path: root/lib/tqwtplot3d/include/qwt3d_plot.h
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <>2012-07-11 14:15:27 -0500
committerTimothy Pearson <>2012-07-11 14:15:27 -0500
commitb85a292ce06475d560bfa1195b63a8bfe211f22d (patch)
tree463d71be55ff807513139f1de106aef6bdd7b4db /lib/tqwtplot3d/include/qwt3d_plot.h
parentce039289815e2802fdeca8d384126c807ca9cb58 (diff)
Add 0.2.7 release of qwtplot3d for future TQt3 conversion and use
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/tqwtplot3d/include/qwt3d_plot.h')
1 files changed, 315 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tqwtplot3d/include/qwt3d_plot.h b/lib/tqwtplot3d/include/qwt3d_plot.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..668b29c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tqwtplot3d/include/qwt3d_plot.h
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+#ifndef __plot3d_2003_06_09_12_14__
+#define __plot3d_2003_06_09_12_14__
+#include "qwt3d_coordsys.h"
+#include "qwt3d_enrichment_std.h"
+namespace Qwt3D
+//! Base class for all plotting widgets
+ Plot3D handles all the common features for plotting widgets - coordinate system, transformations, mouse/keyboard
+ handling, labeling etc.. It contains some pure virtual functions and is, in so far, an abstract base class.
+ The class provides interfaces for data handling and implements basic data controlled color allocation.
+class QWT3D_EXPORT Plot3D : public QGLWidget
+#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000
+ Plot3D( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 );
+ Plot3D ( QWidget * parent = 0, const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0 );
+ virtual ~Plot3D();
+ QPixmap renderPixmap (int w=0, int h=0, bool useContext=false);
+ void updateData(); //!< Recalculate data
+ void createCoordinateSystem(Qwt3D::Triple beg, Qwt3D::Triple end);
+ Qwt3D::CoordinateSystem* coordinates() { return &coordinates_p; } //!< Returns pointer to CoordinateSystem object
+ Qwt3D::ColorLegend* legend() { return &legend_;} //!< Returns pointer to ColorLegend object
+ double xRotation() const { return xRot_;} //!< Returns rotation around X axis [-360..360] (some angles are equivalent)
+ double yRotation() const { return yRot_;} //!< Returns rotation around Y axis [-360..360] (some angles are equivalent)
+ double zRotation() const { return zRot_;} //!< Returns rotation around Z axis [-360..360] (some angles are equivalent)
+ double xShift() const { return xShift_;} //!< Returns shift along X axis (object coordinates)
+ double yShift() const { return yShift_;} //!< Returns shift along Y axis (object coordinates)
+ double zShift() const { return zShift_;} //!< Returns shift along Z axis (object coordinates)
+ double xViewportShift() const { return xVPShift_;} //!< Returns relative shift [-1..1] along X axis (view coordinates)
+ double yViewportShift() const { return yVPShift_;} //!< Returns relative shift [-1..1] along Y axis (view coordinates)
+ double xScale() const { return xScale_;} //!< Returns scaling for X values [0..inf]
+ double yScale() const { return yScale_;} //!< Returns scaling for Y values [0..inf]
+ double zScale() const { return zScale_;} //!< Returns scaling for Z values [0..inf]
+ double zoom() const { return zoom_;} //!< Returns zoom (0..inf)
+ bool ortho() const { return ortho_; } //!< Returns orthogonal (true) or perspective (false) projection
+ void setPlotStyle( Qwt3D::PLOTSTYLE val);
+ Qwt3D::Enrichment* setPlotStyle( Qwt3D::Enrichment const& val);
+ Qwt3D::PLOTSTYLE plotStyle() const { return plotstyle_; }//!< Returns plotting style
+ //! Returns current Enrichment object used for plotting styles (if set, zero else)
+ Qwt3D::Enrichment* userStyle() const { return userplotstyle_p; }
+ void setShading( Qwt3D::SHADINGSTYLE val );
+ Qwt3D::SHADINGSTYLE shading() const { return shading_; }//!< Returns shading style
+ void setIsolines(int isolines);
+ int isolines() const { return isolines_;} //!< Returns number of isolines
+ void setSmoothMesh(bool val) {smoothdatamesh_p = val;} //!< Enables/disables smooth data mesh lines. Default is false
+ bool smoothDataMesh() const {return smoothdatamesh_p;} //!< True if mesh antialiasing is on
+ void setBackgroundColor(Qwt3D::RGBA rgba); //!< Sets widgets background color
+ Qwt3D::RGBA backgroundRGBAColor() const {return bgcolor_;} //!< Returns the widgets background color
+ void setMeshColor(Qwt3D::RGBA rgba); //!< Sets color for data mesh
+ Qwt3D::RGBA meshColor() const {return meshcolor_;} //!< Returns color for data mesh
+ void setMeshLineWidth(double lw); //!< Sets line width for data mesh
+ double meshLineWidth() const {return meshLineWidth_;} //!< Returns line width for data mesh
+ void setDataColor(Color* col); //!< Sets new data color object
+ const Color* dataColor() const {return datacolor_p;} //!< Returns data color object
+ virtual Qwt3D::Enrichment* addEnrichment(Qwt3D::Enrichment const&); //!< Add an Enrichment
+ virtual bool degrade(Qwt3D::Enrichment*); //!< Remove an Enrichment
+ Qwt3D::ParallelEpiped hull() const { return hull_;} //!< Returns rectangular hull
+ void showColorLegend(bool);
+ void setCoordinateStyle(Qwt3D::COORDSTYLE st); //!< Sets style of coordinate system.
+ void setPolygonOffset(double d);
+ double polygonOffset() const {return polygonOffset_;} //!< Returns relative value for polygon offset [0..1]
+ void setTitlePosition(double rely, double relx = 0.5, Qwt3D::ANCHOR = Qwt3D::TopCenter);
+ void setTitleFont(const QString& family, int pointSize, int weight = QFont::Normal, bool italic = false);
+ void setTitleColor(Qwt3D::RGBA col) {title_.setColor(col);} //!< Set caption color
+ void setTitle(const QString& title) {title_.setString(title);} //!< Set caption text (one row only)
+ void assignMouse(MouseState xrot, MouseState yrot, MouseState zrot,
+ MouseState xscale, MouseState yscale, MouseState zscale,
+ MouseState zoom, MouseState xshift, MouseState yshift);
+ bool mouseEnabled() const; //!< Returns true, if the widget accept mouse input from the user
+ void assignKeyboard(
+ KeyboardState xrot_n, KeyboardState xrot_p
+ ,KeyboardState yrot_n, KeyboardState yrot_p
+ ,KeyboardState zrot_n, KeyboardState zrot_p
+ ,KeyboardState xscale_n, KeyboardState xscale_p
+ ,KeyboardState yscale_n, KeyboardState yscale_p
+ ,KeyboardState zscale_n, KeyboardState zscale_p
+ ,KeyboardState zoom_n, KeyboardState zoom_p
+ ,KeyboardState xshift_n, KeyboardState xshift_p
+ ,KeyboardState yshift_n, KeyboardState yshift_p
+ );
+ bool keyboardEnabled() const; //!< Returns true, if the widget accept keyboard input from the user
+ //! Sets speed for keyboard driven transformations
+ void setKeySpeed(double rot, double scale, double shift);
+ //! Gets speed for keyboard driven transformations
+ void keySpeed(double& rot, double& scale, double& shift) const;
+ bool lightingEnabled() const; //!< Returns true, if Lighting is enabled, false else
+ //! Turn light on
+ void illuminate(unsigned light = 0);
+ //! Turn light off
+ void blowout(unsigned light = 0);
+ void setMaterialComponent(GLenum property, double r, double g, double b, double a = 1.0);
+ void setMaterialComponent(GLenum property, double intensity);
+ void setShininess(double exponent);
+ void setLightComponent(GLenum property, double r, double g, double b, double a = 1.0, unsigned light=0);
+ void setLightComponent(GLenum property, double intensity, unsigned light=0);
+ //! Returns Light 'idx' rotation around X axis [-360..360] (some angles are equivalent)
+ double xLightRotation(unsigned idx = 0) const { return (idx<8) ? lights_[idx].rot.x : 0;}
+ //! Returns Light 'idx' rotation around Y axis [-360..360] (some angles are equivalent)
+ double yLightRotation(unsigned idx = 0) const { return (idx<8) ? lights_[idx].rot.y : 0;}
+ //! Returns Light 'idx' rotation around Z axis [-360..360] (some angles are equivalent)
+ double zLightRotation(unsigned idx = 0) const { return (idx<8) ? lights_[idx].rot.z : 0;}
+ //! Returns shift of Light 'idx 'along X axis (object coordinates)
+ double xLightShift(unsigned idx = 0) const {return (idx<8) ? lights_[idx].shift.x : 0;}
+ //! Returns shift of Light 'idx 'along Y axis (object coordinates)
+ double yLightShift(unsigned idx = 0) const {return (idx<8) ? lights_[idx].shift.y : 0;}
+ //! Returns shift of Light 'idx 'along Z axis (object coordinates)
+ double zLightShift(unsigned idx = 0) const {return (idx<8) ? lights_[idx].shift.z : 0;}
+ //! Returns true if valid data available, false else
+ bool hasData() const { return (actualData_p) ? !actualData_p->empty() : false;}
+ //! Emitted, if the rotation is changed
+ void rotationChanged( double xAngle, double yAngle, double zAngle );
+ //! Emitted, if the shift is changed
+ void shiftChanged( double xShift, double yShift, double zShift );
+ //! Emitted, if the viewport shift is changed
+ void vieportShiftChanged( double xShift, double yShift );
+ //! Emitted, if the scaling is changed
+ void scaleChanged( double xScale, double yScale, double zScale );
+ //! Emitted, if the zoom is changed
+ void zoomChanged(double);
+ //! Emitted, if the projection mode is changed
+ void projectionChanged(bool);
+public slots:
+ void setRotation( double xVal, double yVal, double zVal );
+ void setShift( double xVal, double yVal, double zVal );
+ void setViewportShift( double xVal, double yVal );
+ void setScale( double xVal, double yVal, double zVal );
+ void setZoom( double );
+ void setOrtho(bool);
+ void enableMouse(bool val=true); //!< Enable mouse input
+ void disableMouse(bool val =true); //!< Disable mouse input
+ void enableKeyboard(bool val=true); //!< Enable keyboard input
+ void disableKeyboard(bool val =true); //!< Disable keyboard input
+ void enableLighting(bool val = true); //!< Turn Lighting on or off
+ void disableLighting(bool val = true); //!< Turn Lighting on or off
+ void setLightRotation( double xVal, double yVal, double zVal, unsigned int idx = 0 );
+ void setLightShift( double xVal, double yVal, double zVal, unsigned int idx = 0 );
+ virtual bool savePixmap(QString const& fileName, QString const& format); //!< Saves content to pixmap format
+ //! Saves content to vector format
+ virtual bool saveVector(QString const& fileName, QString const& format, VectorWriter::TEXTMODE text, VectorWriter::SORTMODE sortmode);
+ virtual bool save(QString const& fileName, QString const& format); //!< Saves content
+ typedef std::list<Qwt3D::Enrichment*> EnrichmentList;
+ typedef EnrichmentList::iterator ELIT;
+ void initializeGL();
+ void paintGL();
+ void resizeGL( int w, int h );
+ void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e );
+ void mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *e );
+ void mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e );
+ void wheelEvent( QWheelEvent *e );
+ void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e );
+ Qwt3D::CoordinateSystem coordinates_p;
+ Qwt3D::Color* datacolor_p;
+ Qwt3D::Enrichment* userplotstyle_p;
+ EnrichmentList elist_p;
+ virtual void calculateHull() = 0;
+ virtual void createData() = 0;
+ virtual void createEnrichment(Qwt3D::Enrichment&){}
+ virtual void createEnrichments();
+ void createCoordinateSystem();
+ void setHull(Qwt3D::ParallelEpiped p) {hull_ = p;}
+ bool initializedGL() const {return initializedGL_;}
+ enum OBJECTS
+ {
+ DataObject,
+ LegendObject,
+ NormalObject,
+ DisplayListSize // only to have a vector length ...
+ };
+ std::vector<GLuint> displaylists_p;
+ Qwt3D::Data* actualData_p;
+ struct Light
+ {
+ Light() : unlit(true){}
+ bool unlit;
+ Qwt3D::Triple rot;
+ Qwt3D::Triple shift;
+ };
+ std::vector<Light> lights_;
+ GLdouble xRot_, yRot_, zRot_, xShift_, yShift_, zShift_, zoom_
+ , xScale_, yScale_, zScale_, xVPShift_, yVPShift_;
+ Qwt3D::RGBA meshcolor_;
+ double meshLineWidth_;
+ Qwt3D::RGBA bgcolor_;
+ Qwt3D::PLOTSTYLE plotstyle_;
+ Qwt3D::SHADINGSTYLE shading_;
+ Qwt3D::FLOORSTYLE floorstyle_;
+ bool ortho_;
+ double polygonOffset_;
+ int isolines_;
+ bool displaylegend_;
+ bool smoothdatamesh_p;
+ Qwt3D::ParallelEpiped hull_;
+ Qwt3D::ColorLegend legend_;
+ Label title_;
+ Qwt3D::Tuple titlerel_;
+ Qwt3D::ANCHOR titleanchor_;
+ // mouse
+ QPoint lastMouseMovePosition_;
+ bool mpressed_;
+ MouseState xrot_mstate_,
+ yrot_mstate_,
+ zrot_mstate_,
+ xscale_mstate_,
+ yscale_mstate_,
+ zscale_mstate_,
+ zoom_mstate_,
+ xshift_mstate_,
+ yshift_mstate_;
+ bool mouse_input_enabled_;
+ void setRotationMouse(MouseState bstate, double accel, QPoint diff);
+ void setScaleMouse(MouseState bstate, double accel, QPoint diff);
+ void setShiftMouse(MouseState bstate, double accel, QPoint diff);
+ // keyboard
+ bool kpressed_;
+ KeyboardState xrot_kstate_[2],
+ yrot_kstate_[2],
+ zrot_kstate_[2],
+ xscale_kstate_[2],
+ yscale_kstate_[2],
+ zscale_kstate_[2],
+ zoom_kstate_[2],
+ xshift_kstate_[2],
+ yshift_kstate_[2];
+ bool kbd_input_enabled_;
+ double kbd_rot_speed_, kbd_scale_speed_, kbd_shift_speed_;
+ void setRotationKeyboard(KeyboardState kseq, double speed);
+ void setScaleKeyboard(KeyboardState kseq, double speed);
+ void setShiftKeyboard(KeyboardState kseq, double speed);
+ bool lighting_enabled_;
+ void applyLight(unsigned idx);
+ void applyLights();
+ bool initializedGL_;
+ bool renderpixmaprequest_;
+} // ns