path: root/xorg/X11R7.6/rdp/rdpinput.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'xorg/X11R7.6/rdp/rdpinput.c')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 495 deletions
diff --git a/xorg/X11R7.6/rdp/rdpinput.c b/xorg/X11R7.6/rdp/rdpinput.c
index d71da521..7fb20379 100644
--- a/xorg/X11R7.6/rdp/rdpinput.c
+++ b/xorg/X11R7.6/rdp/rdpinput.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-Copyright 2005-2013 Jay Sorg
+Copyright 2005-2014 Jay Sorg
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ keyboard and mouse stuff
/* tab notes */
/* mstsc send tab up without a tab down to mark the mstsc has gained focus
- this should have sure control alt and shift are all up
+ this should make sure control alt and shift are all up
rdesktop does not do this */
/* this should be fixed in rdesktop */
@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ keyboard and mouse stuff
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include "rdpkeyboard.h"
+#include "rdpkeyboardbase.h"
+#include "rdpkeyboardevdev.h"
#define LOG_LEVEL 1
#define LLOG(_level, _args) \
do { if (_level < LOG_LEVEL) { ErrorF _args ; } } while (0)
@@ -50,13 +54,11 @@ extern ScreenPtr g_pScreen; /* in rdpmain.c */
extern DeviceIntPtr g_pointer; /* in rdpmain.c */
extern DeviceIntPtr g_keyboard; /* in rdpmain.c */
extern rdpScreenInfoRec g_rdpScreen; /* from rdpmain.c */
+extern int g_shift_down; /* in rdpmain.c */
+extern int g_alt_down; /* in rdpmain.c */
+extern int g_ctrl_down; /* in rdpmain.c */
static int g_old_button_mask = 0;
-static int g_pause_spe = 0;
-static int g_ctrl_down = 0;
-static int g_alt_down = 0;
-static int g_shift_down = 0;
-static int g_tab_down = 0;
/* this is toggled every time num lock key is released, not like the
above *_down vars */
static int g_scroll_lock_down = 0;
@@ -66,87 +68,7 @@ static int g_x = 0;
static int g_y = 0;
static int g_timer_schedualed = 0;
static int g_delay_motion = 1; /* turn on or off */
-#define MIN_KEY_CODE 8
-#define MAX_KEY_CODE 255
-#define GLYPHS_PER_KEY 2
-#define RDPSCAN_Tab 15
-#define RDPSCAN_Return 28 /* ext is used to know KP or not */
-#define RDPSCAN_Control 29 /* ext is used to know L or R */
-#define RDPSCAN_Shift_L 42
-#define RDPSCAN_Slash 53
-#define RDPSCAN_Shift_R 54
-#define RDPSCAN_KP_Multiply 55
-#define RDPSCAN_Alt 56 /* ext is used to know L or R */
-#define RDPSCAN_Caps_Lock 58
-#define RDPSCAN_Pause 69
-#define RDPSCAN_Scroll_Lock 70
-#define RDPSCAN_KP_7 71 /* KP7 or home */
-#define RDPSCAN_KP_8 72 /* KP8 or up */
-#define RDPSCAN_KP_9 73 /* KP9 or page up */
-#define RDPSCAN_KP_4 75 /* KP4 or left */
-#define RDPSCAN_KP_6 77 /* KP6 or right */
-#define RDPSCAN_KP_1 79 /* KP1 or home */
-#define RDPSCAN_KP_2 80 /* KP2 or up */
-#define RDPSCAN_KP_3 81 /* KP3 or page down */
-#define RDPSCAN_KP_0 82 /* KP0 or insert */
-#define RDPSCAN_KP_Decimal 83 /* KP. or delete */
-#define RDPSCAN_89 89
-#define RDPSCAN_90 90
-#define RDPSCAN_LWin 91
-#define RDPSCAN_RWin 92
-#define RDPSCAN_Menu 93
-#define RDPSCAN_115 115
-#define RDPSCAN_126 126
-#define XSCAN_Tab 23
-#define XSCAN_Return 36 /* above right shift */
-#define XSCAN_Control_L 37
-#define XSCAN_Shift_L 50
-#define XSCAN_slash 61
-#define XSCAN_Shift_R 62
-#define XSCAN_KP_Multiply 63
-#define XSCAN_Alt_L 64
-#define XSCAN_Caps_Lock 66 /* caps lock */
-#define XSCAN_Num_Lock 77 /* num lock */
-#define XSCAN_KP_7 79
-#define XSCAN_KP_8 80
-#define XSCAN_KP_9 81
-#define XSCAN_KP_4 83
-#define XSCAN_KP_6 85
-#define XSCAN_KP_1 87
-#define XSCAN_KP_2 88
-#define XSCAN_KP_3 89
-#define XSCAN_KP_0 90
-#define XSCAN_KP_Decimal 91
-#define XSCAN_97 97
-#define XSCAN_Enter 104 /* on keypad */
-#define XSCAN_Control_R 105
-#define XSCAN_KP_Divide 106
-#define XSCAN_Print 107
-#define XSCAN_Alt_R 108
-#define XSCAN_Home 110
-#define XSCAN_Up 111
-#define XSCAN_Prior 112
-#define XSCAN_Left 113
-#define XSCAN_Right 114
-#define XSCAN_End 115
-#define XSCAN_Down 116
-#define XSCAN_Next 117
-#define XSCAN_Insert 118
-#define XSCAN_Delete 119
-#define XSCAN_Pause 127
-#define XSCAN_129 129
-#define XSCAN_LWin 133
-#define XSCAN_RWin 134
-#define XSCAN_Menu 135
-#define XSCAN_LMeta 156
-#define XSCAN_RMeta 156
- (sizeof(g_kbdMap) / (sizeof(KeySym) * GLYPHS_PER_KEY))
+static int g_use_evdev = 1;
/* Copied from Xvnc/lib/font/util/utilbitmap.c */
static unsigned char g_reverse_byte[0x100] =
@@ -185,138 +107,6 @@ static unsigned char g_reverse_byte[0x100] =
0x1f, 0x9f, 0x5f, 0xdf, 0x3f, 0xbf, 0x7f, 0xff
-static KeySym g_kbdMap[] =
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol, /* 8 */
- XK_Escape, NoSymbol, /* 9 */
- XK_1, XK_exclam, /* 10 */
- XK_2, XK_at,
- XK_3, XK_numbersign,
- XK_4, XK_dollar,
- XK_5, XK_percent,
- XK_6, XK_asciicircum,
- XK_7, XK_ampersand,
- XK_8, XK_asterisk,
- XK_9, XK_parenleft,
- XK_0, XK_parenright,
- XK_minus, XK_underscore, /* 20 */
- XK_equal, XK_plus,
- XK_BackSpace, NoSymbol,
- XK_Tab, XK_ISO_Left_Tab,
- XK_Q, NoSymbol,
- XK_W, NoSymbol,
- XK_E, NoSymbol,
- XK_R, NoSymbol,
- XK_T, NoSymbol,
- XK_Y, NoSymbol,
- XK_U, NoSymbol, /* 30 */
- XK_I, NoSymbol,
- XK_O, NoSymbol,
- XK_P, NoSymbol,
- XK_bracketleft, XK_braceleft,
- XK_bracketright, XK_braceright,
- XK_Return, NoSymbol,
- XK_Control_L, NoSymbol,
- XK_A, NoSymbol,
- XK_S, NoSymbol,
- XK_D, NoSymbol, /* 40 */
- XK_F, NoSymbol,
- XK_G, NoSymbol,
- XK_H, NoSymbol,
- XK_J, NoSymbol,
- XK_K, NoSymbol,
- XK_L, NoSymbol,
- XK_semicolon, XK_colon,
- XK_apostrophe, XK_quotedbl,
- XK_grave, XK_asciitilde,
- XK_Shift_L, NoSymbol, /* 50 */
- XK_backslash, XK_bar,
- XK_Z, NoSymbol,
- XK_X, NoSymbol,
- XK_C, NoSymbol,
- XK_V, NoSymbol,
- XK_B, NoSymbol,
- XK_N, NoSymbol,
- XK_M, NoSymbol,
- XK_comma, XK_less,
- XK_period, XK_greater, /* 60 */
- XK_slash, XK_question,
- XK_Shift_R, NoSymbol,
- XK_KP_Multiply, NoSymbol,
- XK_Alt_L, NoSymbol,
- XK_space, NoSymbol,
- XK_Caps_Lock, NoSymbol,
- XK_F1, NoSymbol,
- XK_F2, NoSymbol,
- XK_F3, NoSymbol,
- XK_F4, NoSymbol, /* 70 */
- XK_F5, NoSymbol,
- XK_F6, NoSymbol,
- XK_F7, NoSymbol,
- XK_F8, NoSymbol,
- XK_F9, NoSymbol,
- XK_F10, NoSymbol,
- XK_Num_Lock, NoSymbol,
- XK_Scroll_Lock, NoSymbol,
- XK_KP_Home, XK_KP_7,
- XK_KP_Up, XK_KP_8, /* 80 */
- XK_KP_Prior, XK_KP_9,
- XK_KP_Subtract, NoSymbol,
- XK_KP_Left, XK_KP_4,
- XK_KP_Begin, XK_KP_5,
- XK_KP_Right, XK_KP_6,
- XK_KP_Add, NoSymbol,
- XK_KP_End, XK_KP_1,
- XK_KP_Down, XK_KP_2,
- XK_KP_Next, XK_KP_3,
- XK_KP_Insert, XK_KP_0, /* 90 */
- XK_KP_Delete, XK_KP_Decimal,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- XK_F11, NoSymbol,
- XK_F12, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol, /* 100 */
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- XK_KP_Enter, NoSymbol,
- XK_Control_R, NoSymbol,
- XK_KP_Divide, NoSymbol,
- XK_Print, NoSymbol,
- XK_Alt_R, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- XK_Home, NoSymbol, /* 110 */
- XK_Up, NoSymbol,
- XK_Prior, NoSymbol,
- XK_Left, NoSymbol,
- XK_Right, NoSymbol,
- XK_End, NoSymbol,
- XK_Down, NoSymbol,
- XK_Next, NoSymbol,
- XK_Insert, NoSymbol,
- XK_Delete, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol, /* 120 */
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- XK_Pause, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol, /* 130 */
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- NoSymbol, NoSymbol,
- XK_Super_L, NoSymbol,
- XK_Super_R, NoSymbol,
- XK_Menu, NoSymbol
#if 0
static void
@@ -505,7 +295,14 @@ rdpLoadLayout(int keylayout)
LLOGLN(0, ("rdpLoadLayout: keylayout 0x%8.8x display %s",
keylayout, display));
memset(&set, 0, sizeof(set));
- set.rules = "evdev"; /* was "base" */
+ if (g_use_evdev)
+ {
+ set.rules = "evdev";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ set.rules = "base";
+ }
set.model = "pc104";
set.layout = "us";
switch (keylayout)
@@ -554,8 +351,11 @@ rdpLoadLayout(int keylayout)
g_keyboard->key = NULL;
/* init keyboard and reload the map */
- InitKeyboardDeviceStruct(g_keyboard, &set, rdpBell,
- rdpChangeKeyboardControl);
+ if (!InitKeyboardDeviceStruct(g_keyboard, &set, rdpBell,
+ rdpChangeKeyboardControl))
+ {
+ LLOGLN(0, ("rdpLoadLayout: InitKeyboardDeviceStruct failed"));
+ }
/* notify the X11 clients eg. X_ChangeKeyboardMapping */
keySyms = XkbGetCoreMap(g_keyboard);
@@ -591,7 +391,14 @@ rdpKeybdProc(DeviceIntPtr pDevice, int onoff)
LLOGLN(10, ("rdpKeybdProc: DEVICE_INIT"));
memset(&set, 0, sizeof(set));
- set.rules = "evdev"; /* was "base" */
+ if (g_use_evdev)
+ {
+ set.rules = "evdev";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ set.rules = "base";
+ }
set.model = "pc104";
set.layout = "us";
set.variant = "";
@@ -1050,25 +857,6 @@ rdpEnqueueButton(int type, int buttons)
-static void
-rdpEnqueueKey(int type, int scancode)
- int i;
- int n;
- EventListPtr rdp_events;
- xEvent *pev;
- i = GetEventList(&rdp_events);
- n = GetKeyboardEvents(rdp_events, g_keyboard, type, scancode);
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- pev = (rdp_events + i)->event;
- mieqEnqueue(g_keyboard, (InternalEvent *)pev);
- }
static CARD32
rdpDeferredInputCallback(OsTimerPtr timer, CARD32 now, pointer arg)
@@ -1137,263 +925,15 @@ PtrAddEvent(int buttonMask, int x, int y)
- if (g_ctrl_down != 0)
- {
- rdpEnqueueKey(KeyRelease, g_ctrl_down);
- g_ctrl_down = 0;
- }
- if (g_alt_down != 0)
- {
- rdpEnqueueKey(KeyRelease, g_alt_down);
- g_alt_down = 0;
- }
- if (g_shift_down != 0)
- {
- rdpEnqueueKey(KeyRelease, g_shift_down);
- g_shift_down = 0;
- }
-sendDownUpKeyEvent(int type, int x_scancode)
- /* if type is keydown, send keyup + keydown */
- if (type == KeyPress)
- {
- rdpEnqueueKey(KeyRelease, x_scancode);
- rdpEnqueueKey(KeyPress, x_scancode);
- }
- else
- {
- rdpEnqueueKey(KeyRelease, x_scancode);
- }
- * @param down - true for KeyDown events, false otherwise
- * @param param1 - ASCII code of pressed key
- * @param param2 -
- * @param param3 - scancode of pressed key
- * @param param4 -
- ******************************************************************************/
KbdAddEvent(int down, int param1, int param2, int param3, int param4)
- int rdp_scancode;
- int x_scancode;
- int is_ext;
- int is_spe;
- int type;
- LLOGLN(10, ("KbdAddEvent: down=0x%x param1=0x%x param2=0x%x param3=0x%x "
- "param4=0x%x", down, param1, param2, param3, param4));
- if (g_keyboard == 0)
+ if (g_use_evdev)
- return;
+ KbdAddEvent_evdev(down, param1, param2, param3, param4);
- type = down ? KeyPress : KeyRelease;
- rdp_scancode = param3;
- is_ext = param4 & 256; /* 0x100 */
- is_spe = param4 & 512; /* 0x200 */
- x_scancode = 0;
- switch (rdp_scancode)
+ else
- case RDPSCAN_Caps_Lock: /* caps lock */
- case RDPSCAN_Shift_L: /* left shift */
- case RDPSCAN_Shift_R: /* right shift */
- case RDPSCAN_Scroll_Lock: /* scroll lock */
- x_scancode = rdp_scancode + MIN_KEY_CODE;
- if (x_scancode > 0)
- {
- /* left or right shift */
- if ((rdp_scancode == RDPSCAN_Shift_L) ||
- (rdp_scancode == RDPSCAN_Shift_R))
- {
- g_shift_down = down ? x_scancode : 0;
- }
- rdpEnqueueKey(type, x_scancode);
- }
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_Alt: /* left - right alt button */
- if (is_ext)
- {
- x_scancode = XSCAN_Alt_R; /* right alt button */
- }
- else
- {
- x_scancode = XSCAN_Alt_L; /* left alt button */
- }
- g_alt_down = down ? x_scancode : 0;
- rdpEnqueueKey(type, x_scancode);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_Tab: /* tab */
- if (!down && !g_tab_down)
- {
- check_keysa(); /* leave x_scancode 0 here, we don't want the tab key up */
- }
- else
- {
- sendDownUpKeyEvent(type, XSCAN_Tab);
- }
- g_tab_down = down;
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_Control: /* left or right ctrl */
- /* this is to handle special case with pause key sending control first */
- if (is_spe)
- {
- if (down)
- {
- g_pause_spe = 1;
- /* leave x_scancode 0 here, we don't want the control key down */
- }
- }
- else
- {
- x_scancode = is_ext ? XSCAN_Control_R : XSCAN_Control_L;
- g_ctrl_down = down ? x_scancode : 0;
- rdpEnqueueKey(type, x_scancode);
- }
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_Pause: /* Pause or Num Lock */
- if (g_pause_spe)
- {
- x_scancode = XSCAN_Pause;
- if (!down)
- {
- g_pause_spe = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- x_scancode = g_ctrl_down ? XSCAN_Pause : XSCAN_Num_Lock;
- }
- rdpEnqueueKey(type, x_scancode);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_Return: /* Enter or Return */
- x_scancode = is_ext ? XSCAN_Enter : XSCAN_Return;
- sendDownUpKeyEvent(type, x_scancode);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_Slash: /* / */
- x_scancode = is_ext ? XSCAN_KP_Divide : XSCAN_slash;
- sendDownUpKeyEvent(type, x_scancode);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_KP_Multiply: /* * on KP or Print Screen */
- x_scancode = is_ext ? XSCAN_Print : XSCAN_KP_Multiply;
- sendDownUpKeyEvent(type, x_scancode);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_KP_7: /* 7 or Home */
- x_scancode = is_ext ? XSCAN_Home : XSCAN_KP_7;
- sendDownUpKeyEvent(type, x_scancode);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_KP_8: /* 8 or Up */
- x_scancode = is_ext ? XSCAN_Up : XSCAN_KP_8;
- sendDownUpKeyEvent(type, x_scancode);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_KP_9: /* 9 or PgUp */
- x_scancode = is_ext ? XSCAN_Prior : XSCAN_KP_9;
- sendDownUpKeyEvent(type, x_scancode);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_KP_4: /* 4 or Left */
- x_scancode = is_ext ? XSCAN_Left : XSCAN_KP_4;
- sendDownUpKeyEvent(type, x_scancode);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_KP_6: /* 6 or Right */
- x_scancode = is_ext ? XSCAN_Right : XSCAN_KP_6;
- sendDownUpKeyEvent(type, x_scancode);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_KP_1: /* 1 or End */
- x_scancode = is_ext ? XSCAN_End : XSCAN_KP_1;
- sendDownUpKeyEvent(type, x_scancode);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_KP_2: /* 2 or Down */
- x_scancode = is_ext ? XSCAN_Down : XSCAN_KP_2;
- sendDownUpKeyEvent(type, x_scancode);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_KP_3: /* 3 or PgDn */
- x_scancode = is_ext ? XSCAN_Next : XSCAN_KP_3;
- sendDownUpKeyEvent(type, x_scancode);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_KP_0: /* 0 or Insert */
- x_scancode = is_ext ? XSCAN_Insert : XSCAN_KP_0;
- sendDownUpKeyEvent(type, x_scancode);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_KP_Decimal: /* . or Delete */
- x_scancode = is_ext ? XSCAN_Delete : XSCAN_KP_Decimal;
- sendDownUpKeyEvent(type, x_scancode);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_LWin: /* left win key */
- rdpEnqueueKey(type, XSCAN_LWin);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_RWin: /* right win key */
- rdpEnqueueKey(type, XSCAN_RWin);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_Menu: /* menu key */
- rdpEnqueueKey(type, XSCAN_Menu);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_89: /* left meta */
- rdpEnqueueKey(type, XSCAN_LMeta);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_90: /* right meta */
- rdpEnqueueKey(type, XSCAN_RMeta);
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_115:
- rdpEnqueueKey(type, XSCAN_97); /* "/ ?" on br keybaord */
- break;
- case RDPSCAN_126:
- rdpEnqueueKey(type, XSCAN_129); /* . on br keypad */
- break;
- default:
- x_scancode = rdp_scancode + MIN_KEY_CODE;
- if (x_scancode > 0)
- {
- LLOGLN(10, ("KbdAddEvent: rdp_scancode %d x_scancode %d",
- rdp_scancode, x_scancode));
- sendDownUpKeyEvent(type, x_scancode);
- }
- break;
+ KbdAddEvent_base(down, param1, param2, param3, param4);