ PMPattern( PMPart* part );
+ /**
+ * Copy constructor
+ */
+ PMPattern( const PMPattern& p );
+ /**
+ * deletes the PMPattern
+ */
+ virtual ~PMPattern( );
+ /** */
+ virtual PMObject* copy( ) const { return new PMPattern( *this ); }
+ /** */
+ virtual QString description( ) const;
+ /** */
+ virtual QString pixmap( ) const { return QString( "pmpattern" ); }
+ /** */
+ virtual PMMetaObject* metaObject( ) const;
+ /** */
+ virtual void cleanUp( ) const;
+ /** */
+ virtual void serialize( QDomElement& e, QDomDocument& doc ) const;
+ /** */
+ virtual void readAttributes( const PMXMLHelper& h );
+ /**
+ * Returns a new @ref PMPatternEdit
+ */
+ virtual PMDialogEditBase* editWidget( QWidget* parent ) const;
+ /**
+ * Gets the pattern type
+ */
+ PMPatternType patternType( ) const { return m_patternType; }
+ /**
+ * Gets the agate Turbulence*/
+ double agateTurbulence( ) const { return m_agateTurbulence; }
+ /**
+ * Gets the crackle form
+ */
+ PMVector crackleForm( ) const { return m_crackleForm; }
+ /**
+ * Gets the crackle metric
+ */
+ int crackleMetric( ) const { return m_crackleMetric; }
+ /**
+ * Gets the crackle offset
+ */
+ double crackleOffset( ) const { return m_crackleOffset; }
+ /**
+ * Gets the crackle solid flag
+ */
+ bool crackleSolid( ) const { return m_crackleSolid; }
+ /**
+ * Gets the desity file name
+ */
+ QString densityFile( ) const { return m_densityFile; }
+ /**
+ * Gets the density interpolation
+ */
+ int densityInterpolate( ) const { return m_densityInterpolate; }
+ /**
+ * Gets the gradint vector
+ */
+ PMVector gradient( ) const { return m_gradient; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the Complex number for Julia Fractals
+ */
+ PMVector juliaComplex( ) const { return m_juliaComplex; }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if where using tha magnet types of fractals
+ */
+ bool fractalMagnet( ) const { return m_fractalMagnet; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the magnet type of a fractal
+ */
+ int fractalMagnetType( ) const { return m_fractalMagnetType; }
+ /**
+ * Gets the number of Iterations for fractals
+ */
+ int maxIterations( ) const { return m_maxIterations; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the exponent of a fractal
+ */
+ int fractalExponent( ) const { return m_fractalExponent; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the exterior type of a fractal
+ */
+ int fractalExtType( ) const { return m_fractalExtType; }
+ /**
+ * Return the exterior factor of a fractal
+ */
+ double fractalExtFactor( ) const { return m_fractalExtFactor; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the interior type of a fractal
+ */
+ int fractalIntType( ) const { return m_fractalIntType; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the interior factor of a fractal
+ */
+ double fractalIntFactor( ) const { return m_fractalIntFactor; }
+ /**
+ * Gets control0 for Quilt
+ */
+ double quiltControl0( ) const { return m_quiltControl0; }
+ /**
+ * Gets control1 for Quilt
+ */
+ double quiltControl1( ) const { return m_quiltControl1; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the slope direction
+ */
+ PMVector slopeDirection( ) const { return m_slopeDirection; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the low slope value
+ */
+ double slopeLoSlope( ) const { return m_slopeLoSlope; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the high slope value
+ */
+ double slopeHiSlope( ) const { return m_slopeHiSlope; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the slopes altitude flag
+ */
+ bool slopeAltFlag( ) const { return m_slopeAltFlag; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the altitude for the slope
+ */
+ PMVector slopeAltitude( ) const { return m_slopeAltitude; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the low altitude for slope
+ */
+ double slopeLoAltitude( ) const { return m_slopeLoAlt; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the high altitude for slope
+ */
+ double slopeHiAltitude( ) const { return m_slopeHiAlt; }
+ /**
+ * Gets the number of arms in spiral types 1 and 2
+ */
+ int spiralNumberArms( ) const { return m_spiralNumberArms; }
+ /**
+ * Returns the noise generator
+ */
+ PMNoiseType noiseGenerator( ) const { return m_noiseGenerator; };
+ /**
+ * Returns whether turbulence is enabled
+ */
+ bool isTurbulenceEnabled( ) const { return m_enableTurbulence; }
+ /**
+ * Gets the Turbulence vector
+ */
+ PMVector valueVector( ) const { return m_valueVector; }
+ /**
+ * Gets the turbulence octaves
+ */
+ int octaves( ) const { return m_octaves; }
+ /**
+ * Gets the turbulence omega
+ */
+ double omega( ) const { return m_omega; }
+ /**
+ * Gets the turbulence lambda
+ */
+ double lambda( ) const { return m_lambda; }
+ /**
+ * Returns depth (only has meaning inside a normal)
+ */
+ double depth( ) const { return m_depth; }
+ /**
+ * Sets the pattern type
+ */
+ void setPatternType( PMPatternType l );
+ /**
+ * Sets agate turbulence
+ */
+ void setAgateTurbulence( double c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the crackle form
+ */
+ void setCrackleForm( const PMVector& v );
+ /**
+ * Sets the crackle metric
+ */
+ void setCrackleMetric( int c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the crackle offset
+ */
+ void setCrackleOffset( double c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the crackle solid flag
+ */
+ void setCrackleSolid( bool c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the Density File Name
+ */
+ void setDensityFile( const QString& v );
+ /**
+ * Sets the density interpolation
+ */
+ void setDensityInterpolate( int c );
+ /**
+ * sets gradient vector
+ */
+ void setGradient( const PMVector& v );
+ /**
+ * Sets the complex number for Julia
+ */
+ void setJuliaComplex( const PMVector& v );
+ /**
+ * Sets if where using magnet types of fractals
+ */
+ void setFractalMagnet( bool c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the magnet type of a fractal
+ */
+ void setFractalMagnetType( int c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the maximum iterations for fractals
+ */
+ void setMaxIterations( int c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the exponent for fractals
+ */
+ void setFractalExponent( int c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the exterior type of fractals
+ */
+ void setFractalExtType( int c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the exterior factor of fractals
+ */
+ void setFractalExtFactor( double c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the interior type of fractals
+ */
+ void setFractalIntType( int c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the interior factor of fractals
+ */
+ void setFractalIntFactor( double c );
+ /**
+ * Sets quilt control 0
+ */
+ void setQuiltControl0( double c );
+ /**
+ * Sets quite control 1
+ */
+ void setQuiltControl1( double c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the slope direction
+ */
+ void setSlopeDirection( const PMVector& v );
+ /**
+ * Sets the low slope value
+ */
+ void setSlopeLoSlope( double c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the high slope value
+ */
+ void setSlopeHiSlope( double c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the slopes altitude flag
+ */
+ void setSlopeAltFlag( bool c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the slopes alititude direction
+ */
+ void setSlopeAltitude( const PMVector& v );
+ /**
+ * Sets the slopes low altitude
+ */
+ void setSlopeLoAlt( double c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the slopes high altitude
+ */
+ void setSlopeHiAlt( double c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the number of spiral arms
+ */
+ void setSpiralNumberArms( int c );
+ /**
+ * Sets noise generator
+ */
+ void setNoiseGenerator( PMNoiseType c );
+ /**
+ * Enables turbulence
+ */
+ void enableTurbulence( bool c );
+ /**
+ * sets the turbulence vector
+ */
+ void setValueVector( const PMVector& v );
+ /**
+ * Sets the turbulence octaves
+ */
+ void setOctaves( int c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the turblence omega
+ */
+ void setOmega( double c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the turbulence Lambda
+ */
+ void setLambda( double c );
+ /**
+ * Sets the depth value (only inside normals)
+ */
+ void setDepth( double c );
+ /** */
+ virtual void restoreMemento( PMMemento* s );
+ /**
+ * IDs for @ref PMMementoData
+ */
+ enum PMPatternMementoID { PMPatternTypeID, PMAgateTurbulenceID, PMCrackleFormID,
+ PMCrackleMetricID, PMCrackleOffsetID, PMCrackleSolidID,
+ PMDensityFileID, PMDensityInterpolateID, PMGradientID,
+ PMJuliaComplexID, PMFractalMagnetID, PMFractalMagnetTypeID,
+ PMMaxIterationsID, PMFractalExponentID, PMFractalExtTypeID,
+ PMFractalExtFactorID, PMFractalIntTypeID, PMFractalIntFactorID,
+ PMQuiltControl0ID, PMQuiltControl1ID, PMSlopeDirectionID,
+ PMSlopeLoSlopeID, PMSlopeHiSlopeID, PMSlopeAltFlagID,
+ PMSlopeAltitudeID, PMSlopeLoAltID, PMSlopeHiAltID,
+ PMSpiralNumberArmsID, PMNoiseGeneratorID, PMEnableTurbulenceID,
+ PMValueVectorID, PMOctavesID, PMOmegaID, PMLambdaID, PMDepthID };
+ /**
+ * Pattern type
+ */
+ PMPatternType m_patternType;
+ // Extra values for Individual Patterns
+ // Agate
+ double m_agateTurbulence;
+ // crackle
+ PMVector m_crackleForm;
+ int m_crackleMetric;
+ double m_crackleOffset;
+ bool m_crackleSolid;
+ // density
+ QString m_densityFile;
+ int m_densityInterpolate;
+ // gradient
+ PMVector m_gradient;
+ // Julia
+ PMVector m_juliaComplex;
+ // Fractal patterns Mandel and Julia
+ bool m_fractalMagnet;
+ int m_fractalMagnetType;
+ int m_maxIterations;
+ int m_fractalExponent;
+ int m_fractalExtType;
+ double m_fractalExtFactor;
+ int m_fractalIntType;
+ double m_fractalIntFactor;
+ // quilt
+ double m_quiltControl0;
+ double m_quiltControl1;
+ // slope
+ PMVector m_slopeDirection;
+ double m_slopeLoSlope;
+ double m_slopeHiSlope;
+ bool m_slopeAltFlag;
+ PMVector m_slopeAltitude;
+ double m_slopeLoAlt;
+ double m_slopeHiAlt;
+ // Spiral
+ int m_spiralNumberArms;
+ // noise generator type for Bozo, Bumps, Granite and Wrinkles.
+ PMNoiseType m_noiseGenerator;
+ // Turbulence available for all patterns
+ bool m_enableTurbulence;
+ PMVector m_valueVector;
+ int m_octaves;
+ double m_omega;
+ double m_lambda;
+ // depth when used with Normal
+ double m_depth;
+ static PMMetaObject* s_pMetaObject;