path: root/kate/data/xslt.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kate/data/xslt.xml')
1 files changed, 379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kate/data/xslt.xml b/kate/data/xslt.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0462c6f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/data/xslt.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE language SYSTEM "language.dtd"
+ <!ENTITY qname "[A-Za-z_:][\w.:_-]*">
+ <!ENTITY entref "&amp;(#[0-9]+|#[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+|&qname;);">
+ <!ENTITY axisname "ancestor|ancestor-or-self|attribute|child|descendant|descendant-or-self|following|following-sibling|namespace|parent|preceding|preceding-sibling|self">
+ Kate syntax highlighting for XSLT
+ 2004 by Peter Lammich (
+ Published under the LGPL
+ - Is qname - entity correct ??
+ - Integrate latest XML highlighting, that supports !DOCTYPE, ![CDATA[, Processing Instructions, ...
+ This version is mainly based on kate 2.1 XML highlighting file
+ - highlight functions only if they are followed by a '('. (How to do that ??)
+ - use <IncludeRules> to make things a bit more modular and cleaner
+ - I'd like to properly comment this file, but kate 2.1 (I have to work with it) behaves strange whith comments.
+ It seems to immediately stop processing a tag's content when encountering a comment
+ - Define own highlighting rules for patterns (Currently a pattern is highlighted as XPath)
+ - Highlight also XPath keywords, such as 'cast as'
+ DONE: Added XSLT 2.0 tag- and XPath2.0 and XSLT2.0 function keywords
+ FIXED: axis highlighting does not work, if identifier continues directly behind axis: (self::someWord)
+ DONE: highlight entity references
+ Do not replace the <RegExpr> by <IncludeEntities>, this is a kate 2.1 workaround !
+ FIXED axis-names are even highlighted if there are characters in front of them, i.e. in "xxxself::", "self::" would
+ be highlighted.
+ Now matching any qnames in XPath by own matcher
+ &varname; entity, what exactly is allowed by xslt ?
+ &varname; entity not used any more, variable names can be qnames.
+ CHANGED: Use the Alert style for the highlighting of todo and fixme, etc.
+ Comments are foldable, two dashes inside comment hl as error,
+ use the dsError style for Invalid data (Wilbert Berendsen,
+<language version="1.03" kateversion="2.1" name="xslt" section="Markup" extensions="*.xsl;*.xslt" license="LGPL" author="Peter Lammich (">
+ <highlighting>
+ <list name="keytags">
+ <item> xsl:value-of </item>
+ <item> xsl:output </item>
+ <item> xsl:decimal-format </item>
+ <item> xsl:apply-templates </item>
+ <item> xsl:param </item>
+ <item> xsl:transform </item>
+ <item> xsl:namespace-alias </item>
+ <item> xsl:comment </item>
+ <item> xsl:element </item>
+ <item> xsl:attribute </item>
+ <item> xsl:apply-imports </item>
+ <item> xsl:text </item>
+ <item> xsl:when </item>
+ <item> xsl:template </item>
+ <item> xsl:processing-instruction </item>
+ <item> xsl:include </item>
+ <item> xsl:copy-of </item>
+ <item> xsl:copy </item>
+ <item> xsl:with-param </item>
+ <item> xsl:stylesheet </item>
+ <item> xsl:for-each </item>
+ <item> xsl:choose </item>
+ <item> xsl:sort </item>
+ <item> xsl:otherwise </item>
+ <item> xsl:key </item>
+ <item> xsl:variable </item>
+ <item> xsl:number </item>
+ <item> xsl:message </item>
+ <item> xsl:fallback </item>
+ <item> xsl:strip-space </item>
+ <item> xsl:import </item>
+ <item> xsl:preserve-space </item>
+ <item> xsl:if </item>
+ <item> xsl:call-template </item>
+ <item> xsl:attribute-set </item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="keytags_2.0">
+ <item> xsl:perform-sort </item>
+ <item> xsl:import-schema </item>
+ <item> xsl:for-each-group </item>
+ <item> xsl:sequence </item>
+ <item> xsl:non-matching-substring </item>
+ <item> xsl:namespace </item>
+ <item> xsl:next-match </item>
+ <item> xsl:function </item>
+ <item> xsl:analyze-string </item>
+ <item> xsl:output-character </item>
+ <item> xsl:matching-substring </item>
+ <item> xsl:result-document </item>
+ <item> xsl:character-map </item>
+ <item> xsl:document </item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="functions">
+ <item> format-number </item>
+ <item> position </item>
+ <item> lang </item>
+ <item> substring-before </item>
+ <item> substring </item>
+ <item> normalize-space </item>
+ <item> round </item>
+ <item> translate </item>
+ <item> starts-with </item>
+ <item> concat </item>
+ <item> local-name </item>
+ <item> key </item>
+ <item> count </item>
+ <item> document </item>
+ <item> system-property </item>
+ <item> current </item>
+ <item> boolean </item>
+ <item> number </item>
+ <item> contains </item>
+ <item> name </item>
+ <item> last </item>
+ <item> unparsed-entity-uri </item>
+ <item> sum </item>
+ <item> generate-id </item>
+ <item> function-available </item>
+ <item> element-available </item>
+ <item> false </item>
+ <item> substring-after </item>
+ <item> not </item>
+ <item> string-length </item>
+ <item> id </item>
+ <item> floor </item>
+ <item> ceiling </item>
+ <item> namespace-uri </item>
+ <item> true </item>
+ <item> string </item>
+ <item> text </item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="functions_2.0">
+ <item> zero-or-one </item>
+ <item> replace </item>
+ <item> namespace-uri-for-prefix </item>
+ <item> current-grouping-key </item>
+ <item> seconds-from-duration </item>
+ <item> resolve-uri </item>
+ <item> node-kind </item>
+ <item> minutes-from-dateTime </item>
+ <item> implicit-timezone </item>
+ <item> exactly-one </item>
+ <item> current-time </item>
+ <item> current-dateTime </item>
+ <item> unordered </item>
+ <item> subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration </item>
+ <item> string-join </item>
+ <item> static-base-uri </item>
+ <item> months-from-duration </item>
+ <item> input </item>
+ <item> exists </item>
+ <item> default-collation </item>
+ <item> dateTime </item>
+ <item> current-group </item>
+ <item> current-date </item>
+ <item> collection </item>
+ <item> timezone-from-time </item>
+ <item> matches </item>
+ <item> local-name-from-QName </item>
+ <item> day-from-date </item>
+ <item> timezone-from-date </item>
+ <item> round-half-to-even </item>
+ <item> month-from-dateTime </item>
+ <item> month-from-date </item>
+ <item> hours-from-duration </item>
+ <item> escape-uri </item>
+ <item> distinct-values </item>
+ <item> avg </item>
+ <item> years-from-duration </item>
+ <item> unparsed-text </item>
+ <item> unparsed-entity-public-id </item>
+ <item> subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration </item>
+ <item> subtract-dates-yielding-yearMonthDuration </item>
+ <item> string-to-codepoints </item>
+ <item> sequence-node-identical </item>
+ <item> hours-from-time </item>
+ <item> hours-from-dateTime </item>
+ <item> format-time </item>
+ <item> codepoints-to-string </item>
+ <item> trace </item>
+ <item> tokenize </item>
+ <item> subtract-dateTimes-yielding-yearMonthDuration </item>
+ <item> subsequence </item>
+ <item> seconds-from-dateTime </item>
+ <item> regex-group </item>
+ <item> one-or-more </item>
+ <item> node-name </item>
+ <item> namespace-uri-from-QName </item>
+ <item> min </item>
+ <item> idref </item>
+ <item> format-dateTime </item>
+ <item> format-date </item>
+ <item> days-from-duration </item>
+ <item> compare </item>
+ <item> base-uri </item>
+ <item> seconds-from-time </item>
+ <item> in-scope-prefixes </item>
+ <item> expanded-QName </item>
+ <item> adjust-date-to-timezone </item>
+ <item> year-from-date </item>
+ <item> resolve-QName </item>
+ <item> remove </item>
+ <item> QName </item>
+ <item> minutes-from-time </item>
+ <item> max </item>
+ <item> lower-case </item>
+ <item> index-of </item>
+ <item> doc </item>
+ <item> deep-equal </item>
+ <item> data </item>
+ <item> minutes-from-duration </item>
+ <item> adjust-dateTime-to-timezone </item>
+ <item> abs </item>
+ <item> timezone-from-dateTime </item>
+ <item> reverse </item>
+ <item> error </item>
+ <item> ends-with </item>
+ <item> day-from-dateTime </item>
+ <item> year-from-dateTime </item>
+ <item> upper-case </item>
+ <item> root </item>
+ <item> normalize-unicode </item>
+ <item> empty </item>
+ <item> insert-before </item>
+ <item> document-uri </item>
+ <item> adjust-time-to-timezone </item>
+ </list>
+ <contexts>
+ <context name="normalText" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
+ <StringDetect attribute="Comment" context="comment" String="&lt;!--" beginRegion="comment"/>
+ <DetectChar attribute="Tag" context="tagname" char="&lt;" />
+ <RegExpr attribute="Entity Reference" context="#stay" String="&entref;" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="detectEntRef" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay">
+ <RegExpr attribute="Entity Reference" context="#stay" String="&entref;" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="tagname" attribute="Tag" lineEndContext="#stay">
+ <keyword attribute="XSLT Tag" context="xattributes" String="keytags" />
+ <keyword attribute="XSLT 2.0 Tag" context="xattributes" String="keytags_2.0" />
+ <RegExpr attribute="Attribute" context="attributes" String="\s*" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="Tag" context="#pop" char="&gt;" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="attributes" attribute="Attribute" lineEndContext="#stay">
+ <Detect2Chars attribute="Tag" context="#pop#pop" char="/" char1="&gt;" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="Tag" context="#pop#pop" char="&gt;" />
+ <RegExpr attribute="Normal Text" context="attrValue" String="\s*=\s*" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="attrValue" attribute="Invalid" lineEndContext="#stay">
+ <Detect2Chars attribute="Invalid" context="#pop#pop#pop" char="/" char1="&gt;" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="Invalid" context="#pop#pop#pop" char="&gt;" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="Attribute Value" context="string" char="&quot;" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="Attribute Value" context="sqstring" char="'" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="xattributes" attribute="Attribute" lineEndContext="#stay">
+ <Detect2Chars attribute="Tag" context="#pop#pop" char="/" char1="&gt;" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="Tag" context="#pop#pop" char="&gt;" />
+ <RegExpr attribute="Attribute" context="xattrValue" String="select\s*=\s*" />
+ <RegExpr attribute="Attribute" context="xattrValue" String="test\s*=\s*" />
+ <RegExpr attribute="Attribute" context="xattrValue" String="match\s*=\s*" />
+ <RegExpr attribute="Attribute" context="attrValue" String="\s*=\s*" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="xattrValue" attribute="Invalid" lineEndContext="#stay">
+ <Detect2Chars attribute="Invalid" context="#pop#pop#pop" char="/" char1="&gt;" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="Invalid" context="#pop#pop#pop" char="&gt;" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="XPath" context="xpath" char="&quot;" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="XPath" context="sqxpath" char="'" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="string" attribute="Attribute Value" lineEndContext="#stay">
+ <DetectChar attribute="XPath" context="xpath" char="{" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="Attribute Value" context="#pop#pop" char="&quot;" />
+ <IncludeRules context="detectEntRef" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="sqstring" attribute="Attribute Value" lineEndContext="#stay">
+ <DetectChar attribute="XPath" context="sqxpath" char="{" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="Attribute Value" context="#pop#pop" char="'" />
+ <IncludeRules context="detectEntRef" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="comment" attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#stay">
+ <StringDetect attribute="Comment" context="#pop" String="--&gt;" endRegion="comment" />
+ <RegExpr attribute="Invalid" context="#stay" String="-(-(?!-&gt;))+" />
+ <RegExpr attribute="Alert" context="#stay" String="(FIXME|TODO|HACK)" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="xpath" attribute="XPath" lineEndContext="#stay">
+ <keyword attribute="XPath/ XSLT Function" context="#stay" String="functions" />
+ <keyword attribute="XPath 2.0/ XSLT 2.0 Function" context="#stay" String="functions_2.0" />
+ <RegExpr attribute="XPath Axis" context="#stay" String="(&axisname;)::" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="XPath" context="#pop" char="}" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="XPath String" context="sqxpathstring" char="'" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="XPath" context="#pop#pop" char="&quot;" />
+ <RegExpr attribute="XPath Attribute" context="#stay" String="@&qname;" />
+ <RegExpr attribute="Variable" context="#stay" String="\$&qname;" />
+ <RegExpr attribute="XPath" context="#stay" String="&qname;" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="Invalid" context="#stay" char="$" />
+ <IncludeRules context="detectEntRef" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="sqxpath" attribute="XPath" lineEndContext="#stay">
+ <keyword attribute="XPath/ XSLT Function" context="#stay" String="functions" />
+ <keyword attribute="XPath 2.0/ XSLT 2.0 Function" context="#stay" String="functions_2.0" />
+ <RegExpr attribute="XPath Axis" context="#stay" String="(&axisname;)::" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="XPath" context="#pop" char="}" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="XPath String" context="xpathstring" char="&quot;" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="XPath" context="#pop#pop" char="'" />
+ <RegExpr attribute="XPath Attribute" context="#stay" String="@&qname;" />
+ <RegExpr attribute="Variable" context="#stay" String="\$&qname;" />
+ <RegExpr attribute="XPath" context="#stay" String="&qname;" />
+ <DetectChar attribute="Invalid" context="#stay" char="$" />
+ <IncludeRules context="detectEntRef" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="sqxpathstring" attribute="XPath String" lineEndContext="#stay">
+ <DetectChar attribute="XPath String" context="#pop" char="'" />
+ <IncludeRules context="detectEntRef" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="xpathstring" attribute="XPath String" lineEndContext="#stay">
+ <DetectChar attribute="XPath String" context="#pop" char="&quot;" />
+ <IncludeRules context="detectEntRef" />
+ </context>
+ </contexts>
+ <itemDatas>
+ <itemData name="Normal Text" defStyleNum="dsNormal"/>
+ <itemData name="Tag" defStyleNum="dsKeyword"/>
+ <itemData name="Attribute" defStyleNum="dsOthers"/>
+ <itemData name="Invalid" defStyleNum="dsError"/>
+ <itemData name="Alert" defStyleNum="dsAlert"/>
+ <itemData name="Attribute Value" defStyleNum="dsString" color="#800000" selColor="#ffffff" bold="0" italic="0"/>
+ <itemData name="XPath" defStyleNum="dsOthers" color="#008080" selColor="#ffffff" bold="0" italic="0"/>
+ <itemData name="XPath String" defStyleNum="dsString" color="#800000" selColor="#ffffff" bold="0" italic="0"/>
+ <itemData name="XPath Axis" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" color="#008080" selColor="#ffffff" bold="0" italic="1"/>
+ <itemData name="XPath/ XSLT Function" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" color="#008080" selColor="#ffffff" bold="1" italic="0"/>
+ <itemData name="XPath 2.0/ XSLT 2.0 Function" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" color="#008080" selColor="#ffffff" bold="1" italic="0"/>
+ <itemData name="XPath Attribute" defStyleNum="dsNormal" color="#008080" selColor="#ffffff" bold="0" italic="1" />
+ <itemData name="Variable" defStyleNum="dsNormal" color="#008080" selColor="#ffffff" bold="0" italic="1" />
+ <itemData name="Comment" defStyleNum="dsComment"/>
+ <itemData name="XSLT Tag" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" color="#000080" selColor="#ffffff" bold="1" italic="0" />
+ <itemData name="XSLT 2.0 Tag" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" color="#000080" selColor="#ffffff" bold="1" italic="0" />
+ <itemData name="Entity Reference" defStyleNum="dsDecVal" />
+ </itemDatas>
+ </highlighting>
+ <general>
+ <comments>
+ <comment name="multiLine" start="&lt;!--" end="--&gt;" />
+ </comments>
+ <keywords casesensitive="0" weakDeliminator="-:" additionalDeliminator="&quot;{}"/>
+ </general>